#!/usr/bin/make -f SHELL = bash REPO ?= $(shell go list -m) VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --tags --dirty --match "v*" --always --abbrev=8 2>/dev/null || cat VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo "develop") HUB_IMAGE ?= git.frostfs.info/truecloudlab/frostfs HUB_TAG ?= "$(shell echo ${VERSION} | sed 's/^v//')" GO_VERSION ?= 1.23 LINT_VERSION ?= 1.62.2 TRUECLOUDLAB_LINT_VERSION ?= 0.0.8 PROTOC_VERSION ?= 25.0 PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_VERSION ?= $(shell go list -f '{{.Version}}' -m git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go) PROTOC_OS_VERSION=osx-x86_64 ifeq ($(shell uname), Linux) PROTOC_OS_VERSION=linux-x86_64 endif STATICCHECK_VERSION ?= 2025.1.1 ARCH = amd64 BIN = bin RELEASE = release DIRS = $(BIN) $(RELEASE) # List of binaries to build. CMDS = $(notdir $(basename $(wildcard cmd/frostfs-*))) BINS = $(addprefix $(BIN)/, $(CMDS)) OUTPUT_LINT_DIR ?= $(abspath $(BIN))/linters LINT_DIR = $(OUTPUT_LINT_DIR)/golangci-lint-$(LINT_VERSION)-v$(TRUECLOUDLAB_LINT_VERSION) TMP_DIR := .cache PROTOBUF_DIR ?= $(abspath $(BIN))/protobuf PROTOC_DIR ?= $(PROTOBUF_DIR)/protoc-v$(PROTOC_VERSION) PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_DIR ?= $(PROTOBUF_DIR)/protogen-$(PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_VERSION) STATICCHECK_DIR ?= $(abspath $(BIN))/staticcheck STATICCHECK_VERSION_DIR ?= $(STATICCHECK_DIR)/$(STATICCHECK_VERSION) SOURCES = $(shell find . -type f -name "*.go" -print) GOFUMPT_VERSION ?= v0.7.0 GOFUMPT_DIR ?= $(abspath $(BIN))/gofumpt GOFUMPT_VERSION_DIR ?= $(GOFUMPT_DIR)/$(GOFUMPT_VERSION) GOPLS_VERSION ?= v0.17.1 GOPLS_DIR ?= $(abspath $(BIN))/gopls GOPLS_VERSION_DIR ?= $(GOPLS_DIR)/$(GOPLS_VERSION) GOPLS_TEMP_FILE := $(shell mktemp) FROSTFS_CONTRACTS_PATH=$(abspath ./../frostfs-contract) LOCODE_DB_PATH=$(abspath ./.cache/locode_db) LOCODE_DB_VERSION=v0.4.0 .PHONY: help all images dep clean fmts fumpt imports test lint docker/lint prepare-release pre-commit unpre-commit # To build a specific binary, use it's name prefix with bin/ as a target # For example `make bin/frostfs-node` will build only storage node binary # Just `make` will build all possible binaries all: $(DIRS) $(BINS) # help target include help.mk $(BINS): $(DIRS) dep @echo "⇒ Build $@" CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go build -v -trimpath \ -ldflags "-X $(REPO)/misc.Version=$(VERSION)" \ -o $@ ./cmd/$(notdir $@) $(DIRS): @echo "⇒ Ensure dir: $@" @mkdir -p $@ # Prepare binaries and archives for release .ONESHELL: prepare-release: docker/all @for file in `ls -1 $(BIN)/frostfs-*`; do cp $$file $(RELEASE)/`basename $$file`-$(ARCH) strip $(RELEASE)/`basename $$file`-$(ARCH) tar -czf $(RELEASE)/`basename $$file`-$(ARCH).tar.gz $(RELEASE)/`basename $$file`-$(ARCH) done # Pull go dependencies dep: @printf "⇒ Download requirements: " CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go mod download && echo OK @printf "⇒ Tidy requirements : " CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go mod tidy -v && echo OK # Build export-metrics