[#312] add new ACL test to s3
Signed-off-by: Yulia Kovshova <y.kovshova@yadro.com>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 241 additions and 4 deletions
@ -43,3 +43,7 @@ def set_bucket_versioning(s3_client, bucket: str, status: s3_gate_bucket.Version
s3_gate_bucket.set_bucket_versioning(s3_client, bucket, status=status)
bucket_status = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_versioning_status(s3_client, bucket)
assert bucket_status == status.value, f"Expected {bucket_status} status. Got {status.value}"
def object_key_from_file_path(full_path: str) -> str:
return os.path.basename(full_path)
@ -28,7 +28,12 @@ class AwsCliClient:
logger.info(f"Executing command: {cmd}")
_configure_aws_cli(cmd, self.access_key_id, self.secret_access_key)
def create_bucket(self, Bucket: str, ObjectLockEnabledForBucket: bool = None):
def create_bucket(
Bucket: str,
ObjectLockEnabledForBucket: Optional[bool] = None,
ACL: Optional[str] = None,
if ObjectLockEnabledForBucket is None:
object_lock = ""
elif ObjectLockEnabledForBucket:
@ -39,6 +44,8 @@ class AwsCliClient:
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api create-bucket --bucket {Bucket} "
f"{object_lock} --endpoint {S3_GATE}"
if ACL:
cmd += f" --acl {ACL}"
_cmd_run(cmd, REGULAR_TIMEOUT)
def list_buckets(self) -> dict:
@ -46,6 +53,14 @@ class AwsCliClient:
output = _cmd_run(cmd)
return self._to_json(output)
def get_bucket_acl(self, Bucket: str) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket {Bucket} "
f"--endpoint {S3_GATE}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd, REGULAR_TIMEOUT)
return self._to_json(output)
def get_bucket_versioning(self, Bucket: str) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-versioning --bucket {Bucket} "
@ -196,6 +211,47 @@ class AwsCliClient:
output = _cmd_run(cmd, REGULAR_TIMEOUT)
return self._to_json(output)
def put_object_acl(
Bucket: str,
Key: str,
ACL: Optional[str] = None,
GrantWrite: Optional[str] = None,
GrantRead: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-acl --bucket {Bucket} --key {Key} "
f" --endpoint {S3_GATE}"
if ACL:
cmd += f" --acl {ACL}"
if GrantWrite:
cmd += f" --grant-write {GrantWrite}"
if GrantRead:
cmd += f" --grant-read {GrantRead}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd, REGULAR_TIMEOUT)
return self._to_json(output)
def put_bucket_acl(
Bucket: str,
ACL: Optional[str] = None,
GrantWrite: Optional[str] = None,
GrantRead: Optional[str] = None,
) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket {Bucket} "
f" --endpoint {S3_GATE}"
if ACL:
cmd += f" --acl {ACL}"
if GrantWrite:
cmd += f" --grant-write {GrantWrite}"
if GrantRead:
cmd += f" --grant-read {GrantRead}"
output = _cmd_run(cmd, REGULAR_TIMEOUT)
return self._to_json(output)
def delete_objects(self, Bucket: str, Delete: dict) -> dict:
file_path = f"{os.getcwd()}/{ASSETS_DIR}/delete.json"
with open(file_path, "w") as out_file:
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ from cli_helpers import _run_with_passwd, log_command_execution
from data_formatters import get_wallet_public_key
from steps.aws_cli_client import AwsCliClient
# Disabling warnings on self-signed certificate which the
# boto library produces on requests to S3-gate in dev-env.
@ -102,13 +104,17 @@ def config_s3_client(access_key_id: str, secret_access_key: str):
@allure.step("Create bucket S3")
def create_bucket_s3(s3_client, object_lock_enabled_for_bucket: Optional[bool] = None):
def create_bucket_s3(
s3_client, object_lock_enabled_for_bucket: Optional[bool] = None, acl: Optional[str] = None
) -> str:
bucket_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
params = {"Bucket": bucket_name}
if object_lock_enabled_for_bucket is not None:
params.update({"ObjectLockEnabledForBucket": object_lock_enabled_for_bucket})
if acl is not None:
params.update({"ACL": acl})
s3_bucket = s3_client.create_bucket(**params)
log_command_execution(f"Created S3 bucket {bucket_name}", s3_bucket)
@ -206,6 +212,17 @@ def put_bucket_tagging(s3_client, bucket_name: str, tags: list):
raise Exception(f"Got error during put bucket tagging: {err}") from err
@allure.step("Get bucket acl")
def get_bucket_acl(s3_client, bucket_name: str) -> list:
response = s3_client.get_bucket_acl(Bucket=bucket_name)
log_command_execution("S3 Get bucket acl", response)
return response.get("Grants")
except ClientError as err:
raise Exception(f"Got error during get bucket tagging: {err}") from err
@allure.step("Get bucket tagging")
def get_bucket_tagging(s3_client, bucket_name: str) -> list:
@ -225,3 +242,31 @@ def delete_bucket_tagging(s3_client, bucket_name: str) -> None:
except ClientError as err:
raise Exception(f"Got error during delete bucket tagging: {err}") from err
@allure.step("Put bucket ACL")
def put_bucket_acl_s3(
bucket: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
grant_write: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
) -> list:
params = {"Bucket": bucket}
if acl:
params.update({"ACL": acl})
elif grant_write or grant_read:
if grant_write:
params.update({"GrantWrite": grant_write})
elif grant_read:
params.update({"GrantRead": grant_read})
response = s3_client.put_bucket_acl(**params)
log_command_execution("S3 ACL bucket result", response)
return response.get("Grants")
except ClientError as err:
raise Exception(
f'Error Message: {err.response["Error"]["Message"]}\n'
