[#35] Client: rollback to PutSingleObject for client cut upload
All checks were successful
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Signed-off-by: Pavel Gross <p.gross@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
Pavel Gross 2025-03-03 16:18:44 +03:00
parent 8835b23ed3
commit 6988fcedae
3 changed files with 187 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -385,89 +385,132 @@ internal sealed class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient cl
return response.Body.ObjectId.ToModel();
internal async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutClientCutObjectAsync(PrmObjectClientCutPut args, CallContext ctx)
var payloadStream = args.Payload!;
var stream = args.Payload!;
var header = args.Header!;
if (header.PayloadLength > 0)
args.PutObjectContext.FullLength = header.PayloadLength;
else if (payloadStream.CanSeek)
args.PutObjectContext.FullLength = (ulong)payloadStream.Length;
else if (stream.CanSeek)
args.PutObjectContext.FullLength = (ulong)stream.Length;
throw new ArgumentException("The stream does not have a length and payload length is not defined");
if (args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache == 0)
var networkSettings = await ClientContext.Client.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(ctx)
if (args.PutObjectContext.FullLength == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("The stream has zero length");
args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache = (int)networkSettings.MaxObjectSize;
var networkSettings = await ClientContext.Client.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache = (int)networkSettings.MaxObjectSize;
var restBytes = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength;
var objectSize = (int)Math.Min((ulong)args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache, restBytes);
// define collection capacity
var objectsCount = (int)(restBytes / (ulong)objectSize) + ((restBytes % (ulong)objectSize) > 0 ? 1 : 0);
// if the object fits one part, it can be loaded as non-complex object
if (objectsCount == 1)
var singlePartResult = await PutMultipartStreamObjectAsync(args, default).ConfigureAwait(false);
return singlePartResult.ObjectId;
var restBytes = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength - args.PutObjectContext.CurrentStreamPosition;
var objectSize = restBytes > 0 ? (int)Math.Min((ulong)args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache, restBytes) : args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache;
List<FrostFsObjectId> parts = new(objectsCount);
//define collection capacity
var restPart = (restBytes % (ulong)objectSize) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
var objectsCount = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength > 0 ? (int)(restBytes / (ulong)objectSize) + restPart : 0;
List<FrostFsObjectId> sentObjectIds = new(objectsCount);
FrostFsSplit? split = null;
SplitId splitId = new();
var partSize = args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache;
// keep attributes for the large object
var attributes = args.Header!.Attributes;
args.Header!.Attributes = null;
var attributes = args.Header!.Attributes.ToArray();
header.Attributes = null;
// send all parts except the last one as separate Objects
while (restBytes > (ulong)args.PutObjectContext.MaxObjectSizeCache)
var remain = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength;
FrostFsObjectHeader? parentHeader = null;
var lastIndex = objectsCount - 1;
bool rentBuffer = false;
byte[]? buffer = null;
split = new FrostFsSplit(splitId, sentObjectIds.LastOrDefault());
args.Header!.Split = split;
var result = await PutMultipartStreamObjectAsync(args, default).ConfigureAwait(false);
restBytes -= (ulong)result.ObjectSize;
// send the last part and create linkObject
if (sentObjectIds.Count > 0)
var largeObjectHeader = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
attributes != null ? [.. attributes] : [])
for (int i = 0; i < objectsCount; i++)
PayloadLength = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength,
if (args.CustomBuffer != null)
if (args.CustomBuffer.Length < partSize)
throw new ArgumentException($"Buffer size is too small. A buffer with capacity {partSize} is required");
args.Header.Split!.ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader;
buffer = args.CustomBuffer;
buffer = ArrayPool<byte>.Shared.Rent(partSize);
rentBuffer = true;
var result = await PutMultipartStreamObjectAsync(args, default).ConfigureAwait(false);
var bytesToWrite = Math.Min((ulong)partSize, remain);
var size = await stream.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, (int)bytesToWrite).ConfigureAwait(false);
var linkObject = new FrostFsLinkObject(header.ContainerId, split!.SplitId, largeObjectHeader, sentObjectIds);
if (i == lastIndex)
parentHeader = new FrostFsObjectHeader(header.ContainerId, FrostFsObjectType.Regular, attributes)
PayloadLength = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength
_ = await PutSingleObjectAsync(new PrmSingleObjectPut(linkObject), ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Uploading the next part of the object. Note: the request must contain a non-null SplitId parameter
var partHeader = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
new FrostFsSplit(splitId, parts.LastOrDefault(),
parentHeader: parentHeader))
PayloadLength = (ulong)size
var parentHeader = args.Header.GetHeader();
var obj = new FrostFsObject(partHeader)
SingleObjectPayload = buffer.Length == size ? buffer : buffer[..size]
return parentHeader.Split!.Parent.ToModel();
var prm = new PrmSingleObjectPut(obj);
var objId = await PutSingleObjectAsync(prm, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (i < lastIndex)
// Once all parts of the object are uploaded, they must be linked into a single entity
var linkObject = new FrostFsLinkObject(header.ContainerId, splitId, parentHeader!, parts);
_ = await PutSingleObjectAsync(new PrmSingleObjectPut(linkObject), ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Retrieve the ID of the linked object
return partHeader.GetHeader().Split!.Parent.ToModel();
throw new FrostFsException("Unexpected error");
if (rentBuffer && buffer != null)
// We are here if the payload is placed to one Object. It means no cut action, just simple PUT.
