Evgenii Stratonikov 4ff9c00de3 [] Rename NeoFS mentions in comments and method names
Signed-off-by: Evgenii Stratonikov <>
2022-12-30 13:40:50 +03:00

329 lines
8.4 KiB

package storagegroup
import (
objectV2 ""
objectSDK ""
oid ""
// StorageGroup represents storage group of the FrostFS objects.
// StorageGroup is mutually compatible with
// message. See ReadFromMessageV2 / WriteToMessageV2 methods.
// Instances can be created using built-in var declaration.
// Note that direct typecast is not safe and may result in loss of compatibility:
// _ = StorageGroup(storagegroup.StorageGroup) // not recommended
type StorageGroup storagegroup.StorageGroup
// reads StorageGroup from the storagegroup.StorageGroup message. If checkFieldPresence is set,
// returns an error on absence of any protocol-required field.
func (sg *StorageGroup) readFromV2(m storagegroup.StorageGroup, checkFieldPresence bool) error {
var err error
h := m.GetValidationHash()
if h != nil {
err = new(checksum.Checksum).ReadFromV2(*h)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid hash: %w", err)
} else if checkFieldPresence {
return errors.New("missing hash")
members := m.GetMembers()
if len(members) > 0 {
var member oid.ID
mMembers := make(map[oid.ID]struct{}, len(members))
var exits bool
for i := range members {
err = member.ReadFromV2(members[i])
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid member: %w", err)
_, exits = mMembers[member]
if exits {
return fmt.Errorf("duplicated member %s", member)
mMembers[member] = struct{}{}
} else if checkFieldPresence {
return errors.New("missing members")
*sg = StorageGroup(m)
return nil
// ReadFromV2 reads StorageGroup from the storagegroup.StorageGroup message.
// Checks if the message conforms to FrostFS API V2 protocol.
// See also WriteToV2.
func (sg *StorageGroup) ReadFromV2(m storagegroup.StorageGroup) error {
return sg.readFromV2(m, true)
// WriteToV2 writes StorageGroup to the storagegroup.StorageGroup message.
// The message must not be nil.
// See also ReadFromV2.
func (sg StorageGroup) WriteToV2(m *storagegroup.StorageGroup) {
*m = (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
// ValidationDataSize returns total size of the payloads
// of objects in the storage group.
// Zero StorageGroup has 0 data size.
// See also SetValidationDataSize.
func (sg StorageGroup) ValidationDataSize() uint64 {
v2 := (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
return v2.GetValidationDataSize()
// SetValidationDataSize sets total size of the payloads
// of objects in the storage group.
// See also ValidationDataSize.
func (sg *StorageGroup) SetValidationDataSize(epoch uint64) {
// ValidationDataHash returns homomorphic hash from the
// concatenation of the payloads of the storage group members
// and bool that indicates checksum presence in the storage
// group.
// Zero StorageGroup does not have validation data checksum.
// See also SetValidationDataHash.
func (sg StorageGroup) ValidationDataHash() (v checksum.Checksum, isSet bool) {
v2 := (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
if checksumV2 := v2.GetValidationHash(); checksumV2 != nil {
v.ReadFromV2(*checksumV2) // FIXME(@cthulhu-rider): #226 handle error
isSet = true
// SetValidationDataHash sets homomorphic hash from the
// concatenation of the payloads of the storage group members.
// See also ValidationDataHash.
func (sg *StorageGroup) SetValidationDataHash(hash checksum.Checksum) {
var v2 refs.Checksum
// ExpirationEpoch returns last FrostFS epoch number
// of the storage group lifetime.
// Zero StorageGroup has 0 expiration epoch.
// See also SetExpirationEpoch.
func (sg StorageGroup) ExpirationEpoch() uint64 {
v2 := (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
return v2.GetExpirationEpoch()
// SetExpirationEpoch sets last FrostFS epoch number
// of the storage group lifetime.
