Remove unused const #1123

fyrchik merged 1 commit from achuprov/frostfs-node:refactor/remove_unused_const into master 2024-05-08 11:11:38 +00:00
3 changed files with 514 additions and 580 deletions

View file

@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ const (
metaFlagKey = "meta"
pathFlagKey = "path"
pathAttributeFlagKey = "pattr"

@elebedeva this should've been catched by unused, I believe, did we miss this?

@elebedeva this should've been catched by unused, I believe, did we miss this?
latestOnlyFlagKey = "latest"

View file

@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ import (
const (
subsection = "morph"
notarySubsection = "notary"
// DialTimeoutDefault is a default dial timeout of morph chain client connection.
DialTimeoutDefault = 5 * time.Second

View file

@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ const (
PersistentCouldNotGetSessionFromPersistentStorage = "could not get session from persistent storage"
PersistentCouldNotDeleteSToken = "could not delete token"
PersistentCouldNotCleanUpExpiredTokens = "could not clean up expired tokens"
ControllerReportIsAlreadyStarted = "report is already started"
TombstoneCouldNotGetTheTombstoneTheSource = "tombstone getter: could not get the tombstone the source"
DeleteNoSplitInfoObjectIsPHY = "no split info, object is PHY"
DeleteAssemblingChain = "assembling chain..."
@ -136,33 +135,13 @@ const (
NatsNatsReconnectedToTheServer = "nats: reconnected to the server"
NatsNatsClosingConnectionAsTheContextIsDone = "nats: closing connection as the context is done"
NatsConnectedToEndpoint = "nats: successfully connected to endpoint"
ControllerStartingToAnnounceTheValuesOfTheMetrics = "starting to announce the values of the metrics"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeIteratorOverLocallyCollectedMetrics = "could not initialize iterator over locally collected metrics"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeAnnouncementAccumulator = "could not initialize announcement accumulator"
ControllerIteratorOverLocallyCollectedMetricsAborted = "iterator over locally collected metrics aborted"
ControllerCouldNotFinishWritingLocalAnnouncements = "could not finish writing local announcements"
ControllerTrustAnnouncementSuccessfullyFinished = "trust announcement successfully finished"
ControllerAnnouncementIsAlreadyStarted = "announcement is already started"
ControllerAnnouncementSuccessfullyInterrupted = "announcement successfully interrupted"
ControllerAnnouncementIsNotStartedOrAlreadyInterrupted = "announcement is not started or already interrupted"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeIteratorOverLocallyAccumulatedAnnouncements = "could not initialize iterator over locally accumulated announcements"
ControllerCouldNotInitializeResultTarget = "could not initialize result target"
ControllerIteratorOverLocalAnnouncementsAborted = "iterator over local announcements aborted"
ControllerCouldNotFinishWritingLoadEstimations = "could not finish writing load estimations"
RouteCouldNotInitializeWriterProvider = "could not initialize writer provider"
RouteCouldNotInitializeWriter = "could not initialize writer"
RouteCouldNotPutTheValue = "could not put the value"
RouteCouldNotCloseRemoteServerWriter = "could not close remote server writer"
ClientCouldNotRestoreBlockSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore block subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotRestoreNotificationSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore notification subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotRestoreNotaryNotificationSubscriptionAfterRPCSwitch = "could not restore notary notification subscription after RPC switch"
ClientCouldNotEstablishConnectionToTheSwitchedRPCNode = "could not establish connection to the switched RPC node"
ClientConnectionToTheNewRPCNodeHasBeenEstablished = "connection to the new RPC node has been established"
ClientSwitchingToTheNextRPCNode = "switching to the next RPC node"
ClientCouldNotEstablishConnectionToAnyRPCNode = "could not establish connection to any RPC node"
ClientCouldNotCreateClientToTheHigherPriorityNode = "could not create client to the higher priority node"
ClientSwitchedToTheHigherPriorityRPC = "switched to the higher priority RPC"
ClientCouldNotRestoreSideChainSubscriptionsUsingNode = "could not restore side chain subscriptions using node"
ClientNotaryDepositHasAlreadyBeenMade = "notary deposit has already been made"
ClientNotaryDepositInvoke = "notary deposit invoke"
ClientNotaryRequestWithPreparedMainTXInvoked = "notary request with prepared main TX invoked"
@ -204,12 +183,6 @@ const (
EventIgnoreNilNotaryEventHandler = "ignore nil notary event handler"
EventIgnoreHandlerOfNotaryEventWoParser = "ignore handler of notary event w/o parser"
EventIgnoreNilBlockHandler = "ignore nil block handler"
SubscriberRemoteNotificationChannelHasBeenClosed = "remote notification channel has been closed"
