package frostfs

import (

	nmClient ""
	frostfsEvent ""
	lru ""

type (
	// EpochState is a callback interface for inner ring global state.
	EpochState interface {
		EpochCounter() uint64

	// AlphabetState is a callback interface for inner ring global state.
	AlphabetState interface {
		IsAlphabet(context.Context) bool

	// PrecisionConverter converts balance amount values.
	PrecisionConverter interface {
		ToBalancePrecision(int64) int64

	BalanceClient interface {
		Mint(ctx context.Context, p balance.MintPrm) error
		Lock(ctx context.Context, p balance.LockPrm) error
		Burn(ctx context.Context, p balance.BurnPrm) error

	NetmapClient interface {
		SetConfig(ctx context.Context, p nmClient.SetConfigPrm) error

	MorphClient interface {
		GasBalance() (res int64, err error)
		TransferGas(receiver util.Uint160, amount fixedn.Fixed8) error

	// Processor of events produced by frostfs contract in main net.
	Processor struct {
		log                 *logger.Logger
		metrics             metrics.Register
		pool                *ants.Pool
		frostfsContract     util.Uint160
		balanceClient       BalanceClient
		netmapClient        NetmapClient
		morphClient         MorphClient
		epochState          EpochState
		alphabetState       AlphabetState
		converter           PrecisionConverter
		mintEmitLock        sync.Mutex
		mintEmitCache       *lru.Cache[string, uint64]
		mintEmitThreshold   uint64
		mintEmitValue       fixedn.Fixed8
		gasBalanceThreshold int64

	// Params of the processor constructor.
	Params struct {
		Log                 *logger.Logger
		Metrics             metrics.Register
		PoolSize            int
		FrostFSContract     util.Uint160
		BalanceClient       BalanceClient
		NetmapClient        NetmapClient
		MorphClient         MorphClient
		EpochState          EpochState
		AlphabetState       AlphabetState
		Converter           PrecisionConverter
		MintEmitCacheSize   int
		MintEmitThreshold   uint64 // in epochs
		MintEmitValue       fixedn.Fixed8
		GasBalanceThreshold int64

const (
	depositNotification  = "Deposit"
	withdrawNotification = "Withdraw"
	chequeNotification   = "Cheque"
	configNotification   = "SetConfig"

// New creates frostfs mainnet contract processor instance.
func New(p *Params) (*Processor, error) {
	switch {
	case p.Log == nil:
		return nil, errors.New("ir/frostfs: logger is not set")
	case p.MorphClient == nil:
		return nil, errors.New("ir/frostfs: neo:morph client is not set")
	case p.EpochState == nil:
		return nil, errors.New("ir/frostfs: global state is not set")
	case p.AlphabetState == nil:
		return nil, errors.New("ir/frostfs: global state is not set")
	case p.Converter == nil:
		return nil, errors.New("ir/frostfs: balance precision converter is not set")

	pool, err := ants.NewPool(p.PoolSize, ants.WithNonblocking(true))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ir/frostfs: can't create worker pool: %w", err)

	lruCache, err := lru.New[string, uint64](p.MintEmitCacheSize)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("ir/frostfs: can't create LRU cache for gas emission: %w", err)

	metricsRegister := p.Metrics
	if metricsRegister == nil {
		metricsRegister = metrics.DefaultRegister{}

	return &Processor{
		log:                 p.Log,
		metrics:             metricsRegister,
		pool:                pool,
		frostfsContract:     p.FrostFSContract,
		balanceClient:       p.BalanceClient,
		netmapClient:        p.NetmapClient,
		morphClient:         p.MorphClient,
		epochState:          p.EpochState,
		alphabetState:       p.AlphabetState,
		converter:           p.Converter,
		mintEmitCache:       lruCache,
		mintEmitThreshold:   p.MintEmitThreshold,
		mintEmitValue:       p.MintEmitValue,
		gasBalanceThreshold: p.GasBalanceThreshold,
	}, nil

// ListenerNotificationHandlers for the 'event.Listener' event producer.
func (np *Processor) ListenerNotificationHandlers() []event.NotificationHandlerInfo {
	return []event.NotificationHandlerInfo{
			Contract: np.frostfsContract,
			Type:     event.TypeFromString(depositNotification),
			Parser:   frostfsEvent.ParseDeposit,
			Handlers: []event.Handler{np.handleDeposit},
			Contract: np.frostfsContract,
			Type:     event.TypeFromString(withdrawNotification),
			Parser:   frostfsEvent.ParseWithdraw,
			Handlers: []event.Handler{np.handleWithdraw},
			Contract: np.frostfsContract,
			Type:     event.TypeFromString(chequeNotification),
			Parser:   frostfsEvent.ParseCheque,
			Handlers: []event.Handler{np.handleCheque},
			Contract: np.frostfsContract,
			Type:     event.TypeFromString(configNotification),
			Parser:   frostfsEvent.ParseConfig,
			Handlers: []event.Handler{np.handleConfig},

// ListenerNotaryParsers for the 'event.Listener' event producer.
func (np *Processor) ListenerNotaryParsers() []event.NotaryParserInfo {
	return nil

// ListenerNotaryHandlers for the 'event.Listener' event producer.
func (np *Processor) ListenerNotaryHandlers() []event.NotaryHandlerInfo {
	return nil