294 lines
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294 lines
5.8 KiB
package main
import (
type (
App struct {
cli pool.Pool
ctr *auth.Center
log *zap.Logger
cfg *viper.Viper
tls *tlsConfig
obj layer.Client
api api.Handler
conTimeout time.Duration
reqTimeout time.Duration
reBalance time.Duration
maxClients api.MaxClients
webDone chan struct{}
wrkDone chan struct{}
tlsConfig struct {
KeyFile string
CertFile string
func newApp(ctx context.Context, l *zap.Logger, v *viper.Viper) *App {
var (
err error
cli pool.Pool
tls *tlsConfig
caller api.Handler
ctr *auth.Center
obj layer.Client
gaKey *hcs.X25519Keys
nfKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
reBalance = defaultRebalanceTimer
conTimeout = defaultConnectTimeout
reqTimeout = defaultRequestTimeout
maxClientsCount = defaultMaxClientsCount
maxClientsDeadline = defaultMaxClientsDeadline
if v := v.GetDuration(cfgConnectTimeout); v > 0 {
conTimeout = v
if v := v.GetDuration(cfgRequestTimeout); v > 0 {
reqTimeout = v
if v := v.GetInt(cfgMaxClientsCount); v > 0 {
maxClientsCount = v
if v := v.GetDuration(cfgMaxClientsDeadline); v > 0 {
maxClientsDeadline = v
if v := v.GetDuration(cfgRebalanceTimer); v > 0 {
reBalance = v
if nfKey, err = fetchNeoFSKey(v); err != nil {
l.Fatal("could not load NeoFS private key")
if gaKey, err = fetchGateAuthKeys(v); err != nil {
l.Fatal("could not load gate auth key")
if v.IsSet(cfgTLSKeyFile) && v.IsSet(cfgTLSCertFile) {
tls = &tlsConfig{
KeyFile: v.GetString(cfgTLSKeyFile),
CertFile: v.GetString(cfgTLSCertFile),
peers := fetchPeers(l, v)
poolConfig := &pool.Config{
ConnectTimeout: conTimeout,
RequestTimeout: reqTimeout,
ConnectionTTL: v.GetDuration(cfgConnectionTTL),
Peers: peers,
Logger: l,
PrivateKey: nfKey,
GRPCLogger: gRPCLogger(l),
GRPCVerbose: v.GetBool(cfgGRPCVerbose),
ClientParameters: keepalive.ClientParameters{},
if cli, err = pool.New(poolConfig); err != nil {
l.Fatal("could not prepare pool connections", zap.Error(err))
{ // prepare auth center
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, conTimeout)
defer cancel()
params := &authCenterParams{
Logger: l,
Pool: cli,
Timeout: conTimeout,
GateAuthKeys: gaKey,
NeoFSPrivateKey: nfKey,
if ctr, err = fetchAuthCenter(ctx, params); err != nil {
l.Fatal("failed to initialize auth center", zap.Error(err))
{ // should establish connection with NeoFS Storage Nodes
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, conTimeout)
defer cancel()
if _, err = cli.Connection(ctx); err != nil {
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
l.Info("connection canceled")
l.Fatal("could not establish connection",
layerParams := &layer.Params{
Pool: cli,
Logger: l,
Timeout: reqTimeout,
NFKey: nfKey,
if obj, err = layer.NewLayer(layerParams); err != nil {
l.Fatal("could not prepare ObjectLayer", zap.Error(err))
if caller, err = handler.New(l, obj); err != nil {
l.Fatal("could not initialize API handler", zap.Error(err))
return &App{
ctr: ctr,
cli: cli,
log: l,
cfg: v,
obj: obj,
tls: tls,
api: caller,
webDone: make(chan struct{}, 1),
wrkDone: make(chan struct{}, 1),
reBalance: reBalance,
maxClients: api.NewMaxClientsMiddleware(maxClientsCount, maxClientsDeadline),
conTimeout: conTimeout,
reqTimeout: reqTimeout,
func (a *App) Wait() {
a.log.Info("application started")
select {
case <-a.wrkDone: // wait for worker is stopped
case <-a.webDone: // wait for web-server is stopped
a.log.Info("application finished")
func (a *App) Server(ctx context.Context) {
var (
err error
lis net.Listener
lic net.ListenConfig
srv = new(http.Server)
addr = a.cfg.GetString(cfgListenAddress)
if lis, err = lic.Listen(ctx, "tcp", addr); err != nil {
a.log.Fatal("could not prepare listener",
router := newS3Router()
// Attach app-specific routes:
attachHealthy(router, a.cli)
attachMetrics(router, a.cfg, a.log)
attachProfiler(router, a.cfg, a.log)
// Attach S3 API:
api.Attach(router, a.maxClients, a.api, a.ctr, a.log)
// Use mux.Router as http.Handler
srv.Handler = router
srv.ErrorLog = zap.NewStdLog(a.log)
go func() {
a.log.Info("starting server",
zap.String("bind", addr))
switch a.tls {
case nil:
if err = srv.Serve(lis); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
a.log.Fatal("listen and serve",
a.log.Info("using certificate",
zap.String("key", a.tls.KeyFile),
zap.String("cert", a.tls.CertFile))
if err = srv.ServeTLS(lis, a.tls.CertFile, a.tls.KeyFile); err != nil && err != http.ErrServerClosed {
a.log.Fatal("listen and serve",
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), defaultShutdownTimeout)
defer cancel()
a.log.Info("stopping server",
func (a *App) Worker(ctx context.Context) {
tick := time.NewTimer(a.reBalance)
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
break loop
case <-tick.C:
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, a.conTimeout)
a.log.Info("stopping worker")