export-metrics: dep @printf "⇒ Build export-metrics\n" CGO_ENABLED=0 \ go build -v -trimpath -o bin/export-metrics ./scripts/export-metrics # Regenerate proto files: protoc: @if [ ! -d "$(PROTOC_DIR)" ] || [ ! -d "$(PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_DIR)" ]; then \ make protoc-install; \ fi @for f in `find . -type f -name '*.proto' -not -path './bin/*'`; do \ echo "⇒ Processing $$f "; \ $(PROTOC_DIR)/bin/protoc \ --proto_path=.:$(PROTOC_DIR)/include:/usr/local/include \ --plugin=protoc-gen-go-frostfs=$(PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_DIR)/protogen \ --go-frostfs_out=. --go-frostfs_opt=paths=source_relative \ --go-grpc_opt=require_unimplemented_servers=false \ --go-grpc_out=. --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative $$f; \ done # Install protoc protoc-install: @rm -rf $(PROTOBUF_DIR) @mkdir $(PROTOBUF_DIR) @echo "⇒ Installing protoc... " @wget -q -O $(PROTOBUF_DIR)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION).zip 'https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v$(PROTOC_VERSION)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION)-$(PROTOC_OS_VERSION).zip' @unzip -q -o $(PROTOBUF_DIR)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION).zip -d $(PROTOC_DIR) @rm $(PROTOBUF_DIR)/protoc-$(PROTOC_VERSION).zip @echo "⇒ Instaling protogen FrostFS plugin..." @GOBIN=$(PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_DIR) go install -mod=mod -v git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-sdk-go/api/util/protogen@$(PROTOGEN_FROSTFS_VERSION) # Build FrostFS component's docker image image-%: @echo "⇒ Build FrostFS $* docker image " @docker build \ --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --rm \ -f .docker/Dockerfile.$* \ -t $(HUB_IMAGE)-$*:$(HUB_TAG) . # Build all Docker images images: image-storage image-ir image-cli image-adm # Build dirty local Docker images dirty-images: image-dirty-storage image-dirty-ir image-dirty-cli image-dirty-adm # Push FrostFS components' docker image to the registry push-image-%: @echo "⇒ Publish FrostFS $* docker image " @docker push $(HUB_IMAGE)-$*:$(HUB_TAG) # Push all Docker images to the registry .PHONY: push-images push-images: push-image-storage push-image-ir push-image-cli push-image-adm # Run `make %` in Golang container docker/%: docker run --rm -t \ -v `pwd`:/src \ -w /src \ -u "$$(id -u):$$(id -g)" \ --env HOME=/src \ golang:$(GO_VERSION) make $* # Run all code formatters fmts: fumpt imports # Reformat imports imports: @echo "⇒ Processing goimports check" @goimports -w cmd/ pkg/ misc/ # Install gofumpt fumpt-install: @rm -rf $(GOFUMPT_DIR) @mkdir $(GOFUMPT_DIR) @GOBIN=$(GOFUMPT_VERSION_DIR) go install mvdan.cc/gofumpt@$(GOFUMPT_VERSION) # Run gofumpt fumpt: @if [ ! -d "$(GOFUMPT_VERSION_DIR)" ]; then \ make fumpt-install; \ fi @echo "⇒ Processing gofumpt check" $(GOFUMPT_VERSION_DIR)/gofumpt -l -w cmd/ pkg/ misc/ # Run Unit Test with go test test: GOFLAGS ?