The client needs of the CLI application are limited and change not often. Interface changes of the client library should not affect the operation of various application packages, if they do not change their requirements for the provided functionality. To localize the use of the base client and facilitate further support, an auxiliary package is implemented that will only be used by the CLI application. Signed-off-by: Leonard Lyubich <>
224 lines
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224 lines
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package cmd
import (
internalclient ""
var (
nodeInfoJSON bool
netmapSnapshotJSON bool
// netmapCmd represents the netmap command
var netmapCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "netmap",
Short: "Operations with Network Map",
Long: `Operations with Network Map`,
PersistentPreRun: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// bind exactly that cmd's flags to
// the viper before execution
func init() {
netmapChildCommands := []*cobra.Command{
localNodeInfoCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&nodeInfoJSON, "json", false, "print node info in JSON format")
for _, netmapCommand := range netmapChildCommands {
flags := netmapCommand.Flags()
flags.StringSliceVarP(&xHeaders, xHeadersKey, xHeadersShorthand, xHeadersDefault, xHeadersUsage)
flags.Uint32P(ttl, ttlShorthand, ttlDefault, ttlUsage)
var getEpochCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "epoch",
Short: "Get current epoch number",
Long: "Get current epoch number",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var prm internalclient.NetworkInfoPrm
prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)
res, err := internalclient.NetworkInfo(prm)
exitOnErr(cmd, errf("rpc error: %w", err))
netInfo := res.NetworkInfo()
var localNodeInfoCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "nodeinfo",
Short: "Get local node info",
Long: `Get local node info`,
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var prm internalclient.NodeInfoPrm
prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)
res, err := internalclient.NodeInfo(prm)
exitOnErr(cmd, errf("rpc error: %w", err))
prettyPrintNodeInfo(cmd, res.NodeInfo(), nodeInfoJSON)
type netCfgWriter cobra.Command
func (x *netCfgWriter) print(name string, v interface{}, unknown bool) {
var sUnknown string
if unknown {
sUnknown = " (unknown)"
(*cobra.Command)(x).Printf(" %s%s: %v\n", name, sUnknown, v)
func (x *netCfgWriter) UnknownParameter(k string, v []byte) {
x.print(k, hex.EncodeToString(v), true)
func (x *netCfgWriter) MaxObjectSize(v uint64) {
x.print("Maximum object size", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) BasicIncomeRate(v uint64) {
x.print("Basic income rate", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) AuditFee(v uint64) {
x.print("Audit fee", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) EpochDuration(v uint64) {
x.print("Epoch duration", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) ContainerFee(v uint64) {
x.print("Container fee", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) ContainerAliasFee(v uint64) {
x.print("Container alias fee", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) EigenTrustIterations(v uint64) {
x.print("Number EigenTrust of iterations", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) EigenTrustAlpha(v float64) {
x.print("EigenTrust α", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) InnerRingCandidateFee(v uint64) {
x.print("Inner Ring candidate fee", v, false)
func (x *netCfgWriter) WithdrawFee(v uint64) {
x.print("Withdraw fee", v, false)
var netInfoCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "netinfo",
Short: "Get information about NeoFS network",
Long: "Get information about NeoFS network",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
var prm internalclient.NetworkInfoPrm
prepareAPIClient(cmd, &prm)
res, err := internalclient.NetworkInfo(prm)
exitOnErr(cmd, errf("rpc error: %w", err))
netInfo := res.NetworkInfo()
cmd.Printf("Epoch: %d\n", netInfo.CurrentEpoch())
magic := netInfo.MagicNumber()
cmd.Printf("Network magic: [%s] %d\n", netmode.Magic(magic), magic)
cmd.Printf("Time per block: %s\n", time.Duration(netInfo.MsPerBlock())*time.Millisecond)
netCfg := netInfo.NetworkConfig()
cmd.Println("NeoFS network configuration")
err = wrapper.WriteConfig((*netCfgWriter)(cmd), func(f func(key []byte, val []byte) error) error {
var err error
netCfg.IterateParameters(func(prm *netmap.NetworkParameter) bool {
err = f(prm.Key(), prm.Value())
return err != nil
return err
exitOnErr(cmd, errf("read config: %w", err))
func prettyPrintNodeInfo(cmd *cobra.Command, i *netmap.NodeInfo, jsonEncoding bool) {
if jsonEncoding {
printJSONMarshaler(cmd, i, "node info")
cmd.Println("key:", hex.EncodeToString(i.PublicKey()))
cmd.Println("state:", i.State())
netmap.IterateAllAddresses(i, func(s string) {
cmd.Println("address:", s)
for _, attribute := range i.Attributes() {
cmd.Printf("attribute: %s=%s\n", attribute.Key(), attribute.Value())
func prettyPrintNetmap(cmd *cobra.Command, nm *control.Netmap, jsonEncoding bool) {
if jsonEncoding {
printJSONMarshaler(cmd, nm, "netmap")
cmd.Println("Epoch:", nm.GetEpoch())
for i, node := range nm.GetNodes() {
cmd.Printf("Node %d: %s %s %v\n", i+1,
for _, attr := range node.GetAttributes() {
cmd.Printf("\t%s: %s\n", attr.GetKey(), attr.GetValue())