// Code generated from java-escape by ANTLR 4.11.1. DO NOT EDIT. package parser // Query import "github.com/antlr/antlr4/runtime/Go/antlr/v4" // QueryListener is a complete listener for a parse tree produced by Query. type QueryListener interface { antlr.ParseTreeListener // EnterPolicy is called when entering the policy production. EnterPolicy(c *PolicyContext) // EnterRepStmt is called when entering the repStmt production. EnterRepStmt(c *RepStmtContext) // EnterCbfStmt is called when entering the cbfStmt production. EnterCbfStmt(c *CbfStmtContext) // EnterSelectStmt is called when entering the selectStmt production. EnterSelectStmt(c *SelectStmtContext) // EnterClause is called when entering the clause production. EnterClause(c *ClauseContext) // EnterFilterExpr is called when entering the filterExpr production. EnterFilterExpr(c *FilterExprContext) // EnterFilterStmt is called when entering the filterStmt production. EnterFilterStmt(c *FilterStmtContext) // EnterExpr is called when entering the expr production. EnterExpr(c *ExprContext) // EnterFilterKey is called when entering the filterKey production. EnterFilterKey(c *FilterKeyContext) // EnterFilterValue is called when entering the filterValue production. EnterFilterValue(c *FilterValueContext) // EnterNumber is called when entering the number production. EnterNumber(c *NumberContext) // EnterKeyword is called when entering the keyword production. EnterKeyword(c *KeywordContext) // EnterIdent is called when entering the ident production. EnterIdent(c *IdentContext) // EnterIdentWC is called when entering the identWC production. EnterIdentWC(c *IdentWCContext) // ExitPolicy is called when exiting the policy production. ExitPolicy(c *PolicyContext) // ExitRepStmt is called when exiting the repStmt production. ExitRepStmt(c *RepStmtContext) // ExitCbfStmt is called when exiting the cbfStmt production. ExitCbfStmt(c *CbfStmtContext) // ExitSelectStmt is called when exiting the selectStmt production. ExitSelectStmt(c *SelectStmtContext) // ExitClause is called when exiting the clause production. ExitClause(c *ClauseContext) // ExitFilterExpr is called when exiting the filterExpr production. ExitFilterExpr(c *FilterExprContext) // ExitFilterStmt is called when exiting the filterStmt production. ExitFilterStmt(c *FilterStmtContext) // ExitExpr is called when exiting the expr production. ExitExpr(c *ExprContext) // ExitFilterKey is called when exiting the filterKey production. ExitFilterKey(c *FilterKeyContext) // ExitFilterValue is called when exiting the filterValue production. ExitFilterValue(c *FilterValueContext) // ExitNumber is called when exiting the number production. ExitNumber(c *NumberContext) // ExitKeyword is called when exiting the keyword production. ExitKeyword(c *KeywordContext) // ExitIdent is called when exiting the ident production. ExitIdent(c *IdentContext) // ExitIdentWC is called when exiting the identWC production. ExitIdentWC(c *IdentWCContext) }