[#13] Client: Use code analyzers
All checks were successful
DCO / DCO (pull_request) Successful in 35s

Signed-off-by: Pavel Gross <p.gross@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
Pavel Gross 2024-09-23 18:53:21 +03:00
parent d7dbbf8da8
commit d1271df207
102 changed files with 2168 additions and 733 deletions

.editorconfig Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
# CA1001: Types that own disposable fields should be disposable
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1001.severity = warning
# CA1000: Do not declare static members on generic types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1000.severity = warning
# CA1002: Do not expose generic lists
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1002.severity = warning
# CA1003: Use generic event handler instances
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1003.severity = warning
# CA1005: Avoid excessive parameters on generic types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1005.severity = warning
# CA1008: Enums should have zero value
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1008.severity = warning
# CA1010: Generic interface should also be implemented
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1010.severity = warning
# CA1012: Abstract types should not have public constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1012.severity = warning
# CA1014: Mark assemblies with CLSCompliant
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1014.severity = warning
# CA1016: Mark assemblies with assembly version
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1016.severity = warning
# CA1017: Mark assemblies with ComVisible
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1017.severity = warning
# CA1018: Mark attributes with AttributeUsageAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1018.severity = warning
# CA1019: Define accessors for attribute arguments
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1019.severity = warning
# CA1021: Avoid out parameters
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1021.severity = warning
# CA1024: Use properties where appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1024.severity = warning
# CA1027: Mark enums with FlagsAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1027.severity = warning
# CA1028: Enum Storage should be Int32
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1028.severity = warning
# CA1030: Use events where appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1030.severity = warning
# CA1031: Do not catch general exception types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1031.severity = warning
# CA1033: Interface methods should be callable by child types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1033.severity = warning
# CA1034: Nested types should not be visible
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1034.severity = warning
# CA1036: Override methods on comparable types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1036.severity = warning
# CA1040: Avoid empty interfaces
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1040.severity = warning
# CA1041: Provide ObsoleteAttribute message
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1041.severity = warning
# CA1043: Use Integral Or String Argument For Indexers
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1043.severity = warning
# CA1044: Properties should not be write only
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1044.severity = warning
# CA1045: Do not pass types by reference
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1045.severity = warning
# CA1046: Do not overload equality operator on reference types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1046.severity = warning
# CA1050: Declare types in namespaces
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1050.severity = warning
# CA1051: Do not declare visible instance fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1051.severity = warning
# CA1052: Static holder types should be Static or NotInheritable
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1052.severity = warning
# CA1054: URI-like parameters should not be strings
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1054.severity = warning
# CA1055: URI-like return values should not be strings
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1055.severity = warning
# CA1056: URI-like properties should not be strings
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1056.severity = warning
# CA1058: Types should not extend certain base types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1058.severity = warning
# CA1060: Move pinvokes to native methods class
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1060.severity = warning
# CA1061: Do not hide base class methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1061.severity = warning
# CA1062: Validate arguments of public methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1062.severity = warning
# CA1063: Implement IDisposable Correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1063.severity = warning
# CA1064: Exceptions should be public
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1064.severity = warning
# CA1065: Do not raise exceptions in unexpected locations
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1065.severity = warning
# CA1066: Implement IEquatable when overriding Object.Equals
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1066.severity = warning
# CA1067: Override Object.Equals(object) when implementing IEquatable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1067.severity = warning
# CA1068: CancellationToken parameters must come last
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1068.severity = warning
# CA1069: Enums values should not be duplicated
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1069.severity = warning
# CA1070: Do not declare event fields as virtual
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1070.severity = warning
# CA1303: Do not pass literals as localized parameters
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1303.severity = warning
# CA1304: Specify CultureInfo
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1304.severity = warning
# CA1305: Specify IFormatProvider
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1305.severity = warning
# CA1307: Specify StringComparison for clarity
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1307.severity = warning
# CA1308: Normalize strings to uppercase
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1308.severity = warning
# CA1310: Specify StringComparison for correctness
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1310.severity = warning
# CA1401: P/Invokes should not be visible
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1401.severity = warning
# CA1416: Validate platform compatibility
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1416.severity = warning
# CA1417: Do not use 'OutAttribute' on string parameters for P/Invokes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1417.severity = warning
# CA1418: Use valid platform string
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1418.severity = warning
# CA1419: Provide a parameterless constructor that is as visible as the containing type for concrete types derived from 'System.Runtime.InteropServices.SafeHandle'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1419.severity = warning
# CA1420: Property, type, or attribute requires runtime marshalling
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1420.severity = warning
# CA1421: This method uses runtime marshalling even when the 'DisableRuntimeMarshallingAttribute' is applied
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1421.severity = warning
# CA1422: Validate platform compatibility
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1422.severity = warning
# CA1501: Avoid excessive inheritance
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1501.severity = warning
# CA1502: Avoid excessive complexity
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1502.severity = warning
# CA1505: Avoid unmaintainable code
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1505.severity = warning
# CA1506: Avoid excessive class coupling
# dotnet_diagnostic.CA1506.severity = warning
# CA1509: Invalid entry in code metrics rule specification file
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1509.severity = warning
# CA1510: Use ArgumentNullException throw helper
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1510.severity = warning
# CA1511: Use ArgumentException throw helper
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1511.severity = warning
# CA1512: Use ArgumentOutOfRangeException throw helper
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1512.severity = warning
# CA1513: Use ObjectDisposedException throw helper
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1513.severity = warning
# CA1700: Do not name enum values 'Reserved'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1700.severity = warning
# CA1707: Identifiers should not contain underscores
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1707.severity = warning
# CA1708: Identifiers should differ by more than case
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1708.severity = warning
# CA1710: Identifiers should have correct suffix
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1710.severity = warning
# CA1711: Identifiers should not have incorrect suffix
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1711.severity = warning
# CA1712: Do not prefix enum values with type name
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1712.severity = warning
# CA1713: Events should not have 'Before' or 'After' prefix
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1713.severity = warning
# CA1715: Identifiers should have correct prefix
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1715.severity = warning
# CA1716: Identifiers should not match keywords
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1716.severity = warning
# CA1720: Identifier contains type name
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1720.severity = warning
# CA1721: Property names should not match get methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1721.severity = warning
# CA1724: Type names should not match namespaces
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1724.severity = warning
# CA1725: Parameter names should match base declaration
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1725.severity = warning
# CA1727: Use PascalCase for named placeholders
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1727.severity = warning
# CA1806: Do not ignore method results
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1806.severity = warning
# CA1810: Initialize reference type static fields inline
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1810.severity = warning
# CA1813: Avoid unsealed attributes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1813.severity = warning
# CA1814: Prefer jagged arrays over multidimensional
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1814.severity = warning
# CA1815: Override equals and operator equals on value types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1815.severity = warning
# CA1816: Dispose methods should call SuppressFinalize
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1816.severity = warning
# CA1819: Properties should not return arrays
# dotnet_diagnostic.CA1819.severity = warning
# CA1820: Test for empty strings using string length
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1820.severity = warning
# CA1821: Remove empty Finalizers
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1821.severity = warning
# CA1822: Mark members as static
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1822.severity = warning
# CA1823: Avoid unused private fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1823.severity = warning
# CA1826: Do not use Enumerable methods on indexable collections
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1826.severity = warning
# CA1827: Do not use Count() or LongCount() when Any() can be used
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1827.severity = warning
# CA1828: Do not use CountAsync() or LongCountAsync() when AnyAsync() can be used
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1828.severity = warning
# CA1829: Use Length/Count property instead of Count() when available
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1829.severity = warning
# CA1830: Prefer strongly-typed Append and Insert method overloads on StringBuilder
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1830.severity = warning
# CA1831: Use AsSpan or AsMemory instead of Range-based indexers when appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1831.severity = warning
# CA1832: Use AsSpan or AsMemory instead of Range-based indexers when appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1832.severity = warning
# CA1833: Use AsSpan or AsMemory instead of Range-based indexers when appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1833.severity = warning
# CA1834: Consider using 'StringBuilder.Append(char)' when applicable
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1834.severity = warning
# CA1835: Prefer the 'Memory'-based overloads for 'ReadAsync' and 'WriteAsync'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1835.severity = warning
# CA1836: Prefer IsEmpty over Count
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1836.severity = warning
# CA1837: Use 'Environment.ProcessId'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1837.severity = warning
# CA1838: Avoid 'StringBuilder' parameters for P/Invokes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1838.severity = warning
# CA1839: Use 'Environment.ProcessPath'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1839.severity = warning
# CA1840: Use 'Environment.CurrentManagedThreadId'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1840.severity = warning
# CA1842: Do not use 'WhenAll' with a single task
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1842.severity = warning
# CA1843: Do not use 'WaitAll' with a single task
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1843.severity = warning
# CA1844: Provide memory-based overrides of async methods when subclassing 'Stream'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1844.severity = warning
# CA1846: Prefer 'AsSpan' over 'Substring'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1846.severity = warning
# CA1847: Use char literal for a single character lookup
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1847.severity = warning
# CA1848: Use the LoggerMessage delegates
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1848.severity = warning
# CA1849: Call async methods when in an async method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1849.severity = warning
# CA1850: Prefer static 'HashData' method over 'ComputeHash'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1850.severity = warning
# CA1852: Seal internal types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1852.severity = warning
# CA1853: Unnecessary call to 'Dictionary.ContainsKey(key)'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1853.severity = warning
# CA1854: Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryGetValue(TKey, out TValue)' method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1854.severity = warning
# CA1858: Use 'StartsWith' instead of 'IndexOf'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1858.severity = warning
# CA1859: Use concrete types when possible for improved performance
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1859.severity = warning
# CA1860: Avoid using 'Enumerable.Any()' extension method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1860.severity = warning
# CA1861: Avoid constant arrays as arguments
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1861.severity = warning
# CA1862: Use the 'StringComparison' method overloads to perform case-insensitive string comparisons
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1862.severity = warning
# CA1863: Use 'CompositeFormat'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1863.severity = warning
# CA1864: Prefer the 'IDictionary.TryAdd(TKey, TValue)' method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1864.severity = warning
# CA1868: Unnecessary call to 'Contains(item)'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1868.severity = warning
# CA1869: Cache and reuse 'JsonSerializerOptions' instances
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1869.severity = warning
# CA2000: Dispose objects before losing scope
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2000.severity = warning
# CA2002: Do not lock on objects with weak identity
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2002.severity = warning
# CA2007: Consider calling ConfigureAwait on the awaited task
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2007.severity = warning
# CA2008: Do not create tasks without passing a TaskScheduler
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2008.severity = warning
# CA2009: Do not call ToImmutableCollection on an ImmutableCollection value
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2009.severity = warning
# CA2011: Avoid infinite recursion
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2011.severity = warning
# CA2012: Use ValueTasks correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2012.severity = warning
# CA2013: Do not use ReferenceEquals with value types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2013.severity = warning
# CA2015: Do not define finalizers for types derived from MemoryManager<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2015.severity = warning
# CA2017: Parameter count mismatch
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2017.severity = warning
# CA2018: 'Buffer.BlockCopy' expects the number of bytes to be copied for the 'count' argument
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2018.severity = warning
# CA2019: Improper 'ThreadStatic' field initialization
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2019.severity = warning
# CA2021: Do not call Enumerable.Cast<T> or Enumerable.OfType<T> with incompatible types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2021.severity = warning
# CA2100: Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2100.severity = warning
# CA2101: Specify marshaling for P/Invoke string arguments
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2101.severity = warning
# CA2119: Seal methods that satisfy private interfaces
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2119.severity = warning
# CA2153: Do Not Catch Corrupted State Exceptions
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2153.severity = warning
# CA2200: Rethrow to preserve stack details
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2200.severity = warning
# CA2201: Do not raise reserved exception types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2201.severity = warning
# CA2207: Initialize value type static fields inline
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2207.severity = warning
# CA2208: Instantiate argument exceptions correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2208.severity = warning
# CA2211: Non-constant fields should not be visible
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2211.severity = warning
# CA2213: Disposable fields should be disposed
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2213.severity = warning
# CA2214: Do not call overridable methods in constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2214.severity = warning
# CA2215: Dispose methods should call base class dispose
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2215.severity = warning
# CA2216: Disposable types should declare finalizer
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2216.severity = warning
# CA2217: Do not mark enums with FlagsAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2217.severity = warning
# CA2219: Do not raise exceptions in finally clauses
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2219.severity = warning
# CA2225: Operator overloads have named alternates
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2225.severity = warning
# CA2226: Operators should have symmetrical overloads
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2226.severity = warning
# CA2227: Collection properties should be read only
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2227.severity = warning
# CA2231: Overload operator equals on overriding value type Equals
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2231.severity = warning
# CA2235: Mark all non-serializable fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2235.severity = warning
# CA2237: Mark ISerializable types with serializable
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2237.severity = warning
# CA2241: Provide correct arguments to formatting methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2241.severity = warning
# CA2242: Test for NaN correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2242.severity = warning
# CA2243: Attribute string literals should parse correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2243.severity = warning
# CA2244: Do not duplicate indexed element initializations
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2244.severity = warning
# CA2245: Do not assign a property to itself
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2245.severity = warning
# CA2246: Assigning symbol and its member in the same statement
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2246.severity = warning
# CA2247: Argument passed to TaskCompletionSource constructor should be TaskCreationOptions enum instead of TaskContinuationOptions enum
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2247.severity = warning
# CA2248: Provide correct 'enum' argument to 'Enum.HasFlag'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2248.severity = warning
# CA2249: Consider using 'string.Contains' instead of 'string.IndexOf'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2249.severity = warning
# CA2250: Use 'ThrowIfCancellationRequested'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2250.severity = warning
# CA2251: Use 'string.Equals'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2251.severity = warning
# CA2253: Named placeholders should not be numeric values
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2253.severity = warning
# CA2254: Template should be a static expression
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2254.severity = warning
# CA2255: The 'ModuleInitializer' attribute should not be used in libraries
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2255.severity = warning
# CA2256: All members declared in parent interfaces must have an implementation in a DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementation-attributed interface
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2256.severity = warning
# CA2257: Members defined on an interface with the 'DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementationAttribute' should be 'static'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2257.severity = warning
# CA2258: Providing a 'DynamicInterfaceCastableImplementation' interface in Visual Basic is unsupported
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2258.severity = warning
# CA2259: 'ThreadStatic' only affects static fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2259.severity = warning
# CA2261: Do not use ConfigureAwaitOptions.SuppressThrowing with Task<TResult>
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2261.severity = warning
# CA2300: Do not use insecure deserializer BinaryFormatter
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2300.severity = warning
# CA2301: Do not call BinaryFormatter.Deserialize without first setting BinaryFormatter.Binder
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2301.severity = warning
# CA2302: Ensure BinaryFormatter.Binder is set before calling BinaryFormatter.Deserialize
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2302.severity = warning
# CA2305: Do not use insecure deserializer LosFormatter
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2305.severity = warning
# CA2310: Do not use insecure deserializer NetDataContractSerializer
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2310.severity = warning
# CA2311: Do not deserialize without first setting NetDataContractSerializer.Binder
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2311.severity = warning
# CA2312: Ensure NetDataContractSerializer.Binder is set before deserializing
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2312.severity = warning
# CA2315: Do not use insecure deserializer ObjectStateFormatter
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2315.severity = warning
# CA2321: Do not deserialize with JavaScriptSerializer using a SimpleTypeResolver
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2321.severity = warning
# CA2322: Ensure JavaScriptSerializer is not initialized with SimpleTypeResolver before deserializing
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2322.severity = warning
# CA2326: Do not use TypeNameHandling values other than None
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2326.severity = warning
# CA2327: Do not use insecure JsonSerializerSettings
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2327.severity = warning
# CA2328: Ensure that JsonSerializerSettings are secure
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2328.severity = warning
# CA2329: Do not deserialize with JsonSerializer using an insecure configuration
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2329.severity = warning
# CA2330: Ensure that JsonSerializer has a secure configuration when deserializing
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2330.severity = warning
# CA2350: Do not use DataTable.ReadXml() with untrusted data
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2350.severity = warning
# CA2351: Do not use DataSet.ReadXml() with untrusted data
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2351.severity = warning
# CA2361: Ensure auto-generated class containing DataSet.ReadXml() is not used with untrusted data
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2361.severity = warning
# CA3001: Review code for SQL injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3001.severity = warning
# CA3002: Review code for XSS vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3002.severity = warning
# CA3003: Review code for file path injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3003.severity = warning
# CA3004: Review code for information disclosure vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3004.severity = warning
# CA3005: Review code for LDAP injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3005.severity = warning
# CA3006: Review code for process command injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3006.severity = warning
# CA3007: Review code for open redirect vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3007.severity = warning
# CA3008: Review code for XPath injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3008.severity = warning
# CA3009: Review code for XML injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3009.severity = warning
# CA3010: Review code for XAML injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3010.severity = warning
# CA3011: Review code for DLL injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3011.severity = warning
# CA3012: Review code for regex injection vulnerabilities
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3012.severity = warning
# CA3061: Do Not Add Schema By URL
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3061.severity = warning
# CA3075: Insecure DTD processing in XML
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3075.severity = warning
# CA3076: Insecure XSLT script processing
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3076.severity = warning
# CA3077: Insecure Processing in API Design, XmlDocument and XmlTextReader
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3077.severity = warning
# CA3147: Mark Verb Handlers With Validate Antiforgery Token
dotnet_diagnostic.CA3147.severity = warning
# CA5350: Do Not Use Weak Cryptographic Algorithms
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5350.severity = warning
# CA5351: Do Not Use Broken Cryptographic Algorithms
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5351.severity = warning
# CA5358: Review cipher mode usage with cryptography experts
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5358.severity = warning
# CA5359: Do Not Disable Certificate Validation
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5359.severity = warning
# CA5360: Do Not Call Dangerous Methods In Deserialization
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5360.severity = warning
# CA5361: Do Not Disable SChannel Use of Strong Crypto
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5361.severity = warning
# CA5362: Potential reference cycle in deserialized object graph
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5362.severity = warning
# CA5363: Do Not Disable Request Validation
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5363.severity = warning
# CA5364: Do Not Use Deprecated Security Protocols
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5364.severity = warning
# CA5365: Do Not Disable HTTP Header Checking
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5365.severity = warning
# CA5366: Use XmlReader for 'DataSet.ReadXml()'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5366.severity = warning
# CA5367: Do Not Serialize Types With Pointer Fields
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5367.severity = warning
# CA5368: Set ViewStateUserKey For Classes Derived From Page
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5368.severity = warning
# CA5369: Use XmlReader for 'XmlSerializer.Deserialize()'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5369.severity = warning
# CA5370: Use XmlReader for XmlValidatingReader constructor
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5370.severity = warning
# CA5371: Use XmlReader for 'XmlSchema.Read()'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5371.severity = warning
# CA5372: Use XmlReader for XPathDocument constructor
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5372.severity = warning
# CA5373: Do not use obsolete key derivation function
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5373.severity = warning
# CA5374: Do Not Use XslTransform
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5374.severity = warning
# CA5375: Do Not Use Account Shared Access Signature
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5375.severity = warning
# CA5376: Use SharedAccessProtocol HttpsOnly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5376.severity = warning
# CA5377: Use Container Level Access Policy
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5377.severity = warning
# CA5378: Do not disable ServicePointManagerSecurityProtocols
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5378.severity = warning
# CA5379: Ensure Key Derivation Function algorithm is sufficiently strong
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5379.severity = warning
# CA5380: Do Not Add Certificates To Root Store
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5380.severity = warning
# CA5381: Ensure Certificates Are Not Added To Root Store
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5381.severity = warning
# CA5382: Use Secure Cookies In ASP.NET Core
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5382.severity = warning
# CA5383: Ensure Use Secure Cookies In ASP.NET Core
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5383.severity = warning
# CA5384: Do Not Use Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA)
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5384.severity = warning
# CA5385: Use Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) Algorithm With Sufficient Key Size
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5385.severity = warning
# CA5386: Avoid hardcoding SecurityProtocolType value
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5386.severity = warning
# CA5387: Do Not Use Weak Key Derivation Function With Insufficient Iteration Count
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5387.severity = warning
# CA5388: Ensure Sufficient Iteration Count When Using Weak Key Derivation Function
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5388.severity = warning
# CA5389: Do Not Add Archive Item's Path To The Target File System Path
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5389.severity = warning
# CA5390: Do not hard-code encryption key
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5390.severity = warning
# CA5391: Use antiforgery tokens in ASP.NET Core MVC controllers
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5391.severity = warning
# CA5392: Use DefaultDllImportSearchPaths attribute for P/Invokes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5392.severity = warning
# CA5393: Do not use unsafe DllImportSearchPath value
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5393.severity = warning
# CA5394: Do not use insecure randomness
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5394.severity = warning
# CA5395: Miss HttpVerb attribute for action methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5395.severity = warning
# CA5396: Set HttpOnly to true for HttpCookie
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5396.severity = warning
# CA5397: Do not use deprecated SslProtocols values
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5397.severity = warning
# CA5398: Avoid hardcoded SslProtocols values
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5398.severity = warning
# CA5399: HttpClients should enable certificate revocation list checks
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5399.severity = warning
# CA5400: Ensure HttpClient certificate revocation list check is not disabled
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5400.severity = warning
# CA5401: Do not use CreateEncryptor with non-default IV
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5401.severity = warning
# CA5402: Use CreateEncryptor with the default IV
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5402.severity = warning
# CA5403: Do not hard-code certificate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5403.severity = warning
# CA5404: Do not disable token validation checks
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5404.severity = warning
# CA5405: Do not always skip token validation in delegates
dotnet_diagnostic.CA5405.severity = warning
# CA1032: Implement standard exception constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1032.severity = warning
# CA1200: Avoid using cref tags with a prefix
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1200.severity = warning
# CA1309: Use ordinal string comparison
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1309.severity = warning
# CA1311: Specify a culture or use an invariant version
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1311.severity = warning
# CA1507: Use nameof to express symbol names
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1507.severity = warning
# CA1508: Avoid dead conditional code
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1508.severity = warning
# CA1802: Use literals where appropriate
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1802.severity = warning
# CA1805: Do not initialize unnecessarily
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1805.severity = warning
# CA1812: Avoid uninstantiated internal classes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1812.severity = warning
# CA1824: Mark assemblies with NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1824.severity = warning
# CA1825: Avoid zero-length array allocations
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1825.severity = warning
# CA1841: Prefer Dictionary.Contains methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1841.severity = warning
# CA1845: Use span-based 'string.Concat'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1845.severity = warning
# CA1851: Possible multiple enumerations of 'IEnumerable' collection
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1851.severity = warning
# CA1855: Prefer 'Clear' over 'Fill'
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1855.severity = warning
# CA1856: Incorrect usage of ConstantExpected attribute
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1856.severity = warning
# CA1857: A constant is expected for the parameter
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1857.severity = warning
# CA1865: Use char overload
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1865.severity = warning
# CA1866: Use char overload
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1866.severity = warning
# CA1867: Use char overload
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1867.severity = warning
# CA1870: Use a cached 'SearchValues' instance
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1870.severity = warning
# CA2014: Do not use stackalloc in loops
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2014.severity = warning
# CA2016: Forward the 'CancellationToken' parameter to methods
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2016.severity = warning
# CA2020: Prevent behavioral change
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2020.severity = warning
# CA2234: Pass system uri objects instead of strings
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2234.severity = warning
# CA2252: This API requires opting into preview features
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2252.severity = warning
# CA2260: Use correct type parameter
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2260.severity = warning
# CA2352: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in serializable type can be vulnerable to remote code execution attacks
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2352.severity = warning
# CA2353: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in serializable type
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2353.severity = warning
# CA2354: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in deserialized object graph can be vulnerable to remote code execution attacks
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2354.severity = warning
# CA2355: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable type found in deserializable object graph
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2355.severity = warning
# CA2356: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable type in web deserializable object graph
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2356.severity = warning
# CA2362: Unsafe DataSet or DataTable in auto-generated serializable type can be vulnerable to remote code execution attacks
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2362.severity = warning

