package cmd

import (

	internalclient ""
	nmClient ""

var (
	nodeInfoJSON bool

	netmapSnapshotJSON bool

// netmapCmd represents the netmap command
var netmapCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "netmap",
	Short: "Operations with Network Map",
	Long:  `Operations with Network Map`,
	PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		// bind exactly that cmd's flags to
		// the viper before execution

func init() {
	netmapChildCommands := []*cobra.Command{



	localNodeInfoCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&nodeInfoJSON, "json", false, "print node info in JSON format")

	for _, netmapCommand := range netmapChildCommands {
		flags := netmapCommand.Flags()

		flags.StringSliceVarP(&xHeaders, xHeadersKey, xHeadersShorthand, xHeadersDefault, xHeadersUsage)
		flags.Uint32P(ttl, ttlShorthand, ttlDefault, ttlUsage)

var getEpochCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "epoch",
	Short: "Get current epoch number",
	Long:  "Get current epoch number",
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		var prm internalclient.NetworkInfoPrm

		prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)

		res, err := internalclient.NetworkInfo(prm)
		common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err)

		netInfo := res.NetworkInfo()


var localNodeInfoCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "nodeinfo",
	Short: "Get local node info",
	Long:  `Get local node info`,
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		var prm internalclient.NodeInfoPrm

		prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)

		res, err := internalclient.NodeInfo(prm)
		common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err)

		prettyPrintNodeInfo(cmd, res.NodeInfo(), nodeInfoJSON)

type netCfgWriter cobra.Command

func (x *netCfgWriter) print(name string, v interface{}, unknown bool) {
	var sUnknown string

	if unknown {
		sUnknown = " (unknown)"

	(*cobra.Command)(x).Printf("  %s%s: %v\n", name, sUnknown, v)

func (x *netCfgWriter) UnknownParameter(k string, v []byte) {
	x.print(k, hex.EncodeToString(v), true)

func (x *netCfgWriter) MaxObjectSize(v uint64) {
	x.print("Maximum object size", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) BasicIncomeRate(v uint64) {
	x.print("Basic income rate", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) AuditFee(v uint64) {
	x.print("Audit fee", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) EpochDuration(v uint64) {
	x.print("Epoch duration", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) ContainerFee(v uint64) {
	x.print("Container fee", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) ContainerAliasFee(v uint64) {
	x.print("Container alias fee", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) EigenTrustIterations(v uint64) {
	x.print("Number EigenTrust of iterations", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) EigenTrustAlpha(v float64) {
	x.print("EigenTrust α", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) InnerRingCandidateFee(v uint64) {
	x.print("Inner Ring candidate fee", v, false)

func (x *netCfgWriter) WithdrawFee(v uint64) {
	x.print("Withdraw fee", v, false)

var netInfoCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "netinfo",
	Short: "Get information about NeoFS network",
	Long:  "Get information about NeoFS network",
	Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
		var prm internalclient.NetworkInfoPrm

		prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)

		res, err := internalclient.NetworkInfo(prm)
		common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err)

		netInfo := res.NetworkInfo()

		cmd.Printf("Epoch: %d\n", netInfo.CurrentEpoch())

		magic := netInfo.MagicNumber()
		cmd.Printf("Network magic: [%s] %d\n", netmode.Magic(magic), magic)

		cmd.Printf("Time per block: %s\n", time.Duration(netInfo.MsPerBlock())*time.Millisecond)

		netCfg := netInfo.NetworkConfig()

		cmd.Println("NeoFS network configuration")

		err = nmClient.WriteConfig((*netCfgWriter)(cmd), func(f func(key []byte, val []byte) error) error {
			var err error

			netCfg.IterateParameters(func(prm *netmap.NetworkParameter) bool {
				err = f(prm.Key(), prm.Value())
				return err != nil

			return err
		common.ExitOnErr(cmd, "read config: %w", err)

func prettyPrintNodeInfo(cmd *cobra.Command, i *netmap.NodeInfo, jsonEncoding bool) {
	if jsonEncoding {
		common.PrettyPrintJSON(cmd, i, "node info")

	cmd.Println("key:", hex.EncodeToString(i.PublicKey()))
	cmd.Println("state:", i.State())
	netmap.IterateAllAddresses(i, func(s string) {
		cmd.Println("address:", s)

	for _, attribute := range i.Attributes() {
		cmd.Printf("attribute: %s=%s\n", attribute.Key(), attribute.Value())