668 lines
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668 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Frostfs.V2.Ape;
using FrostFS.Refs;
using FrostFS.SDK.Client.Interfaces;
using FrostFS.SDK.Client.Mappers.GRPC;
using FrostFS.SDK.Cryptography;
using Grpc.Core;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
namespace FrostFS.SDK.Client;
public partial class Pool : IFrostFSClient
const int defaultSessionTokenExpirationDuration = 100; // in epochs
const int defaultErrorThreshold = 100;
const int defaultGracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout = 10; //Seconds;
const int defaultRebalanceInterval = 15; //Seconds;
const int defaultHealthcheckTimeout = 4; //Seconds;
const int defaultDialTimeout = 5; //Seconds;
const int defaultStreamTimeout = 10; //Seconds;
private readonly object _lock = new();
private InnerPool[]? InnerPools { get; set; }
private ClientKey Key { get; set; }
private OwnerID? _ownerId;
private FrostFsOwner? _owner;
private FrostFsOwner Owner
_owner ??= new FrostFsOwner(Key.ECDsaKey.PublicKey().PublicKeyToAddress());
return _owner;
private OwnerID OwnerId
if (_ownerId == null)
_owner = Key.Owner;
_ownerId = _owner.ToMessage();
return _ownerId;
internal CancellationTokenSource CancellationTokenSource { get; } = new CancellationTokenSource();
internal SessionCache SessionCache { get; set; }
private ulong SessionTokenDuration { get; set; }
private RebalanceParameters RebalanceParams { get; set; }
private Func<string, ClientWrapper> ClientBuilder;
private bool disposedValue;
private ILogger? logger { get; set; }
private ulong MaxObjectSize { get; set; }
public IClientStatus? ClientStatus { get; }
// NewPool creates connection pool using parameters.
public Pool(InitParameters options)
if (options is null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(options));
if (options.Key == null)
throw new ArgumentException($"Missed required parameter {nameof(options.Key)}");
var nodesParams = AdjustNodeParams(options.NodeParams);
var cache = new SessionCache(options.SessionExpirationDuration);
FillDefaultInitParams(options, this);
Key = new ClientKey(options.Key);
SessionCache = cache;
logger = options.Logger;
SessionTokenDuration = options.SessionExpirationDuration;
RebalanceParams = new RebalanceParameters(
ClientBuilder = options.ClientBuilder!;
// ClientContext.PoolErrorHandler = client.HandleError;
// Dial establishes a connection to the servers from the FrostFS network.
// It also starts a routine that checks the health of the nodes and
// updates the weights of the nodes for balancing.
// Returns an error describing failure reason.
// If failed, the Pool SHOULD NOT be used.
// See also InitParameters.SetClientRebalanceInterval.
public async Task<string?> Dial(CallContext ctx)
var inner = new InnerPool[RebalanceParams.NodesParams.Length];
bool atLeastOneHealthy = false;
int i = 0;
foreach (var nodeParams in RebalanceParams.NodesParams)
var wrappers = new ClientWrapper[nodeParams.Weights.Count];
for (int j = 0; j < nodeParams.Addresses.Count; j++)
ClientWrapper? wrapper = null;
bool dialed = false;
wrapper = wrappers[j] = ClientBuilder(nodeParams.Addresses[j]);
await wrapper.Dial(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
dialed = true;
var token = await InitSessionForDuration(ctx, wrapper, RebalanceParams.SessionExpirationDuration, Key.ECDsaKey, false)
var key = FormCacheKey(nodeParams.Addresses[j], Key.PublicKey);
SessionCache.SetValue(key, token);
atLeastOneHealthy = true;
catch (RpcException ex)
if (!dialed)
if (logger != null)
FrostFsMessages.SessionCreationError(logger, wrapper!.WrapperPrm.Address, ex.Message);
catch (FrostFsInvalidObjectException)
var sampler = new Sampler(nodeParams.Weights.ToArray());
inner[i] = new InnerPool(sampler, wrappers);
if (!atLeastOneHealthy)
return "At least one node must be healthy";