args.Header!.Attributes = attributes;
var singlePartResult = await PutMultipartStreamObjectAsync(args, default).ConfigureAwait(false);
return singlePartResult.ObjectId;
struct PutObjectResult(FrostFsObjectId objectId, int objectSize)
@ -481,7 +524,6 @@ internal sealed class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient cl
var payload = args.Payload!;
var chunkSize = args.BufferMaxSize > 0 ? args.BufferMaxSize : Constants.ObjectChunkSize;
var restBytes = args.PutObjectContext.FullLength - args.PutObjectContext.CurrentStreamPosition;
chunkSize = (int)Math.Min(restBytes, (ulong)chunkSize);
@ -526,22 +568,23 @@ internal sealed class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient cl
sentBytes += bytesCount;
var chunkRequest = new PutRequest
Body = new PutRequest.Types.Body
Chunk = ByteString.CopyFrom(chunkBuffer, 0, bytesCount)
Chunk = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(chunkBuffer.AsMemory()[..bytesCount])
await stream.Write(chunkRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
args.PutObjectContext.CurrentStreamPosition += (ulong)sentBytes;
var response = await stream.Close().ConfigureAwait(false);
@ -580,10 +623,10 @@ internal sealed class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient cl
var initRequest = new PutRequest
Body = new PutRequest.Types.Body
Init = new PutRequest.Types.Body.Types.Init
Header = grpcHeader
Header = grpcHeader,

View file

@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ public static class ObjectTools
Header = grpcHeader,
ObjectId = new ObjectID { Value = grpcHeader.Sha256() },
Payload = ByteString.CopyFrom(@object.SingleObjectPayload)
Payload = UnsafeByteOperations.UnsafeWrap(@object.SingleObjectPayload)
obj.Signature = new Signature

View file

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
backupFactor: backupFactor,
selectors: [],
filter: [],
containerAttributes: [],
containerAttributes: [new FrostFsAttributePair("contAttrKey", "contAttrValue")],
new FrostFsReplica(replicas));
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
await AddObjectRules(client, containerId);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine("rules added");
await RunSuite(client, containerId);
@ -73,15 +73,18 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
case serverCut:
objectId = await CreateObjectServerCut(client, containerId, bytes);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tserver side cut");
case clientCut:
objectId = await CreateObjectClientCut(client, containerId, bytes);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tclient side cut");
case singleObject:
case singleObject:
if (objectSize > 1 * 1024 * 1024)
objectId = await PutSingleObject(client, containerId, bytes);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tput single object");
throw new ArgumentException("unexpected object type");
@ -91,17 +94,38 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tobject created");
var ecdsaKey = ClientOptions.Value.Key.LoadWif();
var owner = FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey);
FrostFsHeaderResult expected = new()
HeaderInfo = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
containerId: containerId,
type: FrostFsObjectType.Regular,
attributes: [new FrostFsAttributePair("fileName", "test")],
split: null,
owner: owner,
version: new FrostFsVersion(2, 13))
PayloadLength = (ulong)objectSize,
PayloadCheckSum = hash
await ValidateHeader(client, containerId, objectId, expected);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\theader validated");
await ValidateContent(client, containerId, hash, objectId);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tcontent validated");
await ValidateFilters(client, containerId, objectId, null, (ulong)bytes.Length);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tfilters validated");
// if (type != clientCut)
// {
// await ValidatePatch(client, containerId, bytes, objectId);
// _testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tpatch validated");
// }
if (type != clientCut)
await ValidatePatch(client, containerId, bytes, objectId);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\tpatch validated");
await ValidateRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId);
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\trange validated");
@ -126,27 +150,27 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
var objectRange = bytes.AsMemory().Slice(100, 64).ToArray();
var expectedHash = SHA256.HashData(objectRange);
foreach (var h in hashes)
var x = h[..32].ToArray();
Assert.True(x.Length > 0);
// Assert.True(expectedHash.SequenceEqual(h.ToArray()));
// Assert.True(expectedHash.SequenceEqual(h.ToArray()));
private async Task ValidateRange(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] bytes, FrostFsObjectId objectId)
if (bytes.Length < 200)
