[#244] Remove --local-dump from frostfs-adm config #505

fyrchik merged 1 commit from ale64bit/frostfs-node:fix/244-remove-local-dump-config into master 2023-07-18 13:51:26 +00:00

Signed-off-by: Alejandro Lopez a.lopez@yadro.com

Closes #244

Signed-off-by: Alejandro Lopez <a.lopez@yadro.com> Closes #244
requested reviews from storage-core-committers, storage-core-developers 2023-07-10 08:06:30 +00:00
dstepanov-yadro approved these changes 2023-07-10 08:38:43 +00:00

I tried using it in dev-env but it seems we still are using rpc-endpoint:

/r/f/node @6b6e826159• ❱ frostfs-adm --version
FrostFS Adm
Version: v0.34.0-781-g6b6e8261
GoVersion: go1.20.4
/r/f/node @6b6e826159• ❱ cd ../dev-env

/r/f/dev-env master• ❱ frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph init --alphabet-wallets services/ir --contracts vendor/contract --local-dump vendor/morph_chain.gz --protocol services/morph_chain/protocol.privnet.yml
Error: initialization error: can't create N3 client: failed to get network magic: Post "http://morph-chain.frostfs.devenv:30333": dial tcp i/o timeout
I tried using it in dev-env but it seems we still are using rpc-endpoint: ``` /r/f/node @6b6e826159• ❱ frostfs-adm --version FrostFS Adm Version: v0.34.0-781-g6b6e8261 GoVersion: go1.20.4 /r/f/node @6b6e826159• ❱ cd ../dev-env /r/f/dev-env master• ❱ frostfs-adm --config frostfs-adm.yml morph init --alphabet-wallets services/ir --contracts vendor/contract --local-dump vendor/morph_chain.gz --protocol services/morph_chain/protocol.privnet.yml Error: initialization error: can't create N3 client: failed to get network magic: Post "http://morph-chain.frostfs.devenv:30333": dial tcp i/o timeout ```
fyrchik changed title from [#244] Remove --local-dump from frostfs-adm config to WIP: [#244] Remove --local-dump from frostfs-adm config 2023-07-15 09:57:16 +00:00
ale64bit force-pushed fix/244-remove-local-dump-config from 6b6e826159 to 0ccf72f58c 2023-07-18 13:07:22 +00:00 Compare
ale64bit changed title from WIP: [#244] Remove --local-dump from frostfs-adm config to [#244] Remove --local-dump from frostfs-adm config 2023-07-18 13:07:56 +00:00
fyrchik reviewed 2023-07-18 13:15:24 +00:00
@ -215,3 +213,1 @@
return nil, fmt.Errorf("`%s` and `%s` flags are mutually exclusive", endpointFlag, localDumpFlag)
c, err = newLocalClient(cmd, v, wallets)
if f := cmd.Flags().Lookup(localDumpFlag); f != nil && f.Changed {

Why not cmd.Flags().GetString()?
Also, can we still provide both via CLI? The error should occur (we only allow conflict if rpc-endpoint is provided via the configuration).

Why not `cmd.Flags().GetString()`? Also, can we still provide both _via CLI_? The error should occur (we only allow conflict if rpc-endpoint is provided via the configuration).

Why not cmd.Flags().GetString()?

Because it forces me to introduce an err variable which shadows the external one and it's not different from this anyway.

Also, can we still provide both via CLI? The error should occur (we only allow conflict if rpc-endpoint is provided via the configuration).


> Why not cmd.Flags().GetString()? Because it forces me to introduce an `err` variable which shadows the external one and it's not different from this anyway. > Also, can we still provide both via CLI? The error should occur (we only allow conflict if rpc-endpoint is provided via the configuration). done
fyrchik marked this conversation as resolved
ale64bit force-pushed fix/244-remove-local-dump-config from 0ccf72f58c to 638e9576d1 2023-07-18 13:32:32 +00:00 Compare
fyrchik approved these changes 2023-07-18 13:51:08 +00:00
fyrchik merged commit a9d04ba86f into master 2023-07-18 13:51:26 +00:00
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Reference: TrueCloudLab/frostfs-node#505
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