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00 Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 17
VisualStudioVersion = VisualStudioVersion =
MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2", "src\FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2\FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.csproj", "{50D8F61F-C302-4AC9-8D8A-AB0B8C0988C3}" Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2", "src\FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2\FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.csproj", "{50D8F61F-C302-4AC9-8D8A-AB0B8C0988C3}"
EndProject EndProject
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography", "src\FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography\FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography.csproj", "{3D804F4A-B0B2-47A5-B006-BE447BE64B50}" Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography", "src\FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography\FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography.csproj", "{3D804F4A-B0B2-47A5-B006-BE447BE64B50}"
@ -9,6 +11,11 @@ Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2", "src
EndProject EndProject
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.Tests", "src\FrostFS.SDK.Tests\FrostFS.SDK.Tests.csproj", "{8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}" Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "FrostFS.SDK.Tests", "src\FrostFS.SDK.Tests\FrostFS.SDK.Tests.csproj", "{8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}"
EndProject EndProject
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "Solution Items", "Solution Items", "{2F030ACD-F87C-4E83-9A68-4CC5DF03AD90}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
.editorconfig = .editorconfig
Global Global
GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
@ -32,4 +39,7 @@ Global
{8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU {8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU {8FDA7E0D-9C75-4874-988E-6592CD28F76C}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
EndGlobalSection EndGlobalSection
GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
HideSolutionNode = FALSE
EndGlobal EndGlobal

View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
using System;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class FrostFsException : Exception
public FrostFsException()
public FrostFsException(string message) : base(message)
public FrostFsException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)

View file

@ -2,6 +2,17 @@ using System;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class InvalidObjectException() : Exception() public class InvalidObjectException : Exception
{ {
public InvalidObjectException()
public InvalidObjectException(string message) : base(message)
public InvalidObjectException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
} }

View file

@ -2,7 +2,24 @@ using System;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class ResponseException(FrostFsResponseStatus status) : Exception() public class ResponseException : Exception
{ {
public FrostFsResponseStatus Status { get; set; } = status; public FrostFsResponseStatus? Status { get; private set; }
public ResponseException()
public ResponseException(FrostFsResponseStatus status)
Status = status;
public ResponseException(string message) : base(message)
public ResponseException(string message, Exception innerException) : base(message, innerException)
} }

View file

@ -4,14 +4,23 @@
<TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework> <TargetFramework>netstandard2.0</TargetFramework>
<LangVersion>12.0</LangVersion> <LangVersion>12.0</LangVersion>
<Nullable>enable</Nullable> <Nullable>enable</Nullable>
</PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup>
<PropertyGroup> <PropertyGroup>
<EnableNETAnalyzers>true</EnableNETAnalyzers> <EnableNETAnalyzers>true</EnableNETAnalyzers>
</PropertyGroup> </PropertyGroup>
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" Version="8.0.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces" Version="8.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers" Version="8.0.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="8.0.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="8.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory" Version="8.0.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory" Version="8.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Options" Version="8.0.2" /> <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Options" Version="8.0.2" />

View file

@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Frostfs.V2.Ape;
using Frostfs.V2.Apemanager;
using FrostFS.Container; using FrostFS.Container;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
@ -15,35 +18,33 @@ using Grpc.Core.Interceptors;
using Grpc.Net.Client; using Grpc.Net.Client;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Frostfs.V2.Apemanager;
using Frostfs.V2.Ape;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class Client : IFrostFSClient public class FrostFSClient : IFrostFSClient
{ {
private bool isDisposed; private bool isDisposed;
internal ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient? ContainerServiceClient { get; set; } internal ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient? ContainerServiceClient { get; set; }
internal NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient? NetmapServiceClient { get; set; } internal NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient? NetmapServiceClient { get; set; }
internal APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? ApeManagerServiceClient { get; set; } internal APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? ApeManagerServiceClient { get; set; }
internal SessionService.SessionServiceClient? SessionServiceClient { get; set; } internal SessionService.SessionServiceClient? SessionServiceClient { get; set; }
internal ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient? ObjectServiceClient { get; set; } internal ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient? ObjectServiceClient { get; set; }
internal ClientEnvironment ClientCtx { get; set; } internal ClientEnvironment ClientCtx { get; set; }
public static IFrostFSClient GetInstance(IOptions<ClientSettings> clientOptions, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions = null) public static IFrostFSClient GetInstance(IOptions<ClientSettings> clientOptions, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions = null)
{ {
return new Client(clientOptions, channelOptions); return new FrostFSClient(clientOptions, channelOptions);
} }
public static IFrostFSClient GetSingleOwnerInstance(IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> clientOptions, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions = null) public static IFrostFSClient GetSingleOwnerInstance(IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> clientOptions, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions = null)
{ {
return new Client(clientOptions, channelOptions); return new FrostFSClient(clientOptions, channelOptions);
} }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
@ -64,10 +65,15 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient containerService, ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient containerService,
ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient objectService) ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient objectService)
{ {
return new Client(clientOptions, channelOptions, containerService, netmapService, sessionService, objectService); if (clientOptions is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(clientOptions));
return new FrostFSClient(clientOptions, channelOptions, containerService, netmapService, sessionService, objectService);
} }
private Client( private FrostFSClient(
IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> settings, IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> settings,
GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions,
ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient containerService, ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient containerService,
@ -75,6 +81,11 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
SessionService.SessionServiceClient sessionService, SessionService.SessionServiceClient sessionService,
ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient objectService) ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient objectService)
{ {
if (settings is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settings));
var ecdsaKey = settings.Value.Key.LoadWif(); var ecdsaKey = settings.Value.Key.LoadWif();
FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey); FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey);
@ -85,13 +96,13 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
channel: InitGrpcChannel(settings.Value.Host, channelOptions), channel: InitGrpcChannel(settings.Value.Host, channelOptions),
version: new FrostFsVersion(2, 13)); version: new FrostFsVersion(2, 13));
ContainerServiceClient = containerService; ContainerServiceClient = containerService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(containerService));
NetmapServiceClient = netmapService; NetmapServiceClient = netmapService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(netmapService));
SessionServiceClient = sessionService; SessionServiceClient = sessionService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionService));
ObjectServiceClient = objectService; ObjectServiceClient = objectService ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectService));
} }
private Client(IOptions<ClientSettings> options, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions) private FrostFSClient(IOptions<ClientSettings> options, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions)
{ {
var clientSettings = (options?.Value) ?? throw new ArgumentException("Options must be initialized"); var clientSettings = (options?.Value) ?? throw new ArgumentException("Options must be initialized");
@ -110,14 +121,14 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
// CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(new Context { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) }); // CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(new Context { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) });
} }
private Client(IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> options, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions) private FrostFSClient(IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> options, GrpcChannelOptions? channelOptions)
{ {
var clientSettings = (options?.Value) ?? throw new ArgumentException("Options must be initialized"); var clientSettings = (options?.Value) ?? throw new ArgumentException("Options must be initialized");
clientSettings.Validate(); clientSettings.Validate();
var ecdsaKey = clientSettings.Key.LoadWif(); var ecdsaKey = clientSettings.Key.LoadWif();
var channel = InitGrpcChannel(clientSettings.Host, channelOptions); var channel = InitGrpcChannel(clientSettings.Host, channelOptions);
ClientCtx = new ClientEnvironment( ClientCtx = new ClientEnvironment(
@ -128,7 +139,7 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
version: new FrostFsVersion(2, 13)); version: new FrostFsVersion(2, 13));
// TODO: define timeout logic // TODO: define timeout logic
CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(new Context { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20)}); // CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(new Context { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(20) });
} }
public void Dispose() public void Dispose()
@ -149,18 +160,31 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
#region ApeManagerImplementation #region ApeManagerImplementation
public Task<byte[]> AddChainAsync(PrmApeChainAdd args) public Task<byte[]> AddChainAsync(PrmApeChainAdd args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetApeManagerService(args); var service = GetApeManagerService(args);
return service.AddChainAsync(args); return service.AddChainAsync(args);
} }
public Task RemoveChainAsync(PrmApeChainRemove args) public Task RemoveChainAsync(PrmApeChainRemove args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetApeManagerService(args); var service = GetApeManagerService(args);
return service.RemoveChainAsync(args); return service.RemoveChainAsync(args);
} }
public Task<Chain[]> ListChainAsync(PrmApeChainList args) public Task<Chain[]> ListChainAsync(PrmApeChainList args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetApeManagerService(args); var service = GetApeManagerService(args);
return service.ListChainAsync(args); return service.ListChainAsync(args);
} }
@ -169,6 +193,9 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
#region ContainerImplementation #region ContainerImplementation
public Task<FrostFsContainerInfo> GetContainerAsync(PrmContainerGet args) public Task<FrostFsContainerInfo> GetContainerAsync(PrmContainerGet args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetContainerService(args); var service = GetContainerService(args);
return service.GetContainerAsync(args); return service.GetContainerAsync(args);
} }
@ -176,18 +203,24 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsContainerId> ListContainersAsync(PrmContainerGetAll? args = null) public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsContainerId> ListContainersAsync(PrmContainerGetAll? args = null)
{ {
args ??= new PrmContainerGetAll(); args ??= new PrmContainerGetAll();
var service = GetContainerService(args); var service = GetContainerService(args);
return service.ListContainersAsync(args); return service.ListContainersAsync(args);
} }
public Task<FrostFsContainerId> CreateContainerAsync(PrmContainerCreate args) public Task<FrostFsContainerId> CreateContainerAsync(PrmContainerCreate args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetContainerService(args); var service = GetContainerService(args);
return service.CreateContainerAsync(args); return service.CreateContainerAsync(args);
} }
public Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args) public Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetContainerService(args); var service = GetContainerService(args);
return service.DeleteContainerAsync(args); return service.DeleteContainerAsync(args);
} }
@ -219,36 +252,54 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
#region ObjectImplementation #region ObjectImplementation
public Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args) public Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.GetObjectHeadAsync(args); return service.GetObjectHeadAsync(args);
} }
public Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args) public Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.GetObjectAsync(args); return service.GetObjectAsync(args);
} }
public Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args) public Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.PutObjectAsync(args); return service.PutObjectAsync(args);
} }
public Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args) public Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.PutSingleObjectAsync(args); return service.PutSingleObjectAsync(args);
} }
public Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args) public Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.DeleteObjectAsync(args); return service.DeleteObjectAsync(args);
} }
public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args) public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetObjectService(args); var service = GetObjectService(args);
return service.SearchObjectsAsync(args); return service.SearchObjectsAsync(args);
} }
@ -257,17 +308,23 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
#region SessionImplementation #region SessionImplementation
public async Task<FrostFsSessionToken> CreateSessionAsync(PrmSessionCreate args) public async Task<FrostFsSessionToken> CreateSessionAsync(PrmSessionCreate args)
{ {
var session = await CreateSessionInternalAsync(args); if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var session = await CreateSessionInternalAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
var token = session.Serialize(); var token = session.Serialize();
return new FrostFsSessionToken(token); return new FrostFsSessionToken(token);
} }
internal Task<Session.SessionToken> CreateSessionInternalAsync(PrmSessionCreate args) internal Task<SessionToken> CreateSessionInternalAsync(PrmSessionCreate args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
var service = GetSessionService(args); var service = GetSessionService(args);
return service.CreateSessionAsync(args); return service.CreateSessionAsync(args);
} }
#endregion #endregion
#region ToolsImplementation #region ToolsImplementation
@ -283,20 +340,24 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
private async void CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(Context? ctx = default) private async void CheckFrostFsVersionSupport(Context? ctx = default)
{ {
var args = new PrmNodeInfo { Context = ctx }; var args = new PrmNodeInfo { Context = ctx };
if (ctx?.Version == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Version));
var service = GetNetmapService(args); var service = GetNetmapService(args);
var localNodeInfo = await service.GetLocalNodeInfoAsync(args); var localNodeInfo = await service.GetLocalNodeInfoAsync(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (!localNodeInfo.Version.IsSupported(args.Context!.Version)) if (!localNodeInfo.Version.IsSupported(ctx.Version))
{ {
var msg = $"FrostFS {localNodeInfo.Version} is not supported."; var msg = $"FrostFS {localNodeInfo.Version} is not supported.";
throw new ApplicationException(msg); throw new FrostFsException(msg);
} }
} }
private CallInvoker? SetupEnvironment(IContext ctx) private CallInvoker? SetupEnvironment(IContext ctx)
{ {
if (isDisposed) if (isDisposed)
throw new Exception("Client is disposed."); throw new InvalidObjectException("Client is disposed.");
ctx.Context ??= new Context(); ctx.Context ??= new Context();
@ -304,14 +365,14 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
{ {
if (ClientCtx.Key == null) if (ClientCtx.Key == null)
{ {
throw new Exception("Key is not initialized."); throw new InvalidObjectException("Key is not initialized.");
} }
ctx.Context.Key = ClientCtx.Key.ECDsaKey; ctx.Context.Key = ClientCtx.Key.ECDsaKey;
} }
if (ctx.Context.OwnerId == null) if (ctx.Context.OwnerId == null)
{ {
ctx.Context.OwnerId = ClientCtx.Owner ?? FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ctx.Context.Key); ctx.Context.OwnerId = ClientCtx.Owner ?? FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ctx.Context.Key);
} }
@ -319,7 +380,7 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
{ {
if (ClientCtx.Version == null) if (ClientCtx.Version == null)
{ {
throw new Exception("Version is not initialized."); throw new InvalidObjectException("Version is not initialized.");
} }
ctx.Context.Version = ClientCtx.Version; ctx.Context.Version = ClientCtx.Version;
@ -336,7 +397,7 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
if (ctx.Context.Callback != null) if (ctx.Context.Callback != null)
callInvoker = AddInvoker(callInvoker, new MetricsInterceptor(ctx.Context.Callback)); callInvoker = AddInvoker(callInvoker, new MetricsInterceptor(ctx.Context.Callback));
return callInvoker; return callInvoker;
CallInvoker AddInvoker(CallInvoker? callInvoker, Interceptor interceptor) CallInvoker AddInvoker(CallInvoker? callInvoker, Interceptor interceptor)
@ -382,7 +443,7 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
private ContainerServiceProvider GetContainerService(IContext ctx) private ContainerServiceProvider GetContainerService(IContext ctx)
{ {
var callInvoker = SetupEnvironment(ctx); var callInvoker = SetupEnvironment(ctx);
var client = ContainerServiceClient ?? (callInvoker != null var client = ContainerServiceClient ?? (callInvoker != null
? new ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient(callInvoker) ? new ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient(callInvoker)
: new ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient(ClientCtx.Channel)); : new ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient(ClientCtx.Channel));
@ -408,7 +469,7 @@ public class Client : IFrostFSClient
if (channelOptions != null) if (channelOptions != null)
return GrpcChannel.ForAddress(uri, channelOptions); return GrpcChannel.ForAddress(uri, channelOptions);
return GrpcChannel.ForAddress(uri, new GrpcChannelOptions return GrpcChannel.ForAddress(uri, new GrpcChannelOptions
{ {
HttpHandler = new HttpClientHandler() HttpHandler = new HttpClientHandler()

View file

@ -14,6 +14,11 @@ public class MetricsInterceptor(Action<CallStatistics> callback) : Interceptor
ClientInterceptorContext<TRequest, TResponse> context, ClientInterceptorContext<TRequest, TResponse> context,
AsyncUnaryCallContinuation<TRequest, TResponse> continuation) AsyncUnaryCallContinuation<TRequest, TResponse> continuation)
{ {
if (continuation is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(continuation));
var call = continuation(request, context); var call = continuation(request, context);
return new AsyncUnaryCall<TResponse>( return new AsyncUnaryCall<TResponse>(
@ -28,7 +33,10 @@ public class MetricsInterceptor(Action<CallStatistics> callback) : Interceptor
ClientInterceptorContext<TRequest, TResponse> context, ClientInterceptorContext<TRequest, TResponse> context,
AsyncClientStreamingCallContinuation<TRequest, TResponse> continuation) AsyncClientStreamingCallContinuation<TRequest, TResponse> continuation)
{ {
var call = continuation(context); if (continuation is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(continuation));
var call = continuation(context);
return new AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse>( return new AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse>(
call.RequestStream, call.RequestStream,
@ -43,31 +51,31 @@ public class MetricsInterceptor(Action<CallStatistics> callback) : Interceptor
{ {
var watch = new Stopwatch(); var watch = new Stopwatch();
watch.Start(); watch.Start();
var response = await call.ResponseAsync; var response = await call.ResponseAsync.ConfigureAwait(false);
watch.Stop(); watch.Stop();
var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000/Stopwatch.Frequency; var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000 / Stopwatch.Frequency;
callback(new CallStatistics { MethodName = call.ToString(), ElapsedMicroSeconds = elapsed }); callback(new CallStatistics { MethodName = call.ToString(), ElapsedMicroSeconds = elapsed });
return response; return response;
} }
private async Task<TResponse> HandleStreamResponse<TRequest, TResponse>(AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse> call) private async Task<TResponse> HandleStreamResponse<TRequest, TResponse>(AsyncClientStreamingCall<TRequest, TResponse> call)
{ {
var watch = new Stopwatch(); var watch = new Stopwatch();
watch.Start(); watch.Start();
var response = await call.ResponseAsync; var response = await call.ResponseAsync.ConfigureAwait(false);
watch.Stop(); watch.Stop();
var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000/Stopwatch.Frequency; var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000 / Stopwatch.Frequency;
callback(new CallStatistics { MethodName = call.ToString(), ElapsedMicroSeconds = elapsed }); callback(new CallStatistics { MethodName = call.ToString(), ElapsedMicroSeconds = elapsed });
return response; return response;
} }
} }

