From 0df880a748d8fc528b19ee447e7a7e7dde327104 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ekaterina Chernitsyna <>
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 17:58:32 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] [#303] add morph and local ape tests

 pytest_tests/testsuites/ape/ | 2068 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 2068 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 pytest_tests/testsuites/ape/

diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/ape/ b/pytest_tests/testsuites/ape/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ad0eb6bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytest_tests/testsuites/ape/
@@ -0,0 +1,2068 @@
+import allure
+import pytest
+from frostfs_testlib.cli import FrostfsAdm, FrostfsCli
+from frostfs_testlib.credentials.interfaces import User
+from frostfs_testlib.reporter import get_reporter
+from frostfs_testlib.resources.cli import FROSTFS_ADM_CONFIG_PATH, FROSTFS_ADM_EXEC, FROSTFS_CLI_EXEC
+from frostfs_testlib.resources.error_patterns import (
+from import Shell
+from frostfs_testlib.steps.cli.object import delete_object, get_object, get_range, get_range_hash, head_object, put_object, search_object
+from import Cluster, ClusterNode
+from import Operations
+from import ObjectSize
+from frostfs_testlib.testing.cluster_test_base import ClusterTestBase
+from frostfs_testlib.testing.parallel import parallel
+from frostfs_testlib.testing.test_control import expect_not_raises
+from frostfs_testlib.utils.file_utils import generate_file
+reporter = get_reporter()
+def remote_frostfs_cli_first_node(cluster: Cluster):
+    node = cluster.cluster_nodes[0]
+    shell =
+    cli = FrostfsCli(
+        shell=shell,
+        frostfs_cli_exec_path=FROSTFS_CLI_EXEC,
+        config_file=node.storage_node.get_remote_wallet_config_path(),
+    )
+    return cli
+def remote_frostfs_adm_first_node(cluster: Cluster):
+    node = cluster.cluster_nodes[0]
+    shell =
+    adm = FrostfsAdm(
+        shell=shell,
+        frostfs_adm_exec_path=FROSTFS_ADM_EXEC,
+        config_file=FROSTFS_ADM_CONFIG_PATH,
+    )
+    return adm
+def local_overrides_on_node(node: ClusterNode):
+    target = "Chain ID"
+    shell: Shell =
+    remote_config: str = node.storage_node.get_remote_wallet_config_path()
+    cli = FrostfsCli(shell=shell, frostfs_cli_exec_path=FROSTFS_CLI_EXEC, config_file=remote_config)
+    with reporter.step(f"Check local overrides on {} node"):
+        rules = cli.control.list_rules(
+            endpoint=node.storage_node.get_control_endpoint(), target_name="root", target_type="namespace"
+        ).stdout
+        if target in rules:
+            with reporter.step("Delete rules"):
+                chain_ids = [i.split(" ")[2].strip() for i in rules.split("\n") if "Chain ID" in i]
+                for chain_id in chain_ids:
+                    cli.control.remove_rule(
+                        endpoint=node.storage_node.get_control_endpoint(),
+                        target_type="namespace",
+                        target_name="root",
+                        chain_id=chain_id,
+                    )
+def remove_rule_ape_in_system(cluster: Cluster) -> None:
+    yield
+    with reporter.step("Check local overrides on nodes."):
+        parallel(local_overrides_on_node, cluster.cluster_nodes)
+class TestApeMorphRuleChain(ClusterTestBase):
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Allow to work with objects in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_allow_to_work_with_objects_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("List rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.list_rules(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid_1 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid_1}",
+                chain_id="allowObjectOperation",
+                rule=f"allow Object.Put Object.Delete Object.Get Object.Head Object.Hash Object.Search Object.Range *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put objects in container on the first node"):
+            oid_1 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            oid_2 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Cheak head object in container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range hash object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range hash object in container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object in container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_2,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name=f"kapusta",
+                chain_id="allowObjectOperation",
+            )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to GetContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_get_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid_1 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerGet",
+                rule="deny Container.Get *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get the container property on the first node, expected access drnied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.GET_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check et the container property on the second node, expected access drnied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.GET_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerGet",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get the container property on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(), cid=cid_1,).stdout.split(" ")[
+                    1
+                ].strip().split("\n")[0]
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to PutContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_put_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerPut",
+                rule="deny Container.Put *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check create a container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.PUT_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check create a container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.PUT_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl2",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerPut",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check create a container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl3",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+    @allure.title("Deny to ListContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_list_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerList",
+                rule="deny Container.List *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check list the container properties on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.LIST_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1)
+        with reporter.step("Check list the container properties on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.LIST_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1)
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerList",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check display a list of containers on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1).stdout.split("\n")[:-1]
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to DeleteContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_delete_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerDelete",
+                rule="deny Container.Delete *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create container on the first node"):
+            cid_1 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete first container from the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete a second container from the second node, expected access error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerDelete",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete first container from the first node,expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to GetObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_get_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyGetObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Get /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.GET_OBJECT)):
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.GET_OBJECT)):
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyGetObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to PutObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_put_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2 CBF 1",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyPutObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Put /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check put object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=OBJECT_ACCESS_DENIED):
