587 lines
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587 lines
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package meta
import (
v2object "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/v2/object"
type (
// filterGroup is a structure that have search filters grouped by access
// method. We have fast filters that looks for indexes and do not unmarshal
// objects, and slow filters, that applied after fast filters created
// smaller set of objects to check.
filterGroup struct {
cid *container.ID
fastFilters object.SearchFilters
slowFilters object.SearchFilters
// SelectPrm groups the parameters of Select operation.
type SelectPrm struct {
cid *container.ID
filters object.SearchFilters
// SelectRes groups resulting values of Select operation.
type SelectRes struct {
addrList []*object.Address
// WithContainerID is a Select option to set the container id to search in.
func (p *SelectPrm) WithContainerID(cid *container.ID) *SelectPrm {
if p != nil {
p.cid = cid
return p
// WithFilters is a Select option to set the object filters.
func (p *SelectPrm) WithFilters(fs object.SearchFilters) *SelectPrm {
if p != nil {
p.filters = fs
return p
// AddressList returns list of addresses of the selected objects.
func (r *SelectRes) AddressList() []*object.Address {
return r.addrList
var ErrMissingContainerID = errors.New("missing container id field")
// Select selects the objects from DB with filtering.
func Select(db *DB, cid *container.ID, fs object.SearchFilters) ([]*object.Address, error) {
r, err := db.Select(new(SelectPrm).WithFilters(fs).WithContainerID(cid))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.AddressList(), nil
// Select returns list of addresses of objects that match search filters.
func (db *DB) Select(prm *SelectPrm) (res *SelectRes, err error) {
res = new(SelectRes)
err = db.boltDB.View(func(tx *bbolt.Tx) error {
res.addrList, err = db.selectObjects(tx, prm.cid, prm.filters)
return err
return res, err
func (db *DB) selectObjects(tx *bbolt.Tx, cid *container.ID, fs object.SearchFilters) ([]*object.Address, error) {
if cid == nil {
return nil, ErrMissingContainerID
// TODO: consider the option of moving this check to a level higher than the metabase
if blindlyProcess(fs) {
return nil, nil
group, err := groupFilters(fs)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// if there are conflicts in query and cid then it means that there is no
// objects to match this query.
if group.cid != nil && !cid.Equal(group.cid) {
return nil, nil
// keep matched addresses in this cache
// value equal to number (index+1) of latest matched filter
mAddr := make(map[string]int)
expLen := len(group.fastFilters) // expected value of matched filters in mAddr
if len(group.fastFilters) == 0 {
expLen = 1
db.selectAll(tx, cid, mAddr)
} else {
for i := range group.fastFilters {
db.selectFastFilter(tx, cid, group.fastFilters[i], mAddr, i)
res := make([]*object.Address, 0, len(mAddr))
for a, ind := range mAddr {
if ind != expLen {
continue // ignore objects with unmatched fast filters
addr, err := addressFromKey([]byte(a))
if err != nil {
// TODO: storage was broken, so we need to handle it
return nil, err
if inGraveyard(tx, addr) {
continue // ignore removed objects
if !db.matchSlowFilters(tx, addr, group.slowFilters) {
continue // ignore objects with unmatched slow filters
res = append(res, addr)
return res, nil
// selectAll adds to resulting cache all available objects in metabase.
func (db *DB) selectAll(tx *bbolt.Tx, cid *container.ID, to map[string]int) {
prefix := cid.String() + "/"
selectAllFromBucket(tx, primaryBucketName(cid), prefix, to, 0)
selectAllFromBucket(tx, tombstoneBucketName(cid), prefix, to, 0)
selectAllFromBucket(tx, storageGroupBucketName(cid), prefix, to, 0)
selectAllFromBucket(tx, parentBucketName(cid), prefix, to, 0)
// selectAllFromBucket goes through all keys in bucket and adds them in a
// resulting cache. Keys should be stringed object ids.
func selectAllFromBucket(tx *bbolt.Tx, name []byte, prefix string, to map[string]int, fNum int) {
bkt := tx.Bucket(name)
if bkt == nil {
_ = bkt.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
key := prefix + string(k) // consider using string builders from sync.Pool
markAddressInCache(to, fNum, key)
return nil
// selectFastFilter makes fast optimized checks for well known buckets or
// looking through user attribute buckets otherwise.