View file

@ -36,21 +36,21 @@ public interface IFrostFSClient : IDisposable
Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args); Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args);
#endregion #endregion
#region Object #region Object
Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args); Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args);
Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args); Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args);
Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args); Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args);
Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args); Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args);
Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args); Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args);
IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args); IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args);
#endregion #endregion
#region Tools #region Tools
FrostFsObjectId CalculateObjectId(FrostFsObjectHeader header, Context ctx); FrostFsObjectId CalculateObjectId(FrostFsObjectHeader header, Context ctx);
#endregion #endregion

View file

@ -9,14 +9,12 @@ public static class ContainerMapper
{ {
public static FrostFsContainerInfo ToModel(this Container.Container container) public static FrostFsContainerInfo ToModel(this Container.Container container)
{ {
if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(BasicAcl),(int)container.BasicAcl)) if (container == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Unknown BasicACL rule. Value: '{container.BasicAcl}'."); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(container));
BasicAcl acl = (BasicAcl)container.BasicAcl;
return new FrostFsContainerInfo(acl, return new FrostFsContainerInfo(
container.PlacementPolicy.ToModel(), container.PlacementPolicy.ToModel(),
container.Attributes?.Select(a => new FrostFsAttribute(a.Key, a.Value)).ToList(), container.Attributes?.Select(a => new FrostFsAttributePair(a.Key, a.Value)).ToArray(),
container.Version?.ToModel(), container.Version?.ToModel(),
container.OwnerId?.ToModel(), container.OwnerId?.ToModel(),
container.Nonce?.ToUuid()); container.Nonce?.ToUuid());

View file

@ -17,19 +17,23 @@ public static class ContainerIdMapper
public static ContainerID ToMessage(this FrostFsContainerId model) public static ContainerID ToMessage(this FrostFsContainerId model)
{ {
if (model.Value == null) if (model is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
if (!Cache.Containers.TryGetValue(model.Value, out ContainerID? message))
var containerId = model.GetValue() ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
if (!Cache.Containers.TryGetValue(containerId, out ContainerID? message))
{ {
message = new ContainerID message = new ContainerID
{ {
Value = ByteString.CopyFrom(Base58.Decode(model.Value)) Value = ByteString.CopyFrom(Base58.Decode(containerId))
}; };
Cache.Containers.Set(model.Value, message, _oneHourExpiration); Cache.Containers.Set(containerId, message, _oneHourExpiration);
} }
return message!; return message!;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
@ -6,11 +8,16 @@ public static class MetaHeaderMapper
{ {
public static RequestMetaHeader ToMessage(this MetaHeader metaHeader) public static RequestMetaHeader ToMessage(this MetaHeader metaHeader)
{ {
if (metaHeader is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(metaHeader));
return new RequestMetaHeader return new RequestMetaHeader
{ {
Version = metaHeader.Version.ToMessage(), Version = metaHeader.Version.ToMessage(),
Epoch = (uint)metaHeader.Epoch, Epoch = (uint)metaHeader.Epoch,
Ttl = (uint)metaHeader.Ttl Ttl = (uint)metaHeader.Ttl
}; };
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
@ -8,6 +9,11 @@ public static class NetmapMapper
{ {
public static FrostFsNetmapSnapshot ToModel(this NetmapSnapshotResponse netmap) public static FrostFsNetmapSnapshot ToModel(this NetmapSnapshotResponse netmap)
{ {
if (netmap is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(netmap));
return new FrostFsNetmapSnapshot( return new FrostFsNetmapSnapshot(
netmap.Body.Netmap.Epoch, netmap.Body.Netmap.Epoch,
netmap.Body.Netmap.Nodes netmap.Body.Netmap.Nodes

View file

@ -10,11 +10,21 @@ public static class NodeInfoMapper
{ {
public static FrostFsNodeInfo ToModel(this LocalNodeInfoResponse.Types.Body node) public static FrostFsNodeInfo ToModel(this LocalNodeInfoResponse.Types.Body node)
{ {
if (node is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(node));
return node.NodeInfo.ToModel(node.Version); return node.NodeInfo.ToModel(node.Version);
} }
public static FrostFsNodeInfo ToModel(this NodeInfo nodeInfo, Refs.Version version) public static FrostFsNodeInfo ToModel(this NodeInfo nodeInfo, Refs.Version version)
{ {
if (nodeInfo is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(nodeInfo));
NodeState state = nodeInfo.State switch NodeState state = nodeInfo.State switch
{ {
NodeInfo.Types.State.Unspecified => NodeState.Unspecified, NodeInfo.Types.State.Unspecified => NodeState.Unspecified,

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
@ -6,26 +7,13 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public static class PlacementPolicyMapper public static class PlacementPolicyMapper
{ {
public static PlacementPolicy ToMessage(this FrostFsPlacementPolicy placementPolicy)
var pp = new PlacementPolicy
Filters = { },
Selectors = { },
Replicas = { },
Unique = placementPolicy.Unique
foreach (var replica in placementPolicy.Replicas)
return pp;
public static FrostFsPlacementPolicy ToModel(this PlacementPolicy placementPolicy) public static FrostFsPlacementPolicy ToModel(this PlacementPolicy placementPolicy)
{ {
if (placementPolicy is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(placementPolicy));
return new FrostFsPlacementPolicy( return new FrostFsPlacementPolicy(
placementPolicy.Unique, placementPolicy.Unique,
placementPolicy.Replicas.Select(replica => replica.ToModel()).ToArray() placementPolicy.Replicas.Select(replica => replica.ToModel()).ToArray()

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
@ -15,6 +17,11 @@ public static class ReplicaMapper
public static FrostFsReplica ToModel(this Replica replica) public static FrostFsReplica ToModel(this Replica replica)
{ {
if (replica is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(replica));
return new FrostFsReplica((int)replica.Count, replica.Selector); return new FrostFsReplica((int)replica.Count, replica.Selector);
} }
} }

View file

@ -8,5 +8,5 @@ internal static class ObjectMapper
{ {
ObjectId = FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(obj.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray()) ObjectId = FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(obj.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray())
}; };
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
using System;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
public static class ObjectAttributeMapper public static class ObjectAttributeMapper
{ {
public static Header.Types.Attribute ToMessage(this FrostFsAttribute attribute) public static Header.Types.Attribute ToMessage(this FrostFsAttributePair attribute)
{ {
if (attribute is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(attribute));
return new Header.Types.Attribute return new Header.Types.Attribute
{ {
Key = attribute.Key, Key = attribute.Key,
@ -13,8 +20,13 @@ public static class ObjectAttributeMapper
}; };
} }
public static FrostFsAttribute ToModel(this Header.Types.Attribute attribute) public static FrostFsAttributePair ToModel(this Header.Types.Attribute attribute)
{ {
return new FrostFsAttribute(attribute.Key, attribute.Value); if (attribute is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(attribute));
return new FrostFsAttributePair(attribute.Key, attribute.Value);
} }
} }

View file

@ -8,6 +8,11 @@ public static class ObjectFilterMapper
{ {
public static SearchRequest.Types.Body.Types.Filter ToMessage(this IObjectFilter filter) public static SearchRequest.Types.Body.Types.Filter ToMessage(this IObjectFilter filter)
{ {
if (filter is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));
var objMatchTypeName = filter.MatchType switch var objMatchTypeName = filter.MatchType switch
{ {
FrostFsMatchType.Unspecified => MatchType.Unspecified, FrostFsMatchType.Unspecified => MatchType.Unspecified,
@ -25,5 +30,5 @@ public static class ObjectFilterMapper
Key = filter.Key, Key = filter.Key,
Value = filter.GetSerializedValue() Value = filter.GetSerializedValue()
}; };
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
@ -10,6 +11,11 @@ public static class ObjectHeaderMapper
{ {
public static FrostFsObjectHeader ToModel(this Header header) public static FrostFsObjectHeader ToModel(this Header header)
{ {
if (header is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(header));
var objTypeName = header.ObjectType switch var objTypeName = header.ObjectType switch
{ {
ObjectType.Regular => FrostFsObjectType.Regular, ObjectType.Regular => FrostFsObjectType.Regular,
@ -22,15 +28,15 @@ public static class ObjectHeaderMapper
if (header.Split != null) if (header.Split != null)
{ {
split = new FrostFsSplit(new SplitId(header.Split.SplitId.ToUuid())) var children = header.Split.Children.Count != 0 ? new ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsObjectId>(
{ header.Split.Children.Select(x => x.ToModel()).ToList()) : null;
Parent = header.Split.Parent?.ToModel(),
ParentHeader = header.Split.ParentHeader?.ToModel(),
Previous = header.Split.Previous?.ToModel()
if (header.Split.Children.Count != 0) split = new FrostFsSplit(new SplitId(header.Split.SplitId.ToUuid()),
split.Children.AddRange(header.Split.Children.Select(x => x.ToModel())); header.Split.Previous?.ToModel(),
} }
var model = new FrostFsObjectHeader( var model = new FrostFsObjectHeader(
@ -40,10 +46,10 @@ public static class ObjectHeaderMapper
split, split,
header.OwnerId.ToModel(), header.OwnerId.ToModel(),
header.Version.ToModel()) header.Version.ToModel())
{ {
PayloadLength = header.PayloadLength, PayloadLength = header.PayloadLength,
}; };
return model; return model;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System;
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
@ -8,6 +10,11 @@ public static class ObjectIdMapper
{ {
public static ObjectID ToMessage(this FrostFsObjectId objectId) public static ObjectID ToMessage(this FrostFsObjectId objectId)
{ {
if (objectId is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectId));
return new ObjectID return new ObjectID
{ {
Value = ByteString.CopyFrom(objectId.ToHash()) Value = ByteString.CopyFrom(objectId.ToHash())
@ -16,6 +23,11 @@ public static class ObjectIdMapper
public static FrostFsObjectId ToModel(this ObjectID objectId) public static FrostFsObjectId ToModel(this ObjectID objectId)
{ {
if (objectId is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(objectId));
return FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(objectId.Value.ToByteArray()); return FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(objectId.Value.ToByteArray());
} }
} }

View file

@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ public static class OwnerIdMapper
public static OwnerID ToMessage(this FrostFsOwner model) public static OwnerID ToMessage(this FrostFsOwner model)
{ {
if (model is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
if (!Cache.Owners.TryGetValue(model, out OwnerID? message)) if (!Cache.Owners.TryGetValue(model, out OwnerID? message))
{ {
message = new OwnerID message = new OwnerID
@ -32,10 +37,15 @@ public static class OwnerIdMapper
public static FrostFsOwner ToModel(this OwnerID message) public static FrostFsOwner ToModel(this OwnerID message)
{ {
if (message is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
if (!Cache.Owners.TryGetValue(message, out FrostFsOwner? model)) if (!Cache.Owners.TryGetValue(message, out FrostFsOwner? model))
{ {
model = new FrostFsOwner(Base58.Encode(message.Value.ToByteArray())); model = new FrostFsOwner(Base58.Encode(message.Value.ToByteArray()));
Cache.Owners.Set(message, model, _oneHourExpiration); Cache.Owners.Set(message, model, _oneHourExpiration);
} }

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
@ -6,8 +8,13 @@ public static class SessionMapper
{ {
public static byte[] Serialize(this Session.SessionToken token) public static byte[] Serialize(this Session.SessionToken token)
{ {
if (token is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(token));
byte[] bytes = new byte[token.CalculateSize()]; byte[] bytes = new byte[token.CalculateSize()];
CodedOutputStream stream = new(bytes); using CodedOutputStream stream = new(bytes);
token.WriteTo(stream); token.WriteTo(stream);
return bytes; return bytes;

View file

@ -8,13 +8,17 @@ public static class SignatureMapper
{ {
public static Refs.Signature ToMessage(this FrostFsSignature signature) public static Refs.Signature ToMessage(this FrostFsSignature signature)
{ {
if (signature is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(signature));
var scheme = signature.Scheme switch var scheme = signature.Scheme switch
{ {
SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256 => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256, SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256 => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256,
SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256WalletConnect => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256WalletConnect, SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256WalletConnect => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaRfc6979Sha256WalletConnect,
SignatureScheme.EcdsaSha512 => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaSha512, SignatureScheme.EcdsaSha512 => Refs.SignatureScheme.EcdsaSha512,
_ => throw new ArgumentException(message: $"Unexpected enum value: {signature.Scheme}", _ => throw new ArgumentException(nameof(signature.Scheme), $"Unexpected enum value: {signature.Scheme}")
paramName: nameof(signature.Scheme))
}; };
return new Refs.Signature return new Refs.Signature

View file

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ public static class StatusMapper
{ {
public static FrostFsResponseStatus ToModel(this Status.Status status) public static FrostFsResponseStatus ToModel(this Status.Status status)
{ {
if (status is null) if (status is null)
return new FrostFsResponseStatus(FrostFsStatusCode.Success); return new FrostFsResponseStatus(FrostFsStatusCode.Success);
var codeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(FrostFsStatusCode), status.Code); var codeName = Enum.GetName(typeof(FrostFsStatusCode), status.Code);

View file

@ -9,10 +9,15 @@ public static class VersionMapper
{ {
private static readonly Hashtable _cacheMessages = []; private static readonly Hashtable _cacheMessages = [];
private static readonly Hashtable _cacheModels = []; private static readonly Hashtable _cacheModels = [];
private static SpinLock _spinlock = new(); private static SpinLock _spinlock;
public static Version ToMessage(this FrostFsVersion model) public static Version ToMessage(this FrostFsVersion model)
{ {
if (model is null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(model));
var key = model.Major << 16 + model.Minor; var key = model.Major << 16 + model.Minor;
if (!_cacheMessages.ContainsKey(key)) if (!_cacheMessages.ContainsKey(key))
@ -46,6 +51,11 @@ public static class VersionMapper
public static FrostFsVersion ToModel(this Version message) public static FrostFsVersion ToModel(this Version message)
{ {
if (message is null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
var key = (int)message.Major << 16 + (int)message.Minor; var key = (int)message.Major << 16 + (int)message.Minor;
if (!_cacheModels.ContainsKey(key)) if (!_cacheModels.ContainsKey(key))

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ using Frostfs.V2.Ape;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2 namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2
{ {
public struct FrostFsChainTarget(FrostFsTargetType type, string name) public struct FrostFsChainTarget(FrostFsTargetType type, string name) : IEquatable<FrostFsChainTarget>
{ {
private ChainTarget? chainTarget; private ChainTarget? chainTarget;
@ -33,5 +33,31 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2
_ => throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected value for TargetType", nameof(type)), _ => throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected value for TargetType", nameof(type)),
}; };
} }
public override readonly bool Equals(object obj)
var target = (FrostFsChainTarget)obj;
return Equals(target);
public override readonly int GetHashCode()
return $"{Name}{Type}".GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(FrostFsChainTarget left, FrostFsChainTarget right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(FrostFsChainTarget left, FrostFsChainTarget right)
return !(left == right);
public readonly bool Equals(FrostFsChainTarget other)
return Type == other.Type && Name.Equals(other.Name, StringComparison.Ordinal);
} }
} }

View file

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2 namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2
{ {
public struct FrostFsChain (byte[] raw) public struct FrostFsChain(byte[] raw) : System.IEquatable<FrostFsChain>
{ {
private ByteString? grpcRaw; private ByteString? grpcRaw;
@ -12,5 +12,31 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2
{ {
return grpcRaw ??= ByteString.CopyFrom(Raw); return grpcRaw ??= ByteString.CopyFrom(Raw);
} }
public override readonly bool Equals(object obj)
var chain = (FrostFsChain)obj;
return Equals(chain);
public override readonly int GetHashCode()
return Raw.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(FrostFsChain left, FrostFsChain right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(FrostFsChain left, FrostFsChain right)
return !(left == right);
public readonly bool Equals(FrostFsChain other)
return Raw == other.Raw;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2 namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2
{ {
public enum FrostFsTargetType public enum FrostFsTargetType
{ {
Undefined = 0, Undefined = 0,
Namespace, Namespace,

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Text; using System.Text;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
@ -17,18 +18,24 @@ public class ClientSettings
ThrowException(errors); ThrowException(errors);
} }
protected List<string>? CheckFields() protected Collection<string>? CheckFields()
{ {
List<string>? errors = null;
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Host)) if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Host))
(errors ??= []).Add(string.Format(errorTemplate, nameof(Host))); {
var error = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, errorTemplate, nameof(Host));
return new Collection<string>([error]);
return errors; return null;
} }
protected static void ThrowException(List<string> errors) protected static void ThrowException(Collection<string> errors)
{ {
if (errors is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(errors));
StringBuilder messages = new(); StringBuilder messages = new();
foreach (var error in errors) foreach (var error in errors)
@ -51,12 +58,12 @@ public class SingleOwnerClientSettings : ClientSettings
ThrowException(errors); ThrowException(errors);
} }
protected new List<string>? CheckFields() protected new Collection<string>? CheckFields()
{ {
List<string>? errors = base.CheckFields(); Collection<string>? errors = base.CheckFields();
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Key)) if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Key))
(errors ??= []).Add(string.Format(errorTemplate, nameof(Key))); (errors ??= []).Add(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, errorTemplate, nameof(Key)));
return errors; return errors;
} }

View file

@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
@ -21,21 +20,18 @@ public class FrostFsContainerId
this.containerID = id; this.containerID = id;
} }
public string Value public string GetValue()
{ {
get if (this.modelId != null)
return this.modelId;
if (containerID != null)
{ {
if (this.modelId != null) this.modelId = Base58.Encode(containerID.Value.ToByteArray());
return this.modelId; return this.modelId;
if (containerID != null)
this.modelId = Base58.Encode(containerID.Value.ToByteArray());
return this.modelId;
throw new InvalidObjectException();
} }
throw new InvalidObjectException();
} }
internal ContainerID ContainerID internal ContainerID ContainerID
@ -57,6 +53,6 @@ public class FrostFsContainerId
public override string ToString() public override string ToString()
{ {
return Value; return GetValue();
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
@ -12,61 +12,59 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsContainerInfo public class FrostFsContainerInfo
{ {
private FrostFS.Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? grpsAttributes; private Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? grpsAttributes;
private List<FrostFsAttribute>? attributes; private ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>? attributes;
private FrostFsPlacementPolicy? placementPolicy; private FrostFsPlacementPolicy? placementPolicy;
private Guid? nonce; private Guid? nonce;
private Container.Container container; private Container.Container? container;
public FrostFsContainerInfo( public FrostFsContainerInfo(
BasicAcl basicAcl,
FrostFsPlacementPolicy placementPolicy, FrostFsPlacementPolicy placementPolicy,
List<FrostFsAttribute>? attributes = null, FrostFsAttributePair[]? attributes = null,
FrostFsVersion? version = null, FrostFsVersion? version = null,
FrostFsOwner? owner = null, FrostFsOwner? owner = null,
Guid? nonce = null) Guid? nonce = null)
{ {
BasicAcl = basicAcl;
this.placementPolicy = placementPolicy; this.placementPolicy = placementPolicy;
this.attributes = attributes;
Version = version; Version = version;
Owner = owner; Owner = owner;
this.nonce = nonce; this.nonce = nonce;
if (attributes != null)
this.attributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>(attributes);
} }
internal FrostFsContainerInfo(Container.Container container) internal FrostFsContainerInfo(Container.Container container)
{ {
this.container = container; this.container = container;
} }
public Guid Nonce public Guid Nonce
{ {
get get
{ {
nonce ??= container?.Nonce != null ? container.Nonce.ToUuid() : Guid.NewGuid(); nonce ??= container?.Nonce != null ? container.Nonce.ToUuid() : Guid.NewGuid();
return nonce.Value; return nonce.Value;
} }
} }
public BasicAcl BasicAcl { get; private set; }
public FrostFsPlacementPolicy? PlacementPolicy public FrostFsPlacementPolicy? PlacementPolicy
{ {
get get
{ {
placementPolicy ??= container.PlacementPolicy?.ToModel(); placementPolicy ??= container?.PlacementPolicy?.ToModel();
return placementPolicy; return placementPolicy;
} }
} }
public List<FrostFsAttribute>? Attributes public ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>? Attributes
{ {
get get
{ {
if (attributes == null && grpsAttributes != null) if (attributes == null && grpsAttributes != null)
attributes = grpsAttributes.Select(a => new FrostFsAttribute(a.Key, a.Value)).ToList(); attributes = new ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>(grpsAttributes.Select(a => new FrostFsAttributePair(a.Key, a.Value)).ToList());
return attributes; return attributes;
} }
} }
@ -74,8 +72,8 @@ public class FrostFsContainerInfo
public FrostFsVersion? Version { get; private set; } public FrostFsVersion? Version { get; private set; }
public FrostFsOwner? Owner { get; private set; } public FrostFsOwner? Owner { get; private set; }
internal Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? GetGrpsAttributes() internal Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? GetGrpsAttributes()
{ {
grpsAttributes ??= Attributes? grpsAttributes ??= Attributes?
.Select(a => new Container.Container.Types.Attribute { Key = a.Key, Value = a.Value }) .Select(a => new Container.Container.Types.Attribute { Key = a.Key, Value = a.Value })
@ -88,10 +86,14 @@ public class FrostFsContainerInfo
{ {
if (this.container == null) if (this.container == null)
{ {
if (PlacementPolicy == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException("PlacementPolicy is null");
this.container = new Container.Container() this.container = new Container.Container()
{ {
BasicAcl = (uint)BasicAcl, PlacementPolicy = PlacementPolicy.Value.GetPolicy(),
PlacementPolicy = PlacementPolicy.ToMessage(),
Nonce = ByteString.CopyFrom(Nonce.ToBytes()), Nonce = ByteString.CopyFrom(Nonce.ToBytes()),
OwnerId = Owner?.OwnerID, OwnerId = Owner?.OwnerID,
Version = Version?.Version Version = Version?.Version

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public enum BasicAcl
[Description("Not defined ACL")]
NotDefined = 0x00000000,
[Description("Basic ACL for private container")]
Private = 0x1C8C8CCC,
[Description("Basic ACL for public RO container")]
PublicRO = 0x1FBF8CFF,
[Description("Basic ACL for public RW container")]
PublicRW = 0x1FBFBFFF,
[Description("Basic ACL for public append container")]
PublicAppend = 0x1FBF9FFF,

View file

@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using System; using System;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class CheckSum public class CheckSum
{ {
// type is always Sha256 private byte[]? hash;
public byte[]? Hash { get; set; } private string? text;
public static CheckSum CreateCheckSum(byte[] content) public static CheckSum CreateCheckSum(byte[] content)
{ {
return new CheckSum { Hash = content.Sha256() }; return new CheckSum { hash = content.Sha256() };
} }
public override string ToString() public override string ToString()
{ {
return BitConverter.ToString(Hash).Replace("-", ""); return text ??= BitConverter.ToString(hash).Replace("-", "");
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class Constants public static class Constants
{ {
public const int ObjectChunkSize = 3 * (1 << 20); public const int ObjectChunkSize = 3 * (1 << 20);
public const int Sha256HashLength = 32; public const int Sha256HashLength = 32;
// HeaderPrefix is a prefix of key to object header value or property. // HeaderPrefix is a prefix of key to object header value or property.