= "-count=1" test: @echo "⇒ Running go test" @GOFLAGS="$(GOFLAGS)" go test ./... # Run pre-commit pre-commit-run: @pre-commit run -a --hook-stage manual # Install linters lint-install: @rm -rf $(OUTPUT_LINT_DIR) @mkdir $(OUTPUT_LINT_DIR) @mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR) @rm -rf $(TMP_DIR)/linters @git -c advice.detachedHead=false clone --branch v$(TRUECLOUDLAB_LINT_VERSION) https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/linters.git $(TMP_DIR)/linters @@make -C $(TMP_DIR)/linters lib CGO_ENABLED=1 OUT_DIR=$(OUTPUT_LINT_DIR) @rm -rf $(TMP_DIR)/linters @rmdir $(TMP_DIR) 2>/dev/null || true @CGO_ENABLED=1 GOBIN=$(LINT_DIR) go install -trimpath github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v$(LINT_VERSION) # Run linters lint: @if [ ! -d "$(LINT_DIR)" ]; then \ make lint-install; \ fi $(LINT_DIR)/golangci-lint run # Install staticcheck staticcheck-install: @rm -rf $(STATICCHECK_DIR) @mkdir $(STATICCHECK_DIR) @GOBIN=$(STATICCHECK_VERSION_DIR) go install honnef.co/go/tools/cmd/staticcheck@$(STATICCHECK_VERSION) # Run staticcheck staticcheck-run: @if [ ! -d "$(STATICCHECK_VERSION_DIR)" ]; then \ make staticcheck-install; \ fi @$(STATICCHECK_VERSION_DIR)/staticcheck ./... # Install gopls gopls-install: @rm -rf $(GOPLS_DIR) @mkdir $(GOPLS_DIR) @GOBIN=$(GOPLS_VERSION_DIR) go install golang.org/x/tools/gopls@$(GOPLS_VERSION) # Run gopls gopls-run: @if [ ! -d "$(GOPLS_VERSION_DIR)" ]; then \ make gopls-install; \ fi $(GOPLS_VERSION_DIR)/gopls check $(SOURCES) 2>&1 >$(GOPLS_TEMP_FILE) @if [[ $$(wc -l < $(GOPLS_TEMP_FILE)) -ne 0 ]]; then \ cat $(GOPLS_TEMP_FILE); \ exit 1; \ fi rm $(GOPLS_TEMP_FILE) # Run linters in Docker docker/lint: docker run --rm -t \ -v `pwd`:/src \ -u `stat -c "%u:%g" .` \ --env HOME=/src \ golangci/golangci-lint:v$(LINT_VERSION) bash -c 'cd /src/ && make lint' # Activate pre-commit hooks pre-commit: pre-commit install -t pre-commit -t commit-msg # Deactivate pre-commit hooks unpre-commit: pre-commit uninstall -t pre-commit -t commit-msg # Print version version: @echo $(VERSION) # Delete built artifacts clean: rm -rf .cache rm -rf $(BIN) rm -rf $(RELEASE) # Download locode database locode-download: mkdir -p $(TMP_DIR) @wget -q -O ./$(TMP_DIR)/locode_db.gz 'https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-locode-db/releases/download/${LOCODE_DB_VERSION}/locode_db.gz' gzip -dfk ./$(TMP_DIR)/locode_db.gz # Start dev environment env-up: all docker compose -f dev/docker-compose.yml up -d @if [ ! -d "$(FROSTFS_CONTRACTS_PATH)" ]; then \ echo "Frostfs contracts not found"; exit 1; \ fi ${BIN}/frostfs-adm --config ./dev/adm/frostfs-adm.yml morph init --contracts ${FROSTFS_CONTRACTS_PATH} ${BIN}/frostfs-adm --config ./dev/adm/frostfs-adm.yml morph refill-gas --gas 10.0 \ --storage-wallet ./dev/storage/wallet01.json \ --storage-wallet ./dev/storage/wallet02.json \ --storage-wallet ./dev/storage/wallet03.json \ --storage-wallet ./dev/storage/wallet04.json @if [ ! -f "$(LOCODE_DB_PATH)" ]; then \ make locode-download; \ fi mkdir -p ./$(TMP_DIR)/state mkdir -p ./$(TMP_DIR)/storage # Shutdown dev environment env-down: docker compose -f dev/docker-compose.yml down -v rm -rf ./$(TMP_DIR)/state rm -rf ./$(TMP_DIR)/storage