Introduce ChainRouterError error type and wrap only these errors with ObjectAccessDenied status #1563

fyrchik merged 3 commits from aarifullin/frostfs-node:fix/ape_logicalerr into master 2024-12-17 08:24:32 +00:00
  • Introduce ChainRouterError in common/ape package
  • Refactor tree service. Make tree service wrap with ObjectAccessDenied only ChainRouterError
  • Refactor object service. Make object service wrap with ObjectAccessDenied only ChainRouterError

Since errors can be differentiated logical check errors and server internal errors.

* Introduce `ChainRouterError` in `common/ape` package * Refactor `tree` service. Make `tree` service wrap with `ObjectAccessDenied` only `ChainRouterError` * Refactor `object` service. Make `object` service wrap with `ObjectAccessDenied` only `ChainRouterError` Since errors can be differentiated logical check errors and server internal errors.
requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2024-12-16 11:25:37 +00:00
aarifullin force-pushed fix/ape_logicalerr from 4ead7084a9 to cb63ea028c 2024-12-16 11:26:34 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik reviewed 2024-12-16 11:34:11 +00:00
@ -0,0 +14,4 @@
func (e *ChainRouterError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("access to operation %s is denied by access policy engine: %s", e.Operation(), e.Status().String())

.String() can be omitted for %s.

`.String()` can be omitted for `%s`.


fyrchik marked this conversation as resolved
@ -0,0 +25,4 @@
return e.status
func NewChainRouterError(operation string, status apechain.Status) *ChainRouterError {

Do we need to export this?

Do we need to export this?


fyrchik marked this conversation as resolved
@ -8,0 +10,4 @@
func processAPECheckErr(err error) error {
var chRouterErr *checkercore.ChainRouterError
if !errors.As(err, &chRouterErr) {
return err

Where do we do wrapping to internal status (if we have any)?
I am wondering whether these changes may break client code (see PrmInit.ResolveFrostFSFailures() in SDK), because we will get an error instead of status.

Where do we do wrapping to internal status (if we have any)? I am wondering whether these changes may break client code (see `PrmInit.ResolveFrostFSFailures()` in SDK), because we will get an error instead of status.

We don't do that for all errors, but they are implicitly (from the point of this middleware) wrapped to internalServerError anyway. Aren't they?

func setStatusV2(resp ResponseMessage, err error) {
	// unwrap error
	for e := errors.Unwrap(err); e != nil; e = errors.Unwrap(err) {
		err = e

	session.SetStatus(resp, apistatus.ToStatusV2(apistatus.ErrToStatus(err)))
func ToStatusV2(st Status) *status.Status {
	if v, ok := st.(StatusV2); ok {
		return v.ToStatusV2()

	if IsSuccessful(st) {
		return newStatusV2WithLocalCode(status.OK, status.GlobalizeSuccess)

	internalErrorStatus := newStatusV2WithLocalCode(status.Internal, status.GlobalizeCommonFail)
	internalErrorStatus.SetMessage(st.(error).Error()) // type cast never panics because IsSuccessful() checks cast

	return internalErrorStatus

Although that's not true for tree service

We don't do that for all errors, but they are implicitly (from the point of this middleware) wrapped to `internalServerError` anyway. Aren't they? ```go func setStatusV2(resp ResponseMessage, err error) { // unwrap error for e := errors.Unwrap(err); e != nil; e = errors.Unwrap(err) { err = e } session.SetStatus(resp, apistatus.ToStatusV2(apistatus.ErrToStatus(err))) } ``` ```go func ToStatusV2(st Status) *status.Status { if v, ok := st.(StatusV2); ok { return v.ToStatusV2() } if IsSuccessful(st) { return newStatusV2WithLocalCode(status.OK, status.GlobalizeSuccess) } internalErrorStatus := newStatusV2WithLocalCode(status.Internal, status.GlobalizeCommonFail) internalErrorStatus.SetMessage(st.(error).Error()) // type cast never panics because IsSuccessful() checks cast return internalErrorStatus } ``` Although that's not true for `tree` service

For now non-chainRouterError errors are explicitly wrapped with ServerInternal status for the all goodness sake

For now non-`chainRouterError` errors are explicitly wrapped with ServerInternal status for the all goodness sake
fyrchik marked this conversation as resolved
@ -92,3 +92,3 @@
cnrID, objID, err := getAddressParamsSDK(partInit.GetHeader().GetContainerID(), partInit.GetObjectID())
if err != nil {
return toStatusErr(err)
return processAPECheckErr(err)

Why all the renaming?

Why all the renaming?

I implied as we don't wrap all errors to status but this can be made after some processing. For now I think we need to wrap errors explicitly and the name is going to be returned

I implied as we don't wrap all errors to status but this can be made after some processing. For now I think we need to wrap errors explicitly and the name is going to be returned

Naming have been returned back

Naming have been returned back
fyrchik marked this conversation as resolved
fyrchik approved these changes 2024-12-16 11:34:25 +00:00
aarifullin force-pushed fix/ape_logicalerr from cb63ea028c to 6e82661c35 2024-12-16 12:16:51 +00:00 Compare
aarifullin dismissed fyrchik's review 2024-12-16 12:16:51 +00:00

New commits pushed, approval review dismissed automatically according to repository settings

requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2024-12-16 12:19:00 +00:00
fyrchik approved these changes 2024-12-16 12:23:09 +00:00

Please, create the same PR in the support/v0.44 branch.

Please, create the same PR in the `support/v0.44` branch.
requested reviews from storage-core-developers, storage-core-committers 2024-12-16 12:40:09 +00:00
acid-ant approved these changes 2024-12-17 07:39:07 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit 6e82661c35 into master 2024-12-17 08:24:32 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#1563
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