#!/usr/bin/make -f REPO ?= "$(shell go list -m)" VERSION ?= "$(shell git describe --tags 2>/dev/null || cat VERSION 2>/dev/null || echo "develop")" HUB_IMAGE ?= nspccdev/neofs-rest-gw HUB_TAG ?= "$(shell echo ${VERSION} | sed 's/^v//')" DOCKER_LIST_VERSION ?= v1.42 SWAGGER_VERSION ?= v0.29.0 SWAGGER_ARCH ?= linux_amd64 SWAGGER_URL = "$(shell curl -s https://api.github.com/repos/go-swagger/go-swagger/releases/tags/$(SWAGGER_VERSION) | \ jq -r '.assets[] | select(.name | contains("swagger_$(SWAGGER_ARCH)")) | .browser_download_url')" # List of binaries to build. For now just one. BINDIR = bin DIRS = "$(BINDIR)" BINS = "$(BINDIR)/neofs-rest-gw" .PHONY: help all dep clean format test cover lint docker/lint # Make all binaries all: generate-server $(BINS) $(BINS): $(DIRS) dep @echo "⇒ Build $@" CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go build -v -trimpath \ -ldflags "-X cmd/neofs-rest-gw/main.Version=$(VERSION)" \ -o $@ ./cmd/neofs-rest-gw $(DIRS): @echo "⇒ Ensure dir: $@" @mkdir -p $@ # Pull go dependencies dep: @printf "⇒ Download requirements: " @CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go mod download && echo OK @printf "⇒ Tidy requirements: " @CGO_ENABLED=0 \ GO111MODULE=on \ go mod tidy -v && echo OK # Install swagger swagger: ifeq (,$(wildcard ./bin/swagger)) curl --create-dirs -o ./bin/swagger -L'#' $(SWAGGER_URL) chmod +x ./bin/swagger # curl --create-dirs -o ./bin/swagger $(SWAGGER_URL) # chmod +x ./bin/swagger endif # Generate server by swagger spec generate-server: swagger ./bin/swagger generate server -t gen -f ./spec/rest.yaml --exclude-main \ -A neofs-rest-gw -P models.Principal \ -C templates/server-config.yaml --template-dir templates # Run tests test: @go test ./... -cover # Run tests with race detection and produce coverage output cover: @go test -v -race ./... -coverprofile=coverage.txt -covermode=atomic @go tool cover -html=coverage.txt -o coverage.html # Reformat code format: @echo "⇒ Processing gofmt check" @gofmt -s -w ./ @echo "⇒ Processing goimports check" @goimports -w ./ # Build clean Docker image image: @echo "⇒ Build NeoFS REST Gateway docker image " @docker build \ --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile \ -t $(HUB_IMAGE):$(HUB_TAG) . # Push Docker image to the hub image-push: @echo "⇒ Publish image" @docker push $(HUB_IMAGE):$(HUB_TAG) # Build dirty Docker image image-dirty: @echo "⇒ Build NeoFS REST Gateway dirty docker image " @docker build \ --build-arg REPO=$(REPO) \ --build-arg VERSION=$(VERSION) \ --rm \ -f Dockerfile.dirty \ -t $(HUB_IMAGE)-dirty:$(HUB_TAG) . # Run linters lint: @golangci-lint --timeout=5m run # Run linters in Docker docker-lint: docker run --rm -it \ -v `pwd`:/src \ -u `stat -c "%u:%g" .` \ --env HOME=/src \ golangci/golangci-lint:$(DOCKER_LINT_VERSION) bash -c 'cd /src/ && make lint' # Print version version: @echo $(VERSION) # Show this help prompt help: @echo ' Usage:' @echo '' @echo ' make ' @echo '' @echo ' Targets:' @echo '' @awk '/^#/{ comment = substr($$0,3) } comment && /^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]+ ?:/{ print " ", $$1, comment }' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | column -t -s ':' | grep -v 'IGNORE' | sort -u # Clean up clean: rm -rf vendor rm -rf $(BINDIR)