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* Sometimes the morph client cannot unsubscribe from events because websocket client may be got down and neo-go will never the request for unsubscription. Signed-off-by: Airat Arifullin <>
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package client
import (
// Close closes connection to the remote side making
// this client instance unusable. Closes notification
// channel returned from Client.NotificationChannel(),
// Removes all subscription.
func (c *Client) Close() {
// closing should be done via the channel
// to prevent switching to another RPC node
// in the notification loop
// closeWaiter performs asynchronously and thus
// we may abrupt all process related to close process
// if we do not wait for closing process finish.
// ReceiveExecutionNotifications performs subscription for notifications
// generated during contract execution. Events are sent to the specified channel.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) ReceiveExecutionNotifications(contract util.Uint160, ch chan<- *state.ContainedNotificationEvent) (string, error) {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return "", ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.ReceiveExecutionNotifications(&neorpc.NotificationFilter{Contract: &contract}, ch)
// ReceiveBlocks performs subscription for new block events. Events are sent
// to the specified channel.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) ReceiveBlocks(ch chan<- *block.Block) (string, error) {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return "", ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.ReceiveBlocks(nil, ch)
// ReceiveNotaryRequests performsn subscription for notary request payloads
// addition or removal events to this instance of client. Passed txSigner is
// used as filter: subscription is only for the notary requests that must be
// signed by txSigner. Events are sent to the specified channel.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) ReceiveNotaryRequests(txSigner util.Uint160, ch chan<- *result.NotaryRequestEvent) (string, error) {
if c.notary == nil {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return "", ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.ReceiveNotaryRequests(&neorpc.TxFilter{Signer: &txSigner}, ch)
// Unsubscribe performs unsubscription for the given subscription ID.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) Unsubscribe(subID string) error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
return c.client.Unsubscribe(subID)
// UnsubscribeAll removes all active subscriptions of current client.
// Returns ErrConnectionLost if client has not been able to establish
// connection to any of passed RPC endpoints.
func (c *Client) UnsubscribeAll() error {
defer c.switchLock.Unlock()
if c.inactive {
return ErrConnectionLost
if err := c.client.UnsubscribeAll(); err != nil {
// TODO (aarifullin): consider the situation when the morph client
// failed to subscribe for events because of websocket client problems
// "under hood". After failed subscription the client invokes Close()
// that invokes UnsubscribeAll(). This requires to push new request
// via websocket to neo-go but the websocket client may be down.
// Therefore, morph will never request neo-go to unsubscribe from events, but
// we can try to fix this by reconnecting to neo-go.
backoffSettings := backoff.NewExponentialBackOff()
backoffSettings.MaxElapsedTime = 30 * time.Second
return backoff.Retry(func() error {
if !c.SwitchRPC(context.TODO()) {
return fmt.Errorf("could not switch rpc")
err := c.client.UnsubscribeAll()
if err != nil {
c.logger.Warn(logs.SubscriberCouldNotUnsubscribeFromEventsOnBackoffPolicy, zap.Error(err))
return err
}, backoffSettings)
return nil