package control import ( "" "" commonCmd "" "" "" ) const sealFlag = "seal" var flushCacheCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "flush-cache", Short: "Flush objects from the write-cache to the main storage", Long: "Flush objects from the write-cache to the main storage", Run: flushCache, Deprecated: "Flushing objects from writecache to the main storage is performed by writecache automatically. To flush and seal writecache use `frostfs-cli control shards writecache seal`.", } func flushCache(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) { pk := key.Get(cmd) seal, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(sealFlag) req := &control.FlushCacheRequest{Body: &control.FlushCacheRequest_Body{ Seal: seal, }} req.Body.Shard_ID = getShardIDList(cmd) signRequest(cmd, pk, req) cli := getClient(cmd, pk) var resp *control.FlushCacheResponse var err error err = cli.ExecRaw(func(client *client.Client) error { resp, err = control.FlushCache(client, req) return err }) commonCmd.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err) verifyResponse(cmd, resp.GetSignature(), resp.GetBody()) cmd.Println("Write-cache has been flushed.") } func initControlFlushCacheCmd() { initControlFlags(flushCacheCmd) ff := flushCacheCmd.Flags() ff.StringSlice(shardIDFlag, nil, "List of shard IDs in base58 encoding") ff.Bool(shardAllFlag, false, "Process all shards") ff.Bool(sealFlag, false, "Writecache will be left in read-only mode after flush completed") flushCacheCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive(shardIDFlag, shardAllFlag) }