Alex Vanin dd1ace12f7 [#486] morph/client: Add option to setup custom alphabet source in notary
To enable notary support in main chain, notary subsystem should not get
alphabet keys from (main chain) committee. This key fetcher is now
separated and may be overwritten by `WithAlphabetSource` option.

Signed-off-by: Alex Vanin <>
2021-05-05 12:45:16 +03:00

502 lines
13 KiB

package client
import (
sc ""
type (
notary struct {
txValidTime uint32 // minimum amount of blocks when mainTx will be valid
roundTime uint32 // extra amount of blocks to synchronize sidechain height diff of inner ring nodes
fallbackTime uint32 // amount of blocks before fallbackTx will be sent
alphabetSource AlphabetKeys // source of alphabet node keys to prepare witness
notary util.Uint160
proxy util.Uint160
notaryCfg struct {
txValidTime, roundTime, fallbackTime uint32
alphabetSource AlphabetKeys
AlphabetKeys func() (keys.PublicKeys, error)
NotaryOption func(*notaryCfg)
const (
defaultNotaryValidTime = 50
defaultNotaryRoundTime = 100
defaultNotaryFallbackTime = 40
notaryBalanceOfMethod = "balanceOf"
setDesignateMethod = "designateAsRole"
notaryBalanceErrMsg = "can't fetch notary balance"
notaryNotEnabledPanicMsg = "notary support was not enabled on this client"
var errUnexpectedItems = errors.New("invalid number of NEO VM arguments on stack")
func defaultNotaryConfig(c *Client) *notaryCfg {
return &notaryCfg{
txValidTime: defaultNotaryValidTime,
roundTime: defaultNotaryRoundTime,
fallbackTime: defaultNotaryFallbackTime,
alphabetSource: c.Committee,
// EnableNotarySupport creates notary structure in client that provides
// ability for client to get alphabet keys from committee or provided source
// and use proxy contract script hash to create tx for notary contract.
func (c *Client) EnableNotarySupport(proxy util.Uint160, opts ...NotaryOption) error {
cfg := defaultNotaryConfig(c)
for _, opt := range opts {
notaryContract, err := c.client.GetNativeContractHash(nativenames.Notary)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "can't get notary contract script hash")
c.notary = &notary{
notary: notaryContract,
proxy: proxy,
txValidTime: cfg.txValidTime,
roundTime: cfg.roundTime,
fallbackTime: cfg.fallbackTime,
alphabetSource: cfg.alphabetSource,
return nil
// DepositNotary calls notary deposit method. Deposit is required to operate
// with notary contract. It used by notary contract in to produce fallback tx
// if main tx failed to create. Deposit isn't last forever, so it should
// be called periodically. Notary support should be enabled in client to
// use this function.
// This function must be invoked after `EnableNotarySupport()` otherwise it
// throws panic.
func (c *Client) DepositNotary(amount fixedn.Fixed8, delta uint32) (util.Uint256, error) {
if c.notary == nil {
bc, err := c.client.GetBlockCount()
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, errors.Wrap(err, "can't get blockchain height")
txHash, err := c.client.TransferNEP17(
[]interface{}{c.acc.PrivateKey().GetScriptHash(), int64(bc + delta)},
if err != nil {
return util.Uint256{}, errors.Wrap(err, "can't make notary deposit")
c.logger.Debug("notary deposit invoke",
zap.Int64("amount", int64(amount)),
zap.Uint32("expire_at", bc+delta),
zap.Stringer("tx_hash", txHash.Reverse()))
return txHash, nil
// GetNotaryDeposit returns deposit of client's account in notary contract.
// Notary support should be enabled in client to use this function.
// This function must be invoked after `EnableNotarySupport()` otherwise it
// throws panic.
func (c *Client) GetNotaryDeposit() (int64, error) {
if c.notary == nil {
sh := c.acc.PrivateKey().PublicKey().GetScriptHash()
items, err := c.TestInvoke(c.notary.notary, notaryBalanceOfMethod, sh)
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, notaryBalanceErrMsg)
if len(items) != 1 {
return 0, errors.Wrap(errUnexpectedItems, notaryBalanceErrMsg)
bigIntDeposit, err := items[0].TryInteger()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, notaryBalanceErrMsg)
return bigIntDeposit.Int64(), nil
// UpdateNotaryList updates list of notary nodes in designate contract. Requires
// committee multi signature.
