Evgenii Stratonikov 3edaf9ecb6 netmap: sort buckets by HRW value
If weights for some buckets are equal, result depends on the
initial positions of buckets in slice. Thus we sort buckets by value
using hash of the first node as a have for the whole bucket.
This is ok, because buckets are already sorted by HRW.

Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2021-12-28 15:59:35 +03:00

276 lines
7 KiB

package netmap
import (
subnetid ""
// Selector represents v2-compatible netmap selector.
type Selector netmap.Selector
// processSelectors processes selectors and returns error is any of them is invalid.
func (c *Context) processSelectors(p *PlacementPolicy) error {
for _, s := range p.Selectors() {
if s == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: SELECT", ErrMissingField)
} else if s.Filter() != MainFilterName {
_, ok := c.Filters[s.Filter()]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("%w: SELECT FROM '%s'", ErrFilterNotFound, s.Filter())
c.Selectors[s.Name()] = s
result, err := c.getSelection(p, s)
if err != nil {
return err
c.Selections[s.Name()] = result
return nil
// GetNodesCount returns amount of buckets and minimum number of nodes in every bucket
// for the given selector.
func GetNodesCount(_ *PlacementPolicy, s *Selector) (int, int) {
switch s.Clause() {
case ClauseSame:
return 1, int(s.Count())
return int(s.Count()), 1
// getSelection returns nodes grouped by s.attribute.
// Last argument specifies if more buckets can be used to fulfill CBF.
func (c *Context) getSelection(p *PlacementPolicy, s *Selector) ([]Nodes, error) {
bucketCount, nodesInBucket := GetNodesCount(p, s)
buckets := c.getSelectionBase(p.SubnetID(), s)
if len(buckets) < bucketCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: '%s'", ErrNotEnoughNodes, s.Name())
// We need deterministic output in case there is no pivot.
// If pivot is set, buckets are sorted by HRW.
// However, because initial order influences HRW order for buckets with equal weights,
// we also need to have deterministic input to HRW sorting routine.
if len(c.pivot) == 0 {
if s.Attribute() == "" {
sort.Slice(buckets, func(i, j int) bool {
return buckets[i].nodes[0].ID < buckets[j].nodes[0].ID
} else {
sort.Slice(buckets, func(i, j int) bool {
return buckets[i].attr < buckets[j].attr
maxNodesInBucket := nodesInBucket * int(c.cbf)
nodes := make([]Nodes, 0, len(buckets))
fallback := make([]Nodes, 0, len(buckets))
for i := range buckets {
ns := buckets[i].nodes
if len(ns) >= maxNodesInBucket {
nodes = append(nodes, ns[:maxNodesInBucket])
} else if len(ns) >= nodesInBucket {
fallback = append(fallback, ns)
if len(nodes) < bucketCount {
// Fallback to using minimum allowed backup factor (1).
nodes = append(nodes, fallback...)
if len(nodes) < bucketCount {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%w: '%s'", ErrNotEnoughNodes, s.Name())
if len(c.pivot) != 0 {
weights := make([]float64, len(nodes))
for i := range nodes {
weights[i] = GetBucketWeight(nodes[i], c.aggregator(), c.weightFunc)
hrw.SortSliceByWeightValue(nodes, weights, c.pivotHash)
if s.Attribute() == "" {
nodes, fallback = nodes[:bucketCount], nodes[bucketCount:]
for i := range fallback {
index := i % bucketCount
if len(nodes[index]) >= maxNodesInBucket {
nodes[index] = append(nodes[index], fallback[i]...)
return nodes[:bucketCount], nil
type nodeAttrPair struct {
attr string
nodes Nodes
// getSelectionBase returns nodes grouped by selector attribute.
// It it guaranteed that each pair will contain at least one node.
func (c *Context) getSelectionBase(subnetID *subnetid.ID, s *Selector) []nodeAttrPair {
f := c.Filters[s.Filter()]
isMain := s.Filter() == MainFilterName
result := []nodeAttrPair{}
nodeMap := map[string]Nodes{}
attr := s.Attribute()
for i := range c.Netmap.Nodes {
var sid subnetid.ID
if subnetID != nil {
sid = *subnetID
// TODO(fyrchik): make `BelongsToSubnet` to accept pointer
if !BelongsToSubnet(c.Netmap.Nodes[i].NodeInfo, sid) {
if isMain || c.match(f, c.Netmap.Nodes[i]) {
if attr == "" {
// Default attribute is transparent identifier which is different for every node.
result = append(result, nodeAttrPair{attr: "", nodes: Nodes{c.Netmap.Nodes[i]}})
} else {
v := c.Netmap.Nodes[i].Attribute(attr)
nodeMap[v] = append(nodeMap[v], c.Netmap.Nodes[i])
if attr != "" {
for k, ns := range nodeMap {
result = append(result, nodeAttrPair{attr: k, nodes: ns})
if len(c.pivot) != 0 {
for i := range result {
hrw.SortSliceByWeightValue(result[i].nodes, result[i].nodes.Weights(c.weightFunc), c.pivotHash)
return result
// NewSelector creates and returns new Selector instance.
// Defaults:
// - name: "";
// - attribute: "";
// - filter: "";
// - clause: ClauseUnspecified;
// - count: 0.
func NewSelector() *Selector {
return NewSelectorFromV2(new(netmap.Selector))
// NewSelectorFromV2 converts v2 Selector to Selector.
// Nil netmap.Selector converts to nil.
func NewSelectorFromV2(f *netmap.Selector) *Selector {
return (*Selector)(f)
// ToV2 converts Selector to v2 Selector.
// Nil Selector converts to nil.
func (s *Selector) ToV2() *netmap.Selector {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s)
// Name returns selector name.
func (s *Selector) Name() string {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).
// SetName sets selector name.
func (s *Selector) SetName(name string) {
// Count returns count of nodes to select from bucket.
func (s *Selector) Count() uint32 {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).
// SetCount sets count of nodes to select from bucket.
func (s *Selector) SetCount(c uint32) {
// Clause returns modifier showing how to form a bucket.
func (s *Selector) Clause() Clause {
return ClauseFromV2(
// SetClause sets modifier showing how to form a bucket.
func (s *Selector) SetClause(c Clause) {
// Attribute returns attribute bucket to select from.
func (s *Selector) Attribute() string {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).
// SetAttribute sets attribute bucket to select from.
func (s *Selector) SetAttribute(a string) {
// Filter returns filter reference to select from.
func (s *Selector) Filter() string {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).
// SetFilter sets filter reference to select from.
func (s *Selector) SetFilter(f string) {
// Marshal marshals Selector into a protobuf binary form.
func (s *Selector) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).StableMarshal(nil)
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of Selector.
func (s *Selector) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).Unmarshal(data)
// MarshalJSON encodes Selector to protobuf JSON format.
func (s *Selector) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes Selector from protobuf JSON format.
func (s *Selector) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
return (*netmap.Selector)(s).UnmarshalJSON(data)