SubscriberCantCastNotifyEventValueToTheNotifyStruct = "can't cast notify event value to the notify struct"
SubscriberNewNotificationEventFromSidechain = "new notification event from sidechain"
SubscriberCantCastBlockEventValueToBlock = "can't cast block event value to block"
SubscriberCantCastNotifyEventValueToTheNotaryRequestStruct = "can't cast notify event value to the notary request struct"
SubscriberUnsupportedNotificationFromTheChain = "unsupported notification from the chain"
StorageOperation = "local object storage operation"
BlobovniczaCreatingDirectoryForBoltDB = "creating directory for BoltDB"
BlobovniczaOpeningBoltDB = "opening BoltDB"
@ -262,10 +235,6 @@ const (
ShardCantSelectAllObjects = "can't select all objects"
ShardSettingShardMode = "setting shard mode"
ShardShardModeSetSuccessfully = "shard mode set successfully"
ShardCouldNotMarkObjectForShardRelocationInMetabase = "could not mark object for shard relocation in metabase"
ShardCantDeleteObjectFromWriteCache = "can't delete object from write cache"
ShardCantGetStorageIDFromMetabase = "can't get storage ID from metabase"
ShardCantRemoveObjectFromBlobStor = "can't remove object from blobStor"
ShardFetchingObjectWithoutMeta = "fetching object without meta"
ShardObjectIsMissingInWritecache = "object is missing in write-cache"
ShardFailedToFetchObjectFromWritecache = "failed to fetch object from write-cache"
@ -306,33 +275,17 @@ const (
ShardCouldNotMarkObjectToDeleteInMetabase = "could not mark object to delete in metabase"
WritecacheTriedToFlushItemsFromWritecache = "tried to flush items from write-cache"
WritecacheWaitingForChannelsToFlush = "waiting for channels to flush"
WritecacheFillingFlushMarksForObjectsInFSTree = "filling flush marks for objects in FSTree"
WritecacheFinishedUpdatingFSTreeFlushMarks = "finished updating FSTree flush marks"
WritecacheFillingFlushMarksForObjectsInDatabase = "filling flush marks for objects in database"
WritecacheFinishedUpdatingFlushMarks = "finished updating flush marks"
WritecacheCantRemoveObjectsFromTheDatabase = "can't remove objects from the database"
WritecacheCantRemoveObjectFromWritecache = "can't remove object from write-cache"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromLevel = "could not get object from level"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadPayloadRangeFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not read payload range from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadPayloadRangeFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not read payload range from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCloseBlobovnicza = "could not close Blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyClosedOnEvict = "blobovnicza successfully closed on evict"
BlobovniczatreeUpdatingActiveBlobovnicza = "updating active blobovnicza..."
BlobovniczatreeActiveBlobovniczaSuccessfullyUpdated = "active blobovnicza successfully updated"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyActivated = "blobovnicza successfully activated"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromLevel = "could not remove object from level"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not remove object from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotRemoveObjectFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not remove object from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetActiveBlobovnicza = "could not get active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaOverflowed = "blobovnicza overflowed"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotUpdateActiveBlobovnicza = "could not update active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotPutObjectToActiveBlobovnicza = "could not put object to active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotReadObjectFromOpenedBlobovnicza = "could not read object from opened blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromActiveBlobovnicza = "could not get object from active blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeInitializingBlobovniczas = "initializing Blobovnicza's"
BlobovniczatreeReadonlyModeSkipBlobovniczasInitialization = "read-only mode, skip blobovniczas initialization..."
BlobovniczatreeBlobovniczaSuccessfullyInitializedClosing = "blobovnicza successfully initialized, closing..."
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCloseActiveBlobovnicza = "could not close active blobovnicza"
AlphabetTick = "tick"
AlphabetAlphabetProcessorWorkerPoolDrained = "alphabet processor worker pool drained"
AlphabetNonAlphabetModeIgnoreGasEmissionEvent = "non alphabet mode, ignore gas emission event"
@ -360,9 +313,6 @@ const (
ContainerNonAlphabetModeIgnoreSetEACL = "non alphabet mode, ignore set EACL"
ContainerSetEACLCheckFailed = "set EACL check failed"
ContainerCouldNotApproveSetEACL = "could not approve set EACL"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreBind = "non alphabet mode, ignore bind"
