Nikita Zinkevich 0352b5b191
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[#185] Implement rpc/client for tree service
Signed-off-by: Nikita Zinkevich <>
2024-11-29 15:23:14 +03:00

178 lines
4.4 KiB

package rpc
import (
const serviceTree = "tree.TreeService"
const (
rpcTreeAdd = "Add"
rpcTreeAddByPath = "AddByPath"
rpcTreeRemove = "Remove"
rpcTreeMove = "Move"
rpcTreeGetNodeByPath = "GetNodeByPath"
rpcTreeGetSubTree = "GetSubTree"
rpcTreeList = "TreeList"
rpcTreeApply = "Apply"
rpcTreeGetOpLog = "GetOpLog"
rpcTreeHealthcheck = "Healthcheck"
func Add(
cli *client.Client,
req *tree.AddRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.AddResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.AddResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeAdd), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func AddByPath(
cli *client.Client,
req *tree.AddByPathRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.AddByPathResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.AddByPathResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeAddByPath), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func Remove(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.RemoveRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.RemoveResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.RemoveResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeRemove), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func Move(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.MoveRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.MoveResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.MoveResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeMove), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func GetNodeByPath(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.GetNodeByPathRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.GetNodeByPathResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.GetNodeByPathResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeGetNodeByPath), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
type GetSubTreeResponseReader struct {
r client.MessageReader
// Read reads response from the stream.
// Returns io.EOF of streaming is finished.
func (r *GetSubTreeResponseReader) Read(resp *tree.GetSubTreeResponse) error {
return r.r.ReadMessage(resp)
func GetSubTree(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.GetSubTreeRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*GetSubTreeResponseReader, error) {
wc, err := client.OpenServerStream(cli, common.CallMethodInfoServerStream(serviceTree, rpcTreeGetSubTree), req, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &GetSubTreeResponseReader{
r: wc,
}, nil
func TreeList(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.ListRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.ListResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.ListResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeList), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
func Apply(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.ApplyRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.ApplyResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.ApplyResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeApply), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil
type TreeServiceGetOpLogResponseReader struct {
r client.MessageReader
// Read reads response from the stream.
// Returns io.EOF of streaming is finished.
func (r *TreeServiceGetOpLogResponseReader) Read(resp *tree.GetOpLogResponse) error {
return r.r.ReadMessage(resp)
func GetOpLog(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.GetOpLogRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*TreeServiceGetOpLogResponseReader, error) {
wc, err := client.OpenServerStream(cli, common.CallMethodInfoServerStream(serviceTree, rpcTreeGetOpLog), req, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &TreeServiceGetOpLogResponseReader{
r: wc,
}, nil
func Healthcheck(cli *client.Client,
req *tree.HealthcheckRequest,
opts ...client.CallOption,
) (*tree.HealthcheckResponse, error) {
resp := new(tree.HealthcheckResponse)
err := client.SendUnary(cli, common.CallMethodInfoUnary(serviceTree, rpcTreeHealthcheck), req, resp, opts...)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return resp, nil