f'Http status code: {err.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"]}'
) from err
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ from time import sleep
from typing import Optional
import allure
import pytest
import urllib3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from cli_helpers import log_command_execution
@ -188,8 +189,41 @@ def delete_object_versions_s3(s3_client, bucket: str, object_versions: list):
) from err
@allure.step("Put object ACL")
def put_object_acl_s3(
bucket: str,
object_key: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
grant_write: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
) -> list:
if not isinstance(s3_client, AwsCliClient):
pytest.skip("Method put_object_acl is not supported by boto3 client")
params = {"Bucket": bucket, "Key": object_key}
if acl:
params.update({"ACL": acl})
elif grant_write or grant_read:
if grant_write:
params.update({"GrantWrite": grant_write})
elif grant_read:
params.update({"GrantRead": grant_read})
response = s3_client.put_object_acl(**params)
log_command_execution("S3 ACL objects result", response)
return response.get("Grants")
except ClientError as err:
raise Exception(
f'Error Message: {err.response["Error"]["Message"]}\n'
f'Http status code: {err.response["ResponseMetadata"]["HTTPStatusCode"]}'
) from err
@allure.step("Get object ACL")
def get_object_acl_s3(s3_client, bucket: str, object_key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None):
def get_object_acl_s3(
s3_client, bucket: str, object_key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None
) -> list:
params = {"Bucket": bucket, "Key": object_key}
if version_id:
@ -208,7 +242,7 @@ def get_object_acl_s3(s3_client, bucket: str, object_key: str, version_id: Optio
@allure.step("Copy object S3")
def copy_object_s3(
s3_client, bucket: str, object_key: str, bucket_dst: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs
) -> str:
filename = f"{os.getcwd()}/{uuid.uuid4()}"
params = {
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
import os
import allure
import pytest
from python_keywords.utility_keywords import generate_file
from s3_helper import object_key_from_file_path
from steps import s3_gate_bucket, s3_gate_object
from steps.s3_gate_base import TestS3GateBase
def pytest_generate_tests(metafunc):
if "s3_client" in metafunc.fixturenames:
metafunc.parametrize("s3_client", ["aws cli", "boto3"], indirect=True)
class TestS3GateACL(TestS3GateBase):
@allure.title("Test S3: Object ACL")
def test_s3_object_ACL(self):
file_path = generate_file()
file_name = object_key_from_file_path(file_path)
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, True, acl="public-read-write")
objects_list = s3_gate_object.list_objects_s3(self.s3_client, bucket)
assert not objects_list, f"Expected empty bucket, got {objects_list}"
with allure.step("Put object into bucket, Check ACL is empty"):
s3_gate_object.put_object_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_path)
obj_acl = s3_gate_object.get_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
assert obj_acl == [], f"Expected ACL is empty, got {obj_acl}"
with allure.step("Put object ACL = public-read"):
s3_gate_object.put_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, "public-read")
obj_acl = s3_gate_object.get_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
obj_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in obj_acl]
assert obj_permission == [
], "Permission for all groups is FULL_CONTROL"
with allure.step("Put object ACL = private"):
s3_gate_object.put_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name, "private")
obj_acl = s3_gate_object.get_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
obj_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in obj_acl]
assert obj_permission == [
], "Permission for Canonical User is FULL_CONTROL"
with allure.step(
"Put object with grant-read uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
obj_acl = s3_gate_object.get_object_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, file_name)
obj_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in obj_acl]
assert obj_permission == [
], "Permission for all groups is FULL_CONTROL"
@allure.title("Test S3: Bucket ACL")
def test_s3_bucket_ACL(self):
with allure.step("Create bucket with ACL = public-read-write"):
bucket = s3_gate_bucket.create_bucket_s3(self.s3_client, True, acl="public-read-write")
bucket_acl = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_acl(self.s3_client, bucket)
bucket_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in bucket_acl]
assert bucket_permission == [
], "Permission for all groups is FULL_CONTROL"
with allure.step("Change bucket ACL to private"):
s3_gate_bucket.put_bucket_acl_s3(self.s3_client, bucket, acl="private")
bucket_acl = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_acl(self.s3_client, bucket)
bucket_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in bucket_acl]
assert bucket_permission == [
], "Permission for CanonicalUser is FULL_CONTROL"
with allure.step(
"Change bucket acl to --grant-write uri=http://acs.amazonaws.com/groups/global/AllUsers"
bucket_acl = s3_gate_bucket.get_bucket_acl(self.s3_client, bucket)
bucket_permission = [permission.get("Permission") for permission in bucket_acl]
assert bucket_permission == [
], "Permission for all groups is FULL_CONTROL"
Add table
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