452 lines
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452 lines
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// Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
package operations
// This file was generated by the swagger tool.
// Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
import (
// NewNeofsRestGwAPI creates a new NeofsRestGw instance
func NewNeofsRestGwAPI(spec *loads.Document) *NeofsRestGwAPI {
return &NeofsRestGwAPI{
handlers: make(map[string]map[string]http.Handler),
formats: strfmt.Default,
defaultConsumes: "application/json",
defaultProduces: "application/json",
customConsumers: make(map[string]runtime.Consumer),
customProducers: make(map[string]runtime.Producer),
PreServerShutdown: func() {},
ServerShutdown: func() {},
spec: spec,
useSwaggerUI: false,
ServeError: errors.ServeError,
BasicAuthenticator: security.BasicAuth,
APIKeyAuthenticator: security.APIKeyAuth,
BearerAuthenticator: security.BearerAuth,
JSONConsumer: runtime.JSONConsumer(),
JSONProducer: runtime.JSONProducer(),
AuthHandler: AuthHandlerFunc(func(params AuthParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation Auth has not yet been implemented")
DeleteContainerHandler: DeleteContainerHandlerFunc(func(params DeleteContainerParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation DeleteContainer has not yet been implemented")
DeleteObjectHandler: DeleteObjectHandlerFunc(func(params DeleteObjectParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation DeleteObject has not yet been implemented")
GetContainerHandler: GetContainerHandlerFunc(func(params GetContainerParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation GetContainer has not yet been implemented")
GetContainerEACLHandler: GetContainerEACLHandlerFunc(func(params GetContainerEACLParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation GetContainerEACL has not yet been implemented")
GetObjectInfoHandler: GetObjectInfoHandlerFunc(func(params GetObjectInfoParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation GetObjectInfo has not yet been implemented")
ListContainersHandler: ListContainersHandlerFunc(func(params ListContainersParams) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation ListContainers has not yet been implemented")
PutContainerHandler: PutContainerHandlerFunc(func(params PutContainerParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation PutContainer has not yet been implemented")
PutContainerEACLHandler: PutContainerEACLHandlerFunc(func(params PutContainerEACLParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation PutContainerEACL has not yet been implemented")
PutObjectHandler: PutObjectHandlerFunc(func(params PutObjectParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation PutObject has not yet been implemented")
SearchObjectsHandler: SearchObjectsHandlerFunc(func(params SearchObjectsParams, principal *models.Principal) middleware.Responder {
return middleware.NotImplemented("operation SearchObjects has not yet been implemented")
// Applies when the "Authorization" header is set
BearerAuthAuth: func(token string) (*models.Principal, error) {
return nil, errors.NotImplemented("api key auth (BearerAuth) Authorization from header param [Authorization] has not yet been implemented")
// default authorizer is authorized meaning no requests are blocked
APIAuthorizer: security.Authorized(),
/*NeofsRestGwAPI REST API NeoFS */
type NeofsRestGwAPI struct {
spec *loads.Document
context *middleware.Context
handlers map[string]map[string]http.Handler
formats strfmt.Registry
customConsumers map[string]runtime.Consumer
customProducers map[string]runtime.Producer
defaultConsumes string
defaultProduces string
Middleware func(middleware.Builder) http.Handler
useSwaggerUI bool
// BasicAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied basic auth function.
// It has a default implementation in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
BasicAuthenticator func(security.UserPassAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// APIKeyAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied token auth function.
// It has a default implementation in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
APIKeyAuthenticator func(string, string, security.TokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// BearerAuthenticator generates a runtime.Authenticator from the supplied bearer token auth function.
// It has a default implementation in the security package, however you can replace it for your particular usage.
