# Changelog This document outlines major changes between releases. ## [Unreleased] ### Added - Stop pool dial on SIGINT (#76) ### Changed - Configuration parameters (#66, #71) ### Updating from v0.5.0 Now all pool config parameters moved to `pool` section. So you need to change: * `peers` -> `pool.peers` (`REST_GW_PEERS` -> `REST_GW_POOL_PEERS`) * `node-dial-timeout` -> `pool.node-dial-timeout` (`REST_GW_NODE_DIAL_TIMEOUT` -> `REST_GW_POOL_NODE_DIAL_TIMEOUT`) * `healthcheck-timeout` -> `pool.healthcheck-timeout` (`REST_GW_HEALTHCHECK_TIMEOUT` -> `REST_GW_POOL_HEALTHCHECK_TIMEOUT`) * `rebalance-timer` -> `pool.rebalance-timer` (`REST_GW_REBALANCE_TIMER` -> `REST_GW_POOL_REBALANCE_TIMER`) * `pool-error-threshold` -> `pool.error-threshold` Besides all other parameters that doesn't belong any section, now in `server` section: * `listen-address` -> `server.listen-address` The same should be done for the following parameters as well: ``` scheme, cleanup-timeout, graceful-timeout, max-header-size, listen-limit, keep-alive, read-timeout, write-timeout, tls-listen-address, tls-certificate, tls-key, tls-ca, tls-listen-limit, tls-keep-alive, tls-read-timeout, tls-write-timeout ``` Environment variables should be changed appropriately. ## Older versions This project is a fork of [NeoFS REST Gateway](https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-rest-gw) from version v0.5.0. To see CHANGELOG for older versions, refer to https://github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-rest-gw/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md. [Unreleased]: https://git.frostfs.info/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw/compare/3a1a17b8...master