Parent could mean split parent or EC parent. In this case it is EC parent only. Signed-off-by: Dmitrii Stepanov <>
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package engine
import (
tracingPkg ""
objectSDK ""
oid ""
// PutPrm groups the parameters of Put operation.
type PutPrm struct {
Object *objectSDK.Object
IsIndexedContainer bool
var errPutShard = errors.New("could not put object to any shard")
type putToShardStatus byte
const (
putToShardUnknown putToShardStatus = iota
type putToShardRes struct {
status putToShardStatus
err error
// Put saves the object to local storage.
// Returns any error encountered that
// did not allow to completely save the object.
// Returns an error if executions are blocked (see BlockExecution).
// Returns an error of type apistatus.ObjectAlreadyRemoved if the object has been marked as removed.
func (e *StorageEngine) Put(ctx context.Context, prm PutPrm) (err error) {
ctx, span := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "StorageEngine.Put",
attribute.String("address", object.AddressOf(prm.Object).EncodeToString()),
defer span.End()
defer elapsed("Put", e.metrics.AddMethodDuration)()
err = e.execIfNotBlocked(func() error {
err = e.put(ctx, prm)
return err
func (e *StorageEngine) put(ctx context.Context, prm PutPrm) error {
addr := object.AddressOf(prm.Object)
// In #1146 this check was parallelized, however, it became
// much slower on fast machines for 4 shards.
var ecParent oid.Address
if prm.Object.ECHeader() != nil {
var shPrm shard.ExistsPrm
shPrm.Address = addr
shPrm.ECParentAddress = ecParent
existed, locked, err := e.exists(ctx, shPrm)
if err != nil {
return err
if !existed && locked {
lockers, err := e.GetLocked(ctx, ecParent)
if err != nil {
return err
for _, locker := range lockers {
err = e.lock(ctx, addr.Container(), locker, []oid.ID{addr.Object()})
if err != nil {
return err
var shRes putToShardRes
e.iterateOverSortedShards(addr, func(_ int, sh hashedShard) (stop bool) {
pool, ok := e.shardPools[sh.ID().String()]
if !ok {
// Shard was concurrently removed, skip.
return false
shRes = e.putToShard(ctx, sh, pool, addr, prm.Object, prm.IsIndexedContainer)
return shRes.status != putToShardUnknown
switch shRes.status {
case putToShardUnknown:
return errPutShard
case putToShardRemoved:
return shRes.err
case putToShardExists, putToShardSuccess:
return nil
return errPutShard
// putToShard puts object to sh.
// Return putToShardStatus and error if it is necessary to propagate an error upper.
func (e *StorageEngine) putToShard(ctx context.Context, sh hashedShard, pool util.WorkerPool,
addr oid.Address, obj *objectSDK.Object, isIndexedContainer bool,
) (res putToShardRes) {
exitCh := make(chan struct{})
if err := pool.Submit(func() {
defer close(exitCh)
var existPrm shard.ExistsPrm
existPrm.Address = addr
exists, err := sh.Exists(ctx, existPrm)
if err != nil {
if shard.IsErrObjectExpired(err) {
// object is already found but
// expired => do nothing with it
res.status = putToShardExists
} else {
e.log.Warn(ctx, logs.EngineCouldNotCheckObjectExistence,
zap.Stringer("shard_id", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
zap.String("trace_id", tracingPkg.GetTraceID(ctx)))
return // this is not ErrAlreadyRemoved error so we can go to the next shard
if exists.Exists() {
res.status = putToShardExists
var putPrm shard.PutPrm
_, err = sh.Put(ctx, putPrm)
if err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, shard.ErrReadOnlyMode) || errors.Is(err, blobstor.ErrNoPlaceFound) ||
errors.Is(err, common.ErrReadOnly) || errors.Is(err, common.ErrNoSpace) {
e.log.Warn(ctx, logs.EngineCouldNotPutObjectToShard,
zap.Stringer("shard_id", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
zap.String("trace_id", tracingPkg.GetTraceID(ctx)))
if client.IsErrObjectAlreadyRemoved(err) {
e.log.Warn(ctx, logs.EngineCouldNotPutObjectToShard,
zap.Stringer("shard_id", sh.ID()),
zap.String("error", err.Error()),
zap.String("trace_id", tracingPkg.GetTraceID(ctx)))
res.status = putToShardRemoved
res.err = err
e.reportShardError(ctx, sh, "could not put object to shard", err, zap.Stringer("address", addr))
res.status = putToShardSuccess
}); err != nil {
e.log.Warn(ctx, logs.EngineCouldNotPutObjectToShard, zap.Error(err))
// Put writes provided object to local storage.
func Put(ctx context.Context, storage *StorageEngine, obj *objectSDK.Object, indexedContainer bool) error {
return storage.Put(ctx, PutPrm{Object: obj, IsIndexedContainer: indexedContainer})