266 lines
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266 lines
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package client
import (
v2object "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/v2/object"
rpcapi "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/v2/rpc"
v2session "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-api-go/v2/session"
apistatus "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-sdk-go/client/status"
oid "github.com/nspcc-dev/neofs-sdk-go/object/id"
// PrmObjectPutInit groups parameters of ObjectPutInit operation.
type PrmObjectPutInit struct {
copyNum uint32
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
meta v2session.RequestMetaHeader
// SetCopiesNumber sets number of object copies that is enough to consider put successful.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) SetCopiesNumber(copiesNumber uint32) {
x.copyNum = copiesNumber
// ResObjectPut groups the final result values of ObjectPutInit operation.
type ResObjectPut struct {
obj oid.ID
// StoredObjectID returns identifier of the saved object.
func (x ResObjectPut) StoredObjectID() oid.ID {
return x.obj
// ObjectWriter is designed to write one object to NeoFS system.
// Must be initialized using Client.ObjectPutInit, any other
// usage is unsafe.
type ObjectWriter struct {
cancelCtxStream context.CancelFunc
client *Client
stream interface {
Write(*v2object.PutRequest) error
Close() error
key *ecdsa.PrivateKey
res ResObjectPut
err error
chunkCalled bool
respV2 v2object.PutResponse
req v2object.PutRequest
partInit v2object.PutObjectPartInit
partChunk v2object.PutObjectPartChunk
// UseKey specifies private key to sign the requests.
// If key is not provided, then Client default key is used.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) UseKey(key ecdsa.PrivateKey) {
x.key = &key
// WithBearerToken attaches bearer token to be used for the operation.
// Should be called once before any writing steps.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) WithBearerToken(t bearer.Token) {
var v2token acl.BearerToken
// WithinSession specifies session within which object should be stored.
// Should be called once before any writing steps.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) WithinSession(t session.Object) {
var tv2 v2session.Token
// MarkLocal tells the server to execute the operation locally.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) MarkLocal() {
// WithXHeaders specifies list of extended headers (string key-value pairs)
// to be attached to the request. Must have an even length.
// Slice must not be mutated until the operation completes.
func (x *PrmObjectPutInit) WithXHeaders(hs ...string) {
writeXHeadersToMeta(hs, &x.meta)
// WriteHeader writes header of the object. Result means success.
// Failure reason can be received via Close.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WriteHeader(hdr object.Object) bool {
v2Hdr := hdr.ToV2()
x.err = signature.SignServiceMessage(x.key, &x.req)
if x.err != nil {
x.err = fmt.Errorf("sign message: %w", x.err)
return false
x.err = x.stream.Write(&x.req)
return x.err == nil
// WritePayloadChunk writes chunk of the object payload. Result means success.
// Failure reason can be received via Close.
func (x *ObjectWriter) WritePayloadChunk(chunk []byte) bool {
if !x.chunkCalled {
x.chunkCalled = true
for ln := len(chunk); ln > 0; ln = len(chunk) {
// maxChunkLen restricts maximum byte length of the chunk
// transmitted in a single stream message. It depends on
// server settings and other message fields, but for now
// we simply assume that 3MB is large enough to reduce the
// number of messages, and not to exceed the limit
// (4MB by default for gRPC servers).
const maxChunkLen = 3 << 20
if ln > maxChunkLen {
ln = maxChunkLen
// we deal with size limit overflow above, but there is another case:
// what if method is called with "small" chunk many times? We write
// a message to the stream on each call. Alternatively, we could use buffering.
// In most cases, the chunk length does not vary between calls. Given this
// assumption, as well as the length of the payload from the header, it is
// possible to buffer the data of intermediate chunks, and send a message when
// the allocated buffer is filled, or when the last chunk is received.
// It is mentally assumed that allocating and filling the buffer is better than
// synchronous sending, but this needs to be tested.
x.err = signature.SignServiceMessage(x.key, &x.req)
if x.err != nil {
x.err = fmt.Errorf("sign message: %w", x.err)
return false
x.err = x.stream.Write(&x.req)
if x.err != nil {
return false
chunk = chunk[ln:]
return true
// Close ends writing the object and returns the result of the operation
// along with the final results. Must be called after using the ObjectWriter.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. By default, server status is returned in res structure.
// Any client's internal or transport errors are returned as Go built-in error.
// If Client is tuned to resolve NeoFS API statuses, then NeoFS failures
// codes are returned as error.
// Return statuses:
// - global (see Client docs);
// - *apistatus.ContainerNotFound;
// - *apistatus.ObjectAccessDenied;
// - *apistatus.ObjectLocked;
// - *apistatus.LockNonRegularObject;
// - *apistatus.SessionTokenNotFound;
// - *apistatus.SessionTokenExpired.
func (x *ObjectWriter) Close() (*ResObjectPut, error) {
defer x.cancelCtxStream()
// Ignore io.EOF error, because it is expected error for client-side
// stream termination by the server. E.g. when stream contains invalid
// message. Server returns an error in response message (in status).
if x.err != nil && !errors.Is(x.err, io.EOF) {
return nil, x.err
if x.err = x.stream.Close(); x.err != nil {
return nil, x.err
x.res.st, x.err = x.client.processResponse(&x.respV2)
if x.err != nil {
return nil, x.err
if !apistatus.IsSuccessful(x.res.st) {
return &x.res, nil
const fieldID = "ID"
idV2 := x.respV2.GetBody().GetObjectID()
if idV2 == nil {
return nil, newErrMissingResponseField(fieldID)
x.err = x.res.obj.ReadFromV2(*idV2)
if x.err != nil {
x.err = newErrInvalidResponseField(fieldID, x.err)
return &x.res, nil
// ObjectPutInit initiates writing an object through a remote server using NeoFS API protocol.
// The call only opens the transmission channel, explicit recording is done using the ObjectWriter.
// Exactly one return value is non-nil. Resulting writer must be finally closed.
// Context is required and must not be nil. It is used for network communication.
func (c *Client) ObjectPutInit(ctx context.Context, prm PrmObjectPutInit) (*ObjectWriter, error) {
// check parameters
if ctx == nil {
var w ObjectWriter
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
stream, err := rpcapi.PutObject(&c.c, &w.respV2, client.WithContext(ctx))
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("open stream: %w", err)
w.key = &c.prm.key
if prm.key != nil {
w.key = prm.key
w.cancelCtxStream = cancel
w.client = c
w.stream = stream
c.prepareRequest(&w.req, &prm.meta)
return &w, nil