func (db *DB) selectFastFilter(
tx *bbolt.Tx,
cid *container.ID, // container we search on
f object.SearchFilter, // fast filter
to map[string]int, // resulting cache
fNum int, // index of filter
) {
prefix := cid.String() + "/"
switch f.Header() {
case v2object.FilterHeaderObjectID:
db.selectObjectID(tx, f, cid, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterHeaderOwnerID:
bucketName := ownerBucketName(cid)
db.selectFromFKBT(tx, bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterHeaderPayloadHash:
bucketName := payloadHashBucketName(cid)
db.selectFromList(tx, bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterHeaderObjectType:
for _, bucketName := range bucketNamesForType(cid, f.Operation(), f.Value()) {
selectAllFromBucket(tx, bucketName, prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterHeaderParent:
bucketName := parentBucketName(cid)
db.selectFromList(tx, bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterHeaderSplitID:
bucketName := splitBucketName(cid)
db.selectFromList(tx, bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterPropertyRoot:
selectAllFromBucket(tx, rootBucketName(cid), prefix, to, fNum)
case v2object.FilterPropertyPhy:
selectAllFromBucket(tx, primaryBucketName(cid), prefix, to, fNum)
selectAllFromBucket(tx, tombstoneBucketName(cid), prefix, to, fNum)
selectAllFromBucket(tx, storageGroupBucketName(cid), prefix, to, fNum)
default: // user attribute
bucketName := attributeBucketName(cid, f.Header())
if f.Operation() == object.MatchNotPresent {
selectOutsideFKBT(tx, allBucketNames(cid), bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
} else {
db.selectFromFKBT(tx, bucketName, f, prefix, to, fNum)
// TODO: move to DB struct
var mBucketNaming = map[string][]func(*container.ID) []byte{
v2object.TypeRegular.String(): {primaryBucketName, parentBucketName},
v2object.TypeTombstone.String(): {tombstoneBucketName},
v2object.TypeStorageGroup.String(): {storageGroupBucketName},
func allBucketNames(cid *container.ID) (names [][]byte) {
for _, fns := range mBucketNaming {
for _, fn := range fns {
names = append(names, fn(cid))
func bucketNamesForType(cid *container.ID, mType object.SearchMatchType, typeVal string) (names [][]byte) {
appendNames := func(key string) {
fns, ok := mBucketNaming[key]
if ok {
for _, fn := range fns {
names = append(names, fn(cid))
switch mType {
case object.MatchStringNotEqual:
for key := range mBucketNaming {
if key != typeVal {
case object.MatchStringEqual:
// selectFromList looks into <fkbt> index to find list of addresses to add in
// resulting cache.
func (db *DB) selectFromFKBT(
tx *bbolt.Tx,
name []byte, // fkbt root bucket name
f object.SearchFilter, // filter for operation and value
prefix string, // prefix to create addr from oid in index
to map[string]int, // resulting cache
fNum int, // index of filter
) { //
matchFunc, ok := db.matchers[f.Operation()]
if !ok {
db.log.Debug("missing matcher", zap.Uint32("operation", uint32(f.Operation())))
fkbtRoot := tx.Bucket(name)
if fkbtRoot == nil {
err := fkbtRoot.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
if matchFunc(f.Header(), k, f.Value()) {
fkbtLeaf := fkbtRoot.Bucket(k)
if fkbtLeaf == nil {
return nil
return fkbtLeaf.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
addr := prefix + string(k)
markAddressInCache(to, fNum, addr)
return nil
return nil
if err != nil {
db.log.Debug("error in FKBT selection", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
// selectOutsideFKBT looks into all incl buckets to find list of addresses outside <fkbt> to add in
// resulting cache.
func selectOutsideFKBT(
tx *bbolt.Tx,
incl [][]byte, // buckets
name []byte, // fkbt root bucket name
f object.SearchFilter, // filter for operation and value
prefix string, // prefix to create addr from oid in index
to map[string]int, // resulting cache
fNum int, // index of filter
) {
mExcl := make(map[string]struct{})
bktExcl := tx.Bucket(name)
if bktExcl != nil {
_ = bktExcl.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
exclBktLeaf := bktExcl.Bucket(k)
if exclBktLeaf == nil {
return nil
return exclBktLeaf.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
addr := prefix + string(k)
mExcl[addr] = struct{}{}
return nil
for i := range incl {
bktIncl := tx.Bucket(incl[i])
if bktIncl == nil {
_ = bktIncl.ForEach(func(k, _ []byte) error {
addr := prefix + string(k)
if _, ok := mExcl[addr]; !ok {
markAddressInCache(to, fNum, addr)
return nil
// selectFromList looks into <list> index to find list of addresses to add in
// resulting cache.
