Some checks failed
/ DCO (pull_request) Successful in 32s
/ Vulncheck (pull_request) Successful in 1m12s
/ Builds (pull_request) Successful in 58s
/ OCI image (pull_request) Successful in 2m4s
/ Lint (pull_request) Successful in 2m23s
/ Tests (pull_request) Successful in 1m13s
/ Vulncheck (push) Successful in 42s
/ Builds (push) Successful in 1m12s
/ Lint (push) Successful in 2m25s
/ Tests (push) Successful in 1m7s
/ OCI image (push) Failing after 11m37s
Signed-off-by: Alex Vanin <>
181 lines
6.3 KiB
181 lines
6.3 KiB
package middleware
import (
cid ""
type (
readCounter struct {
countBytes uint64
writeCounter struct {
countBytes uint64
responseWrapper struct {
statusCode int
startTime time.Time
MetricsSettings interface {
ResolveNamespaceAlias(namespace string) string
// ContainerIDResolveFunc is a func to resolve container id by name.
ContainerIDResolveFunc func(ctx context.Context, bucket string) (cid.ID, error)
// cidResolveFunc is a func to resolve CID in Stats handler.
cidResolveFunc func(ctx context.Context, reqInfo *ReqInfo) (cnrID string)
const systemPath = "/system"
// Metrics wraps http handler for api with basic statistics collection.
func Metrics(log *zap.Logger, resolveBucket ContainerIDResolveFunc, appMetrics *metrics.AppMetrics, settings MetricsSettings) Func {
return func(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return stats(h.ServeHTTP, resolveCID(log, resolveBucket), appMetrics, settings)
// Stats is a handler that update metrics.
func stats(f http.HandlerFunc, resolveCID cidResolveFunc, appMetrics *metrics.AppMetrics, settings MetricsSettings) http.HandlerFunc {
return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
reqInfo := GetReqInfo(r.Context())
defer appMetrics.Statistic().CurrentS3RequestsDec(reqInfo.API)
in := &readCounter{ReadCloser: r.Body}
out := &writeCounter{ResponseWriter: w}
r.Body = in
statsWriter := &responseWrapper{
ResponseWriter: out,
startTime: time.Now(),
f(statsWriter, r)
// Time duration in secs since the call started.
// We don't need to do nanosecond precision here
// simply for the fact that it is not human-readable.
durationSecs := time.Since(statsWriter.startTime).Seconds()
cnrID := resolveCID(r.Context(), reqInfo)
appMetrics.UsersAPIStats().Update(reqInfo.User, reqInfo.BucketName, cnrID, settings.ResolveNamespaceAlias(reqInfo.Namespace),
requestTypeFromAPI(reqInfo.API), in.countBytes, out.countBytes)
code := statsWriter.statusCode
// A successful request has a 2xx response code
successReq := code >= http.StatusOK && code < http.StatusMultipleChoices
if !strings.HasSuffix(r.URL.Path, systemPath) {
if !successReq && code != 0 {
// Increment the prometheus http request response histogram with appropriate label
appMetrics.Statistic().RequestDurationsUpdate(reqInfo.API, durationSecs)
func requestTypeFromAPI(api string) metrics.RequestType {
switch api {
case OptionsBucketOperation, OptionsObjectOperation, HeadObjectOperation, HeadBucketOperation:
return metrics.HEADRequest
case CreateMultipartUploadOperation, UploadPartCopyOperation, UploadPartOperation, CompleteMultipartUploadOperation,
PutObjectACLOperation, PutObjectTaggingOperation, CopyObjectOperation, PutObjectRetentionOperation, PutObjectLegalHoldOperation,
PutObjectOperation, PutBucketCorsOperation, PutBucketACLOperation, PutBucketLifecycleOperation, PutBucketEncryptionOperation,
PutBucketPolicyOperation, PutBucketObjectLockConfigOperation, PutBucketTaggingOperation, PutBucketVersioningOperation,
PutBucketNotificationOperation, CreateBucketOperation, PostObjectOperation:
return metrics.PUTRequest
case ListPartsOperation, ListMultipartUploadsOperation, ListObjectsV2MOperation, ListObjectsV2Operation,
ListObjectsV1Operation, ListBucketsOperation:
return metrics.LISTRequest
case GetObjectACLOperation, GetObjectTaggingOperation, SelectObjectContentOperation, GetObjectRetentionOperation, GetObjectLegalHoldOperation,
GetObjectAttributesOperation, GetObjectOperation, GetBucketLocationOperation, GetBucketPolicyOperation,
GetBucketLifecycleOperation, GetBucketEncryptionOperation, GetBucketCorsOperation, GetBucketACLOperation,
GetBucketWebsiteOperation, GetBucketAccelerateOperation, GetBucketRequestPaymentOperation, GetBucketLoggingOperation,
GetBucketReplicationOperation, GetBucketTaggingOperation, GetBucketObjectLockConfigOperation,
GetBucketVersioningOperation, GetBucketNotificationOperation, ListenBucketNotificationOperation:
return metrics.GETRequest
case AbortMultipartUploadOperation, DeleteObjectTaggingOperation, DeleteObjectOperation, DeleteBucketCorsOperation,
DeleteBucketWebsiteOperation, DeleteBucketTaggingOperation, DeleteMultipleObjectsOperation, DeleteBucketPolicyOperation,
DeleteBucketLifecycleOperation, DeleteBucketEncryptionOperation, DeleteBucketOperation:
return metrics.DELETERequest
return metrics.UNKNOWNRequest
// resolveCID forms CIDResolveFunc using BucketResolveFunc.
func resolveCID(log *zap.Logger, resolveContainerID ContainerIDResolveFunc) cidResolveFunc {
return func(ctx context.Context, reqInfo *ReqInfo) (cnrID string) {
if reqInfo.BucketName == "" || reqInfo.API == CreateBucketOperation || reqInfo.API == "" {
return ""
containerID, err := resolveContainerID(ctx, reqInfo.BucketName)
if err != nil {
reqLogOrDefault(ctx, log).Debug(logs.FailedToResolveCID, zap.Error(err), logs.TagField(logs.TagDatapath))
return ""
return containerID.EncodeToString()
// WriteHeader -- writes http status code.
func (w *responseWrapper) WriteHeader(code int) {
w.Do(func() {
w.statusCode = code
// Flush -- calls the underlying Flush.
func (w *responseWrapper) Flush() {
if f, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher); ok {
func (w *writeCounter) Flush() {
if f, ok := w.ResponseWriter.(http.Flusher); ok {
func (w *writeCounter) Write(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := w.ResponseWriter.Write(p)
atomic.AddUint64(&w.countBytes, uint64(n))
return n, err
func (r *readCounter) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.ReadCloser.Read(p)
atomic.AddUint64(&r.countBytes, uint64(n))
return n, err