// This function must be invoked after `EnableNotarySupport()` otherwise it
// throws panic.
func (c *Client) UpdateNotaryList(list keys.PublicKeys) error {
if c.notary == nil {
return c.notaryInvokeAsCommittee(c.designate,
// UpdateNeoFSAlphabetList updates list of alphabet nodes in designate contract.
// As for side chain list should contain all inner ring nodes.
// Requires committee multi signature.
// This function must be invoked after `EnableNotarySupport()` otherwise it
// throws panic.
func (c *Client) UpdateNeoFSAlphabetList(list keys.PublicKeys) error {
if c.notary == nil {
return c.notaryInvokeAsCommittee(c.designate,
// NotaryInvoke invokes contract method by sending tx to notary contract in
// blockchain. Fallback tx is a `RET`. Notary support should be enabled
// in client to use this function.
// This function must be invoked after `EnableNotarySupport()` otherwise it
// throws panic.
func (c *Client) NotaryInvoke(contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
if c.notary == nil {
return c.notaryInvoke(false, contract, method, args...)
func (c *Client) notaryInvokeAsCommittee(contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
return c.notaryInvoke(true, contract, method, args...)
func (c *Client) notaryInvoke(committee bool, contract util.Uint160, method string, args ...interface{}) error {
alphabetList, err := c.notary.alphabetSource() // prepare arguments for test invocation
if err != nil {
return err
_, n := mn(alphabetList, committee)
u8n := uint8(n)
cosigners, err := c.notaryCosigners(alphabetList, committee)
if err != nil {
return err
params, err := invocationParams(args...)
if err != nil {
return err
// make test invocation of the method
test, err := c.client.InvokeFunction(contract, method, params, cosigners)
if err != nil {
return err
// check invocation state
if test.State != HaltState {
return &NotHaltStateError{state: test.State, exception: test.FaultException}
// if test invocation failed, then return error
if len(test.Script) == 0 {
return errEmptyInvocationScript
// after test invocation we build main multisig transaction
multiaddrAccount, err := c.notaryMultisigAccount(alphabetList, committee)
if err != nil {
return err
until, err := c.notaryTxValidationLimit()
if err != nil {
return err
// prepare main tx
mainTx := &transaction.Transaction{
Nonce: 1,
SystemFee: test.GasConsumed,
ValidUntilBlock: until,
Script: test.Script,
Attributes: []transaction.Attribute{
Type: transaction.NotaryAssistedT,
Value: &transaction.NotaryAssisted{NKeys: u8n},
Signers: cosigners,
// calculate notary fee
notaryFee, err := c.client.CalculateNotaryFee(u8n)
if err != nil {
return err
// add network fee for cosigners
err = c.client.AddNetworkFee(
if err != nil {
return err
// define witnesses
mainTx.Scripts = c.notaryWitnesses(multiaddrAccount, mainTx)
resp, err := c.client.SignAndPushP2PNotaryRequest(mainTx,
if err != nil && !alreadyOnChainError(err) {
return err
c.logger.Debug("notary request invoked",
zap.String("method", method),
zap.Stringer("tx_hash", resp.Hash().Reverse()))
return nil
func (c *Client) notaryCosigners(ir []*keys.PublicKey, committee bool) ([]transaction.Signer, error) {
s := make([]transaction.Signer, 0, 3)
// first we have proxy contract signature, as it will pay for the execution
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: c.notary.proxy,
Scopes: transaction.None,
// then we have inner ring multiaddress signature
m, _ := mn(ir, committee)
multisigScript, err := sc.CreateMultiSigRedeemScript(m, ir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't create ir multisig redeem script")
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: hash.Hash160(multisigScript),
Scopes: transaction.Global,
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract signature
s = append(s, transaction.Signer{
Account: c.notary.notary,
Scopes: transaction.None,
return s, nil
func (c *Client) notaryAccounts(multiaddr *wallet.Account) []*wallet.Account {
if multiaddr == nil {
return nil
a := make([]*wallet.Account, 0, 3)
// first we have proxy account, as it will pay for the execution