View file

@ -1,28 +1,89 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.Netmap;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsPlacementPolicy(bool unique, params FrostFsReplica[] replicas) : IComparable<FrostFsPlacementPolicy> public struct FrostFsPlacementPolicy(bool unique, params FrostFsReplica[] replicas)
: IEquatable<FrostFsPlacementPolicy>
{ {
private PlacementPolicy policy;
public FrostFsReplica[] Replicas { get; private set; } = replicas; public FrostFsReplica[] Replicas { get; private set; } = replicas;
public bool Unique { get; private set; } = unique; public bool Unique { get; private set; } = unique;
public int CompareTo(FrostFsPlacementPolicy other) public override readonly bool Equals(object obj)
{ {
var notEqual = other == null if (obj is null)
|| Unique != other.Unique return false;
|| Replicas.Length != other.Replicas.Length;
var other = (FrostFsPlacementPolicy)obj;
return Equals(other);
public PlacementPolicy GetPolicy()
if (policy == null)
policy = new PlacementPolicy
Filters = { },
Selectors = { },
Replicas = { },
Unique = Unique
foreach (var replica in Replicas)
return policy;
//public static FrostFsPlacementPolicy ToModel(placementPolicy)
// return new FrostFsPlacementPolicy(
// placementPolicy.Unique,
// placementPolicy.Replicas.Select(replica => replica.ToModel()).ToArray()
// );
public override readonly int GetHashCode()
return Unique ? 17 : 0 + Replicas.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(FrostFsPlacementPolicy left, FrostFsPlacementPolicy right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(FrostFsPlacementPolicy left, FrostFsPlacementPolicy right)
return !(left == right);
public readonly bool Equals(FrostFsPlacementPolicy other)
var notEqual = Unique != other.Unique
|| Replicas.Length != other.Replicas.Length;
if (notEqual) if (notEqual)
return 1; return false;
foreach (var replica in Replicas) foreach (var replica in Replicas)
{ {
if (!other!.Replicas.Any(r => r.Count == replica.Count && r.Selector == replica.Selector)) if (!other.Replicas.Any(r => r.Equals(replica)))
return 1; return false;
} }
return 0; return true;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsReplica public struct FrostFsReplica : IEquatable<FrostFsReplica>
{ {
public int Count { get; set; } public int Count { get; set; }
public string Selector { get; set; } public string Selector { get; set; }
@ -12,4 +14,34 @@ public class FrostFsReplica
Count = count; Count = count;
Selector = selector; Selector = selector;
} }
public override readonly bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj is null)
return false;
var other = (FrostFsReplica)obj;
return Count == other.Count && Selector == other.Selector;
public override readonly int GetHashCode()
return Count + Selector.GetHashCode();
public static bool operator ==(FrostFsReplica left, FrostFsReplica right)
return left.Equals(right);
public static bool operator !=(FrostFsReplica left, FrostFsReplica right)
return !(left == right);
public readonly bool Equals(FrostFsReplica other)
return Count == other.Count && Selector == other.Selector;
} }

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsVersion(int major, int minor) public class FrostFsVersion(int major, int minor)
{ {
public Version version; private Version? version;
public int Major { get; set; } = major; public int Major { get; set; } = major;
public int Minor { get; set; } = minor; public int Minor { get; set; } = minor;
@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ public class FrostFsVersion(int major, int minor)
public bool IsSupported(FrostFsVersion version) public bool IsSupported(FrostFsVersion version)
{ {
if (version is null)
throw new System.ArgumentNullException(nameof(version));
return Major == version.Major; return Major == version.Major;
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsAttribute(string key, string value) public class FrostFsAttributePair(string key, string value)
{ {
public string Key { get; set; } = key; public string Key { get; set; } = key;

View file

@ -1,13 +1,21 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK; using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsLinkObject : FrostFsObject public class FrostFsLinkObject : FrostFsObject
{ {
public FrostFsLinkObject(FrostFsContainerId containerId, SplitId splitId, FrostFsObjectHeader largeObjectHeader) public FrostFsLinkObject(FrostFsContainerId containerId,
SplitId splitId,
FrostFsObjectHeader largeObjectHeader,
IList<FrostFsObjectId> children)
: base(containerId) : base(containerId)
{ {
Header!.Split = new FrostFsSplit(splitId) Header!.Split = new FrostFsSplit(splitId,
{ null,
ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader null,
}; largeObjectHeader,
new ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsObjectId>(children));
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
using System; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsObject public class FrostFsObject
{ {
private byte[]? bytes;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Creates new instance from <c>ObjectHeader</c> /// Creates new instance from <c>ObjectHeader</c>
/// </summary> /// </summary>
@ -37,19 +39,27 @@ public class FrostFsObject
get; set; get; set;
} }
/// <summary>
/// The size of payload cannot exceed <c>MaxObjectSize</c> value from <c>NetworkSettings</c>
/// Used only for PutSingleObject method
/// </summary>
/// <value>Buffer for output data</value>
public byte[] Payload { get; set; } = [];
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// A payload is obtained via stream reader /// A payload is obtained via stream reader
/// </summary> /// </summary>
/// <value>Reader for received data</value> /// <value>Reader for received data</value>
public IObjectReader? ObjectReader { get; set; } public IObjectReader? ObjectReader { get; set; }
internal byte[] SingleObjectPayload
get { return bytes ?? []; }
/// <summary>
/// The size of payload cannot exceed <c>MaxObjectSize</c> value from <c>NetworkSettings</c>
/// Used only for PutSingleObject method
/// </summary>
/// <value>Buffer for output data</value>
public void SetSingleObjectPayload(byte[] bytes)
this.bytes = bytes;
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Applied only for the last Object in chain in case of manual multipart uploading /// Applied only for the last Object in chain in case of manual multipart uploading
/// </summary> /// </summary>
@ -57,7 +67,7 @@ public class FrostFsObject
public void SetParent(FrostFsObjectHeader largeObjectHeader) public void SetParent(FrostFsObjectHeader largeObjectHeader)
{ {
if (Header?.Split == null) if (Header?.Split == null)
throw new Exception("The object is not initialized properly"); throw new InvalidObjectException("The object is not initialized properly");
Header.Split.ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader; Header.Split.ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader;
} }

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ public abstract class FrostFsObjectFilter<T>(FrostFsMatchType matchType, string
/// <param name="matchType">Match type</param> /// <param name="matchType">Match type</param>
/// <param name="key">Attribute key</param> /// <param name="key">Attribute key</param>
/// <param name="value">Attribute value</param> /// <param name="value">Attribute value</param>
public class FilterByAttribute(FrostFsMatchType matchType, string key, string value) : FrostFsObjectFilter<string>(matchType, key, value) { } public class FilterByAttributePair(FrostFsMatchType matchType, string key, string value) : FrostFsObjectFilter<string>(matchType, key, value) { }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Creates filter to search by ObjectId /// Creates filter to search by ObjectId

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
@ -11,15 +11,17 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsObjectHeader( public class FrostFsObjectHeader(
FrostFsContainerId containerId, FrostFsContainerId containerId,
FrostFsObjectType type = FrostFsObjectType.Regular, FrostFsObjectType type = FrostFsObjectType.Regular,
FrostFsAttribute[]? attributes = null, FrostFsAttributePair[]? attributes = null,
FrostFsSplit? split = null, FrostFsSplit? split = null,
FrostFsOwner? owner = null, FrostFsOwner? owner = null,
FrostFsVersion? version = null) FrostFsVersion? version = null)
{ {
private Header header; private Header? header;
private Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? grpsAttributes; private Container.Container.Types.Attribute[]? grpsAttributes;
public List<FrostFsAttribute> Attributes { get; internal set; } = attributes != null ? [.. attributes] : []; public ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>? Attributes { get; internal set; } =
attributes == null ? null :
new ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsAttributePair>(attributes);
public FrostFsContainerId ContainerId { get; } = containerId; public FrostFsContainerId ContainerId { get; } = containerId;
@ -65,9 +67,12 @@ public class FrostFsObjectHeader(
PayloadLength = PayloadLength PayloadLength = PayloadLength
}; };
foreach (var attribute in Attributes) if (Attributes != null)
{ {
this.header.Attributes.Add(attribute.ToMessage()); foreach (var attribute in Attributes)
} }
var split = Split; var split = Split;

View file

@ -10,6 +10,11 @@ public class FrostFsObjectId(string id)
public static FrostFsObjectId FromHash(byte[] hash) public static FrostFsObjectId FromHash(byte[] hash)
{ {
if (hash is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(hash));
if (hash.Length != Constants.Sha256HashLength) if (hash.Length != Constants.Sha256HashLength)
throw new FormatException("ObjectID must be a sha256 hash."); throw new FormatException("ObjectID must be a sha256 hash.");

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsOwner(string id) public class FrostFsOwner(string id)
{ {
private OwnerID ownerID; private OwnerID? ownerID;
public string Value { get; } = id; public string Value { get; } = id;
@ -17,9 +17,9 @@ public class FrostFsOwner(string id)
return new FrostFsOwner(key.PublicKey().PublicKeyToAddress()); return new FrostFsOwner(key.PublicKey().PublicKeyToAddress());
} }
internal OwnerID OwnerID internal OwnerID OwnerID
{ {
get get
{ {
ownerID ??= this.ToMessage(); ownerID ??= this.ToMessage();
return ownerID; return ownerID;

View file

@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsSplit(SplitId splitId) public class FrostFsSplit(SplitId splitId,
FrostFsObjectId? previous = null,
FrostFsObjectId? parent = null,
FrostFsObjectHeader? parentHeader = null,
FrostFsSignature? parentSignature = null,
ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsObjectId>? children = null)
{ {
public FrostFsSplit() : this(new SplitId()) public FrostFsSplit() : this(new SplitId())
{ {
@ -10,15 +15,14 @@ public class FrostFsSplit(SplitId splitId)
public SplitId SplitId { get; private set; } = splitId; public SplitId SplitId { get; private set; } = splitId;
public FrostFsObjectId? Parent { get; set; } public FrostFsObjectId? Previous { get; } = previous;
public FrostFsObjectId? Previous { get; set; } public FrostFsObjectId? Parent { get; } = parent;
public FrostFsSignature? ParentSignature { get; set; } public FrostFsSignature? ParentSignature { get; } = parentSignature;
public FrostFsObjectHeader? ParentHeader { get; set; } public FrostFsObjectHeader? ParentHeader { get; set; } = parentHeader;
public List<FrostFsObjectId> Children { get; } = []; public ReadOnlyCollection<FrostFsObjectId>? Children { get; } = children;
public Refs.Signature ParentSignatureGrpc { get; set; }
} }

View file

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using System;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
using System;
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class SplitId public class SplitId
{ {
private readonly Guid id; private readonly Guid id;
private ByteString? _message; private ByteString? message;
public SplitId() public SplitId()
{ {
id = Guid.NewGuid(); this.id = Guid.NewGuid();
} }
public SplitId(Guid guid) public SplitId(Guid id)
{ {
id = guid; this.id = id;
} }
private SplitId(byte[] binary) private SplitId(byte[] binary)
{ {
id = new Guid(binary); this.id = new Guid(binary);
} }
private SplitId(string str) private SplitId(string str)
{ {
id = new Guid(str); this.id = new Guid(str);
} }
public static SplitId CreateFromBinary(byte[] binaryData) public static SplitId CreateFromBinary(byte[] binaryData)
@ -44,19 +44,19 @@ public class SplitId
public override string ToString() public override string ToString()
{ {
return id.ToString(); return this.id.ToString();
} }
public byte[]? ToBinary() public byte[]? ToBinary()
{ {
if (id == Guid.Empty) if (this.id == Guid.Empty)
return null; return null;
return id.ToBytes(); return this.id.ToBytes();
} }
public ByteString? GetSplitId() public ByteString? GetSplitId()
{ {
return _message ??= ByteString.CopyFrom(ToBinary()); return this.message ??= ByteString.CopyFrom(ToBinary());
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK; namespace FrostFS.SDK;
public class FrostFsSignature public class FrostFsSignature()
{ {
public byte[]? Key { get; set; } public byte[]? Key { get; set; }

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading; using System.Threading;
@ -13,32 +13,32 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class Context() public class Context()
{ {
private List<Interceptor>? interceptors; private ReadOnlyCollection<Interceptor>? interceptors;
private ByteString? publicKeyCache; private ByteString? publicKeyCache;
public ECDsa Key { get; set; } public ECDsa? Key { get; set; }
public FrostFsOwner OwnerId { get; set; } public FrostFsOwner? OwnerId { get; set; }
public FrostFsVersion Version { get; set; } public FrostFsVersion? Version { get; set; }
public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; }
public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; }
public CancellationToken CancellationToken { get; set; } = default;
public TimeSpan Timeout { get; set; } = default;
public DateTime? Deadline => Timeout.Ticks > 0 ? DateTime.UtcNow.Add(Timeout) : null; public DateTime? Deadline => Timeout.Ticks > 0 ? DateTime.UtcNow.Add(Timeout) : null;
public Action<CallStatistics>? Callback { get; set; } public Action<CallStatistics>? Callback { get; set; }
public List<Interceptor> Interceptors public ReadOnlyCollection<Interceptor>? Interceptors
{ {
get { return this.interceptors ??= []; } get { return this.interceptors; }
set { this.interceptors = value; } set { this.interceptors = value; }
} }
public ByteString? GetPublicKeyCache() public ByteString? GetPublicKeyCache()
{ {
if (publicKeyCache == null && Key != null) if (publicKeyCache == null && Key != null)
{ {
publicKeyCache = ByteString.CopyFrom(Key.PublicKey()); publicKeyCache = ByteString.CopyFrom(Key.PublicKey());

View file

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class PrmBase() : IContext public class PrmBase(NameValueCollection? xheaders = null) : IContext
{ {
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// FrostFS request X-Headers /// FrostFS request X-Headers
/// </summary> /// </summary>
public NameValueCollection XHeaders { get; set; } = []; public NameValueCollection XHeaders { get; } = xheaders ?? [];
/// <inheritdoc /> /// <inheritdoc />
public Context? Context { get; set; } public Context? Context { get; set; }

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ public sealed class PrmContainerCreate(FrostFsContainerInfo container) : PrmBase
/// </summary> /// </summary>
/// <value>Rules for polling the result</value> /// <value>Rules for polling the result</value>
public PrmWait? WaitParams { get; set; } public PrmWait? WaitParams { get; set; }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Blank session token /// Blank session token
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public sealed class PrmNetmapSnapshot() : PrmBase public sealed class PrmNetmapSnapshot() : PrmBase
{ {
} }

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public sealed class PrmNetworkSettings() : PrmBase public sealed class PrmNetworkSettings() : PrmBase
{ {
} }

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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public sealed class PrmNodeInfo() : PrmBase public sealed class PrmNodeInfo() : PrmBase
{ {
} }

View file

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
public sealed class PrmObjectHeadGet(FrostFsContainerId containerId, FrostFsObjectId objectId) : PrmBase, ISessionToken public sealed class PrmObjectHeadGet(FrostFsContainerId containerId, FrostFsObjectId objectId) : PrmBase, ISessionToken
{ {
public FrostFsContainerId ContainerId { get; set; } = containerId; public FrostFsContainerId ContainerId { get; set; } = containerId;
public FrostFsObjectId ObjectId { get; set; } = objectId; public FrostFsObjectId ObjectId { get; set; } = objectId;
/// <inheritdoc /> /// <inheritdoc />

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public sealed class PrmObjectPut : PrmBase, ISessionToken
/// Overrides default size of the buffer for stream transferring. /// Overrides default size of the buffer for stream transferring.
/// </summary> /// </summary>
/// <value>Size of the buffer</value> /// <value>Size of the buffer</value>
public int BufferMaxSize { get; set; } public int BufferMaxSize { get; set; }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Allows to define a buffer for chunks to manage by the memory allocation and releasing. /// Allows to define a buffer for chunks to manage by the memory allocation and releasing.
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public sealed class PrmObjectPut : PrmBase, ISessionToken
internal int MaxObjectSizeCache { get; set; } internal int MaxObjectSizeCache { get; set; }
internal ulong CurrentStreamPosition { get; set; } = 0; internal ulong CurrentStreamPosition { get; set; }
internal ulong FullLength { get; set; } = 0; internal ulong FullLength { get; set; }
} }

