package main import ( "context" v2reputation "" v2reputationgrpc "" crypto "" "" localreputation "" "" "" "" grpcreputation "" "" reputationcommon "" reputationrouter "" "" trustcontroller "" "" truststorage "" reputationrpc "" "" "" "" ) func initReputationService(c *cfg) { // consider sharing this between application components nmSrc := newCachedNetmapStorage(c.cfgNetmap.state, c.cfgNetmap.wrapper) // storing calculated trusts as a daughter c.cfgReputation.localTrustStorage = truststorage.New(truststorage.Prm{}) // storing received trusts as a manager daughterStorage := &intermediate.DaughterStorage{ Log: c.log, Storage: daughters.New(daughters.Prm{}), } trustStorage := &localreputation.TrustStorage{ Log: c.log, Storage: c.cfgReputation.localTrustStorage, NmSrc: nmSrc, LocalKey: crypto.MarshalPublicKey(&c.key.PublicKey), } managerBuilder := localreputation.NewManagerBuilder( localreputation.ManagersPrm{ NetMapSource: nmSrc, }, localreputation.WithLogger(c.log), ) routeBuilder := managers.New(managers.Prm{ ManagerBuilder: managerBuilder, }) remoteLocalTrustProvider := localreputation.NewRemoteTrustProvider( localreputation.RemoteProviderPrm{ LocalAddrSrc: c, DeadEndProvider: daughterStorage, ClientCache: cache.NewSDKClientCache(), Key: c.key, }, ) router := reputationrouter.New( reputationrouter.Prm{ LocalServerInfo: c, RemoteWriterProvider: remoteLocalTrustProvider, Builder: routeBuilder, }) c.cfgReputation.localTrustCtrl = trustcontroller.New(trustcontroller.Prm{ LocalTrustSource: trustStorage, LocalTrustTarget: router, }) addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler( c, func(ev event.Event) { var reportPrm trustcontroller.ReportPrm // report collected values from previous epoch reportPrm.SetEpoch(ev.(netmap.NewEpoch).EpochNumber() - 1) c.cfgReputation.localTrustCtrl.Report(reportPrm) }, ) v2reputationgrpc.RegisterReputationServiceServer(c.cfgGRPC.server, grpcreputation.New( reputationrpc.NewSignService( c.key, reputationrpc.NewResponseService( &reputationServer{ cfg: c, log: c.log, router: router, routeBuilder: routeBuilder, }, c.respSvc, ), ), ), ) // initialize eigen trust block timer durationMeter := NewEigenTrustDuration(c.cfgNetmap.wrapper) newEigenTrustIterTimer(c, durationMeter, func() { c.log.Debug("todo: start next EigenTrust iteration round") }) addNewEpochAsyncNotificationHandler( c, func(e event.Event) { durationMeter.Update() // recalculate duration of one iteration round err := c.cfgMorph.eigenTrustTimer.Reset() // start iteration rounds again if err != nil { c.log.Warn("can't reset block timer to start eigen trust calculations again", zap.String("error", err.Error())) } }, ) } type reputationServer struct { *cfg log *logger.Logger router reputationcommon.WriterProvider routeBuilder reputationrouter.Builder } func (s *reputationServer) SendLocalTrust(ctx context.Context, req *v2reputation.SendLocalTrustRequest) (*v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponse, error) { var passedRoute []reputationrouter.ServerInfo for hdr := req.GetVerificationHeader(); hdr != nil; hdr = hdr.GetOrigin() { passedRoute = append(passedRoute, &localreputation.OnlyKeyRemoteServerInfo{ Key: hdr.GetBodySignature().GetKey(), }) } for left, right := 0, len(passedRoute)-1; left < right; left, right = left+1, right-1 { passedRoute[left], passedRoute[right] = passedRoute[right], passedRoute[left] } passedRoute = append(passedRoute, s) body := req.GetBody() eCtx := &localreputation.EpochContext{ Context: ctx, E: body.GetEpoch(), } w, err := s.router.InitWriter(reputationrouter.NewRouteContext(eCtx, passedRoute)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not initialize local trust writer") } for _, trust := range body.GetTrusts() { err = s.processTrust(body.GetEpoch(), apiToLocalTrust(trust, passedRoute[0].PublicKey()), passedRoute, w) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "could not write one of trusts") } } resp := new(v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponse) resp.SetBody(new(v2reputation.SendLocalTrustResponseBody)) return resp, nil } func (s *reputationServer) SendIntermediateResult(_ context.Context, req *v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultRequest) (*v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultResponse, error) { resp := new(v2reputation.SendIntermediateResultResponse) // todo: implement me return resp, nil } // apiToLocalTrust converts v2 Trust to local reputation.Trust, adding trustingPeer. func apiToLocalTrust(t *v2reputation.Trust, trustingPeer []byte) reputation.Trust { localTrust := reputation.Trust{} localTrust.SetValue(reputation.TrustValueFromFloat64(t.GetValue())) localTrust.SetPeer(reputation.PeerIDFromBytes(t.GetPeer().GetValue())) localTrust.SetTrustingPeer(reputation.PeerIDFromBytes(trustingPeer)) return localTrust } func (s *reputationServer) processTrust(epoch uint64, t reputation.Trust, passedRoute []reputationrouter.ServerInfo, w reputationcommon.Writer) error { err := reputationrouter.CheckRoute(s.routeBuilder, epoch, t, passedRoute) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "wrong route of reputation trust value") } return w.Write(&localreputation.EpochContext{E: epoch}, t) }