Pavel Gross aa45699981
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[#34] Client: Add rules deserialization
Signed-off-by: Pavel Gross <>
2025-02-27 17:35:19 +03:00

505 lines
14 KiB

using System;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo("FrostFS.SDK.Tests")]
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Client;
internal static class RuleSerializer
const byte Version = 0; // increase if breaking change
const int ByteSize = 1;
const int UInt8Size = ByteSize;
const int BoolSize = ByteSize;
const long NullSlice = -1;
const int NullSliceSize = 1;
const byte ByteTrue = 1;
const byte ByteFalse = 0;
/// <summary>
/// maxSliceLen taken from
/// </summary>
const int MaxSliceLen = 0x1000000;
const int ChainMarshalVersion = 0;
internal static byte[] Serialize(FrostFsChain chain)
int s = UInt8Size // Marshaller version
+ UInt8Size // Chain version
+ SliceSize(chain.ID, b => ByteSize)
+ SliceSize(chain.Rules, RuleSize)
+ UInt8Size; // MatchType
byte[] buf = new byte[s];
int offset = UInt8Marshal(buf, 0, Version);
offset = UInt8Marshal(buf, offset, ChainMarshalVersion);
offset = SliceMarshal(buf, offset, chain.ID, ByteMarshal);
offset = SliceMarshal(buf, offset, chain.Rules, MarshalRule);
offset = UInt8Marshal(buf, offset, (byte)chain.MatchType);
VerifyMarshal(buf, offset);
return buf;
internal static FrostFsChain Deserialize(byte[] data)
if (data is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(data));
FrostFsChain chain = new();
var (offset, version) = UInt8Unmarshal(data, 0);
if (version != Version)
throw new FrostFsException($"unsupported marshaller version {version}");
(offset, byte chainVersion) = UInt8Unmarshal(data, offset);
if (chainVersion != ChainMarshalVersion)
throw new FrostFsException($"unsupported chain version {chainVersion}");
(offset, chain.ID) = SliceUnmarshal(data, offset, UInt8Unmarshal);
(offset, chain.Rules) = SliceUnmarshal(data, offset, UnmarshalRule);
(offset, var matchTypeV) = UInt8Unmarshal(data, offset);
chain.MatchType = (RuleMatchType)matchTypeV;
VerifyUnmarshal(data, offset);
return chain;
private static int Int64Size(long value)
// and
ulong ux = (ulong)value << 1;
if (value < 0)
ux = ~ux;
int size = 0;
while (ux >= 0x80)
ux >>= 7;
return size + 1;
private static int SliceSize<T>(T[] slice, Func<T, int> sizeOf)
if (slice == null)
return NullSliceSize;
// Assuming Int64Size is the size of the slice
var size = Int64Size(slice.Length);
foreach (var v in slice)
size += sizeOf(v);
return size;
private static int StringSize(string? s)
var len = s != null ? s.Length : 0;
return Int64Size(len) + len;
private static int ActionsSize(Actions action)
return BoolSize // Inverted
+ SliceSize(action.Names, StringSize);
private static int ResourcesSize(Resources resource)
return BoolSize // Inverted
+ SliceSize(resource.Names, StringSize);
private static int ConditionSize(Condition condition)
return ByteSize // Op
+ ByteSize // Object
+ StringSize(condition.Key)
+ StringSize(condition.Value);
private static int RuleSize(FrostFsRule rule)
if (rule is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rule));
return ByteSize // Status
+ ActionsSize(rule.Actions)
+ ResourcesSize(rule.Resources)
+ BoolSize // Any
+ SliceSize(rule.Conditions!, ConditionSize);
private static int UInt8Marshal(byte[] buf, int offset, byte value)
if (buf.Length - offset < 1)
throw new FrostFsException("Not enough bytes left to serialize value of type byte");
buf[offset] = value;
return offset + 1;
private static int ByteMarshal(byte[] buf, int offset, byte value)
return UInt8Marshal(buf, offset, value);
// PutVarint encodes an int64 into buf and returns the number of bytes written.
// If the buffer is too small, PutVarint will panic.