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check put object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=OBJECT_ACCESS_DENIED):
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyPutObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check put object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to HeadObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_head_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHeadObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Head /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object from container on the first nodel expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HEAD_OBJECT)):
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HEAD_OBJECT)):
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHeadObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to SearchObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_search_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denySearchObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Search /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.SEARCH_OBJECT)):
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.SEARCH_OBJECT)):
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denySearchObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Search object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to RangeObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_range_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyRangeObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Range /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.RANGE_OBJECT)):
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object from container on the second node, expected denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.RANGE_OBJECT)):
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyRangeObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object in container on the first node,expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to HashObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_hash_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHashObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Hash /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check range hash object from container on the first node, expected denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HASH_OBJECT)):
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range hash object from container on the second node, expected denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HASH_OBJECT)):
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHashObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Range hash object in container on the first node, expected denied error"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("MorphRuleChain: Deny to DeleteObject in root tenant")
+    def test_morph_rule_chain_deny_to_delete_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_adm_first_node: FrostfsAdm,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid_1 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.add_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid_1}",
+                chain_id="denyDeleteObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Delete /{cid_1}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put two objects in container on the first node"):
+            oid_1 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            oid_2 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Search object in container on the first node"):
+            search_object_in_container_1 = search_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            assert (
+                oid_1 in search_object_in_container_1 and oid_2 in search_object_in_container_1
+            ), f"Object {oid_1} or {oid_2} was not found"
+        with reporter.step("Search object from container on the second node"):
+            search_object_in_container_2 = search_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                cid=cid_1,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            assert (
+                oid_1 in search_object_in_container_2 and oid_2 in search_object_in_container_2
+            ), f"Object {oid_1} or {oid_2} was not found"
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_OBJECT)):
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_OBJECT)):
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_2,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_adm_first_node.morph.remove_rule(
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid_1}",
+                chain_id="denyDeleteObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid_1,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+class TestApeLocalOverride(ClusterTestBase):
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to GetContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_get_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        remove_rule_ape_in_system: None,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerGet",
+                rule="deny Container.Get *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get the container property on the first node, expected denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.GET_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get the container property on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerGet",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get the container property on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.get(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid,
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to PutContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_put_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        remove_rule_ape_in_system: None,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerPut",
+                rule="deny Container.Put *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check create container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.PUT_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check create a container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl2",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerPut",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check create a container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl3",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to ListContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_list_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        remove_rule_ape_in_system: None,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerList",
+                rule="deny Container.List *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check list the container properties on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.LIST_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1)
+        with reporter.step("Check list the container properties on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1)
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerList",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check display a list of containers on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.list(rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(), ttl=1)
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to DeleteContainer in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_delete_container_root(
+        self,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        remove_rule_ape_in_system: None,
+    ):
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerDelete",
+                rule="deny Container.Delete *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create containers on the first node"):
+            cid_1 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+            cid_2 = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl2",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete first container from the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_CONTAINER.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_CONTAINER)):
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete a second container from the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_2,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="namespace",
+                target_name="root",
+                chain_id="denyContainerDelete",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete first container from the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                frostfs_cli.container.delete(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    cid=cid_1,
+                    ttl=1,