BearerAuthenticator func(string, security.ScopedTokenAuthentication) runtime.Authenticator
// JSONConsumer registers a consumer for the following mime types:
// - application/json
JSONConsumer runtime.Consumer
// JSONProducer registers a producer for the following mime types:
// - application/json
JSONProducer runtime.Producer
// BearerAuthAuth registers a function that takes a token and returns a principal
// it performs authentication based on an api key Authorization provided in the header
BearerAuthAuth func(string) (*models.Principal, error)
// APIAuthorizer provides access control (ACL/RBAC/ABAC) by providing access to the request and authenticated principal
APIAuthorizer runtime.Authorizer
// AuthHandler sets the operation handler for the auth operation
AuthHandler AuthHandler
// DeleteContainerHandler sets the operation handler for the delete container operation
DeleteContainerHandler DeleteContainerHandler
// DeleteObjectHandler sets the operation handler for the delete object operation
DeleteObjectHandler DeleteObjectHandler
// GetContainerHandler sets the operation handler for the get container operation
GetContainerHandler GetContainerHandler
// GetContainerEACLHandler sets the operation handler for the get container e ACL operation
GetContainerEACLHandler GetContainerEACLHandler
// GetObjectInfoHandler sets the operation handler for the get object info operation
GetObjectInfoHandler GetObjectInfoHandler
// ListContainersHandler sets the operation handler for the list containers operation
ListContainersHandler ListContainersHandler
// PutContainerHandler sets the operation handler for the put container operation
PutContainerHandler PutContainerHandler
// PutContainerEACLHandler sets the operation handler for the put container e ACL operation
PutContainerEACLHandler PutContainerEACLHandler
// PutObjectHandler sets the operation handler for the put object operation
PutObjectHandler PutObjectHandler
// SearchObjectsHandler sets the operation handler for the search objects operation
SearchObjectsHandler SearchObjectsHandler
// ServeError is called when an error is received, there is a default handler
// but you can set your own with this
ServeError func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error)
// PreServerShutdown is called before the HTTP(S) server is shutdown
// This allows for custom functions to get executed before the HTTP(S) server stops accepting traffic
PreServerShutdown func()
// ServerShutdown is called when the HTTP(S) server is shut down and done
// handling all active connections and does not accept connections any more
ServerShutdown func()
// Custom command line argument groups with their descriptions
CommandLineOptionsGroups []swag.CommandLineOptionsGroup
// User defined logger function.
Logger func(string, ...interface{})
// UseRedoc for documentation at /docs
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) UseRedoc() {
o.useSwaggerUI = false
// UseSwaggerUI for documentation at /docs
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) UseSwaggerUI() {
o.useSwaggerUI = true
// SetDefaultProduces sets the default produces media type
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) SetDefaultProduces(mediaType string) {
o.defaultProduces = mediaType
// SetDefaultConsumes returns the default consumes media type
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) SetDefaultConsumes(mediaType string) {
o.defaultConsumes = mediaType
// SetSpec sets a spec that will be served for the clients.
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) SetSpec(spec *loads.Document) {
o.spec = spec
// DefaultProduces returns the default produces media type
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) DefaultProduces() string {
return o.defaultProduces
// DefaultConsumes returns the default consumes media type
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) DefaultConsumes() string {
return o.defaultConsumes
// Formats returns the registered string formats
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Formats() strfmt.Registry {
return o.formats
// RegisterFormat registers a custom format validator
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) RegisterFormat(name string, format strfmt.Format, validator strfmt.Validator) {
o.formats.Add(name, format, validator)
// Validate validates the registrations in the NeofsRestGwAPI
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Validate() error {
var unregistered []string
if o.JSONConsumer == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "JSONConsumer")
if o.JSONProducer == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "JSONProducer")
if o.BearerAuthAuth == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "AuthorizationAuth")
if o.AuthHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "AuthHandler")
if o.DeleteContainerHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "DeleteContainerHandler")
if o.DeleteObjectHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "DeleteObjectHandler")
if o.GetContainerHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "GetContainerHandler")
if o.GetContainerEACLHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "GetContainerEACLHandler")
if o.GetObjectInfoHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "GetObjectInfoHandler")
if o.ListContainersHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "ListContainersHandler")
if o.PutContainerHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "PutContainerHandler")
if o.PutContainerEACLHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "PutContainerEACLHandler")
if o.PutObjectHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "PutObjectHandler")
if o.SearchObjectsHandler == nil {
unregistered = append(unregistered, "SearchObjectsHandler")
if len(unregistered) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("missing registration: %s", strings.Join(unregistered, ", "))
return nil
// ServeErrorFor gets a error handler for a given operation id
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) ServeErrorFor(operationID string) func(http.ResponseWriter, *http.Request, error) {
return o.ServeError
// AuthenticatorsFor gets the authenticators for the specified security schemes
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) AuthenticatorsFor(schemes map[string]spec.SecurityScheme) map[string]runtime.Authenticator {
result := make(map[string]runtime.Authenticator)
for name := range schemes {
switch name {
case "BearerAuth":
scheme := schemes[name]
result[name] = o.APIKeyAuthenticator(scheme.Name, scheme.In, func(token string) (interface{}, error) {
return o.BearerAuthAuth(token)
return result
// Authorizer returns the registered authorizer
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Authorizer() runtime.Authorizer {
return o.APIAuthorizer
// ConsumersFor gets the consumers for the specified media types.
