Denis Kirillov 6509639540
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[#283] control: Changed type of chainID to bytes
Signed-off-by: Denis Kirillov <>
2023-12-21 18:07:17 +03:00

180 lines
3.2 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package s3gw.control;
option go_package = "";
// `ControlService` provides an interface for internal work with the storage node.
service ControlService {
// Performs health check of the storage node.
rpc HealthCheck (HealthCheckRequest) returns (HealthCheckResponse);
rpc PutPolicies (PutPoliciesRequest) returns (PutPoliciesResponse);
rpc RemovePolicies (RemovePoliciesRequest) returns (RemovePoliciesResponse);
rpc GetPolicy (GetPolicyRequest) returns (GetPolicyResponse);
rpc ListPolicies (ListPoliciesRequest) returns (ListPoliciesResponse);
// Signature of some message.
message Signature {
// Public key used for signing.
bytes key = 1 [json_name = "key"];
// Binary signature.
bytes sign = 2 [json_name = "signature"];
// Health check request.
message HealthCheckRequest {
message Body {
// Body of health check request message.
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;
// Health check response.
message HealthCheckResponse {
// Health check response body
message Body {
// Health status of storage node application.
HealthStatus health_status = 1;
// Body of health check response message.
Body body = 1;
Signature signature = 2;
// Health status of the storage node application.
enum HealthStatus {
// Undefined status, default value.
// Storage node application is starting.
// Storage node application is started and serves all services.
READY = 2;
// Storage node application is shutting down.
// Put policies request.
message PutPoliciesRequest {
message ChainData {
// Namespace.
string namespace = 1;
// Chain rules.
bytes chain = 2;
message Body {
repeated ChainData chainDatas = 1;
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;
// Put policies response.
message PutPoliciesResponse {
message Body {
Body body = 1;
Signature signature = 2;
// Remove policies request.
message RemovePoliciesRequest {
message ChainInfo {
// Namespace.
string namespace = 1;
// Chain id to remove.
bytes chainID = 2;
message Body {
repeated ChainInfo chainInfos = 1;
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;
// Remove policies response.
message RemovePoliciesResponse {
message Body {
Body body = 1;
Signature signature = 2;
// Get policy request.
message GetPolicyRequest {
message Body {
// Namespace.
string namespace = 1;
// Chain id to remove.
bytes chainID = 2;
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;
// Get policy response.
message GetPolicyResponse {
message Body {
// Chain rules.
bytes chain = 1;
Body body = 1;
Signature signature = 2;
// List policies request.
message ListPoliciesRequest {
message Body {
// Namespace.
string namespace = 1;
Body body = 1;
// Body signature.
Signature signature = 2;
// List policies response.
message ListPoliciesResponse {
message Body {
// Chain ids.
repeated bytes chainIDs = 1;
Body body = 1;
Signature signature = 2;