It isn't used anywhere outside of the package. Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
273 lines
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273 lines
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package netmap
import (
// Filter represents v2-compatible netmap filter.
type Filter netmap.Filter
// MainFilterName is a name of the filter
// which points to the whole netmap.
const MainFilterName = "*"
// applyFilter applies named filter to b.
func (c *context) applyFilter(name string, b *Node) bool {
return name == MainFilterName || c.match(c.Filters[name], b)
// processFilters processes filters and returns error is any of them is invalid.
func (c *context) processFilters(p *PlacementPolicy) error {
filters := p.Filters()
for i := range filters {
if err := c.processFilter(&filters[i], true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (c *context) processFilter(f *Filter, top bool) error {
if f == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: FILTER", ErrMissingField)
if f.Name() == MainFilterName {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: '*' is reserved", ErrInvalidFilterName)
if top && f.Name() == "" {
return ErrUnnamedTopFilter
if !top && f.Name() != "" && c.Filters[f.Name()] == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: '%s'", ErrFilterNotFound, f.Name())
switch f.Operation() {
case OpAND, OpOR:
for _, flt := range f.InnerFilters() {
if err := c.processFilter(&flt, false); err != nil {
return err
if len(f.InnerFilters()) != 0 {
return ErrNonEmptyFilters
} else if !top && f.Name() != "" { // named reference
return nil
switch f.Operation() {
case OpEQ, OpNE:
case OpGT, OpGE, OpLT, OpLE:
n, err := strconv.ParseUint(f.Value(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: '%s'", ErrInvalidNumber, f.Value())
c.numCache[f.Value()] = n
return fmt.Errorf("%w: %s", ErrInvalidFilterOp, f.Operation())
if top {
c.Filters[f.Name()] = f
return nil
// match matches f against b. It returns no errors because
// filter should have been parsed during context creation
// and missing node properties are considered as a regular fail.
func (c *context) match(f *Filter, b *Node) bool {
switch f.Operation() {
case OpAND, OpOR:
for _, lf := range f.InnerFilters() {
if lf.Name() != "" {
lf = *c.Filters[lf.Name()]
ok := c.match(&lf, b)
if ok == (f.Operation() == OpOR) {
return ok
return f.Operation() == OpAND
return c.matchKeyValue(f, b)
func (c *context) matchKeyValue(f *Filter, b *Node) bool {
switch f.Operation() {
case OpEQ:
return b.Attribute(f.Key()) == f.Value()
case OpNE:
return b.Attribute(f.Key()) != f.Value()
var attr uint64
switch f.Key() {
case AttrPrice:
attr = b.Price
case AttrCapacity:
attr = b.Capacity
var err error
attr, err = strconv.ParseUint(b.Attribute(f.Key()), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
// Note: because filters are somewhat independent from nodes attributes,
// We don't report an error here, and fail filter instead.
return false
switch f.Operation() {
case OpGT:
return attr > c.numCache[f.Value()]
case OpGE:
return attr >= c.numCache[f.Value()]
case OpLT:
return attr < c.numCache[f.Value()]
case OpLE:
return attr <= c.numCache[f.Value()]
// do nothing and return false
// will not happen if context was created from f (maybe panic?)
return false
// NewFilter creates and returns new Filter instance.
// Defaults:
// - name: "";
// - key: "";
// - value: "";
// - operation: 0;
// - filters: nil.
func NewFilter() *Filter {
return NewFilterFromV2(new(netmap.Filter))
// NewFilterFromV2 converts v2 Filter to Filter.
// Nil netmap.Filter converts to nil.
func NewFilterFromV2(f *netmap.Filter) *Filter {
return (*Filter)(f)
// ToV2 converts Filter to v2 Filter.
// Nil Filter converts to nil.
func (f *Filter) ToV2() *netmap.Filter {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f)
// Key returns key to filter.
func (f *Filter) Key() string {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).GetKey()
// SetKey sets key to filter.
func (f *Filter) SetKey(key string) {
// Value returns value to match.
func (f *Filter) Value() string {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).GetValue()
// SetValue sets value to match.
func (f *Filter) SetValue(val string) {
// Name returns filter name.
func (f *Filter) Name() string {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).GetName()
// SetName sets filter name.
func (f *Filter) SetName(name string) {
// Operation returns filtering operation.
func (f *Filter) Operation() Operation {
return OperationFromV2(
// SetOperation sets filtering operation.
func (f *Filter) SetOperation(op Operation) {
func filtersFromV2(fs []netmap.Filter) []Filter {
if fs == nil {
return nil
res := make([]Filter, len(fs))
for i := range fs {
res[i] = *NewFilterFromV2(&fs[i])
return res
// InnerFilters returns list of inner filters.
func (f *Filter) InnerFilters() []Filter {
return filtersFromV2((*netmap.Filter)(f).GetFilters())
func filtersToV2(fs []Filter) (fsV2 []netmap.Filter) {
if fs != nil {
fsV2 = make([]netmap.Filter, len(fs))
for i := range fs {
fsV2[i] = *fs[i].ToV2()
// SetInnerFilters sets list of inner filters.
func (f *Filter) SetInnerFilters(fs ...Filter) {
// Marshal marshals Filter into a protobuf binary form.
func (f *Filter) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).StableMarshal(nil)
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of Filter.
func (f *Filter) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).Unmarshal(data)
// MarshalJSON encodes Filter to protobuf JSON format.
func (f *Filter) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes Filter from protobuf JSON format.
func (f *Filter) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Filter)(f).UnmarshalJSON(data)