Some checks failed
ci/woodpecker/push/pre-commit Pipeline failed
With non-blocking pool restricted by 10 in capacity, the probability of dropping events is unexpectedly big. Notifications are an essential part of the FrostFS, we should not drop anything, especially new epochs. ``` Mar 31 07:07:03 vedi neofs-ir[19164]: 2023-03-31T07:07:03.901Z debug subscriber/subscriber.go:154 new notification event from sidechain {"name": "NewEpoch"} Mar 31 07:07:03 vedi neofs-ir[19164]: 2023-03-31T07:07:03.901Z warn event/listener.go:248 listener worker pool drained {"chain": "morph", "capacity": 10} ``` Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
608 lines
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608 lines
15 KiB
package innerring
import (
timerEvent ""
auditClient ""
balanceClient ""
nmClient ""
control ""
type (
// Server is the inner ring application structure, that contains all event
// processors, shared variables and event handlers.
Server struct {
log *logger.Logger
// event producers
morphListener event.Listener
mainnetListener event.Listener
blockTimers []*timer.BlockTimer
epochTimer *timer.BlockTimer
// global state
morphClient *client.Client
mainnetClient *client.Client
epochCounter atomic.Uint64
epochDuration atomic.Uint64
statusIndex *innerRingIndexer
precision precision.Fixed8Converter
auditClient *auditClient.Client
healthStatus atomic.Value
balanceClient *balanceClient.Client
netmapClient *nmClient.Client
persistate *state.PersistentStorage
// metrics
metrics *metrics.InnerRingServiceMetrics
// notary configuration
feeConfig *config.FeeConfig
mainNotaryConfig *notaryConfig
sideNotaryConfig *notaryConfig
// internal variables
key *keys.PrivateKey
pubKey []byte
contracts *contracts
predefinedValidators keys.PublicKeys
initialEpochTickDelta uint32
withoutMainNet bool
// runtime processors
netmapProcessor *netmap.Processor
workers []func(context.Context)
// Set of local resources that must be
// initialized at the very beginning of
// Server's work, (e.g. opening files).
// If any starter returns an error, Server's
// starting fails immediately.
starters []func() error
// Set of local resources that must be
// released at Server's work completion
// (e.g closing files).
// Closer's wrong outcome shouldn't be critical.
// Errors are logged.
closers []func() error
// Set of component runners which
// should report start errors
// to the application.
runners []func(chan<- error) error
chainParams struct {
log *logger.Logger
cfg *viper.Viper
key *keys.PrivateKey
name string
sgn *transaction.Signer
from uint32 // block height
const (
morphPrefix = "morph"
mainnetPrefix = "mainnet"
// extra blocks to overlap two deposits, we do that to make sure that
// there won't be any blocks without deposited assets in notary contract;
// make sure it is bigger than any extra rounding value in notary client.
notaryExtraBlocks = 300
// amount of tries before notary deposit timeout.
notaryDepositTimeout = 100
var (
errDepositTimeout = errors.New("notary deposit didn't appear in the network")
errDepositFail = errors.New("notary tx has faulted")
// Start runs all event providers.