// MIME type parameters are ignored here.
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) ConsumersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Consumer {
result := make(map[string]runtime.Consumer, len(mediaTypes))
for _, mt := range mediaTypes {
switch mt {
case "application/json":
result["application/json"] = o.JSONConsumer
if c, ok := o.customConsumers[mt]; ok {
result[mt] = c
return result
// ProducersFor gets the producers for the specified media types.
// MIME type parameters are ignored here.
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) ProducersFor(mediaTypes []string) map[string]runtime.Producer {
result := make(map[string]runtime.Producer, len(mediaTypes))
for _, mt := range mediaTypes {
switch mt {
case "application/json":
result["application/json"] = o.JSONProducer
if p, ok := o.customProducers[mt]; ok {
result[mt] = p
return result
// HandlerFor gets a http.Handler for the provided operation method and path
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) HandlerFor(method, path string) (http.Handler, bool) {
if o.handlers == nil {
return nil, false
um := strings.ToUpper(method)
if _, ok := o.handlers[um]; !ok {
return nil, false
if path == "/" {
path = ""
h, ok := o.handlers[um][path]
return h, ok
// Context returns the middleware context for the neofs rest gw API
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Context() *middleware.Context {
if o.context == nil {
o.context = middleware.NewRoutableContext(o.spec, o, nil)
return o.context
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) initHandlerCache() {
o.Context() // don't care about the result, just that the initialization happened
if o.handlers == nil {
o.handlers = make(map[string]map[string]http.Handler)
if o.handlers["POST"] == nil {
o.handlers["POST"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["POST"]["/auth"] = NewAuth(o.context, o.AuthHandler)
if o.handlers["DELETE"] == nil {
o.handlers["DELETE"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["DELETE"]["/containers/{containerId}"] = NewDeleteContainer(o.context, o.DeleteContainerHandler)
if o.handlers["DELETE"] == nil {
o.handlers["DELETE"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["DELETE"]["/objects/{containerId}/{objectId}"] = NewDeleteObject(o.context, o.DeleteObjectHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/containers/{containerId}"] = NewGetContainer(o.context, o.GetContainerHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/containers/{containerId}/eacl"] = NewGetContainerEACL(o.context, o.GetContainerEACLHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/objects/{containerId}/{objectId}"] = NewGetObjectInfo(o.context, o.GetObjectInfoHandler)
if o.handlers["GET"] == nil {
o.handlers["GET"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["GET"]["/containers"] = NewListContainers(o.context, o.ListContainersHandler)
if o.handlers["PUT"] == nil {
o.handlers["PUT"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["PUT"]["/containers"] = NewPutContainer(o.context, o.PutContainerHandler)
if o.handlers["PUT"] == nil {
o.handlers["PUT"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["PUT"]["/containers/{containerId}/eacl"] = NewPutContainerEACL(o.context, o.PutContainerEACLHandler)
if o.handlers["PUT"] == nil {
o.handlers["PUT"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["PUT"]["/objects"] = NewPutObject(o.context, o.PutObjectHandler)
if o.handlers["POST"] == nil {
o.handlers["POST"] = make(map[string]http.Handler)
o.handlers["POST"]["/objects/{containerId}/search"] = NewSearchObjects(o.context, o.SearchObjectsHandler)
// Serve creates a http handler to serve the API over HTTP
// can be used directly in http.ListenAndServe(":8000", api.Serve(nil))
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Serve(builder middleware.Builder) http.Handler {
if o.Middleware != nil {
return o.Middleware(builder)
if o.useSwaggerUI {
return o.context.APIHandlerSwaggerUI(builder)
return o.context.APIHandler(builder)
// Init allows you to just initialize the handler cache, you can then recompose the middleware as you see fit
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) Init() {
if len(o.handlers) == 0 {
// RegisterConsumer allows you to add (or override) a consumer for a media type.
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) RegisterConsumer(mediaType string, consumer runtime.Consumer) {
o.customConsumers[mediaType] = consumer
// RegisterProducer allows you to add (or override) a producer for a media type.
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) RegisterProducer(mediaType string, producer runtime.Producer) {
o.customProducers[mediaType] = producer
// AddMiddlewareFor adds a http middleware to existing handler
func (o *NeofsRestGwAPI) AddMiddlewareFor(method, path string, builder middleware.Builder) {
um := strings.ToUpper(method)
if path == "/" {
path = ""
if h, ok := o.handlers[um][path]; ok {
o.handlers[method][path] = builder(h)