func (db *DB) selectFromList(
tx *bbolt.Tx,
name []byte, // list root bucket name
f object.SearchFilter, // filter for operation and value
prefix string, // prefix to create addr from oid in index
to map[string]int, // resulting cache
fNum int, // index of filter
) { //
bkt := tx.Bucket(name)
if bkt == nil {
var (
lst [][]byte
err error
switch op := f.Operation(); op {
case object.MatchStringEqual:
lst, err = decodeList(bkt.Get(bucketKeyHelper(f.Header(), f.Value())))
if err != nil {
db.log.Debug("can't decode list bucket leaf", zap.String("error", err.Error()))
fMatch, ok := db.matchers[op]
if !ok {
db.log.Debug("unknown operation", zap.Uint32("operation", uint32(op)))
if err = bkt.ForEach(func(key, val []byte) error {
if !fMatch(f.Header(), key, f.Value()) {
return nil
l, err := decodeList(val)
if err != nil {
db.log.Debug("can't decode list bucket leaf",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
return err
lst = append(lst, l...)
return nil
}); err != nil {
db.log.Debug("can't iterate over the bucket",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
for i := range lst {
addr := prefix + string(lst[i])
markAddressInCache(to, fNum, addr)
// selectObjectID processes objectID filter with in-place optimizations.
func (db *DB) selectObjectID(
tx *bbolt.Tx,
f object.SearchFilter,
cid *container.ID,
to map[string]int, // resulting cache
fNum int, // index of filter
) {
prefix := cid.String() + "/"
appendOID := func(oid string) {
addrStr := prefix + string(oid)
addr, err := addressFromKey([]byte(addrStr))
if err != nil {
db.log.Debug("can't decode object id address",
zap.String("addr", addrStr),
zap.String("error", err.Error()))
ok, err := db.exists(tx, addr)
if (err == nil && ok) || errors.As(err, &splitInfoError) {
markAddressInCache(to, fNum, addrStr)
switch op := f.Operation(); op {
case object.MatchStringEqual:
fMatch, ok := db.matchers[op]
if !ok {
db.log.Debug("unknown operation",
zap.Uint32("operation", uint32(f.Operation())),
for _, bucketName := range bucketNamesForType(cid, object.MatchStringNotEqual, "") {
// copy-paste from DB.selectAllFrom
bkt := tx.Bucket(bucketName)
if bkt == nil {
err := bkt.ForEach(func(k, v []byte) error {
if oid := string(k); fMatch(f.Header(), k, f.Value()) {
return nil
if err != nil {
db.log.Debug("could not iterate over the buckets",
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
// matchSlowFilters return true if object header is matched by all slow filters.
func (db *DB) matchSlowFilters(tx *bbolt.Tx, addr *object.Address, f object.SearchFilters) bool {
if len(f) == 0 {
return true
obj, err := db.get(tx, addr, true, false)
if err != nil {
return false
for i := range f {
matchFunc, ok := db.matchers[f[i].Operation()]
if !ok {
return false
var data []byte
switch f[i].Header() {
case v2object.FilterHeaderVersion:
data = []byte(obj.Version().String())
case v2object.FilterHeaderHomomorphicHash:
data = obj.PayloadHomomorphicHash().Sum()
case v2object.FilterHeaderCreationEpoch:
data = make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(data, obj.CreationEpoch())
case v2object.FilterHeaderPayloadLength:
data = make([]byte, 8)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(data, obj.PayloadSize())
continue // ignore unknown search attributes
if !matchFunc(f[i].Header(), data, f[i].Value()) {
return false
return true
// groupFilters divides filters in two groups: fast and slow. Fast filters
// processed by indexes and slow filters processed after by unmarshaling
// object headers.
func groupFilters(filters object.SearchFilters) (*filterGroup, error) {
res := &filterGroup{
fastFilters: make(object.SearchFilters, 0, len(filters)),
slowFilters: make(object.SearchFilters, 0, len(filters)),
for i := range filters {
switch filters[i].Header() {
case v2object.FilterHeaderContainerID: // support deprecated field
res.cid = container.NewID()
err := res.cid.Parse(filters[i].Value())
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("can't parse container id: %w", err)
case // slow filters
res.slowFilters = append(res.slowFilters, filters[i])
default: // fast filters or user attributes if unknown
res.fastFilters = append(res.fastFilters, filters[i])
return res, nil
func markAddressInCache(cache map[string]int, fNum int, addr string) {
if num := cache[addr]; num == fNum {
cache[addr] = num + 1
// returns true if query leads to a deliberately empty result.
func blindlyProcess(fs object.SearchFilters) bool {
for i := range fs {
if fs[i].Operation() == object.MatchNotPresent && isSystemKey(fs[i].Header()) {
return true
// TODO: check other cases
// e.g. (a == b) && (a != b)
return false
// returns true if string key is a reserved system filter key.
func isSystemKey(key string) bool {
// FIXME: version-dependent approach
return strings.HasPrefix(key, v2object.ReservedFilterPrefix)