InnerPools = inner;
var res = await GetNetworkSettingsAsync(default).ConfigureAwait(false);
MaxObjectSize = res.MaxObjectSize;
return null;
private static IEnumerable<NodesParam> AdjustNodeParams(NodeParam[]? nodeParams)
if (nodeParams == null || nodeParams.Length == 0)
throw new ArgumentException("No FrostFS peers configured");
Dictionary<int, NodesParam> nodesParamsDict = new(nodeParams.Length);
foreach (var nodeParam in nodeParams)
if (!nodesParamsDict.TryGetValue(nodeParam.Priority, out var nodes))
nodes = new NodesParam(nodeParam.Priority);
nodesParamsDict[nodeParam.Priority] = nodes;
var nodesParams = new List<NodesParam>(nodesParamsDict.Count);
foreach (var key in nodesParamsDict.Keys)
var nodes = nodesParamsDict[key];
var newWeights = AdjustWeights([.. nodes.Weights]);
foreach (var weight in newWeights)
return nodesParams.OrderBy(n => n.Priority);
private static double[] AdjustWeights(double[] weights)
var adjusted = new double[weights.Length];
var sum = weights.Sum();
if (sum > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < weights.Length; i++)
adjusted[i] = weights[i] / sum;
return adjusted;
private static void FillDefaultInitParams(InitParameters parameters, Pool pool)
if (parameters.SessionExpirationDuration == 0)
parameters.SessionExpirationDuration = defaultSessionTokenExpirationDuration;
if (parameters.ErrorThreshold == 0)
parameters.ErrorThreshold = defaultErrorThreshold;
if (parameters.ClientRebalanceInterval <= 0)
parameters.ClientRebalanceInterval = defaultRebalanceInterval;
if (parameters.GracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout <= 0)
parameters.GracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout = defaultGracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout;
if (parameters.HealthcheckTimeout <= 0)
parameters.HealthcheckTimeout = defaultHealthcheckTimeout;
if (parameters.NodeDialTimeout <= 0)
parameters.NodeDialTimeout = defaultDialTimeout;
if (parameters.NodeStreamTimeout <= 0)
parameters.NodeStreamTimeout = defaultStreamTimeout;
if (parameters.SessionExpirationDuration == 0)
parameters.SessionExpirationDuration = defaultSessionTokenExpirationDuration;
parameters.ClientBuilder ??= new Func<string, ClientWrapper>((address) =>
var wrapperPrm = new WrapperPrm()
Address = address,
Key = parameters.Key!,
Logger = parameters.Logger,
DialTimeout = parameters.NodeDialTimeout,
StreamTimeout = parameters.NodeStreamTimeout,
ErrorThreshold = parameters.ErrorThreshold,
GracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout = parameters.GracefulCloseOnSwitchTimeout,
Callback = parameters.Callback,
Interceptors = parameters.Interceptors,
GrpcChannelFactory = parameters.GrpcChannelFactory
return new ClientWrapper(wrapperPrm, pool);
private ClientWrapper Connection()
foreach (var pool in InnerPools!)
var client = pool.Connection();
if (client != null)
return client;
throw new FrostFsException("Cannot find alive client");
private static async Task<FrostFsSessionToken> InitSessionForDuration(CallContext ctx, ClientWrapper cw, ulong duration, ECDsa key, bool clientCut)
var client = cw.Client;
var networkInfo = await client!.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
var epoch = networkInfo.Epoch;
ulong exp = ulong.MaxValue - epoch < duration
? ulong.MaxValue
: epoch + duration;
var prmSessionCreate = new PrmSessionCreate(exp);
return await client.CreateSessionAsync(prmSessionCreate, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
internal static string FormCacheKey(string address, string key)
return $"{address}{key}";
public void Close()
//if (InnerPools != null)
// // close all clients
// foreach (var innerPool in InnerPools)
// foreach (var client in innerPool.Clients)
// if (client.IsDialed())
// client.Client?.Close();
// startRebalance runs loop to monitor connection healthy status.