a = append(a, &wallet.Account{
Contract: &wallet.Contract{
Deployed: true,
// then we have inner ring multiaddress account
a = append(a, multiaddr)
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract account
a = append(a, &wallet.Account{
Contract: &wallet.Contract{},
return a
func (c *Client) notaryWitnesses(multiaddr *wallet.Account, tx *transaction.Transaction) []transaction.Witness {
if multiaddr == nil || tx == nil {
return nil
w := make([]transaction.Witness, 0, 3)
// first we have empty proxy witness, because notary will execute `Verify`
// method on the proxy contract to check witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: []byte{},
VerificationScript: []byte{},
// then we have inner ring multiaddress witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: append(
[]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 64},
multiaddr.PrivateKey().SignHashable(uint32(c.client.GetNetwork()), tx)...,
VerificationScript: multiaddr.GetVerificationScript(),
// last one is a placeholder for notary contract witness
w = append(w, transaction.Witness{
InvocationScript: append(
[]byte{byte(opcode.PUSHDATA1), 64},
make([]byte, 64)...,
VerificationScript: []byte{},
return w
func (c *Client) notaryMultisigAccount(ir []*keys.PublicKey, committee bool) (*wallet.Account, error) {
m, _ := mn(ir, committee)
multisigAccount := wallet.NewAccountFromPrivateKey(c.acc.PrivateKey())
err := multisigAccount.ConvertMultisig(m, ir)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "can't make inner ring multisig wallet")
return multisigAccount, nil
func (c *Client) notaryTxValidationLimit() (uint32, error) {
bc, err := c.client.GetBlockCount()
if err != nil {
return 0, errors.Wrap(err, "can't get current blockchain height")
min := bc + c.notary.txValidTime
rounded := (min/c.notary.roundTime + 1) * c.notary.roundTime
return rounded, nil
func invocationParams(args ...interface{}) ([]sc.Parameter, error) {
params := make([]sc.Parameter, 0, len(args))
for i := range args {
param, err := toStackParameter(args[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
params = append(params, param)
return params, nil
// mn returns M and N multi signature numbers. For NeoFS N is a length of
// inner ring list, and M is a 2/3+1 of it (like in dBFT). If committee is
// true, returns M as N/2+1.
func mn(ir []*keys.PublicKey, committee bool) (m int, n int) {
n = len(ir)
if committee {
m = n/2 + 1
} else {
m = n*2/3 + 1
// WithTxValidTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies minimum amount of blocks when mainTx will be valid.
func WithTxValidTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.txValidTime = t
// WithRoundTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies extra blocks to synchronize side chain
// height diff of inner ring nodes.
func WithRoundTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.roundTime = t
// WithFallbackTime returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies amount of blocks before fallbackTx will be sent.
// Should be less than TxValidTime.
func WithFallbackTime(t uint32) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.fallbackTime = t
// WithAlphabetSource returns a notary support option for client
// that specifies function to return list of alphabet node keys.
// By default notary subsystem uses committee as a source. This is
// valid for side chain but notary in main chain should override it.
func WithAlphabetSource(t AlphabetKeys) NotaryOption {
return func(c *notaryCfg) {
c.alphabetSource = t
const alreadyOnChainErrorMessage = "already on chain"
// Neo RPC node can return `core.ErrInvalidAttribute` error with
// `conflicting transaction <> is already on chain` message. This
// error is expected and ignored. As soon as main tx persisted on
// chain everything is fine. This happens because notary contract
// requires 5 out of 7 signatures to send main tx, thus last two
// notary requests may be processed after main tx appeared on chain.
func alreadyOnChainError(err error) bool {
return strings.Contains(err.Error(), alreadyOnChainErrorMessage)