View file

@ -3,22 +3,22 @@ using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.Container; using FrostFS.Container;
using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient service, ClientEnvironment context) : ContextAccessor(context), ISessionProvider internal sealed class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient service, ClientEnvironment context) : ContextAccessor(context), ISessionProvider
{ {
readonly SessionProvider sessions = new(context); readonly SessionProvider sessions = new(context);
public async ValueTask<SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx) public async ValueTask<SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx)
{ {
return await sessions.GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); return await sessions.GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
internal async Task<FrostFsContainerInfo> GetContainerAsync(PrmContainerGet args) internal async Task<FrostFsContainerInfo> GetContainerAsync(PrmContainerGet args)
@ -35,22 +35,29 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
internal async IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsContainerId> ListContainersAsync(PrmContainerGetAll args) internal async IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsContainerId> ListContainersAsync(PrmContainerGetAll args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.OwnerId ??= Context.Owner;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
if (ctx.OwnerId == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.OwnerId));
var request = new ListRequest var request = new ListRequest
{ {
Body = new () Body = new()
{ {
OwnerId = ctx.OwnerId.ToMessage() OwnerId = ctx.OwnerId.ToMessage()
} }
}; };
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await service.ListAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await service.ListAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
foreach (var cid in response.Body.ContainerIds) foreach (var cid in response.Body.ContainerIds)
{ {
yield return new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(cid.Value.ToByteArray())); yield return new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(cid.Value.ToByteArray()));
@ -63,42 +70,52 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
var grpcContainer = args.Container.GetContainer(); var grpcContainer = args.Container.GetContainer();
grpcContainer.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId.ToMessage(); grpcContainer.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId?.ToMessage();
grpcContainer.Version ??= ctx.Version.ToMessage(); grpcContainer.Version ??= ctx.Version?.ToMessage();
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
if (grpcContainer.OwnerId == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(grpcContainer.OwnerId));
if (grpcContainer.Version == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(grpcContainer.Version));
var request = new PutRequest var request = new PutRequest
{ {
Body = new PutRequest.Types.Body Body = new PutRequest.Types.Body
{ {
Container = grpcContainer, Container = grpcContainer,
Signature = ctx.Key.SignRFC6979(grpcContainer) Signature = ctx.Key.SignRFC6979(grpcContainer)
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateContainerTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateContainerTokenContext(
null, null,
ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb.Put, ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb.Put,
ctx.Key, ctx.Key,
ctx.GetPublicKeyCache()); ctx.GetPublicKeyCache()!);
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await service.PutAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await service.PutAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
await WaitForContainer(WaitExpects.Exists, response.Body.ContainerId, args.WaitParams, ctx); await WaitForContainer(WaitExpects.Exists, response.Body.ContainerId, args.WaitParams, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new FrostFsContainerId(response.Body.ContainerId); return new FrostFsContainerId(response.Body.ContainerId);
} }
internal async Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args) internal async Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new DeleteRequest var request = new DeleteRequest
{ {
Body = new DeleteRequest.Types.Body Body = new DeleteRequest.Types.Body
@ -108,13 +125,13 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateContainerTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateContainerTokenContext(
request.Body.ContainerId, request.Body.ContainerId,
ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb.Delete, ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb.Delete,
ctx.Key, ctx.Key,
ctx.GetPublicKeyCache()); ctx.GetPublicKeyCache()!);
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken);
@ -124,13 +141,17 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
await WaitForContainer(WaitExpects.Removed, request.Body.ContainerId, args.WaitParams, ctx); await WaitForContainer(WaitExpects.Removed, request.Body.ContainerId, args.WaitParams, ctx)
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
} }
private static GetRequest GetContainerRequest(ContainerID id, NameValueCollection? xHeaders, Context ctx) private static GetRequest GetContainerRequest(ContainerID id, NameValueCollection? xHeaders, Context ctx)
{ {
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new GetRequest var request = new GetRequest
{ {
Body = new GetRequest.Types.Body Body = new GetRequest.Types.Body
@ -146,7 +167,7 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
} }
private enum WaitExpects private enum WaitExpects
{ {
Exists, Exists,
Removed Removed
} }
@ -161,7 +182,7 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
} }
await WaitFor(action, expect, waitParams); await WaitFor(action, expect, waitParams).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
private static async Task WaitFor( private static async Task WaitFor(
@ -176,7 +197,7 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
{ {
try try
{ {
await action(); await action().ConfigureAwait(false);
if (expect == WaitExpects.Exists) if (expect == WaitExpects.Exists)
return; return;
@ -184,20 +205,20 @@ internal class ContainerServiceProvider(ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient
if (DateTime.UtcNow >= deadLine) if (DateTime.UtcNow >= deadLine)
throw new TimeoutException(); throw new TimeoutException();
await Task.Delay(waitParams.PollInterval); await Task.Delay(waitParams.PollInterval).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
catch (ResponseException ex) catch (ResponseException ex)
{ {
if (DateTime.UtcNow >= deadLine) if (DateTime.UtcNow >= deadLine)
throw new TimeoutException(); throw new TimeoutException();
if (ex.Status.Code != FrostFsStatusCode.ContainerNotFound) if (ex.Status?.Code != FrostFsStatusCode.ContainerNotFound)
throw; throw;
if (expect == WaitExpects.Removed) if (expect == WaitExpects.Removed)
return; return;
await Task.Delay(waitParams.PollInterval); await Task.Delay(waitParams.PollInterval).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
} }
} }

View file

@ -8,12 +8,12 @@ using static FrostFS.Netmap.NetworkConfig.Types;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor internal sealed class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
{ {
private readonly NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient netmapServiceClient; private readonly NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient netmapServiceClient;
internal NetmapServiceProvider(NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient netmapServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context) internal NetmapServiceProvider(NetmapService.NetmapServiceClient netmapServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context)
: base(context) : base(context)
{ {
this.netmapServiceClient = netmapServiceClient; this.netmapServiceClient = netmapServiceClient;
} }
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
if (Context.NetworkSettings != null) if (Context.NetworkSettings != null)
return Context.NetworkSettings; return Context.NetworkSettings;
var info = await GetNetworkInfoAsync(ctx); var info = await GetNetworkInfoAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
var settings = new NetworkSettings(); var settings = new NetworkSettings();
@ -33,13 +33,18 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
} }
Context.NetworkSettings = settings; Context.NetworkSettings = settings;
return settings; return settings;
} }
internal async Task<FrostFsNodeInfo> GetLocalNodeInfoAsync(PrmNodeInfo args) internal async Task<FrostFsNodeInfo> GetLocalNodeInfoAsync(PrmNodeInfo args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new LocalNodeInfoRequest var request = new LocalNodeInfoRequest
{ {
Body = new LocalNodeInfoRequest.Types.Body { } Body = new LocalNodeInfoRequest.Types.Body { }
@ -47,7 +52,7 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await netmapServiceClient.LocalNodeInfoAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await netmapServiceClient.LocalNodeInfoAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
@ -57,12 +62,18 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task<NetworkInfoResponse> GetNetworkInfoAsync(Context ctx) internal async Task<NetworkInfoResponse> GetNetworkInfoAsync(Context ctx)
{ {
var request = new NetworkInfoRequest(); ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new NetworkInfoRequest();
request.AddMetaHeader(null); request.AddMetaHeader(null);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await netmapServiceClient.NetworkInfoAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await netmapServiceClient.NetworkInfoAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken)
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
@ -72,12 +83,16 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task<FrostFsNetmapSnapshot> GetNetmapSnapshotAsync(PrmNetmapSnapshot args) internal async Task<FrostFsNetmapSnapshot> GetNetmapSnapshotAsync(PrmNetmapSnapshot args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new NetmapSnapshotRequest(); var request = new NetmapSnapshotRequest();
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await netmapServiceClient.NetmapSnapshotAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await netmapServiceClient.NetmapSnapshotAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
@ -95,12 +110,12 @@ internal class NetmapServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
ulong val = 0; ulong val = 0;
for (var i = bytes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) for (var i = bytes.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
val = (val << 8) + bytes[i]; val = (val << 8) + bytes[i];
return val; return val;
} }
private static void SetNetworksParam(Parameter param, NetworkSettings settings) private static void SetNetworksParam(Parameter param, NetworkSettings settings)
{ {
var key = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(param.Key.ToByteArray()); var key = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(param.Key.ToByteArray());
var valueBytes = param.Value.ToByteArray(); var valueBytes = param.Value.ToByteArray();

View file

@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Extensions;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
@ -16,19 +15,30 @@ using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, ClientEnvironment env) internal sealed class ObjectServiceProvider : ContextAccessor, ISessionProvider
: ContextAccessor(env), ISessionProvider
{ {
readonly SessionProvider sessions = new (env); private readonly SessionProvider sessions;
private ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client;
public async ValueTask<Session.SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx) internal ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, ClientEnvironment env)
: base(env)
{ {
return await sessions.GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); this.sessions = new(Context);
this.client = client;
public async ValueTask<SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx)
return await sessions.GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
internal async Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args) internal async Task<FrostFsObjectHeader> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new HeadRequest var request = new HeadRequest
{ {
@ -42,7 +52,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
request.Body.Address, request.Body.Address,
@ -53,8 +63,8 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await client!.HeadAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await client!.HeadAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
return response.Body.Header.Header.ToModel(); return response.Body.Header.Header.ToModel();
@ -63,7 +73,12 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
internal async Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args) internal async Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new GetRequest var request = new GetRequest
{ {
Body = new GetRequest.Types.Body Body = new GetRequest.Types.Body
@ -76,7 +91,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
request.Body.Address, request.Body.Address,
@ -87,12 +102,17 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
return await GetObject(request, ctx); return await GetObject(request, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
internal async Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args) internal async Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new DeleteRequest var request = new DeleteRequest
{ {
Body = new DeleteRequest.Types.Body Body = new DeleteRequest.Types.Body
@ -105,7 +125,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
request.Body.Address, request.Body.Address,
@ -116,26 +136,29 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await client.DeleteAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await client.DeleteAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
} }
internal async IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args) internal async IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var request = new SearchRequest var request = new SearchRequest
{ {
Body = new SearchRequest.Types.Body Body = new SearchRequest.Types.Body
{ {
ContainerId = args.ContainerId.ToMessage(), ContainerId = args.ContainerId.ToMessage(),
Filters = { },
Version = 1 // TODO: clarify this param Version = 1 // TODO: clarify this param
} }
}; };
request.Body.Filters.AddRange(args.Filters.Select(f => f.ToMessage())); request.Body.Filters.AddRange(args.Filters.Select(f => f.ToMessage()));
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
new Address { ContainerId = request.Body.ContainerId }, new Address { ContainerId = request.Body.ContainerId },
@ -143,7 +166,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
ctx.Key); ctx.Key);
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders, sessionToken);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var objectsIds = SearchObjects(request, ctx); var objectsIds = SearchObjects(request, ctx);
@ -156,14 +179,17 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
internal async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args) internal async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args)
{ {
if (args is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(args));
if (args.Header == null) if (args.Header == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null", nameof(args.Header)); throw new ArgumentException(nameof(args.Header));
if (args.Payload == null) if (args.Payload == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Value cannot be null", nameof(args.Payload)); throw new ArgumentException(nameof(args.Payload));
if (args.ClientCut) if (args.ClientCut)
return await PutClientCutObject(args); return await PutClientCutObject(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
else else
{ {
if (args.Header.PayloadLength > 0) if (args.Header.PayloadLength > 0)
@ -171,24 +197,28 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
else if (args.Payload.CanSeek) else if (args.Payload.CanSeek)
args.FullLength = (ulong)args.Payload.Length; args.FullLength = (ulong)args.Payload.Length;
return (await PutStreamObject(args)).ObjectId; return (await PutStreamObject(args).ConfigureAwait(false)).ObjectId;
} }
} }
internal async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args) internal async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var grpcObject = ObjectTools.CreateObject(args.FrostFsObject, ctx); var grpcObject = ObjectTools.CreateObject(args.FrostFsObject, ctx);
var request = new PutSingleRequest var request = new PutSingleRequest
{ {
Body = new () { Object = grpcObject } Body = new() { Object = grpcObject }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
new Address { ContainerId = grpcObject.Header.ContainerId, ObjectId = grpcObject.ObjectId}, new Address { ContainerId = grpcObject.Header.ContainerId, ObjectId = grpcObject.ObjectId },
ObjectSessionContext.Types.Verb.Put, ObjectSessionContext.Types.Verb.Put,
ctx.Key); ctx.Key);
@ -196,18 +226,18 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key);
var response = await client.PutSingleAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await client.PutSingleAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
return FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(grpcObject.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray()); return FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(grpcObject.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray());
} }
private async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutClientCutObject(PrmObjectPut args) private async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutClientCutObject(PrmObjectPut args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
var tokenRaw = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var tokenRaw = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
var token = new FrostFsSessionToken(tokenRaw.Serialize()); var token = new FrostFsSessionToken(tokenRaw.Serialize());
args.SessionToken = token; args.SessionToken = token;
@ -216,7 +246,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
var header = args.Header!; var header = args.Header!;
var fullLength = header.PayloadLength; var fullLength = header.PayloadLength;
if (payloadStream.CanSeek && fullLength == 0) if (payloadStream.CanSeek && fullLength == 0)
fullLength = (ulong)payloadStream.Length; fullLength = (ulong)payloadStream.Length;
@ -224,12 +254,14 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
if (args.MaxObjectSizeCache == 0) if (args.MaxObjectSizeCache == 0)
{ {
var networkSettings = await Context.Client.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(new PrmNetworkSettings() { Context = ctx }); var networkSettings = await Context.Client.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(new PrmNetworkSettings() { Context = ctx })
args.MaxObjectSizeCache = (int)networkSettings.MaxObjectSize; args.MaxObjectSizeCache = (int)networkSettings.MaxObjectSize;
} }
var restBytes = fullLength - args.CurrentStreamPosition; var restBytes = fullLength - args.CurrentStreamPosition;
var objectSize = restBytes > 0 ? (int)Math.Min((ulong)args.MaxObjectSizeCache, restBytes) : args.MaxObjectSizeCache; var objectSize = restBytes > 0 ? (int)Math.Min((ulong)args.MaxObjectSizeCache, restBytes) : args.MaxObjectSizeCache;
//define collection capacity //define collection capacity
var restPart = (restBytes % (ulong)objectSize) > 0 ? 1 : 0; var restPart = (restBytes % (ulong)objectSize) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
@ -238,23 +270,20 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
List<FrostFsObjectId> sentObjectIds = new(objectsCount); List<FrostFsObjectId> sentObjectIds = new(objectsCount);
FrostFsSplit? split = null; FrostFsSplit? split = null;
SplitId splitId = new();
// keep attributes for the large object // keep attributes for the large object
var attributes = args.Header!.Attributes; var attributes = args.Header!.Attributes;
args.Header!.Attributes = null;
// send all parts except the last one as separate Objects // send all parts except the last one as separate Objects
while (restBytes > (ulong)args.MaxObjectSizeCache) while (restBytes > (ulong)args.MaxObjectSizeCache)
{ {
if (split == null) split = new FrostFsSplit(splitId, sentObjectIds.LastOrDefault());
split = new FrostFsSplit();
args.Header!.Attributes = [];
split!.Previous = sentObjectIds.LastOrDefault();
args.Header!.Split = split; args.Header!.Split = split;
var result = await PutStreamObject(args); var result = await PutStreamObject(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
sentObjectIds.Add(result.ObjectId); sentObjectIds.Add(result.ObjectId);
@ -264,26 +293,30 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
// send the last part and create linkObject // send the last part and create linkObject
if (sentObjectIds.Count > 0) if (sentObjectIds.Count > 0)
{ {
var largeObjectHeader = new FrostFsObjectHeader(header.ContainerId) { PayloadLength = fullLength }; var largeObjectHeader = new FrostFsObjectHeader(header.ContainerId, FrostFsObjectType.Regular, [.. attributes])
largeObjectHeader.Attributes.AddRange(attributes); PayloadLength = fullLength,
args.Header.Split!.ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader; args.Header.Split!.ParentHeader = largeObjectHeader;
var result = await PutStreamObject(args); var result = await PutStreamObject(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
sentObjectIds.Add(result.ObjectId); sentObjectIds.Add(result.ObjectId);
var linkObject = new FrostFsLinkObject(header.ContainerId, split!.SplitId, largeObjectHeader) var linkObject = new FrostFsLinkObject(header.ContainerId, split!.SplitId, largeObjectHeader, sentObjectIds);
_ = await PutSingleObjectAsync(new PrmSingleObjectPut(linkObject) { Context = args.Context}); _ = await PutSingleObjectAsync(new PrmSingleObjectPut(linkObject) { Context = args.Context }).ConfigureAwait(false);
return split.Parent!; var parentHeader = args.Header.GetHeader();
return parentHeader.Split!.Parent.ToModel();
} }
// We are here if the payload is placed to one Object. It means no cut action, just simple PUT. // We are here if the payload is placed to one Object. It means no cut action, just simple PUT.
var singlePartResult = await PutStreamObject(args); args.Header!.Attributes = attributes;
var singlePartResult = await PutStreamObject(args).ConfigureAwait(false);
return singlePartResult.ObjectId; return singlePartResult.ObjectId;
} }
@ -297,6 +330,9 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
private async Task<PutObjectResult> PutStreamObject(PrmObjectPut args) private async Task<PutObjectResult> PutStreamObject(PrmObjectPut args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
var payload = args.Payload!; var payload = args.Payload!;
var chunkSize = args.BufferMaxSize > 0 ? args.BufferMaxSize : Constants.ObjectChunkSize; var chunkSize = args.BufferMaxSize > 0 ? args.BufferMaxSize : Constants.ObjectChunkSize;
@ -307,7 +343,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
bool isRentBuffer = false; bool isRentBuffer = false;
byte[]? chunkBuffer = null; byte[]? chunkBuffer = null;
try try
{ {
if (args.CustomBuffer != null) if (args.CustomBuffer != null)
@ -316,7 +352,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
else else
{ {
chunkBuffer = env.GetArrayPool(Constants.ObjectChunkSize).Rent(chunkSize); chunkBuffer = Context.GetArrayPool(Constants.ObjectChunkSize).Rent(chunkSize);
isRentBuffer = true; isRentBuffer = true;
} }
@ -325,7 +361,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
// 0 means no limit from client, so server side cut is performed // 0 means no limit from client, so server side cut is performed
var objectLimitSize = args.ClientCut ? args.MaxObjectSizeCache : 0; var objectLimitSize = args.ClientCut ? args.MaxObjectSizeCache : 0;
var stream = await GetUploadStream(args, ctx); using var stream = await GetUploadStream(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
while (objectLimitSize == 0 || sentBytes < objectLimitSize) while (objectLimitSize == 0 || sentBytes < objectLimitSize)
{ {
@ -334,7 +370,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
(int)Math.Min(objectLimitSize - sentBytes, chunkSize) (int)Math.Min(objectLimitSize - sentBytes, chunkSize)
: chunkSize; : chunkSize;
var bytesCount = await payload.ReadAsync(chunkBuffer, 0, bufferSize, ctx.CancellationToken); var bytesCount = await payload.ReadAsync(chunkBuffer, 0, bufferSize, ctx.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (bytesCount == 0) if (bytesCount == 0)
break; break;
@ -351,10 +387,10 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
chunkRequest.Sign(ctx.Key); chunkRequest.Sign(ctx.Key);
await stream.Write(chunkRequest); await stream.Write(chunkRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
var response = await stream.Close(); var response = await stream.Close().ConfigureAwait(false);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
return new PutObjectResult(FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(response.Body.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray()), sentBytes); return new PutObjectResult(FrostFsObjectId.FromHash(response.Body.ObjectId.Value.ToByteArray()), sentBytes);
@ -372,6 +408,9 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
{ {
var header = args.Header!; var header = args.Header!;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
header.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId; header.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId;
header.Version ??= ctx.Version; header.Version ??= ctx.Version;
@ -395,7 +434,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
}; };
var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx); var sessionToken = await GetOrCreateSession(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext( sessionToken.CreateObjectTokenContext(
new Address { ContainerId = grpcHeader.ContainerId, ObjectId = oid }, new Address { ContainerId = grpcHeader.ContainerId, ObjectId = oid },
@ -407,19 +446,19 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
initRequest.Sign(ctx.Key); initRequest.Sign(ctx.Key);
return await PutObjectInit(initRequest, ctx); return await PutObjectInit(initRequest, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
private async Task<FrostFsObject> GetObject(GetRequest request, Context ctx) private async Task<FrostFsObject> GetObject(GetRequest request, Context ctx)
{ {
var reader = GetObjectInit(request, ctx); var reader = GetObjectInit(request, ctx);
var grpcObject = await reader.ReadHeader(); var grpcObject = await reader.ReadHeader().ConfigureAwait(false);
var modelObject = grpcObject.ToModel(); var modelObject = grpcObject.ToModel();
modelObject.ObjectReader = reader; modelObject.ObjectReader = reader;
return modelObject; return modelObject;
} }
private ObjectReader GetObjectInit(GetRequest initRequest, Context ctx) private ObjectReader GetObjectInit(GetRequest initRequest, Context ctx)
@ -428,7 +467,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(initRequest)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(initRequest));
var call = client.Get(initRequest, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var call = client.Get(initRequest, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
return new ObjectReader(call); return new ObjectReader(call);
} }
@ -441,7 +480,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
var call = client.Put(null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var call = client.Put(null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(initRequest); await call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(initRequest).ConfigureAwait(false);
return new ObjectStreamer(call); return new ObjectStreamer(call);
} }
@ -449,14 +488,14 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
private async IAsyncEnumerable<ObjectID> SearchObjects(SearchRequest request, Context ctx) private async IAsyncEnumerable<ObjectID> SearchObjects(SearchRequest request, Context ctx)
{ {
using var stream = GetSearchReader(request, ctx); using var stream = GetSearchReader(request, ctx);
while (true) while (true)
{ {
var ids = await stream.Read(ctx.CancellationToken); var ids = await stream.Read(ctx.CancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (ids == null) if (ids == null)
break; break;
foreach (var oid in ids) foreach (var oid in ids)
{ {
yield return oid; yield return oid;
@ -472,7 +511,7 @@ internal class ObjectServiceProvider(ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient client, C
} }
var call = client.Search(initRequest, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var call = client.Search(initRequest, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
return new SearchReader(call); return new SearchReader(call);
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class SessionServiceProvider : ContextAccessor internal sealed class SessionServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
{ {
private readonly SessionService.SessionServiceClient? _sessionServiceClient; private readonly SessionService.SessionServiceClient? _sessionServiceClient;
internal SessionServiceProvider(SessionService.SessionServiceClient? sessionServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context) internal SessionServiceProvider(SessionService.SessionServiceClient? sessionServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context)
: base (context) : base(context)
{ {
_sessionServiceClient = sessionServiceClient; _sessionServiceClient = sessionServiceClient;
} }
@ -19,27 +19,30 @@ internal class SessionServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task<SessionToken> CreateSessionAsync(PrmSessionCreate args) internal async Task<SessionToken> CreateSessionAsync(PrmSessionCreate args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.OwnerId ??= Context.Owner;
var request = new CreateRequest var request = new CreateRequest
{ {
Body = new CreateRequest.Types.Body Body = new CreateRequest.Types.Body
{ {
OwnerId = ctx.OwnerId.ToMessage(), OwnerId = ctx.OwnerId!.ToMessage(),
Expiration = args.Expiration Expiration = args.Expiration
} }
}; };
request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders); request.AddMetaHeader(args.XHeaders);
request.Sign(ctx.Key); request.Sign(ctx.Key!);
return await CreateSession(request, args.Context!); return await CreateSession(request, args.Context!).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
internal async Task<SessionToken> CreateSession(CreateRequest request, Context ctx) internal async Task<SessionToken> CreateSession(CreateRequest request, Context ctx)
{ {
var response = await _sessionServiceClient!.CreateAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken); var response = await _sessionServiceClient!.CreateAsync(request, null, ctx.Deadline, ctx.CancellationToken);
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
return new SessionToken return new SessionToken
{ {
Body = new SessionToken.Types.Body Body = new SessionToken.Types.Body