private static int PutVarint(byte[] buf, int offset, long x)
var ux = (ulong)x << 1;
if (x < 0)
ux = ~ux;
return PutUvarint(buf, offset, ux);
private static int PutUvarint(byte[] buf, int offset, ulong x)
while (x >= 0x80)
buf[offset] = (byte)(x | 0x80);
x >>= 7;
buf[offset] = (byte)x;
return offset + 1;
private static int Int64Marshal(byte[] buf, int offset, long v)
if (buf.Length - offset < Int64Size(v))
throw new FrostFsException("Not enough bytes left to serialize value of type long");
return PutVarint(buf, offset, v);
private static int SliceMarshal<T>(byte[] buf, int offset, T[] slice, Func<byte[], int, T, int> marshalT)
if (slice == null)
return Int64Marshal(buf, offset, NullSlice);
if (slice.Length > MaxSliceLen)
throw new FrostFsException($"slice size if too big: {slice.Length}");
offset = Int64Marshal(buf, offset, slice.Length);
foreach (var v in slice)
offset = marshalT(buf, offset, v);
return offset;
private static int BoolMarshal(byte[] buf, int offset, bool value)
return UInt8Marshal(buf, offset, value ? ByteTrue : ByteFalse);
private static int StringMarshal(byte[] buf, int offset, string value)
if (value == null)
throw new FrostFsException($"string value is null");
if (value.Length > MaxSliceLen)
throw new FrostFsException($"string is too long: {value.Length}");
if (buf.Length - offset < Int64Size(value.Length) + value.Length)
throw new FrostFsException($"Not enough bytes left to serialize value of type string with length {value.Length}");
offset = Int64Marshal(buf, offset, value.Length);
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
return offset;
Buffer.BlockCopy(System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(value), 0, buf, offset, value.Length);
return offset + value.Length;
private static int MarshalActions(byte[] buf, int offset, Actions action)
offset = BoolMarshal(buf, offset, action.Inverted);
return SliceMarshal(buf, offset, action.Names, StringMarshal);
private static int MarshalCondition(byte[] buf, int offset, Condition condition)
offset = ByteMarshal(buf, offset, (byte)condition.Op);
offset = ByteMarshal(buf, offset, (byte)condition.Kind);
offset = StringMarshal(buf, offset, condition.Key!);
return StringMarshal(buf, offset, condition.Value!);
private static int MarshalRule(byte[] buf, int offset, FrostFsRule rule)
if (rule is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(rule));
offset = ByteMarshal(buf, offset, (byte)rule.Status);
offset = MarshalActions(buf, offset, rule.Actions);
offset = MarshalResources(buf, offset, rule.Resources);
offset = BoolMarshal(buf, offset, rule.Any);
return SliceMarshal(buf, offset, rule.Conditions!, MarshalCondition);
private static int MarshalResources(byte[] buf, int offset, Resources resources)
offset = BoolMarshal(buf, offset, resources.Inverted);
return SliceMarshal(buf, offset, resources.Names, StringMarshal);
private static void VerifyMarshal(byte[] buf, int lastOffset)
if (buf.Length != lastOffset)
throw new FrostFsException("actual data size differs from expected");
private static (int, bool) BoolUnmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset)
(offset, byte val) = UInt8Unmarshal(buf, offset);
return (offset, val == ByteTrue);
private static (int, string) StringUnmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset)
(offset, long size) = Int64Unmarshal(buf, offset);
if (size == 0)
return (offset, string.Empty);
if (size > MaxSliceLen)
throw new FrostFsException($"string is too long: '{size}'");
if (size < 0)
throw new FrostFsException($"invalid string size: '{size}'");
if (buf.Length - offset < size)
throw new FrostFsException($"not enough bytes left to string value");
return (offset + (int)size, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buf, offset, (int)size));
private static (int, Actions) UnmarshalActions(byte[] buf, int offset)
Actions action = new();
(offset, action.Inverted) = BoolUnmarshal(buf, offset);
(offset, action.Names) = SliceUnmarshal(buf, offset, StringUnmarshal);
return (offset, action);
private static (int, Resources) UnmarshalResources(byte[] buf, int offset)
Resources res = new();
(offset, res.Inverted) = BoolUnmarshal(buf, offset);
(offset, res.Names) = SliceUnmarshal(buf, offset, StringUnmarshal);
return (offset, res);
private static (int, Condition) UnmarshalCondition(byte[] buf, int offset)
Condition cond = new();
(offset, var op) = UInt8Unmarshal(buf, offset);
cond.Op = (ConditionType)op;
(offset, var kind) = UInt8Unmarshal(buf, offset);
cond.Kind = (ConditionKindType)kind;
(offset, cond.Key) = StringUnmarshal(buf, offset);
(offset, cond.Value) = StringUnmarshal(buf, offset);
return (offset, cond);
private static (int, FrostFsRule) UnmarshalRule(byte[] buf, int offset)
FrostFsRule rule = new();
(offset, byte statusV) = UInt8Unmarshal(buf, offset);
rule.Status = (RuleStatus)statusV;
(offset, rule.Actions) = UnmarshalActions(buf, offset);
(offset, rule.Resources) = UnmarshalResources(buf, offset);
(offset, rule.Any) = BoolUnmarshal(buf, offset);
(offset, rule.Conditions) = SliceUnmarshal(buf, offset, UnmarshalCondition);
return (offset, rule);
private static (int, byte) UInt8Unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset)
if (buf.Length - offset < 1)
throw new FrostFsException($"not enough bytes left to read a value of type 'byte' from offset {offset}");
return (offset + 1, buf[offset]);
private static (int, long) Int64Unmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset)
if (buf.Length - offset < sizeof(long))
throw new FrostFsException($"not enough bytes left to read a value of type 'long' from offset {offset}");
return Varint(buf, offset);
private static (int, T[]) SliceUnmarshal<T>(byte[] buf, int offset, Func<byte[], int, (int, T)> unmarshalT)
var (newOffset, size) = Varint(buf, offset);
if (size == NullSlice)
return (newOffset, []);
if (size > MaxSliceLen)
throw new FrostFsException($"slice size is too big: '{size}'");
if (size < 0)
throw new FrostFsException($"invalid slice size: '{size}'");
var result = new T[size];
for (int i = 0; i < result.Length; i++)
(newOffset, result[i]) = unmarshalT(buf, newOffset);
return (newOffset, result);
private static void VerifyUnmarshal(byte[] buf, int offset)
if (buf.Length != offset)
throw new FrostFsException("unmarshalled bytes left");
private static int MaxVarIntLen64 = 10;
public static (int, long) Varint(byte[] buf, int offset)
var (ux, n) = Uvarint(buf, offset); // ok to continue in presence of error
long x = (long)ux >> 1;
if ((ux & 1) != 0)
x = ~x;
return (n, x);
public static (ulong, int) Uvarint(byte[] buf, int offset)
ulong x = 0;
int s = 0;
for (int i = offset; i < buf.Length; i++)
byte b = buf[i];
if (i == MaxVarIntLen64)
return (0, -(i + 1)); // overflow
if (b < 0x80)
if (i == MaxVarIntLen64 - 1 && b > 1)
return (0, -(i + 1)); // overflow
return (x | ((ulong)b << s), i + 1);
x |= (ulong)(b & 0x7f) << s;
s += 7;
return (0, 0);