internal void StartRebalance(CallContext ctx)
var buffers = new double[RebalanceParams.NodesParams.Length][];
for (int i = 0; i < RebalanceParams.NodesParams.Length; i++)
var parameters = RebalanceParams.NodesParams[i];
buffers[i] = new double[parameters.Weights.Count];
Task.Run(async () =>
await Task.Delay((int)RebalanceParams.ClientRebalanceInterval).ConfigureAwait(false);
UpdateNodesHealth(ctx, buffers);
private void UpdateNodesHealth(CallContext ctx, double[][] buffers)
var tasks = new Task[InnerPools!.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < InnerPools.Length; i++)
var bufferWeights = buffers[i];
tasks[i] = Task.Run(() => UpdateInnerNodesHealth(ctx, i, bufferWeights));
private async ValueTask UpdateInnerNodesHealth(CallContext ctx, int poolIndex, double[] bufferWeights)
if (poolIndex > InnerPools!.Length - 1)
var pool = InnerPools[poolIndex];
var options = RebalanceParams;
int healthyChanged = 0;
var tasks = new Task[pool.Clients.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < pool.Clients.Length; j++)
var client = pool.Clients[j];
var healthy = false;
string? error = null;
var changed = false;
// check timeout settings
changed = await client!.RestartIfUnhealthy(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
healthy = true;
bufferWeights[j] = options.NodesParams[poolIndex].Weights[j];
// TODO: specify
catch (FrostFsException e)
error = e.Message;
bufferWeights[j] = 0;
if (changed)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
if (logger != null)
FrostFsMessages.HealthChanged(logger, client.Address, healthy, error!);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref healthyChanged, 1);
await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref healthyChanged, -1, -1) == 1)
var probabilities = AdjustWeights(bufferWeights);
lock (_lock)
pool.Sampler = new Sampler(probabilities);
// TODO: remove
private bool CheckSessionTokenErr(Exception error, string address)
if (error == null)
return false;
if (error is SessionNotFoundException || error is SessionExpiredException)
return true;
return false;
public Statistic Statistic()
if (InnerPools == null)
throw new FrostFsInvalidObjectException(nameof(Pool));
var statistics = new Statistic();
foreach (var inner in InnerPools)
int valueIndex = 0;
var nodes = new string[inner.Clients.Length];
lock (_lock)
foreach (var client in inner.Clients)
if (client.IsHealthy())
nodes[valueIndex] = client.Address;
var node = new NodeStatistic
Address = client.Address,
Methods = client.MethodsStatus(),
OverallErrors = client.GetOverallErrorRate(),
CurrentErrors = client.GetCurrentErrorRate()
statistics.OverallErrors += node.OverallErrors;
if (statistics.CurrentNodes == null || statistics.CurrentNodes.Length == 0)
statistics.CurrentNodes = nodes;
return statistics;
public async Task<FrostFsNetmapSnapshot> GetNetmapSnapshotAsync(CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetNetmapSnapshotAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsNodeInfo> GetNodeInfoAsync(CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetNodeInfoAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<NetworkSettings> GetNetworkSettingsAsync(CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetNetworkSettingsAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsSessionToken> CreateSessionAsync(PrmSessionCreate args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.CreateSessionAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>> AddChainAsync(PrmApeChainAdd args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.AddChainAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task RemoveChainAsync(PrmApeChainRemove args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
await client.Client!.RemoveChainAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<Chain[]> ListChainAsync(PrmApeChainList args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.ListChainAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsContainerInfo> GetContainerAsync(PrmContainerGet args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetContainerAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsContainerId> ListContainersAsync(PrmContainerGetAll args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return client.Client!.ListContainersAsync(args, ctx);
public async Task<FrostFsContainerId> CreateContainerAsync(PrmContainerCreate args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.CreateContainerAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task DeleteContainerAsync(PrmContainerDelete args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
await client.Client!.DeleteContainerAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsHeaderResult> GetObjectHeadAsync(PrmObjectHeadGet args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetObjectHeadAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsObject> GetObjectAsync(PrmObjectGet args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<IObjectWriter> PutObjectAsync(PrmObjectPut args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.PutObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutClientCutObjectAsync(PrmObjectClientCutPut args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.PutClientCutObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PutSingleObjectAsync(PrmSingleObjectPut args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.PutSingleObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PatchObjectAsync(PrmObjectPatch args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.PatchObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<RangeReader> GetRangeAsync(PrmRangeGet args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetRangeAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<ReadOnlyMemory<byte>[]> GetRangeHashAsync(PrmRangeHashGet args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetRangeHashAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task<FrostFsObjectId> PatchAsync(PrmObjectPatch args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.PatchObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public async Task DeleteObjectAsync(PrmObjectDelete args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
await client.Client!.DeleteObjectAsync(args, ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
public IAsyncEnumerable<FrostFsObjectId> SearchObjectsAsync(PrmObjectSearch args, CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return client.Client!.SearchObjectsAsync(args, ctx);
public async Task<Accounting.Decimal> GetBalanceAsync(CallContext ctx)
var client = Connection();
return await client.Client!.GetBalanceAsync(ctx).ConfigureAwait(false);
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!disposedValue)
if (disposing)
disposedValue = true;
public void Dispose()
Dispose(disposing: true);