Feature/308 frostfs add forming phy storage group #9

KirillovDenis wants to merge 2 commits from KirillovDenis/feature/308-frostfs-add_forming_phy_storage_group into master
KirillovDenis commented 2023-01-12 13:28:08 +00:00 (Migrated from github.com)
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alexvanin (Migrated from github.com) reviewed 2023-01-12 13:28:08 +00:00
fyrchik (Migrated from github.com) reviewed 2023-01-12 13:28:08 +00:00

Since the storage groups will be deleted, this is not relevant.

Since the storage groups will be deleted, this is not relevant.
dkirillov closed this pull request 2023-03-15 09:09:43 +00:00
fyrchik deleted branch KirillovDenis/feature/308-frostfs-add_forming_phy_storage_group 2023-03-15 09:43:02 +00:00

Pull request closed

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