View file

@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ using Frostfs.V2.Apemanager;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class ApeManagerServiceProvider : ContextAccessor internal sealed class ApeManagerServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
{ {
private readonly APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? _apeManagerServiceClient; private readonly APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? _apeManagerServiceClient;
internal ApeManagerServiceProvider(APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? apeManagerServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context) internal ApeManagerServiceProvider(APEManagerService.APEManagerServiceClient? apeManagerServiceClient, ClientEnvironment context)
: base (context) : base(context)
{ {
_apeManagerServiceClient = apeManagerServiceClient; _apeManagerServiceClient = apeManagerServiceClient;
} }
@ -18,12 +18,16 @@ internal class ApeManagerServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task<byte[]> AddChainAsync(PrmApeChainAdd args) internal async Task<byte[]> AddChainAsync(PrmApeChainAdd args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
AddChainRequest request = new() AddChainRequest request = new()
{ {
Body = new() Body = new()
{ {
Chain = new () { Raw = args.Chain.GetRaw() }, Chain = new() { Raw = args.Chain.GetRaw() },
Target = args.Target.GetChainTarget() Target = args.Target.GetChainTarget()
} }
}; };
@ -41,6 +45,11 @@ internal class ApeManagerServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task RemoveChainAsync(PrmApeChainRemove args) internal async Task RemoveChainAsync(PrmApeChainRemove args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
RemoveChainRequest request = new() RemoveChainRequest request = new()
{ {
Body = new() Body = new()
@ -61,6 +70,11 @@ internal class ApeManagerServiceProvider : ContextAccessor
internal async Task<Chain[]> ListChainAsync(PrmApeChainList args) internal async Task<Chain[]> ListChainAsync(PrmApeChainList args)
{ {
var ctx = args.Context!; var ctx = args.Context!;
ctx.Key ??= Context.Key?.ECDsaKey;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
ListChainsRequest request = new() ListChainsRequest request = new()
{ {
Body = new() Body = new()

View file

@ -7,13 +7,14 @@ internal interface ISessionProvider
ValueTask<Session.SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx); ValueTask<Session.SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx);
} }
internal class SessionProvider(ClientEnvironment env) internal sealed class SessionProvider(ClientEnvironment env)
{ {
public async ValueTask<Session.SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx) public async ValueTask<Session.SessionToken> GetOrCreateSession(ISessionToken args, Context ctx)
{ {
if (args.SessionToken is null) if (args.SessionToken is null)
{ {
return await env.Client.CreateSessionInternalAsync(new PrmSessionCreate(uint.MaxValue) { Context = ctx }); return await env.Client.CreateSessionInternalAsync(new PrmSessionCreate(uint.MaxValue) { Context = ctx })
} }
return new Session.SessionToken().Deserialize(args.SessionToken.Token); return new Session.SessionToken().Deserialize(args.SessionToken.Token);

View file

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ using Grpc.Net.Client;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class ClientEnvironment(Client client, ECDsa? key, FrostFsOwner? owner, GrpcChannel channel, FrostFsVersion version) : IDisposable public class ClientEnvironment(FrostFSClient client, ECDsa? key, FrostFsOwner? owner, GrpcChannel channel, FrostFsVersion version) : IDisposable
{ {
private ArrayPool<byte> _arrayPool; private ArrayPool<byte>? _arrayPool;
internal FrostFsOwner? Owner { get; } = owner; internal FrostFsOwner? Owner { get; } = owner;
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ public class ClientEnvironment(Client client, ECDsa? key, FrostFsOwner? owner, G
internal NetworkSettings? NetworkSettings { get; set; } internal NetworkSettings? NetworkSettings { get; set; }
internal Client Client { get; } = client; internal FrostFSClient Client { get; } = client;
internal ClientKey? Key { get; } = key != null ? new ClientKey(key) : null; internal ClientKey? Key { get; } = key != null ? new ClientKey(key) : null;
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class ClientEnvironment(Client client, ECDsa? key, FrostFsOwner? owner, G
internal ArrayPool<byte> GetArrayPool(int size) internal ArrayPool<byte> GetArrayPool(int size)
{ {
_arrayPool ??= ArrayPool<byte>.Create(size, 256); _arrayPool ??= ArrayPool<byte>.Create(size, 256);
return _arrayPool; return _arrayPool;
} }

View file

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Extensions;
public static class ObjectExtensions
public static FrostFsObject SetPayloadLength(this FrostFsObject obj, ulong length)
obj.Header.PayloadLength = length;
return obj;
public static FrostFsObject SetPayload(this FrostFsObject obj, byte[] bytes)
obj.Payload = bytes;
return obj;
public static FrostFsObject AddAttribute(this FrostFsObject obj, string key, string value)
obj.AddAttribute(new FrostFsAttribute(key, value));
return obj;
public static FrostFsObject AddAttribute(this FrostFsObject obj, FrostFsAttribute attribute)
return obj;
public static FrostFsObject AddAttributes(this FrostFsObject obj, IEnumerable<FrostFsAttribute> attributes)
return obj;
public static FrostFsObject SetSplit(this FrostFsObject obj, FrostFsSplit? split)
obj.Header.Split = split;
return obj;
public static FrostFsLinkObject AddChildren(this FrostFsLinkObject linkObject, IEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> objectIds)
return linkObject;
public static FrostFsObject CalculateObjectId(this FrostFsObject obj)
if (obj.Header == null)
throw new MissingFieldException("Header cannot be null");
return obj;

View file

@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using FrostFS.Object;
using Grpc.Core; using Grpc.Core;
using FrostFS.Object;
using System.Threading;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public class ObjectReader(AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse> call) : IObjectReader public sealed class ObjectReader(AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse> call) : IObjectReader
{ {
private bool disposed = false; private bool disposed;
public AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call; public AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call;
internal async Task<Object.Object> ReadHeader() internal async Task<Object.Object> ReadHeader()
{ {
if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext()) if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext().ConfigureAwait(false))
throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected end of stream"); throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected end of stream");
var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current; var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current;
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
if (response.Body.ObjectPartCase != GetResponse.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Init) if (response.Body.ObjectPartCase != GetResponse.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Init)
throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected message type"); throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected message type");
return new Object.Object return new Object.Object
{ {
ObjectId = response.Body.Init.ObjectId, ObjectId = response.Body.Init.ObjectId,
@ -34,12 +34,12 @@ public class ObjectReader(AsyncServerStreamingCall<GetResponse> call) : IObjectR
public async Task<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>?> ReadChunk(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) public async Task<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>?> ReadChunk(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
{ {
if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(cancellationToken)) if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return null; return null;
var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current; var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current;
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
if (response.Body.ObjectPartCase != GetResponse.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Chunk) if (response.Body.ObjectPartCase != GetResponse.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Chunk)
throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected message type"); throw new InvalidOperationException("unexpected message type");

View file

@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
using System; using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Grpc.Core;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
using Grpc.Core;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class ObjectStreamer(AsyncClientStreamingCall<PutRequest, PutResponse> call) : IDisposable internal sealed class ObjectStreamer(AsyncClientStreamingCall<PutRequest, PutResponse> call) : IDisposable
{ {
public AsyncClientStreamingCall<PutRequest, PutResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call; public AsyncClientStreamingCall<PutRequest, PutResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call;
@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ internal class ObjectStreamer(AsyncClientStreamingCall<PutRequest, PutResponse>
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
} }
await Call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(request); await Call.RequestStream.WriteAsync(request).ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
public async Task<PutResponse> Close() public async Task<PutResponse> Close()
{ {
await Call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync(); await Call.RequestStream.CompleteAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
return await Call.ResponseAsync; return await Call.ResponseAsync.ConfigureAwait(false);
} }
public void Dispose() public void Dispose()

View file

@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using Google.Protobuf;
using FrostFS.Object; using FrostFS.Object;
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class ObjectTools internal static class ObjectTools
{ {
internal static FrostFsObjectId CalculateObjectId(FrostFsObjectHeader header, Context ctx) internal static FrostFsObjectId CalculateObjectId(FrostFsObjectHeader header, Context ctx)
{ {
var grpcHeader = CreateHeader(header, [], ctx); var grpcHeader = CreateHeader(header, [], ctx);
if (header.Split != null) if (header.Split != null)
SetSplitValues(grpcHeader, header.Split, ctx); SetSplitValues(grpcHeader, header.Split, ctx);
return new ObjectID { Value = grpcHeader.Sha256() }.ToModel(); return new ObjectID { Value = grpcHeader.Sha256() }.ToModel();
} }
internal static Object.Object CreateObject(FrostFsObject @object, Context ctx) internal static Object.Object CreateObject(FrostFsObject @object, Context ctx)
{ {
@object.Header.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId; @object.Header.OwnerId ??= ctx.OwnerId;
@object.Header.Version ??= ctx.Version; @object.Header.Version ??= ctx.Version;
var grpcHeader = @object.Header.GetHeader(); var grpcHeader = @object.Header.GetHeader();
grpcHeader.PayloadLength = (ulong)@object.Payload.Length; grpcHeader.PayloadLength = (ulong)@object.SingleObjectPayload.Length;
grpcHeader.PayloadHash = Sha256Checksum(@object.Payload); grpcHeader.PayloadHash = Sha256Checksum(@object.SingleObjectPayload);
var split = @object.Header.Split; var split = @object.Header.Split;
if (split != null) if (split != null)
@ -41,15 +41,15 @@ internal class ObjectTools
{ {
Header = grpcHeader, Header = grpcHeader,
ObjectId = new ObjectID { Value = grpcHeader.Sha256() }, ObjectId = new ObjectID { Value = grpcHeader.Sha256() },
Payload = ByteString.CopyFrom(@object.Payload) Payload = ByteString.CopyFrom(@object.SingleObjectPayload)
}; };
obj.Signature = new Refs.Signature obj.Signature = new Signature
{ {
Key = ctx.GetPublicKeyCache(), Key = ctx.GetPublicKeyCache(),
Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(ctx.Key.SignData(obj.ObjectId.ToByteArray())), Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(ctx.Key!.SignData(obj.ObjectId.ToByteArray())),
}; };
return obj; return obj;
} }
@ -58,6 +58,9 @@ internal class ObjectTools
if (split == null) if (split == null)
return; return;
if (ctx.Key == null)
throw new InvalidObjectException(nameof(ctx.Key));
grpcHeader.Split = new Header.Types.Split grpcHeader.Split = new Header.Types.Split
{ {
SplitId = split.SplitId?.GetSplitId() SplitId = split.SplitId?.GetSplitId()
@ -72,13 +75,11 @@ internal class ObjectTools
grpcHeader.Split.Parent = new ObjectID { Value = grpcParentHeader.Sha256() }; grpcHeader.Split.Parent = new ObjectID { Value = grpcParentHeader.Sha256() };
grpcHeader.Split.ParentHeader = grpcParentHeader; grpcHeader.Split.ParentHeader = grpcParentHeader;
grpcHeader.Split.ParentSignature = new Refs.Signature grpcHeader.Split.ParentSignature = new Signature
{ {
Key = ctx.GetPublicKeyCache(), Key = ctx.GetPublicKeyCache(),
Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(ctx.Key.SignData(grpcHeader.Split.Parent.ToByteArray())), Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(ctx.Key.SignData(grpcHeader.Split.Parent.ToByteArray())),
}; };
split.Parent = grpcHeader.Split.Parent.ToModel();
} }
grpcHeader.Split.Previous = split.Previous?.ToMessage(); grpcHeader.Split.Previous = split.Previous?.ToMessage();
@ -90,10 +91,10 @@ internal class ObjectTools
header.Version ??= ctx.Version; header.Version ??= ctx.Version;
var grpcHeader = header.GetHeader(); var grpcHeader = header.GetHeader();
if (payload != null) // && payload.Length > 0 if (payload != null) // && payload.Length > 0
grpcHeader.PayloadHash = Sha256Checksum(payload); grpcHeader.PayloadHash = Sha256Checksum(payload);
return grpcHeader; return grpcHeader;
} }

View file

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ namespace System
{ {
if (value < 0) if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative"); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative");
if (fromEnd) if (fromEnd)
_value = ~value; _value = ~value;
else else
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ namespace System
{ {
if (value < 0) if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative"); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative");
return new Index(value); return new Index(value);
} }
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ namespace System
{ {
if (value < 0) if (value < 0)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative"); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(value), "value must be non-negative");
return new Index(~value); return new Index(~value);
} }
@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ namespace System
public override string ToString() public override string ToString()
{ {
if (IsFromEnd) if (IsFromEnd)
return "^" + ((uint)Value).ToString(); return $"^{(uint)Value}";
return ((uint)Value).ToString(); return $"{(uint)Value}";
} }
} }
@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ namespace System
{ {
int start; int start;
var startIndex = Start; var startIndex = Start;
if (startIndex.IsFromEnd) if (startIndex.IsFromEnd)
start = length - startIndex.Value; start = length - startIndex.Value;
else else
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ namespace System
if ((uint)end > (uint)length || (uint)start > (uint)end) if ((uint)end > (uint)length || (uint)start > (uint)end)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length)); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(length));
return (start, end - start); return (start, end - start);
} }
} }
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
{ {
if (array == null) if (array == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(array));
(int offset, int length) = range.GetOffsetAndLength(array.Length); (int offset, int length) = range.GetOffsetAndLength(array.Length);
if (default(T) != null || typeof(T[]) == array.GetType()) if (default(T) != null || typeof(T[]) == array.GetType())
@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
if (length == 0) if (length == 0)
return []; return [];
var dest = new T[length]; var dest = new T[length];
Array.Copy(array, offset, dest, 0, length); Array.Copy(array, offset, dest, 0, length);
return dest; return dest;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.Linq; using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography;
@ -12,9 +13,14 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public static class RequestConstructor public static class RequestConstructor
{ {
public static void AddMetaHeader(this IRequest request, NameValueCollection? xHeaders, Session.SessionToken? sessionToken = null) public static void AddMetaHeader(this IRequest request,
NameValueCollection? xHeaders,
SessionToken? sessionToken = null)
{ {
if (request.MetaHeader is not null) if (request is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
if (request.MetaHeader is not null)
return; return;
request.MetaHeader = MetaHeader.Default().ToMessage(); request.MetaHeader = MetaHeader.Default().ToMessage();
@ -28,11 +34,21 @@ public static class RequestConstructor
(k, v) => new XHeader { Key = k, Value = v })); (k, v) => new XHeader { Key = k, Value = v }));
} }
public static void CreateObjectTokenContext(this Session.SessionToken sessionToken, public static void CreateObjectTokenContext(this SessionToken sessionToken,
Address address, Address address,
ObjectSessionContext.Types.Verb verb, ObjectSessionContext.Types.Verb verb,
ECDsa key) ECDsa key)
{ {
if (sessionToken is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sessionToken));
if (address is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(address));
if (sessionToken.Body.Object?.Target != null) if (sessionToken.Body.Object?.Target != null)
return; return;
@ -52,7 +68,7 @@ public static class RequestConstructor
sessionToken.Signature = key.SignMessagePart(sessionToken.Body); sessionToken.Signature = key.SignMessagePart(sessionToken.Body);
} }
public static void CreateContainerTokenContext(this Session.SessionToken sessionToken, internal static void CreateContainerTokenContext(this SessionToken sessionToken,
ContainerID? containerId, ContainerID? containerId,
ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb verb, ContainerSessionContext.Types.Verb verb,
ECDsa key, ECDsa key,
@ -61,7 +77,7 @@ public static class RequestConstructor
if (sessionToken.Body.Container?.ContainerId != null) if (sessionToken.Body.Container?.ContainerId != null)
return; return;
sessionToken.Body.Container = new (){ Verb = verb }; sessionToken.Body.Container = new() { Verb = verb };
if (containerId != null) if (containerId != null)
sessionToken.Body.Container.ContainerId = containerId; sessionToken.Body.Container.ContainerId = containerId;
@ -69,7 +85,7 @@ public static class RequestConstructor
sessionToken.Body.Container.Wildcard = true; sessionToken.Body.Container.Wildcard = true;
sessionToken.Body.SessionKey = publicKey; sessionToken.Body.SessionKey = publicKey;
sessionToken.Signature = key.SignMessagePart(sessionToken.Body); sessionToken.Signature = key.SignMessagePart(sessionToken.Body);
} }
} }

View file

@ -18,35 +18,45 @@ namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
public static class RequestSigner public static class RequestSigner
{ {
public const int RFC6979SignatureSize = 64; internal const int RFC6979SignatureSize = 64;
public static byte[] SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, byte[] data) internal static byte[] SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, byte[] data)
{ {
if (key is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (data is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
var digest = new Sha256Digest(); var digest = new Sha256Digest();
var secp256R1 = SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256r1"); var secp256R1 = SecNamedCurves.GetByName("secp256r1");
var ecParameters = new ECDomainParameters(secp256R1.Curve, secp256R1.G, secp256R1.N); var ecParameters = new ECDomainParameters(secp256R1.Curve, secp256R1.G, secp256R1.N);
var privateKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(new BigInteger(1, key.PrivateKey()), ecParameters); var privateKey = new ECPrivateKeyParameters(new BigInteger(1, key.PrivateKey()), ecParameters);
var signer = new ECDsaSigner(new HMacDsaKCalculator(digest)); var signer = new ECDsaSigner(new HMacDsaKCalculator(digest));
var hash = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()]; var hash = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()];
digest.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length); digest.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
digest.DoFinal(hash, 0); digest.DoFinal(hash, 0);
signer.Init(true, privateKey); signer.Init(true, privateKey);
var rs = signer.GenerateSignature(hash); var rs = signer.GenerateSignature(hash);
var signature = new byte[RFC6979SignatureSize]; var signature = new byte[RFC6979SignatureSize];
var rbytes = rs[0].ToByteArrayUnsigned(); var rbytes = rs[0].ToByteArrayUnsigned();
var sbytes = rs[1].ToByteArrayUnsigned(); var sbytes = rs[1].ToByteArrayUnsigned();
var index = RFC6979SignatureSize / 2 - rbytes.Length; var index = RFC6979SignatureSize / 2 - rbytes.Length;
rbytes.CopyTo(signature, index); rbytes.CopyTo(signature, index);
index = RFC6979SignatureSize - sbytes.Length; index = RFC6979SignatureSize - sbytes.Length;
sbytes.CopyTo(signature, index); sbytes.CopyTo(signature, index);
return signature; return signature;
} }
public static SignatureRFC6979 SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, IMessage message) internal static SignatureRFC6979 SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, IMessage message)
{ {
return new SignatureRFC6979 return new SignatureRFC6979
{ {
@ -54,8 +64,8 @@ public static class RequestSigner
Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(key.SignRFC6979(message.ToByteArray())), Sign = ByteString.CopyFrom(key.SignRFC6979(message.ToByteArray())),
}; };
} }
public static SignatureRFC6979 SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, ByteString data) internal static SignatureRFC6979 SignRFC6979(this ECDsa key, ByteString data)
{ {
return new SignatureRFC6979 return new SignatureRFC6979
{ {
@ -74,7 +84,7 @@ public static class RequestSigner
return hash; return hash;
} }
public static Signature SignMessagePart(this ECDsa key, IMessage? data) internal static Signature SignMessagePart(this ECDsa key, IMessage? data)
{ {
var data2Sign = data is null ? [] : data.ToByteArray(); var data2Sign = data is null ? [] : data.ToByteArray();
var sig = new Signature var sig = new Signature
@ -86,7 +96,7 @@ public static class RequestSigner
return sig; return sig;
} }
public static void Sign(this IVerifiableMessage message, ECDsa key) internal static void Sign(this IVerifiableMessage message, ECDsa key)
{ {
var meta = message.GetMetaHeader(); var meta = message.GetMetaHeader();
IVerificationHeader verify = message switch IVerificationHeader verify = message switch
@ -95,17 +105,17 @@ public static class RequestSigner
IResponse => new ResponseVerificationHeader(), IResponse => new ResponseVerificationHeader(),
_ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported message type") _ => throw new InvalidOperationException("Unsupported message type")
}; };
var verifyOrigin = message.GetVerificationHeader(); var verifyOrigin = message.GetVerificationHeader();
if (verifyOrigin is null) if (verifyOrigin is null)
verify.BodySignature = key.SignMessagePart(message.GetBody()); verify.BodySignature = key.SignMessagePart(message.GetBody());
else else
verify.SetOrigin(verifyOrigin); verify.SetOrigin(verifyOrigin);
verify.MetaSignature = key.SignMessagePart(meta); verify.MetaSignature = key.SignMessagePart(meta);
verify.OriginSignature = key.SignMessagePart(verifyOrigin); verify.OriginSignature = key.SignMessagePart(verifyOrigin);
message.SetVerificationHeader(verify); message.SetVerificationHeader(verify);
} }
} }