func (s *Server) Start(ctx context.Context, intError chan<- error) (err error) {
defer func() {
if err == nil {
err = s.launchStarters()
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.initConfigFromBlockchain()
if err != nil {
return err
if s.IsAlphabet() {
err = s.initMainNotary(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
err = s.initSideNotary(ctx)
if err != nil {
return err
prm := governance.VoteValidatorPrm{}
prm.Validators = s.predefinedValidators
// vote for sidechain validator if it is prepared in config
err = s.voteForSidechainValidator(prm)
if err != nil {
// we don't stop inner ring execution on this error
s.log.Warn("can't vote for prepared validators",
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
morphErr := make(chan error)
mainnnetErr := make(chan error)
// anonymous function to multiplex error channels
go func() {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case err := <-morphErr:
intError <- fmt.Errorf("sidechain: %w", err)
case err := <-mainnnetErr:
intError <- fmt.Errorf("mainnet: %w", err)
if err := s.startRunners(intError); err != nil {
return err
go s.morphListener.ListenWithError(ctx, morphErr) // listen for neo:morph events
go s.mainnetListener.ListenWithError(ctx, mainnnetErr) // listen for neo:mainnet events
if err := s.startBlockTimers(); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not start block timers: %w", err)
return nil
func (s *Server) registerMorphNewBlockEventHandler() {
s.morphListener.RegisterBlockHandler(func(b *block.Block) {
s.log.Debug("new block",
zap.Uint32("index", b.Index),
err := s.persistate.SetUInt32(persistateSideChainLastBlockKey, b.Index)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't update persistent state",
zap.String("chain", "side"),
zap.Uint32("block_index", b.Index))
func (s *Server) registerMainnetNewBlockEventHandler() {
if !s.withoutMainNet {
s.mainnetListener.RegisterBlockHandler(func(b *block.Block) {
err := s.persistate.SetUInt32(persistateMainChainLastBlockKey, b.Index)
if err != nil {
s.log.Warn("can't update persistent state",
zap.String("chain", "main"),
zap.Uint32("block_index", b.Index))
func (s *Server) startRunners(errCh chan<- error) error {
for _, runner := range s.runners {
if err := runner(errCh); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) launchStarters() error {
for _, starter := range s.starters {
if err := starter(); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Server) initMainNotary(ctx context.Context) error {
if !s.mainNotaryConfig.disabled {
return s.initNotary(ctx,
"waiting to accept main notary deposit",
return nil
func (s *Server) initSideNotary(ctx context.Context) error {
if !s.sideNotaryConfig.disabled {
return s.initNotary(ctx,
"waiting to accept side notary deposit",
return nil
func (s *Server) tickInitialExpoch() {
initialEpochTicker := timer.NewOneTickTimer(
func() {
func (s *Server) startWorkers(ctx context.Context) {
for _, w := range s.workers {
go w(ctx)
// Stop closes all subscription channels.
func (s *Server) Stop() {
go s.morphListener.Stop()
go s.mainnetListener.Stop()
for _, c := range s.closers {
if err := c(); err != nil {
s.log.Warn("closer error",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
func (s *Server) registerNoErrCloser(c func()) {
s.registerCloser(func() error {
return nil
func (s *Server) registerIOCloser(c io.Closer) {
func (s *Server) registerCloser(f func() error) {
s.closers = append(s.closers, f)
func (s *Server) registerStarter(f func() error) {
s.starters = append(s.starters, f)
// New creates instance of inner ring sever structure.
func New(ctx context.Context, log *logger.Logger, cfg *viper.Viper, errChan chan<- error) (*Server, error) {
var err error
server := &Server{log: log}
// parse notary support
server.feeConfig = config.NewFeeConfig(cfg)
err = server.initKey(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
server.persistate, err = initPersistentStateStorage(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var morphChain *chainParams
morphChain, err = server.initMorph(ctx, cfg, errChan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = server.initMainnet(ctx, cfg, morphChain, errChan)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = server.initContracts(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = server.enableNotarySupport()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// parse default validators
server.predefinedValidators, err = parsePredefinedValidators(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ir: can't parse predefined validators list: %w", err)
server.pubKey = server.key.PublicKey().Bytes()
var morphClients *serverMorphClients
morphClients, err = server.initClientsFromMorph()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var processors *serverProcessors
