package control

import (
	commonCmd ""

const (
	asyncFlag       = "async"
	restoreModeFlag = "restore-mode"
	shrinkFlag      = "shrink"

var writecacheShardCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "writecache",
	Short: "Operations with storage node's write-cache",
	Long:  "Operations with storage node's write-cache",

var sealWritecacheShardCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "seal",
	Short: "Flush objects from write-cache and move write-cache to degraded read only mode.",
	Long:  "Flush all the objects from the write-cache to the main storage and move the write-cache to the degraded read only mode: write-cache will be empty and no objects will be put in it.",
	Run:   sealWritecache,

func sealWritecache(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
	pk := key.Get(cmd)

	ignoreErrors, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(ignoreErrorsFlag)
	async, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(asyncFlag)
	restoreMode, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(restoreModeFlag)
	shrink, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(shrinkFlag)

	req := &control.SealWriteCacheRequest{Body: &control.SealWriteCacheRequest_Body{
		Shard_ID:     getShardIDList(cmd),
		IgnoreErrors: ignoreErrors,
		Async:        async,
		RestoreMode:  restoreMode,
		Shrink:       shrink,

	signRequest(cmd, pk, req)

	cli := getClient(cmd, pk)

	var resp *control.SealWriteCacheResponse
	var err error
	err = cli.ExecRaw(func(client *client.Client) error {
		resp, err = control.SealWriteCache(client, req)
		return err
	commonCmd.ExitOnErr(cmd, "rpc error: %w", err)

	verifyResponse(cmd, resp.GetSignature(), resp.GetBody())

	var success, failed uint
	for _, res := range resp.GetBody().GetResults() {
		if res.GetSuccess() {
			cmd.Printf("Shard %s: OK\n", base58.Encode(res.GetShard_ID()))
		} else {
			cmd.Printf("Shard %s: failed with error %q\n", base58.Encode(res.GetShard_ID()), res.GetError())
	cmd.Printf("Total: %d success, %d failed\n", success, failed)

func initControlShardsWritecacheCmd() {


	ff := sealWritecacheShardCmd.Flags()
	ff.StringSlice(shardIDFlag, nil, "List of shard IDs in base58 encoding")
	ff.Bool(shardAllFlag, false, "Process all shards")
	ff.Bool(ignoreErrorsFlag, true, "Skip invalid/unreadable objects")
	ff.Bool(asyncFlag, false, "Run operation in background")
	ff.Bool(restoreModeFlag, false, "Restore writecache's mode after sealing")
	ff.Bool(shrinkFlag, false, "Shrink writecache's internal storage")

	sealWritecacheShardCmd.MarkFlagsMutuallyExclusive(shardIDFlag, shardAllFlag)