View file

@ -11,17 +11,17 @@ using Grpc.Core;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; namespace FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
internal class SearchReader(AsyncServerStreamingCall<SearchResponse> call) : IDisposable internal sealed class SearchReader(AsyncServerStreamingCall<SearchResponse> call) : IDisposable
{ {
public AsyncServerStreamingCall<SearchResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call; public AsyncServerStreamingCall<SearchResponse> Call { get; private set; } = call;
public async Task<List<ObjectID>?> Read(CancellationToken cancellationToken) public async Task<List<ObjectID>?> Read(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
{ {
if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(cancellationToken)) if (!await Call.ResponseStream.MoveNext(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false))
return null; return null;
var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current; var response = Call.ResponseStream.Current;
Verifier.CheckResponse(response); Verifier.CheckResponse(response);
return response.Body?.IdList.ToList(); return response.Body?.IdList.ToList();

View file

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public static class Verifier
var ecParameters = new ECDomainParameters(secp256R1.Curve, secp256R1.G, secp256R1.N); var ecParameters = new ECDomainParameters(secp256R1.Curve, secp256R1.G, secp256R1.N);
var bcPublicKey = new ECPublicKeyParameters(secp256R1.Curve.DecodePoint(publicKey), ecParameters); var bcPublicKey = new ECPublicKeyParameters(secp256R1.Curve.DecodePoint(publicKey), ecParameters);
var hash = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()]; var hash = new byte[digest.GetDigestSize()];
digest.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length); digest.BlockUpdate(data, 0, data.Length);
digest.DoFinal(hash, 0); digest.DoFinal(hash, 0);
signer.Init(false, bcPublicKey); signer.Init(false, bcPublicKey);
@ -55,11 +55,25 @@ public static class Verifier
public static bool VerifyRFC6979(this SignatureRFC6979 signature, IMessage message) public static bool VerifyRFC6979(this SignatureRFC6979 signature, IMessage message)
{ {
if (signature is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(signature));
return signature.Key.ToByteArray().VerifyRFC6979(message.ToByteArray(), signature.Sign.ToByteArray()); return signature.Key.ToByteArray().VerifyRFC6979(message.ToByteArray(), signature.Sign.ToByteArray());
} }
public static bool VerifyData(this ECDsa key, byte[] data, byte[] sig) public static bool VerifyData(this ECDsa key, byte[] data, byte[] sig)
{ {
if (key is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
if (data is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
if (sig is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sig));
return key.VerifyHash(data.Sha512(), sig[1..]); return key.VerifyHash(data.Sha512(), sig[1..]);
} }
@ -70,36 +84,41 @@ public static class Verifier
using var key = sig.Key.ToByteArray().LoadPublicKey(); using var key = sig.Key.ToByteArray().LoadPublicKey();
var data2Verify = data is null ? [] : data.ToByteArray(); var data2Verify = data is null ? [] : data.ToByteArray();
return key.VerifyData(data2Verify, sig.Sign.ToByteArray()); return key.VerifyData(data2Verify, sig.Sign.ToByteArray());
} }
public static bool VerifyMatryoskaLevel(IMessage body, IMetaHeader meta, IVerificationHeader verification) internal static bool VerifyMatryoskaLevel(IMessage body, IMetaHeader meta, IVerificationHeader verification)
{ {
if (!verification.MetaSignature.VerifyMessagePart(meta)) if (!verification.MetaSignature.VerifyMessagePart(meta))
return false; return false;
var origin = verification.GetOrigin(); var origin = verification.GetOrigin();
if (!verification.OriginSignature.VerifyMessagePart(origin)) if (!verification.OriginSignature.VerifyMessagePart(origin))
return false; return false;
if (origin is null) if (origin is null)
return verification.BodySignature.VerifyMessagePart(body); return verification.BodySignature.VerifyMessagePart(body);
return verification.BodySignature is null && VerifyMatryoskaLevel(body, meta.GetOrigin(), origin); return verification.BodySignature is null && VerifyMatryoskaLevel(body, meta.GetOrigin(), origin);
} }
public static bool Verify(this IVerifiableMessage message) public static bool Verify(this IVerifiableMessage message)
{ {
if (message is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(message));
return VerifyMatryoskaLevel(message.GetBody(), message.GetMetaHeader(), message.GetVerificationHeader()); return VerifyMatryoskaLevel(message.GetBody(), message.GetMetaHeader(), message.GetVerificationHeader());
} }
public static void CheckResponse(IResponse resp) internal static void CheckResponse(IResponse resp)
{ {
if (!resp.Verify()) if (!resp.Verify())
throw new FormatException($"invalid response, type={resp.GetType()}"); throw new FormatException($"invalid response, type={resp.GetType()}");
var status = resp.MetaHeader.Status.ToModel(); var status = resp.MetaHeader.Status.ToModel();
if (status != null && !status.IsSuccess) if (status != null && !status.IsSuccess)
@ -112,6 +131,11 @@ public static class Verifier
/// <param name="request">Created by SDK request to gRpc proxy</param> /// <param name="request">Created by SDK request to gRpc proxy</param>
public static void CheckRequest(IRequest request) public static void CheckRequest(IRequest request)
{ {
if (request is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(request));
if (!request.Verify()) if (!request.Verify())
throw new FormatException($"invalid response, type={request.GetType()}"); throw new FormatException($"invalid response, type={request.GetType()}");
} }

View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
Для возврата денег потребуются документы:
1. Заполненное заявление
Форму заявления можно скачать с сайта
Шаблон заявления скачайте на сайте rt.ru. Внизу страницы перейдите в Договоры и соглашения -> «Бланки и заявления»
2. Скан-фото паспорта владельца договора (2, 3, 5 страница: кем и когда выдан, адрес регистрации)
3. Реквизиты счета владельца, выданные банком, на которые будет выполнен возврат
4. Чек об оплате
Сканы документов должны быть хорошо читаемые

View file

@ -13,17 +13,17 @@ public static class Base58
{ {
if (input is null) if (input is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));
byte[] buffer = Decode(input); byte[] buffer = Decode(input);
if (buffer.Length < 4) if (buffer.Length < 4)
throw new FormatException(); throw new FormatException();
byte[] checksum = buffer[0..(buffer.Length - 4)].Sha256().Sha256(); byte[] checksum = buffer[0..(buffer.Length - 4)].Sha256().Sha256();
if (!buffer.AsSpan(buffer.Length - 4).SequenceEqual(checksum[..4].AsSpan())) if (!buffer.AsSpan(buffer.Length - 4).SequenceEqual(checksum[..4].AsSpan()))
throw new FormatException(); throw new FormatException();
var ret = buffer[..^4]; var ret = buffer[..^4];
Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); Array.Clear(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
return ret; return ret;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public static class Base58
byte[] checksum = data.ToArray().Sha256().Sha256(); byte[] checksum = data.ToArray().Sha256().Sha256();
Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[data.Length + 4]; Span<byte> buffer = stackalloc byte[data.Length + 4];
data.CopyTo(buffer); data.CopyTo(buffer);
checksum[..4].AsSpan().CopyTo(buffer[data.Length..]); checksum[..4].AsSpan().CopyTo(buffer[data.Length..]);
var ret = Encode(buffer); var ret = Encode(buffer);
buffer.Clear(); buffer.Clear();
@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ public static class Base58
public static byte[] Decode(string input) public static byte[] Decode(string input)
{ {
if (input == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(input));
// Decode Base58 string to BigInteger // Decode Base58 string to BigInteger
var bi = BigInteger.Zero; var bi = BigInteger.Zero;
for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++) for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
@ -61,7 +64,7 @@ public static class Base58
if (bi.IsZero) if (bi.IsZero)
return leadingZeros; return leadingZeros;
var bytesBigEndian = bi.ToByteArray().Reverse(); var bytesBigEndian = bi.ToByteArray().Reverse().ToArray();
var firstNonZeroIndex = 0; var firstNonZeroIndex = 0;

View file

@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
using Google.Protobuf;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading; using System.Threading;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
public static class Extentions public static class Extentions
{ {
private static readonly SHA256 _sha256 = SHA256.Create(); private static readonly SHA256 _sha256 = SHA256.Create();
private static SpinLock _spinlockSha256 = new(); private static SpinLock _spinlockSha256;
private static readonly SHA512 _sha512 = SHA512.Create(); private static readonly SHA512 _sha512 = SHA512.Create();
private static SpinLock _spinlockSha512 = new(); private static SpinLock _spinlockSha512;
internal static byte[] RIPEMD160(this byte[] value) internal static byte[] RIPEMD160(this byte[] value)
{ {
@ -22,7 +24,7 @@ public static class Extentions
digest.DoFinal(hash, 0); digest.DoFinal(hash, 0);
return hash; return hash;
} }
public static ByteString Sha256(this IMessage data) public static ByteString Sha256(this IMessage data)
{ {
return ByteString.CopyFrom(data.ToByteArray().Sha256()); return ByteString.CopyFrom(data.ToByteArray().Sha256());

View file

@ -13,6 +13,10 @@
<ItemGroup> <ItemGroup>
<PackageReference Include="BouncyCastle.Cryptography" Version="2.4.0" /> <PackageReference Include="BouncyCastle.Cryptography" Version="2.4.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Google.Protobuf" Version="3.27.0" /> <PackageReference Include="Google.Protobuf" Version="3.27.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NetAnalyzers" Version="8.0.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="System.Memory" Version="4.5.5" /> <PackageReference Include="System.Memory" Version="4.5.5" />
</ItemGroup> </ItemGroup>

View file

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static byte[] Compress(this byte[] publicKey) public static byte[] Compress(this byte[] publicKey)
{ {
if (publicKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicKey));
if (publicKey.Length != UncompressedPublicKeyLength) if (publicKey.Length != UncompressedPublicKeyLength)
throw new FormatException( throw new FormatException(
$"{nameof(Compress)} argument isn't uncompressed public key. " + $"{nameof(Compress)} argument isn't uncompressed public key. " +
@ -34,6 +37,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static byte[] Decompress(this byte[] publicKey) public static byte[] Decompress(this byte[] publicKey)
{ {
if (publicKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicKey));
if (publicKey.Length != CompressedPublicKeyLength) if (publicKey.Length != CompressedPublicKeyLength)
throw new FormatException( throw new FormatException(
$"{nameof(Decompress)} argument isn't compressed public key. " + $"{nameof(Decompress)} argument isn't compressed public key. " +
@ -64,6 +70,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static byte[] GetScriptHash(this byte[] publicKey) public static byte[] GetScriptHash(this byte[] publicKey)
{ {
if (publicKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicKey));
var script = publicKey.CreateSignatureRedeemScript(); var script = publicKey.CreateSignatureRedeemScript();
return script.Sha256().RIPEMD160(); return script.Sha256().RIPEMD160();
} }
@ -79,14 +88,14 @@ public static class KeyExtension
private static byte[] GetPrivateKeyFromWIF(string wif) private static byte[] GetPrivateKeyFromWIF(string wif)
{ {
if (wif == null) if (wif == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(wif)); throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(wif));
var data = wif.Base58CheckDecode(); var data = wif.Base58CheckDecode();
if (data.Length != 34 || data[0] != 0x80 || data[33] != 0x01) if (data.Length != 34 || data[0] != 0x80 || data[33] != 0x01)
throw new FormatException(); throw new FormatException();
var privateKey = new byte[32]; var privateKey = new byte[32];
Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 1, privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length); Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 1, privateKey, 0, privateKey.Length);
Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length); Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
@ -100,6 +109,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static string PublicKeyToAddress(this byte[] publicKey) public static string PublicKeyToAddress(this byte[] publicKey)
{ {
if (publicKey == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(publicKey));
if (publicKey.Length != CompressedPublicKeyLength) if (publicKey.Length != CompressedPublicKeyLength)
throw new FormatException( throw new FormatException(
nameof(publicKey) + nameof(publicKey) +
@ -112,6 +124,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static byte[] PublicKey(this ECDsa key) public static byte[] PublicKey(this ECDsa key)
{ {
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
var param = key.ExportParameters(false); var param = key.ExportParameters(false);
var pubkey = new byte[33]; var pubkey = new byte[33];
var pos = 33 - param.Q.X.Length; var pos = 33 - param.Q.X.Length;
@ -127,6 +142,9 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static byte[] PrivateKey(this ECDsa key) public static byte[] PrivateKey(this ECDsa key)
{ {
if (key == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(key));
return key.ExportParameters(true).D; return key.ExportParameters(true).D;
} }
@ -153,7 +171,7 @@ public static class KeyExtension
public static ECDsa LoadWif(this string wif) public static ECDsa LoadWif(this string wif)
{ {
var privateKey = GetPrivateKeyFromWIF(wif); var privateKey = GetPrivateKeyFromWIF(wif);
return LoadPrivateKey(privateKey); return LoadPrivateKey(privateKey);
} }

View file

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ internal class Murmur3_128 : HashAlgorithm
length += cbSize; length += cbSize;
int remainder = cbSize & 15; int remainder = cbSize & 15;
int alignedLength = ibStart + (cbSize - remainder); int alignedLength = ibStart + (cbSize - remainder);
for (int i = ibStart; i < alignedLength; i += 16) for (int i = ibStart; i < alignedLength; i += 16)
{ {
ulong k1 = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt64LittleEndian(array.AsSpan(i)); ulong k1 = BinaryPrimitives.ReadUInt64LittleEndian(array.AsSpan(i));
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ internal class Murmur3_128 : HashAlgorithm
h2 += h1; h2 += h1;
h2 = h2 * m + n2; h2 = h2 * m + n2;
} }
if (remainder > 0) if (remainder > 0)
{ {
ulong k1 = 0, k2 = 0; ulong k1 = 0, k2 = 0;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ internal class Murmur3_128 : HashAlgorithm
h2 = Fimix64(h2); h2 = Fimix64(h2);
h1 += h2; h1 += h2;
h2 += h1; h2 += h1;
return BitConverter.GetBytes(h1); return BitConverter.GetBytes(h1);
} }

View file

@ -122,9 +122,9 @@ namespace System
public override string ToString() public override string ToString()
{ {
if (IsFromEnd) if (IsFromEnd)
return "^" + ((uint)Value).ToString(); return $"^{(uint)Value}";
return ((uint)Value).ToString(); return $"{(uint)Value}";
} }
} }
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ namespace System
/// <remarks>Construct a Range object using the start and end indexes.</remarks> /// <remarks>Construct a Range object using the start and end indexes.</remarks>
/// <param name="start">Represent the inclusive start index of the range.</param> /// <param name="start">Represent the inclusive start index of the range.</param>
/// <param name="end">Represent the exclusive end index of the range.</param> /// <param name="end">Represent the exclusive end index of the range.</param>
internal readonly struct Range (Index start, Index end) : IEquatable<Range> internal readonly struct Range(Index start, Index end) : IEquatable<Range>
{ {
/// <summary>Represent the inclusive start index of the Range.</summary> /// <summary>Represent the inclusive start index of the Range.</summary>
public Index Start { get; } = start; public Index Start { get; } = start;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using Google.Protobuf; using System;
using System;
using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
@ -7,13 +8,16 @@ public static class UUIDExtension
{ {
public static Guid ToUuid(this ByteString id) public static Guid ToUuid(this ByteString id)
{ {
if (id == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(id));
var bytes = id.ToByteArray(); var bytes = id.ToByteArray();
var orderedBytes = GetGuidBytesDirectOrder(bytes); var orderedBytes = GetGuidBytesDirectOrder(bytes);
return new Guid(orderedBytes); return new Guid(orderedBytes);
} }
/// <summary> /// <summary>
/// Serializes Guid to binary representation in direct order bytes format /// Serializes Guid to binary representation in direct order bytes format
/// </summary> /// </summary>

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.Session; namespace FrostFS.Session;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using Google.Protobuf;
using FrostFS.Session;
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf;
namespace Frostfs.V2.Apemanager; namespace Frostfs.V2.Apemanager;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using Google.Protobuf;
using FrostFS.Session;
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.Container; namespace FrostFS.Container;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.Netmap; namespace FrostFS.Netmap;

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
using System.Diagnostics; using System.Diagnostics;
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.Object namespace FrostFS.Object
@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ namespace FrostFS.Object
} }
} }
public partial class PutSingleRequest : IRequest public partial class PutSingleRequest : IRequest
{ {
IMetaHeader IVerifiableMessage.GetMetaHeader() IMetaHeader IVerifiableMessage.GetMetaHeader()
{ {

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
namespace FrostFS.Session; namespace FrostFS.Session;

View file

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public abstract class ContainerTestsBase public abstract class ContainerTestsBase
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public abstract class ContainerTestsBase
protected IFrostFSClient GetClient() protected IFrostFSClient GetClient()
{ {
return ClientV2.Client.GetTestInstance( return ClientV2.FrostFSClient.GetTestInstance(
Settings, Settings,
null, null,
new NetworkMocker(this.key).GetMock().Object, new NetworkMocker(this.key).GetMock().Object,
@ -45,17 +45,17 @@ public abstract class ContainerTestsBase
} }
public class ContainerTest : ContainerTestsBase public class ContainerTest : ContainerTestsBase
{ {
[Fact] [Fact]
public async void CreateContainerTest() public async void CreateContainerTest()
{ {
var param = new PrmContainerCreate(new FrostFsContainerInfo(BasicAcl.PublicRW, Mocker.PlacementPolicy)); var param = new PrmContainerCreate(new FrostFsContainerInfo(Mocker.PlacementPolicy));
var result = await GetClient().CreateContainerAsync(param); var result = await GetClient().CreateContainerAsync(param);
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
Assert.NotNull(result.Value); Assert.NotNull(result.GetValue());
Assert.True(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes()) == result.Value); Assert.True(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes()) == result.GetValue());
} }
[Fact] [Fact]
@ -63,14 +63,11 @@ public class ContainerTest : ContainerTestsBase
{ {
var cid = new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes())); var cid = new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes()));
Mocker.Acl = BasicAcl.PublicRO;
var result = await GetClient().GetContainerAsync(new PrmContainerGet(cid)); var result = await GetClient().GetContainerAsync(new PrmContainerGet(cid));
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Acl, result.BasicAcl);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ContainerGuid, result.Nonce); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ContainerGuid, result.Nonce);
Assert.Equal(0, Mocker.PlacementPolicy.CompareTo(result.PlacementPolicy)); Assert.Equal(Mocker.PlacementPolicy, result.PlacementPolicy);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Version.ToString(), result.Version!.ToString()); Assert.Equal(Mocker.Version.ToString(), result.Version!.ToString());
} }
@ -89,7 +86,7 @@ public class ContainerTest : ContainerTestsBase
await foreach (var cid in result) await foreach (var cid in result)
{ {
var val = Base58.Encode(ByteString.CopyFrom(Mocker.ContainerIds[i++]).ToByteArray()); var val = Base58.Encode(ByteString.CopyFrom(Mocker.ContainerIds[i++]).ToByteArray());
Assert.Equal(val, cid.Value); Assert.Equal(val, cid.GetValue());
} }
Assert.Equal(3, i); Assert.Equal(3, i);
@ -106,7 +103,7 @@ public class ContainerTest : ContainerTestsBase
Assert.Single(Mocker.Requests); Assert.Single(Mocker.Requests);
var request = Mocker.Requests.First(); var request = Mocker.Requests.First();
Assert.Equal(cid.ToMessage(), request.Request.Body.ContainerId); Assert.Equal(cid.ToMessage(), request.Request.Body.ContainerId);
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
using Grpc.Core; using System.Diagnostics;
using Grpc.Core.Interceptors;
using System.Diagnostics; using Grpc.Core;
using Grpc.Core.Interceptors;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.SmokeTests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.SmokeTests;
@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ public class MetricsInterceptor() : Interceptor
call.GetTrailers, call.GetTrailers,
call.Dispose); call.Dispose);
} }
private static async Task<TResponse> HandleUnaryResponse<TResponse>(AsyncUnaryCall<TResponse> call) private static async Task<TResponse> HandleUnaryResponse<TResponse>(AsyncUnaryCall<TResponse> call)
{ {
var watch = new Stopwatch(); var watch = new Stopwatch();
watch.Start(); watch.Start();
var response = await call.ResponseAsync; var response = await call.ResponseAsync;
watch.Stop(); watch.Stop();
@ -34,6 +34,6 @@ public class MetricsInterceptor() : Interceptor
// Do something with call info // Do something with call info
// var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000/Stopwatch.Frequency; // var elapsed = watch.ElapsedTicks * 1_000_000/Stopwatch.Frequency;
return response; return response;
} }
} }