if (bytes.Length < 100)
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange(0, 50));
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange(50, 100));
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange(50, 50));
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange((ulong)bytes.Length - 100, 100));
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange((ulong)bytes.Length-100, 100));
if (bytes.Length >= 6200)
await CheckRange(client, containerId, bytes, objectId, new FrostFsRange(6000, 100));
@ -161,11 +185,15 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
MemoryStream ms = new(rangeBytes);
ReadOnlyMemory<byte>? chunk;
int readBytes = 0;
while ((chunk = await rangeReader!.ReadChunk()) != null)
readBytes += chunk.Value.Length;
Assert.Equal(range.Length, (ulong)readBytes);
Assert.Equal(SHA256.HashData(bytes.AsSpan().Slice((int)range.Offset, (int)range.Length)), SHA256.HashData(rangeBytes));
_testOutputHelper.WriteLine($"\t\trange {range.Offset};{range.Length} validated");
@ -173,7 +201,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
private static async Task ValidatePatch(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] bytes, FrostFsObjectId objectId)
if (bytes.Length < 1024 + 64)
if (bytes.Length < 1024 + 64 || bytes.Length > 5900)
var patch = new byte[1024];
@ -214,7 +242,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
for (int i = (int)rangeEnd; i < bytes.Length; i++)
Assert.Equal(downloadedBytes[i], bytes[i]);
private async Task ValidateFilters(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, FrostFsObjectId objectId, SplitId? splitId, ulong length)
@ -237,13 +265,8 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
await CheckFilter(client, containerId, new FilterByVersion(FrostFsMatchType.Equals, networkInfo.NodeInfoCollection[0].Version));
await CheckFilter(client, containerId, new FilterByEpoch(FrostFsMatchType.Equals, networkInfo.Epoch));
await CheckFilter(client, containerId, new FilterByPayloadLength(FrostFsMatchType.Equals, length));
// var checkSum = CheckSum.CreateCheckSum(hash);
// await CheckFilter(client, containerId, new FilterByPayloadHash(FrostFsMatchType.Equals, checkSum));
await CheckFilter(client, containerId, new FilterByPhysicallyStored());
@ -265,7 +288,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
private static async Task ValidateContent(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] hash, FrostFsObjectId objectId)
private static async Task ValidateContent(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] hash, FrostFsObjectId objectId)
var @object = await client.GetObjectAsync(
new PrmObjectGet(containerId, objectId),
@ -283,6 +306,39 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
Assert.Equal(hash, SHA256.HashData(downloadedBytes));
private static async Task ValidateHeader(
IFrostFSClient client,
FrostFsContainerId containerId,
FrostFsObjectId objectId,
FrostFsHeaderResult expected)
var res = await client.GetObjectHeadAsync(new PrmObjectHeadGet(containerId, objectId, default), default);
var objHeader = res.HeaderInfo;
Assert.Equal(containerId.GetValue(), objHeader.ContainerId.GetValue());
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo!.OwnerId!.Value, objHeader.OwnerId!.Value);
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo.Version!.Major, objHeader.Version!.Major);
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo.Version!.Minor, objHeader.Version!.Minor);
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo.PayloadLength, objHeader.PayloadLength);
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo.ObjectType, objHeader.ObjectType);
if (expected.HeaderInfo.Attributes != null)
Assert.Equal(expected.HeaderInfo.Attributes.Count, objHeader.Attributes.Count);
private static async Task<FrostFsObjectId> CreateObjectServerCut(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] bytes)
var header = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
@ -310,7 +366,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
return await client.PutClientCutObjectAsync(param, default).ConfigureAwait(true);
private static async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObject(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] bytes)
private static async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObject(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, byte[] bytes)
var header = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
containerId: containerId,
@ -324,7 +380,7 @@ public class ObjectTests(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : SmokeTestsBase
return await client.PutSingleObjectAsync(param, default).ConfigureAwait(true);
private static async Task CheckFilter(IFrostFSClient client, FrostFsContainerId containerId, IObjectFilter filter)
var resultObjectsCount = 0;