processors, err = server.initProcessors(cfg, morphClients)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
server.initTimers(cfg, processors, morphClients)
err = server.initGRPCServer(cfg)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
queueSize: cfg.GetUint32("workers.subnet"),
return server, nil
func createListener(ctx context.Context, cli *client.Client, p *chainParams) (event.Listener, error) {
var (
sub subscriber.Subscriber
err error
sub, err = subscriber.New(ctx, &subscriber.Params{
Log: p.log,
StartFromBlock: p.from,
Client: cli,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
listener, err := event.NewListener(event.ListenerParams{
Logger: &logger.Logger{Logger: p.log.With(zap.String("chain",},
Subscriber: sub,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return listener, err
func createClient(ctx context.Context, p *chainParams, errChan chan<- error) (*client.Client, error) {
// config name left unchanged for compatibility, may be its better to rename it to "endpoints" or "clients"
var endpoints []client.Endpoint
// defaultPriority is a default endpoint priority
const defaultPriority = 1
section := + ".endpoint.client"
for i := 0; ; i++ {
addr := p.cfg.GetString(fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d.%s", section, i, "address"))
if addr == "" {
priority := p.cfg.GetInt(section + ".priority")
if priority <= 0 {
priority = defaultPriority
endpoints = append(endpoints, client.Endpoint{
Address: addr,
Priority: priority,
if len(endpoints) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s chain client endpoints not provided",
return client.New(
client.WithConnLostCallback(func() {
errChan <- fmt.Errorf("%s chain connection has been lost",
func parsePredefinedValidators(cfg *viper.Viper) (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
publicKeyStrings := cfg.GetStringSlice("morph.validators")
return ParsePublicKeysFromStrings(publicKeyStrings)
// ParsePublicKeysFromStrings returns slice of neo public keys from slice
// of hex encoded strings.
func ParsePublicKeysFromStrings(pubKeys []string) (keys.PublicKeys, error) {
publicKeys := make(keys.PublicKeys, 0, len(pubKeys))
for i := range pubKeys {
key, err := keys.NewPublicKeyFromString(pubKeys[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't decode public key: %w", err)
publicKeys = append(publicKeys, key)
return publicKeys, nil
// parseWalletAddressesFromStrings returns a slice of util.Uint160 from a slice
// of strings.
func parseWalletAddressesFromStrings(wallets []string) ([]util.Uint160, error) {
if len(wallets) == 0 {
return nil, nil
var err error
extraWallets := make([]util.Uint160, len(wallets))
for i := range wallets {
extraWallets[i], err = address.StringToUint160(wallets[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return extraWallets, nil
func (s *Server) initConfigFromBlockchain() error {
// get current epoch
epoch, err := s.netmapClient.Epoch()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't read epoch number: %w", err)
// get current epoch duration
epochDuration, err := s.netmapClient.EpochDuration()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't read epoch duration: %w", err)
// get balance precision
balancePrecision, err := s.balanceClient.Decimals()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("can't read balance contract precision: %w", err)
// get next epoch delta tick
s.initialEpochTickDelta, err = s.nextEpochBlockDelta()
if err != nil {
return err
s.log.Debug("read config from blockchain",
zap.Bool("active", s.IsActive()),
zap.Bool("alphabet", s.IsAlphabet()),
zap.Uint64("epoch", epoch),
zap.Uint32("precision", balancePrecision),
zap.Uint32("init_epoch_tick_delta", s.initialEpochTickDelta),
return nil
func (s *Server) nextEpochBlockDelta() (uint32, error) {
epochBlock, err := s.netmapClient.LastEpochBlock()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("can't read last epoch block: %w", err)
blockHeight, err := s.morphClient.BlockCount()
if err != nil {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("can't get side chain height: %w", err)
delta := uint32(s.epochDuration.Load()) + epochBlock
if delta < blockHeight {
return 0, nil
return delta - blockHeight, nil
// onlyActiveHandler wrapper around event handler that executes it
// only if inner ring node state is active.
func (s *Server) onlyActiveEventHandler(f event.Handler) event.Handler {
return func(ev event.Event) {
if s.IsActive() {
// onlyAlphabet wrapper around event handler that executes it
// only if inner ring node is alphabet node.
func (s *Server) onlyAlphabetEventHandler(f event.Handler) event.Handler {
return func(ev event.Event) {
if s.IsAlphabet() {
func (s *Server) newEpochTickHandlers() []newEpochHandler {
newEpochHandlers := []newEpochHandler{
func() {
return newEpochHandlers