package main import ( "bytes" "context" "crypto/ecdsa" "encoding/hex" "" apiClient "" apiNetmap "" reputationapi "" v2reputation "" v2reputationgrpc "" crypto "" netmapcore "" "" "" "" "" grpcreputation "" "" trustcontroller "" reputationroute "" "" truststorage "" reputationrpc "" "" "" "" ) type localTrustStorage struct { log *logger.Logger storage *truststorage.Storage nmSrc netmapcore.Source localKey []byte } type localTrustIterator struct { ctx trustcontroller.Context storage *localTrustStorage epochStorage *truststorage.EpochTrustValueStorage } type managerBuilder struct { log *logger.Logger nmSrc netmapcore.Source } type remoteLocalTrustProvider struct { localAddrSrc network.LocalAddressSource deadEndProvider trustcontroller.WriterProvider key *ecdsa.PrivateKey clientCache interface { Get(string) (apiClient.Client, error) } } type nopReputationWriter struct{} func (nopReputationWriter) Write(reputation.Trust) error { return nil } func (nopReputationWriter) Close() error { return nil } type remoteLocalTrustWriter struct { ctx trustcontroller.Context client apiClient.Client key *ecdsa.PrivateKey buf []*reputationapi.Trust } func (rtp *remoteLocalTrustWriter) Write(t reputation.Trust) error { apiTrust := reputationapi.NewTrust() apiPeer := reputationapi.NewPeerID() apiPeer.SetPublicKey(t.Peer()) apiTrust.SetValue(t.Value().Float64()) apiTrust.SetPeer(apiPeer) rtp.buf = append(rtp.buf, apiTrust) return nil } func (rtp *remoteLocalTrustWriter) Close() error { prm := apiClient.SendLocalTrustPrm{} prm.SetEpoch(rtp.ctx.Epoch()) prm.SetTrusts(rtp.buf) _, err := rtp.client.SendLocalTrust( rtp.ctx, prm, apiClient.WithKey(rtp.key), ) return err } type remoteLocalTrustWriterProvider struct { client apiClient.Client key *ecdsa.PrivateKey } type localTrustLogger struct { ctx trustcontroller.Context log *logger.Logger } func (l *localTrustLogger) Write(t reputation.Trust) error { l.log.Info("received local trust", zap.Uint64("epoch", l.ctx.Epoch()), zap.String("peer", hex.EncodeToString(t.Peer().Bytes())), zap.Stringer("value", t.Value()), ) return nil } func (*localTrustLogger) Close() error { return nil } func (rtwp *remoteLocalTrustWriterProvider) InitWriter(ctx trustcontroller.Context) (trustcontroller.Writer, error) { return &remoteLocalTrustWriter{ ctx: ctx, client: rtwp.client, key: rtwp.key, }, nil } func (rtp *remoteLocalTrustProvider) InitRemote(srv reputationroute.ServerInfo) (trustcontroller.WriterProvider, error) { if srv == nil { return rtp.deadEndProvider, nil } addr := srv.Address() if rtp.localAddrSrc.LocalAddress().String() == srv.Address() { // if local => return no-op writer return trustcontroller.SimpleWriterProvider(new(nopReputationWriter)), nil } ipAddr, err := network.IPAddrFromMultiaddr(addr) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not convert address to IP format") } c, err := rtp.clientCache.Get(ipAddr) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize API client") } return &remoteLocalTrustWriterProvider{ client: c, key: rtp.key, }, nil } // BuildManagers sorts nodes in NetMap with HRW algorithms and // takes the next node after the current one as the only manager. func (mb *managerBuilder) BuildManagers(epoch uint64, p reputation.PeerID) ([]reputationroute.ServerInfo, error) { nm, err := mb.nmSrc.GetNetMapByEpoch(epoch) if err != nil { return nil, err } // make a copy to keep order consistency of the origin netmap after sorting nodes := make([]*apiNetmap.Node, len(nm.Nodes)) copy(nodes, nm.Nodes) hrw.SortSliceByValue(nodes, epoch) for i := range nodes { if bytes.Equal(nodes[i].PublicKey(), p.Bytes()) { managerIndex := i + 1 if managerIndex == len(nodes) { managerIndex = 0 } return []reputationroute.ServerInfo{nodes[managerIndex]}, nil } } return nil, nil } func (s *localTrustStorage) InitIterator(ctx trustcontroller.Context) (trustcontroller.Iterator, error) { epochStorage, err := if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, truststorage.ErrNoPositiveTrust) { return nil, err } return &localTrustIterator{ ctx: ctx, storage: s, epochStorage: epochStorage, }, nil } func (s *localTrustStorage) InitWriter(ctx trustcontroller.Context) (trustcontroller.Writer, error) { return &localTrustLogger{ ctx: ctx, log: s.log, }, nil } func (it *localTrustIterator) Iterate(h reputation.TrustHandler) error { if it.epochStorage != nil { err := it.epochStorage.Iterate(h) if !errors.Is(err, truststorage.ErrNoPositiveTrust) { return err } } nm, err := if err != nil { return err } // find out if local node is presented in netmap localIndex := -1 for i := range nm.Nodes { if bytes.Equal(nm.Nodes[i].PublicKey(), { localIndex = i } } ln := len(nm.Nodes) if localIndex >= 0 && ln > 0 { ln-- } // calculate