[#562] Add tests for form encryption params
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Signed-off-by: Roman Loginov <r.loginov@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
Roman Loginov 2024-12-04 13:45:52 +03:00
parent a5614278a7
commit dea857cda8

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@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -634,6 +635,186 @@ func TestPutObjectWithContentLanguage(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, expectedContentLanguage, w.Header().Get(api.ContentLanguage))
func TestFormEncryptionParamsBase(t *testing.T) {
hc := prepareHandlerContext(t)
userSecret := "test1customer2secret3with32char4"
expectedEncKey := []byte(userSecret)
emptyEncKey := []byte(nil)
validAlgo := "AES256"
validKey := "dGVzdDFjdXN0b21lcjJzZWNyZXQzd2l0aDMyY2hhcjQ="
validMD5 := "zcQmPqFhtJaxkOIg5tXm9g=="
invalidAlgo := "TTT111"
invalidKeyBase64 := "dGVzdDFjdXN0b21lcjJzZWNyZXQzd2l0aDMyY2hhcjQ"
invalidKeySize := "dGVzdDFjdXN0b21lcjJzZWNyZXQzd2l0aA=="
invalidMD5Base64 := "zcQmPqFhtJaxkOIg5tXm9g"
invalidMD5 := "zcQmPqPhtJaxkOIg5tXm9g=="
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
algo string
key string
md5 string
tlsTermination string
reqWithoutTLS bool
reqWithoutSSE bool
isCopySource bool
err error
name: "valid requst copy source",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
isCopySource: true,
name: "valid request with TLS",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
name: "valid request without TLS and valid termination header",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
tlsTermination: "true",
reqWithoutTLS: true,
name: "request without tls and termination header",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
reqWithoutTLS: true,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest),
name: "request without tls and invalid header",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
tlsTermination: "invalid",
reqWithoutTLS: true,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInsecureSSECustomerRequest),
name: "missing SSE customer algorithm",
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrMissingSSECustomerAlgorithm),
name: "missing SSE customer key",
algo: validAlgo,
md5: validMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrMissingSSECustomerKey),
name: "invalid encryption algorithm",
algo: invalidAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: validMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInvalidEncryptionAlgorithm),
name: "invalid base64 SSE customer key",
algo: validAlgo,
key: invalidKeyBase64,
md5: validMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey),
name: "invalid base64 SSE customer parameters",
algo: validAlgo,
key: invalidKeyBase64,
md5: validMD5,
isCopySource: true,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters),
name: "invalid size of custom key",
algo: validAlgo,
key: invalidKeySize,
md5: validMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInvalidSSECustomerKey),
name: "invalid size of custom key - copy source",
algo: validAlgo,
key: invalidKeySize,
md5: validMD5,
isCopySource: true,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrInvalidSSECustomerParameters),
name: "invalid base64 key md5 of customer",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: invalidMD5Base64,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch),
name: "invalid md5 sum key of customer",
algo: validAlgo,
key: validKey,
md5: invalidMD5,
err: apierr.GetAPIError(apierr.ErrSSECustomerKeyMD5Mismatch),
name: "request without sse",
reqWithoutSSE: true,
} {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := prepareRequestForEnctyption(tc.algo, tc.key, tc.md5, tc.tlsTermination, tc.reqWithoutTLS, tc.reqWithoutSSE, tc.isCopySource)
enc, err := hc.h.formEncryptionParamsBase(r, tc.isCopySource)
if tc.err != nil {
require.ErrorIs(t, tc.err, err)
require.NoError(t, err)
if tc.reqWithoutSSE {
require.Equal(t, emptyEncKey, enc.Key())
} else {
require.Equal(t, expectedEncKey, enc.Key())
func prepareRequestForEnctyption(algo, key, md5, tlsTermination string, reqWithoutTLS, reqWithoutSSE, isCopySource bool) *http.Request {
r := httptest.NewRequest(http.MethodPost, "/", nil)
if !reqWithoutTLS {
r.TLS = &tls.ConnectionState{}
if !reqWithoutSSE {
if isCopySource {
r.Header.Set(api.AmzCopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, algo)
r.Header.Set(api.AmzCopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerKey, key)
r.Header.Set(api.AmzCopySourceServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5, md5)
} else {
r.Header.Set(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerAlgorithm, algo)
r.Header.Set(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKey, key)
r.Header.Set(api.AmzServerSideEncryptionCustomerKeyMD5, md5)
if tlsTermination != "" {
r.Header.Set("X-Frostfs-TLS-Termination", tlsTermination)
return r
func postObjectBase(hc *handlerContext, ns, bktName, key, filename, content string) *httptest.ResponseRecorder {
policy := "eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjogIjIwMjUtMTItMDFUMTI6MDA6MDAuMDAwWiIsImNvbmRpdGlvbnMiOiBbCiBbInN0YXJ0cy13aXRoIiwgIiR4LWFtei1jcmVkZW50aWFsIiwgIiJdLAogWyJzdGFydHMtd2l0aCIsICIkeC1hbXotZGF0ZSIsICIiXSwKIFsic3RhcnRzLXdpdGgiLCAiJGtleSIsICIiXQpdfQ=="