Aleksey Savchuk cee94aae33
[#1445] engine/test: Add test for GC handling of expired tombstones
Since the GC behavior is changing drastically. This test is needed
to ensure that the GC correctly deletes expired tombstones and graves.
The test uses graves of both old and new formats.

Signed-off-by: Aleksey Savchuk <>
2025-02-18 13:41:07 +03:00

111 lines
3.5 KiB

package engine
import (
objectCore ""
meta ""
objectV2 ""
cid ""
cidtest ""
objectSDK ""
oid ""
func testPopulateWithObjects(t testing.TB, engine *StorageEngine, cnt cid.ID, objectCount int) (objects []*objectSDK.Object) {
require.Positive(t, objectCount)
var putPrm PutPrm
for range objectCount {
putPrm.Object = testutil.GenerateObjectWithCID(cnt)
require.NoError(t, engine.Put(context.Background(), putPrm))
objects = append(objects, putPrm.Object)
return objects
func testInhumeObjects(t testing.TB, engine *StorageEngine, objects []*objectSDK.Object, expEpoch uint64) (tombstone *objectSDK.Object) {
require.NotEmpty(t, objects)
cnt := objectCore.AddressOf(objects[0]).Container()
tombstone = testutil.GenerateObjectWithCID(cnt)
testutil.AddAttribute(tombstone, objectV2.SysAttributeExpEpoch, strconv.FormatUint(expEpoch, 10))
var putPrm PutPrm
putPrm.Object = tombstone
require.NoError(t, engine.Put(context.Background(), putPrm))
var addrs []oid.Address
for _, object := range objects {
addrs = append(addrs, objectCore.AddressOf(object))
tombstoneAddr := objectCore.AddressOf(tombstone)
pivot := len(objects) / 2
var inhumePrm InhumePrm
inhumePrm.WithTarget(tombstoneAddr, expEpoch, addrs[:pivot]...)
err := engine.Inhume(context.Background(), inhumePrm)
require.NoError(t, err)
inhumePrm.WithTarget(tombstoneAddr, meta.NoExpirationEpoch, addrs[pivot:]...)
err = engine.Inhume(context.Background(), inhumePrm)
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestGCHandleExpiredTombstones(t *testing.T) {
const (
numShards = 2
objectCount = 10 * numShards
expEpoch = 1
container := cidtest.ID()
engine := testNewEngine(t).
setShardsNumAdditionalOpts(t, numShards, func(_ int) []shard.Option {
return []shard.Option{
shard.WithGCWorkerPoolInitializer(func(sz int) util.WorkerPool {
pool, err := ants.NewPool(sz)
require.NoError(t, err)
return pool
defer func() { require.NoError(t, engine.Close(context.Background())) }()
objects := testPopulateWithObjects(t, engine, container, objectCount)
tombstone := testInhumeObjects(t, engine, objects, expEpoch)
engine.HandleNewEpoch(context.Background(), expEpoch+1)
var headPrm HeadPrm
require.Eventually(t, func() bool {
for _, object := range objects {
_, err := engine.Head(context.Background(), headPrm)
if !client.IsErrObjectNotFound(err) {
return false
_, err := engine.Head(context.Background(), headPrm)
return client.IsErrObjectNotFound(err)
}, 10*time.Second, 1*time.Second)