Pj Chapter 4.5. p := reputation.TrustOne.Div(reputation.TrustValueFromInt(ln)) for i := range nm.Nodes { if i == localIndex { continue } trust := reputation.Trust{} trust.SetPeer(reputation.PeerIDFromBytes(nm.Nodes[i].PublicKey())) trust.SetValue(p) if err := h(trust); err != nil { return err } } return nil } func initReputationService(c *cfg) { // consider sharing this between application components nmSrc := newCachedNetmapStorage(c.cfgNetmap.state, c.cfgNetmap.wrapper) c.cfgReputation.localTrustStorage = truststorage.New(truststorage.Prm{}) trustStorage := &localTrustStorage{ log: c.log, storage: c.cfgReputation.localTrustStorage, nmSrc: nmSrc, localKey: crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&c.key.PublicKey), } managerBuilder := &managerBuilder{ log: c.log, nmSrc: nmSrc, } routeBuilder := managers.New(managers.Prm{ ManagerBuilder: managerBuilder, }) remoteLocalTrustProvider := &remoteLocalTrustProvider{ localAddrSrc: c, deadEndProvider: trustStorage, clientCache: cache.NewSDKClientCache(), key: c.key, } router := reputationroute.New( reputationroute.Prm{ LocalServerInfo: c, RemoteWriterProvider: remoteLocalTrustProvider, Builder: routeBuilder, }) c.cfgReputation.localTrustCtrl = trustcontroller.New(trustcontroller.Prm{ LocalTrustSource: trustStorage, LocalTrustTarget: router, }) addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler( c, func(ev event.Event) { var reportPrm trustcontroller.ReportPrm // report collected values from previous epoch reportPrm.SetEpoch(ev.(netmap.NewEpoch).EpochNumber() - 1) c.cfgReputation.localTrustCtrl.Report(reportPrm) }, ) v2reputationgrpc.RegisterReputationServiceServer(c.cfgGRPC.server, grpcreputation.New( reputationrpc.NewSignService( c.key, reputationrpc.NewResponseService( &reputationServer{ cfg: c, log: c.log, router: router, routeBuilder: routeBuilder, }, c.respSvc, ), ), ), ) } type reputationServer struct { *cfg log *logger.Logger router trustcontroller.WriterProvider routeBuilder reputationroute.Builder } type epochContext struct { context.Context epoch uint64 } func (ctx *epochContext) Epoch() uint64 { return ctx.epoch } type reputationOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo struct { key []byte } func (i *reputationOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) PublicKey() []byte { return i.key } func (*reputationOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo) Address() string { return "" } func (s *reputationServer) SendLocalTrust(ctx context.Context, req *v2reputation.SendLocalTrustRequest) (*v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponse, error) { var passedRoute []reputationroute.ServerInfo for hdr := req.GetVerificationHeader(); hdr != nil; hdr = hdr.GetOrigin() { passedRoute = append(passedRoute, &reputationOnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo{ key: hdr.GetBodySignature().GetKey(), }) } for left, right := 0, len(passedRoute)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 { passedRoute[left], passedRoute[right] = passedRoute[right], passedRoute[left] } passedRoute = append(passedRoute, s) body := req.GetBody() eCtx := &epochContext{ Context: ctx, epoch: body.GetEpoch(), } w, err := s.router.InitWriter(reputationroute.NewRouteContext(eCtx, passedRoute)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize local trust writer") } for _, trust := range body.GetTrusts() { if err = s.processTrust(body.GetEpoch(), apiToLocalTrust(trust), passedRoute, w); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not write one of trusts") } } resp := new(v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponse) resp.SetBody(new(v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponseBody)) return resp, nil } func (s *reputationServer) SendIntermediateResult(_ context.Context, req *v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultRequest) (*v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultResponse, error) { resp := new(v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultResponse) // todo: implement me return resp, nil } func apiToLocalTrust(t *v2reputation.Trust) reputation.Trust { localTrust := reputation.Trust{} localTrust.SetValue(reputation.TrustValueFromFloat64(t.GetValue())) localTrust.SetPeer(reputation.PeerIDFromBytes(t.GetPeer().GetValue())) return localTrust } func (s *reputationServer) processTrust(epoch uint64, t reputation.Trust, passedRoute []reputationroute.ServerInfo, w trustcontroller.Writer) error { err := reputationroute.CheckRoute(s.routeBuilder, epoch, reputation.PeerIDFromBytes(passedRoute[0].PublicKey()), passedRoute) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "wrong route of reputation trust value") } return w.Write(t) }