FrostFSInvalidManageKeyEvent = "invalid manage key event"
FrostFSCouldNotDecodeScriptHashFromBytes = "could not decode script hash from bytes"
FrostFSNonAlphabetModeIgnoreConfig = "non alphabet mode, ignore config"
FrostFSCantRelaySetConfigEvent = "can't relay set config event"
FrostFSFrostfsWorkerPool = "frostfs worker pool"
@ -468,9 +418,6 @@ const (
FrostFSNodeReadNewlyCreatedContainerAfterTheNotification = "read newly created container after the notification"
FrostFSNodeContainerCreationEventsReceipt = "container creation event's receipt"
FrostFSNodeContainerRemovalEventsReceipt = "container removal event's receipt"
FrostFSNodeSaveUsedSpaceAnnouncementInContract = "save used space announcement in contract"
FrostFSNodeFailedToCalculateContainerSizeInStorageEngine = "failed to calculate container size in storage engine"
FrostFSNodeContainerSizeInStorageEngineCalculatedSuccessfully = "container size in storage engine calculated successfully"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotListContainers = "notificator: could not list containers"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotSelectObjectsFromContainer = "notificator: could not select objects from container"
FrostFSNodeNotificatorCouldNotProcessObject = "notificator: could not process object"
@ -512,13 +459,10 @@ const (
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToReadObject = "failed to read object to evacuate"
EngineShardsEvacuationFailedToMoveObject = "failed to evacuate object to other node"
ShardGCFailedToGetExpiredWithLinked = "failed to get expired objects with linked"
ShardDeleteCantDeleteFromWriteCache = "can't delete object from write cache"
FrostFSNodeNodeIsUnderMaintenanceSkipInitialBootstrap = "the node is under maintenance, skip initial bootstrap"
EngineCouldNotChangeShardModeToDisabled = "could not change shard mode to disabled"
NetmapNodeAlreadyInCandidateListOnlineSkipInitialBootstrap = "the node is already in candidate list with online state, skip initial bootstrap"
RPConnectionLost = "RPC connection lost, attempting reconnect"
RPCNodeSwitchFailure = "can't switch RPC node"
FSTreeCantReadFile = "can't read a file"
FSTreeCantUnmarshalObject = "can't unmarshal an object"
FSTreeCantFushObjectBlobstor = "can't flush an object to blobstor"
FSTreeCantUpdateID = "can't update object storage ID"
@ -528,13 +472,8 @@ const (
ObjectRemovalFailureBlobStor = "can't remove object from blobStor"
CandidateStatusPriority = "candidate status is different from the netmap status, the former takes priority"
TombstoneExpirationParseFailure = "tombstone getter: could not parse tombstone expiration epoch"
FrostFSNodeCantUpdateObjectStorageID = "can't update object storage ID"
FrostFSNodeCantFlushObjectToBlobstor = "can't flush an object to blobstor"
FrostFSNodeCantDecodeObjectAddressFromDB = "can't decode object address from the DB"
FrostFSNodeCantUnmarshalObjectFromDB = "can't unmarshal an object from the DB"
RuntimeSoftMemoryLimitUpdated = "soft runtime memory limit value updated"
RuntimeSoftMemoryDefinedWithGOMEMLIMIT = "soft runtime memory defined with GOMEMLIMIT environment variable, config value skipped"
FailedToCountWritecacheItems = "failed to count writecache items"
AttemtToCloseAlreadyClosedBlobovnicza = "attempt to close an already closed blobovnicza"
FailedToGetContainerCounters = "failed to get container counters values"
FailedToRebuildBlobstore = "failed to rebuild blobstore"
@ -562,9 +501,7 @@ const (
BlobovniczaTreeCompletingPreviousRebuild = "completing previous rebuild if failed..."
BlobovniczaTreeCompletedPreviousRebuildSuccess = "previous rebuild completed successfully"
BlobovniczaTreeCompletedPreviousRebuildFailed = "failed to complete previous rebuild"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCheckExistenceInSourceDB = "could not check object existence in source blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotCheckExistenceInTargetDB = "could not check object existence in target blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotGetObjectFromSourceDB = "could not get object from source blobovnicza"
BlobovniczatreeCouldNotPutObjectToTargetDB = "could not put object to target blobovnicza"
BlobovniczaSavingCountersToMeta = "saving counters to blobovnicza's meta..."
BlobovniczaSavingCountersToMetaSuccess = "saving counters to blobovnicza's meta completed successfully"
@ -590,7 +527,6 @@ const (
EngineShardsEvacuationTreeEvacuatedLocal = "tree evacuated to local node"
EngineShardsEvacuationTreeEvacuatedRemote = "tree evacuated to other node"
EngineRefillFailedToGetObjectsCount = "failed to get blobstor objects count, no resync percent estimation is available"
BlobstoreFailedToGetFileinfo = "failed to get file info"
ECFailedToSendToContainerNode = "failed to send EC object to container node"
ECFailedToSaveECPart = "failed to save EC part"