// See also ExpirationEpoch.
func (sg *StorageGroup) SetExpirationEpoch(epoch uint64) {
// Members returns strictly ordered list of
// storage group member objects.
// Zero StorageGroup has nil members value.
// See also SetMembers.
func (sg StorageGroup) Members() []oid.ID {
v2 := (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
mV2 := v2.GetMembers()
if mV2 == nil {
return nil
m := make([]oid.ID, len(mV2))
for i := range mV2 {
_ = m[i].ReadFromV2(mV2[i])
return m
// SetMembers sets strictly ordered list of
// storage group member objects.
// See also Members.
func (sg *StorageGroup) SetMembers(members []oid.ID) {
mV2 := (*storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg).GetMembers()
if members == nil {
mV2 = nil
} else {
ln := len(members)
if cap(mV2) >= ln {
mV2 = mV2[:0]
} else {
mV2 = make([]refs.ObjectID, 0, ln)
var oidV2 refs.ObjectID
for i := 0; i < ln; i++ {
mV2 = append(mV2, oidV2)
// Marshal marshals StorageGroup into a protobuf binary form.
// See also Unmarshal.
func (sg StorageGroup) Marshal() ([]byte, error) {
return (*storagegroup.StorageGroup)(&sg).StableMarshal(nil), nil
// Unmarshal unmarshals protobuf binary representation of StorageGroup.
// See also Marshal.
func (sg *StorageGroup) Unmarshal(data []byte) error {
v2 := (*storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
err := v2.Unmarshal(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return sg.readFromV2(*v2, false)
// MarshalJSON encodes StorageGroup to protobuf JSON format.
// See also UnmarshalJSON.
func (sg StorageGroup) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
v2 := (storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
return v2.MarshalJSON()
// UnmarshalJSON decodes StorageGroup from protobuf JSON format.
// See also MarshalJSON.
func (sg *StorageGroup) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
v2 := (*storagegroup.StorageGroup)(sg)
err := v2.UnmarshalJSON(data)
if err != nil {
return err
return sg.readFromV2(*v2, false)
// ReadFromObject assemble StorageGroup from a regular
// Object structure. Object must contain unambiguous information
// about its expiration epoch, otherwise behaviour is undefined.
// Returns any error appeared during storage group parsing; returns
// error if object is not of TypeStorageGroup type.
func ReadFromObject(sg *StorageGroup, o objectSDK.Object) error {
if typ := o.Type(); typ != objectSDK.TypeStorageGroup {
return fmt.Errorf("object is not of StorageGroup type: %s", typ)
err := sg.Unmarshal(o.Payload())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not unmarshal object: %w", err)
var expObj uint64
for _, attr := range o.Attributes() {
if attr.Key() == objectV2.SysAttributeExpEpoch {
expObj, err = strconv.ParseUint(attr.Value(), 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("could not get expiration from object: %w", err)
// Supporting deprecated functionality.
// See
if expSG := sg.ExpirationEpoch(); expObj != expSG {
return fmt.Errorf(
"expiration does not match: from object: %d, from payload: %d",
expObj, expSG)
return nil
// WriteToObject writes StorageGroup to a regular
// Object structure. Object must not contain ambiguous
// information about its expiration epoch or must not
// have it at all.
// Written information:
// - expiration epoch;
// - object type (TypeStorageGroup);
// - raw payload.
func WriteToObject(sg StorageGroup, o *objectSDK.Object) {
sgRaw, err := sg.Marshal()
if err != nil {
// Marshal() does not return errors
// in the next API release
panic(fmt.Errorf("could not marshal storage group: %w", err))
attrs := o.Attributes()
var expAttrFound bool
for i := range attrs {
if attrs[i].Key() == objectV2.SysAttributeExpEpoch {
expAttrFound = true
attrs[i].SetValue(strconv.FormatUint(sg.ExpirationEpoch(), 10))
if !expAttrFound {
var attr objectSDK.Attribute
attr.SetValue(strconv.FormatUint(sg.ExpirationEpoch(), 10))
attrs = append(attrs, attr)