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to GetObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_get_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyGetObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Get /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.GET_OBJECT)):
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyGetObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to PutObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_put_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 4",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyPutObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Put /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check put object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=OBJECT_ACCESS_DENIED):
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check put object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    copies_number=3,
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyPutObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                put_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    path=test_file,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to HeadObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_head_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHeadObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Head /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HEAD_OBJECT)):
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHeadObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to SearchObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_search_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denySearchObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Search /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.SEARCH_OBJECT)):
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denySearchObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to RangeObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_range_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyRangeObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Range /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.RANGE_OBJECT)):
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyRangeObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to HashObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_hash_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHashObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Hash /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put object in container on the first node"):
+            oid = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range hash object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HASH_OBJECT)):
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range hash object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyHashObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range hash object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Deny to DeleteObject in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_deny_to_delete_object_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 2",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="public-read-write",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a container rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyDeleteObject",
+                rule=f"deny Object.Delete /{cid}/*",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put objects in container on the first node"):
+            oid_1 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            oid_2 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Search object in container on the first node"):
+            search_object_in_container_1 = search_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            assert (
+                oid_1 in search_object_in_container_1 and oid_2 in search_object_in_container_1
+            ), f"Object {oid_1} or {oid_2} was not found"
+        with reporter.step("Search object from container on the second node"):
+            search_object_in_container_2 = search_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            assert (
+                oid_1 in search_object_in_container_2 and oid_2 in search_object_in_container_2
+            ), f"Object {oid_1} or {oid_2} was not found"
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object from container on the first node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=RULE_ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.DELETE_OBJECT)):
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object from container on the second node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_2,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="denyDeleteObject",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+    @allure.title("LocalOverride: Allow to work with objects in root tenant")
+    def test_local_override_allow_to_work_with_objects_root(
+        self,
+        default_user: User,
+        remote_frostfs_cli_first_node: FrostfsCli,
+        frostfs_cli: FrostfsCli,
+        simple_object_size: ObjectSize,
+    ):
+        test_file = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with reporter.step("Create a container on the first node"):
+            cid = (
+                frostfs_cli.container.create(
+                    rpc_endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                    policy="REP 1 IN MOW CBF 1 SELECT 1 FROM MSK AS MOW FILTER SubDivCode EQ MOW AS MSK",
+                    name="dcl1",
+                    await_mode=True,
+                    basic_acl="0",
+                )
+                .stdout.split(" ")[1]
+                .strip()
+                .split("\n")[0]
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Create a namespace rule for the first node"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.add_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="allowObjectOperation",
+                rule=f"allow Object.Put Object.Delete Object.Get Object.Head Object.Hash Object.Search Object.Range *",
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Put objects in container on the first node"):
+            oid_1 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+            oid_2 = put_object(
+                wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                path=test_file,
+                cid=cid,
+      ,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+            )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get object in container on the second node, epxected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.GET_OBJECT)):
+                get_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check head object in container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HEAD_OBJECT)):
+                head_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range hash object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range hash object in container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HASH_OBJECT)):
+                get_range_hash(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check search object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.SEARCH_OBJECT)):
+                search_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check get range object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check range object in container on the second node. expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.RANGE_OBJECT)):
+                get_range(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+                    range_cut="0:10",
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object in container on the first node, expected allow"):
+            with expect_not_raises():
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_1,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Check delete object from container on the second node, expected access denied error"):
+            with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match=NO_RULE_FOUND_OBJECT.format(operation=Operations.HEAD_OBJECT)):
+                delete_object(
+                    wallet=default_user.wallet,
+                    oid=oid_2,
+                    cid=cid,
+          ,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[1].get_rpc_endpoint(),
+                )
+        with reporter.step("Delete a rule"):
+            remote_frostfs_cli_first_node.control.remove_rule(
+                endpoint=self.cluster.storage_nodes[0].get_control_endpoint(),
+                target_type="container",
+                target_name=f"{cid}",
+                chain_id="allowObjectOperation",
+            )