View file

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ public class AsyncStreamReaderMock(string key, FrostFsObjectHeader objectHeader)
{ {
var header = new Header var header = new Header
{ {
ContainerId = objectHeader.ContainerId.ToMessage(), ContainerId = objectHeader.ContainerId.ToMessage(),
PayloadLength = objectHeader.PayloadLength, PayloadLength = objectHeader.PayloadLength,
Version = objectHeader.Version!.ToMessage(), Version = objectHeader.Version!.ToMessage(),
OwnerId = objectHeader.OwnerId!.ToMessage() OwnerId = objectHeader.OwnerId!.ToMessage()

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
using Grpc.Core;
using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ProtosV2.Interfaces;
using Grpc.Core;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public class ClientStreamWriter : IClientStreamWriter<IRequest> public class ClientStreamWriter : IClientStreamWriter<IRequest>
@ -17,13 +18,13 @@ public class ClientStreamWriter : IClientStreamWriter<IRequest>
public Task CompleteAsync() public Task CompleteAsync()
{ {
CompletedTask = true; CompletedTask = true;
return Task.CompletedTask; return Task.CompletedTask;
} }
public Task WriteAsync(IRequest message) public Task WriteAsync(IRequest message)
{ {
Object.PutRequest pr = new((Object.PutRequest)message); Object.PutRequest pr = new((Object.PutRequest)message);
Messages.Add(pr); Messages.Add(pr);
return Task.CompletedTask; return Task.CompletedTask;
} }
} }

View file

@ -1,15 +1,17 @@
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Container;
using Moq;
using FrostFS.Container;
using FrostFS.Object;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.Object;
using Grpc.Core; using Grpc.Core;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
@ -18,11 +20,9 @@ public abstract class ServiceBase(string key)
public string StringKey { get; private set; } = key; public string StringKey { get; private set; } = key;
public ECDsa Key { get; private set; } = key.LoadWif(); public ECDsa Key { get; private set; } = key.LoadWif();
public FrostFsVersion Version { get; set; } = DefaultVersion; public FrostFsVersion Version { get; set; } = DefaultVersion;
public BasicAcl Acl { get; set; } = DefaultAcl;
public FrostFsPlacementPolicy PlacementPolicy { get; set; } = DefaultPlacementPolicy; public FrostFsPlacementPolicy PlacementPolicy { get; set; } = DefaultPlacementPolicy;
public static FrostFsVersion DefaultVersion { get; } = new(2, 13); public static FrostFsVersion DefaultVersion { get; } = new(2, 13);
public static BasicAcl DefaultAcl { get; } = BasicAcl.PublicRW;
public static FrostFsPlacementPolicy DefaultPlacementPolicy { get; } = new FrostFsPlacementPolicy(true, new FrostFsReplica(1)); public static FrostFsPlacementPolicy DefaultPlacementPolicy { get; } = new FrostFsPlacementPolicy(true, new FrostFsReplica(1));
public Metadata Metadata { get; protected set; } public Metadata Metadata { get; protected set; }
@ -61,23 +61,23 @@ public abstract class ServiceBase(string key)
} }
public ResponseMetaHeader ResponseMetaHeader => new() public ResponseMetaHeader ResponseMetaHeader => new()
{ {
Version = Version.ToMessage(), Version = Version.ToMessage(),
Epoch = 100, Epoch = 100,
Ttl = 1 Ttl = 1
}; };
} }
public abstract class ContainerServiceBase(string key) : ServiceBase (key) public abstract class ContainerServiceBase(string key) : ServiceBase(key)
{ {
public Guid ContainerGuid { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid(); public Guid ContainerGuid { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
public abstract Mock<ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient> GetMock(); public abstract Mock<ContainerService.ContainerServiceClient> GetMock();
} }
public abstract class ObjectServiceBase(string key) : ServiceBase (key) public abstract class ObjectServiceBase(string key) : ServiceBase(key)
{ {
public abstract Mock<ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient> GetMock(); public abstract Mock<ObjectService.ObjectServiceClient> GetMock();
public Guid ContainerGuid { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid(); public Guid ContainerGuid { get; set; } = Guid.NewGuid();
} }

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
using FrostFS.Container; using FrostFS.Container;
using Moq; using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;

View file

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
using FrostFS.Container; using FrostFS.Container;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core;
using Moq;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.Session;
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core;
using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
@ -67,8 +68,7 @@ public class ContainerMocker(string key) : ContainerServiceBase(key)
{ {
Version = grpcVersion, Version = grpcVersion,
Nonce = ByteString.CopyFrom(ContainerGuid.ToBytes()), Nonce = ByteString.CopyFrom(ContainerGuid.ToBytes()),
BasicAcl = (uint)Acl, PlacementPolicy = PlacementPolicy.GetPolicy()
PlacementPolicy = PlacementPolicy.ToMessage()
} }
}, },
MetaHeader = ResponseMetaHeader MetaHeader = ResponseMetaHeader
@ -78,10 +78,10 @@ public class ContainerMocker(string key) : ContainerServiceBase(key)
var getNoContainerResponse = new GetResponse var getNoContainerResponse = new GetResponse
{ {
Body = new (), Body = new(),
MetaHeader = new ResponseMetaHeader MetaHeader = new ResponseMetaHeader
{ {
Status = new Status.Status Status = new Status.Status
{ {
Code = 3072, Code = 3072,
Message = "container not found" Message = "container not found"
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ public class ContainerMocker(string key) : ContainerServiceBase(key)
Task.FromResult(ResponseMetaData), Task.FromResult(ResponseMetaData),
() => new Grpc.Core.Status(StatusCode.NotFound, string.Empty), () => new Grpc.Core.Status(StatusCode.NotFound, string.Empty),
() => ResponseMetaData, () => ResponseMetaData,
() => { }); () => { });
} }
return new AsyncUnaryCall<GetResponse>( return new AsyncUnaryCall<GetResponse>(
@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ public class ContainerMocker(string key) : ContainerServiceBase(key)
Task.FromResult(ResponseMetaData), Task.FromResult(ResponseMetaData),
() => new Grpc.Core.Status(StatusCode.OK, string.Empty), () => new Grpc.Core.Status(StatusCode.OK, string.Empty),
() => ResponseMetaData, () => ResponseMetaData,
() => { }); () => { });
}); });
var listResponse = new ListResponse var listResponse = new ListResponse

View file

@ -9,4 +9,3 @@ public class RequestData<T>(T request, Metadata m, DateTime? dt, CancellationTok
public DateTime? Deadline => dt; public DateTime? Deadline => dt;
public CancellationToken CancellationToken => ct; public CancellationToken CancellationToken => ct;
} }

View file

@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
using Moq;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
using Grpc.Core;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core;
using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public class NetworkMocker(string key) : ServiceBase(key) public class NetworkMocker(string key) : ServiceBase(key)

View file

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core;
using Moq;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.Object;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Security.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Object;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography; using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core;
using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public class ObjectMocker(string key) : ObjectServiceBase(key) public class ObjectMocker(string key) : ObjectServiceBase(key)
@ -183,7 +187,7 @@ public class ObjectMocker(string key) : ObjectServiceBase(key)
() => { }); () => { });
}); });
} }
return mock; return mock;
} }
@ -195,7 +199,7 @@ public class ObjectMocker(string key) : ObjectServiceBase(key)
public List<byte[]>? ResultObjectIds { get; set; } public List<byte[]>? ResultObjectIds { get; set; }
public ClientStreamWriter? ClientStreamWriter { get; private set; } = new (); public ClientStreamWriter? ClientStreamWriter { get; private set; } = new();
public List<PutSingleRequest> PutSingleRequests { get; private set; } = []; public List<PutSingleRequest> PutSingleRequests { get; private set; } = [];

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
using FrostFS.Session; using FrostFS.Session;
using Google.Protobuf; using Google.Protobuf;
using Grpc.Core; using Grpc.Core;
using Moq; using Moq;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.Netmap; using FrostFS.Netmap;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces;
@ -8,8 +10,6 @@ using Google.Protobuf;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public abstract class NetworkTestsBase public abstract class NetworkTestsBase
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ public abstract class NetworkTestsBase
protected IFrostFSClient GetClient() protected IFrostFSClient GetClient()
{ {
return ClientV2.Client.GetTestInstance( return ClientV2.FrostFSClient.GetTestInstance(
Settings, Settings,
null, null,
Mocker.GetMock().Object, Mocker.GetMock().Object,
@ -88,9 +88,9 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
} }
var validTimeoutFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20); var validTimeoutFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20);
var result = await GetClient().GetNetworkSettingsAsync(param); var result = await GetClient().GetNetworkSettingsAsync(param);
var validTimeoutTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20); var validTimeoutTo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddSeconds(20);
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["MaxECParityCount"], [(byte)result.MaxECParityCount]); Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["MaxECParityCount"], [(byte)result.MaxECParityCount]);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["MaxObjectSize"], [(byte)result.MaxObjectSize]); Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["MaxObjectSize"], [(byte)result.MaxObjectSize]);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["WithdrawFee"], [(byte)result.WithdrawFee]); Assert.Equal(Mocker.Parameters["WithdrawFee"], [(byte)result.WithdrawFee]);
Assert.True(result.HomomorphicHashingDisabled); Assert.True(result.HomomorphicHashingDisabled);
Assert.True(result.MaintenanceModeAllowed); Assert.True(result.MaintenanceModeAllowed);
@ -142,13 +142,13 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
nodeInfo1.Addresses.Add("address1"); nodeInfo1.Addresses.Add("address1");
nodeInfo1.Addresses.Add("address2"); nodeInfo1.Addresses.Add("address2");
nodeInfo1.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key1", Value = "value1"}); nodeInfo1.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key1", Value = "value1" });
nodeInfo1.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key2", Value = "value2" }); nodeInfo1.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key2", Value = "value2" });
var nodeInfo2 = new NodeInfo var nodeInfo2 = new NodeInfo
{ {
State = NodeInfo.Types.State.Offline, State = NodeInfo.Types.State.Offline,
PublicKey = ByteString.CopyFrom([3,4,5]) PublicKey = ByteString.CopyFrom([3, 4, 5])
}; };
nodeInfo2.Addresses.Add("address3"); nodeInfo2.Addresses.Add("address3");
@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
Assert.Equal(2, node1.Addresses.Count); Assert.Equal(2, node1.Addresses.Count);
Assert.Equal("address1", node1.Addresses.ElementAt(0)); Assert.Equal("address1", node1.Addresses.ElementAt(0));
Assert.Equal("address2", node1.Addresses.ElementAt(1)); Assert.Equal("address2", node1.Addresses.ElementAt(1));
Assert.Equal(2, node1.Attributes.Count); Assert.Equal(2, node1.Attributes.Count);
Assert.Equal("key1", node1.Attributes.ElementAt(0).Key); Assert.Equal("key1", node1.Attributes.ElementAt(0).Key);
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
Assert.Equal(NodeState.Offline, node2.State); Assert.Equal(NodeState.Offline, node2.State);
Assert.Single(node2.Addresses); Assert.Single(node2.Addresses);
Assert.Equal("address3", node2.Addresses.ElementAt(0)); Assert.Equal("address3", node2.Addresses.ElementAt(0));
Assert.Single(node2.Attributes); Assert.Single(node2.Attributes);
Assert.Equal("key3", node2.Attributes.ElementAt(0).Key); Assert.Equal("key3", node2.Attributes.ElementAt(0).Key);
@ -241,10 +241,10 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
}, },
Version = new Refs.Version { Major = 2, Minor = 12 } Version = new Refs.Version { Major = 2, Minor = 12 }
}; };
body.NodeInfo.Addresses.Add("address1"); body.NodeInfo.Addresses.Add("address1");
body.NodeInfo.Addresses.Add("address2"); body.NodeInfo.Addresses.Add("address2");
body.NodeInfo.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key1", Value = "value1"}); body.NodeInfo.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key1", Value = "value1" });
body.NodeInfo.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key2", Value = "value2" }); body.NodeInfo.Attributes.Add(new NodeInfo.Types.Attribute { Key = "key2", Value = "value2" });
Mocker.NodeInfoResponse = new LocalNodeInfoResponse { Body = body }; Mocker.NodeInfoResponse = new LocalNodeInfoResponse { Body = body };
@ -273,11 +273,11 @@ public class NetworkTest : NetworkTestsBase
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
Assert.Equal(NodeState.Online, result.State); Assert.Equal(NodeState.Online, result.State);
Assert.Equal(2, result.Addresses.Count); Assert.Equal(2, result.Addresses.Count);
Assert.Equal("address1", result.Addresses.ElementAt(0)); Assert.Equal("address1", result.Addresses.ElementAt(0));
Assert.Equal("address2", result.Addresses.ElementAt(1)); Assert.Equal("address2", result.Addresses.ElementAt(1));
Assert.Equal(2, result.Attributes.Count); Assert.Equal(2, result.Attributes.Count);
Assert.Equal("value1", result.Attributes["key1"]); Assert.Equal("value1", result.Attributes["key1"]);
Assert.Equal("value2", result.Attributes["key2"]); Assert.Equal("value2", result.Attributes["key2"]);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
using FrostFS.Refs; using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces;
@ -9,9 +12,6 @@ using Google.Protobuf;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Text;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public abstract class ObjectTestsBase public abstract class ObjectTestsBase
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public abstract class ObjectTestsBase
protected ObjectTestsBase() protected ObjectTestsBase()
{ {
var ecdsaKey = key.LoadWif(); var ecdsaKey = key.LoadWif();
Settings = Options.Create(new SingleOwnerClientSettings Settings = Options.Create(new SingleOwnerClientSettings
{ {
Key = key, Key = key,
@ -46,17 +46,17 @@ public abstract class ObjectTestsBase
ContainerId = new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes())); ContainerId = new FrostFsContainerId(Base58.Encode(Mocker.ContainerGuid.ToBytes()));
Mocker.ObjectHeader = new( Mocker.ObjectHeader = new(
ContainerId, ContainerId,
FrostFsObjectType.Regular, FrostFsObjectType.Regular,
[new FrostFsAttribute("k", "v")], [new FrostFsAttributePair("k", "v")],
null, null,
FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey), FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey),
new FrostFsVersion(2, 13)); new FrostFsVersion(2, 13));
} }
protected IFrostFSClient GetClient() protected IFrostFSClient GetClient()
{ {
return Client.GetTestInstance( return FrostFSClient.GetTestInstance(
Settings, Settings,
null, null,
NetworkMocker.GetMock().Object, NetworkMocker.GetMock().Object,
@ -75,30 +75,32 @@ public class ObjectTest : ObjectTestsBase
var ecdsaKey = key.LoadWif(); var ecdsaKey = key.LoadWif();
var ctx = new Context { var ctx = new Context
Key = ecdsaKey, {
OwnerId = FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey), Key = ecdsaKey,
Version = new FrostFsVersion(2, 13) }; OwnerId = FrostFsOwner.FromKey(ecdsaKey),
Version = new FrostFsVersion(2, 13)
var objectId = client.CalculateObjectId(Mocker.ObjectHeader!, ctx); var objectId = client.CalculateObjectId(Mocker.ObjectHeader!, ctx);
var result = await client.GetObjectAsync(new PrmObjectGet(ContainerId, objectId) { Context = ctx }); var result = await client.GetObjectAsync(new PrmObjectGet(ContainerId, objectId) { Context = ctx });
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.ContainerId.Value, result.Header.ContainerId.Value); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.ContainerId.GetValue(), result.Header.ContainerId.GetValue());
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.OwnerId!.Value, result.Header.OwnerId!.Value); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.OwnerId!.Value, result.Header.OwnerId!.Value);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.PayloadLength, result.Header.PayloadLength); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.PayloadLength, result.Header.PayloadLength);
Assert.Single(result.Header.Attributes); Assert.Single(result.Header.Attributes);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.Attributes[0].Key, result.Header.Attributes[0].Key); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.Attributes[0].Key, result.Header.Attributes[0].Key);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.Attributes[0].Value,result.Header.Attributes[0].Value); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader.Attributes[0].Value, result.Header.Attributes[0].Value);
} }
[Fact] [Fact]
public async void PutObjectTest() public async void PutObjectTest()
{ {
Mocker.ResultObjectIds = new([SHA256.HashData([])]); Mocker.ResultObjectIds = new([SHA256.HashData([])]);
Random rnd = new(); Random rnd = new();
var bytes = new byte[1024]; var bytes = new byte[1024];
rnd.NextBytes(bytes); rnd.NextBytes(bytes);
@ -119,20 +121,20 @@ public class ObjectTest : ObjectTestsBase
Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.NotNull(result);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ResultObjectIds.First(), result.ToHash()); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ResultObjectIds.First(), result.ToHash());
Assert.True(Mocker.ClientStreamWriter.CompletedTask); Assert.True(Mocker.ClientStreamWriter.CompletedTask);
Assert.Equal(0, body1!.Chunk.Length); Assert.Equal(0, body1!.Chunk.Length);
Assert.Equal(Object.PutRequest.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Init, body1!.ObjectPartCase); Assert.Equal(Object.PutRequest.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Init, body1!.ObjectPartCase);
Assert.Equal(1024, body2!.Chunk.Length); Assert.Equal(1024, body2!.Chunk.Length);
Assert.Equal(Object.PutRequest.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Chunk, body2!.ObjectPartCase); Assert.Equal(Object.PutRequest.Types.Body.ObjectPartOneofCase.Chunk, body2!.ObjectPartCase);
} }
[Fact] [Fact]
public async void ClientCutTest() public async void ClientCutTest()
{ {
NetworkMocker.Parameters = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>() { { "MaxObjectSize", [0x0, 0xa] } }; NetworkMocker.Parameters = new Dictionary<string, byte[]>() { { "MaxObjectSize", [0x0, 0xa] } };
var blockSize = 2560; var blockSize = 2560;
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@".\..\..\..\TestData\cat.jpg"); byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@".\..\..\..\TestData\cat.jpg");
@ -251,11 +253,11 @@ public class ObjectTest : ObjectTestsBase
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectId.ToMessage(), request.Body.Address.ObjectId); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectId.ToMessage(), request.Body.Address.ObjectId);
Assert.NotNull(response); Assert.NotNull(response);
Assert.Equal(ContainerId.Value, response.ContainerId.Value); Assert.Equal(ContainerId.GetValue(), response.ContainerId.GetValue());
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.OwnerId!.Value, response.OwnerId!.Value); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.OwnerId!.Value, response.OwnerId!.Value);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.Version!.ToString(), response.Version!.ToString()); Assert.Equal(Mocker.ObjectHeader!.Version!.ToString(), response.Version!.ToString());
Assert.Equal(Mocker.HeadResponse!.PayloadLength, response.PayloadLength); Assert.Equal(Mocker.HeadResponse!.PayloadLength, response.PayloadLength);
Assert.Equal(FrostFsObjectType.Regular, response.ObjectType); Assert.Equal(FrostFsObjectType.Regular, response.ObjectType);

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC; using FrostFS.SDK.ClientV2.Mappers.GRPC;
@ -6,8 +8,6 @@ using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Options; using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests; namespace FrostFS.SDK.Tests;
public abstract class SessionTestsBase public abstract class SessionTestsBase
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public abstract class SessionTestsBase
protected IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> Settings { get; set; } protected IOptions<SingleOwnerClientSettings> Settings { get; set; }
protected ECDsa ECDsaKey { get; set; } protected ECDsa ECDsaKey { get; set; }
protected FrostFsOwner OwnerId { get; set; } protected FrostFsOwner OwnerId { get; set; }
protected SessionMocker Mocker { get; set; } protected SessionMocker Mocker { get; set; }
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public abstract class SessionTestsBase
protected IFrostFSClient GetClient() protected IFrostFSClient GetClient()
{ {
return ClientV2.Client.GetTestInstance( return ClientV2.FrostFSClient.GetTestInstance(
Settings, Settings,
null, null,
new NetworkMocker(this.key).GetMock().Object, new NetworkMocker(this.key).GetMock().Object,
@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ public class SessionTest : SessionTestsBase
Assert.Equal(exp, Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.Body.Expiration); Assert.Equal(exp, Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.Body.Expiration);
Assert.NotNull(Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.MetaHeader); Assert.NotNull(Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.MetaHeader);
Assert.Equal(Mocker.Version.ToMessage(), Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.MetaHeader.Version); Assert.Equal(Mocker.Version.ToMessage(), Mocker.CreateSessionRequest.MetaHeader.Version);
Assert.Null(Mocker.Metadata); Assert.Null(Mocker.Metadata);
if (useContext) if (useContext)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show more