diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_bearer.py b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_bearer.py
similarity index 100%
rename from pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_bearer.py
rename to pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_bearer.py
diff --git a/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_gate.py b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_gate.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..aecc897b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_gate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+import os
+import allure
+import pytest
+from frostfs_testlib.resources.wellknown_acl import PUBLIC_ACL
+from frostfs_testlib.steps.cli.container import create_container
+from frostfs_testlib.steps.cli.object import put_object_to_random_node
+from frostfs_testlib.steps.epoch import get_epoch
+from frostfs_testlib.steps.http.http_gate import (
+    attr_into_header,
+    get_object_by_attr_and_verify_hashes,
+    get_via_http_curl,
+    get_via_http_gate,
+    get_via_zip_http_gate,
+    try_to_get_object_and_expect_error,
+    upload_via_http_gate,
+    upload_via_http_gate_curl,
+    verify_object_hash,
+from frostfs_testlib.storage.dataclasses.object_size import ObjectSize
+from frostfs_testlib.testing.cluster_test_base import ClusterTestBase
+from frostfs_testlib.utils.file_utils import generate_file, get_file_hash
+from pytest_tests.helpers.utility import wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes
+    "https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#frostfs-http-gateway",
+    name="frostfs-http-gateway",
+@allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#uploading", name="uploading")
+@allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#downloading", name="downloading")
+class TestHttpGate(ClusterTestBase):
+    @pytest.fixture(scope="class", autouse=True)
+    @allure.title("[Class/Autouse]: Prepare wallet and deposit")
+    def prepare_wallet(self, default_wallet):
+        TestHttpGate.wallet = default_wallet
+    @allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#uploading", name="uploading")
+    @allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#downloading", name="downloading")
+    @allure.title("Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP")
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @pytest.mark.smoke
+    def test_put_http_get_http(
+        self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize
+    ):
+        """
+        Test that object can be put and get using HTTP interface.
+        Steps:
+        1. Create simple and large objects.
+        2. Upload objects using HTTP (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#uploading).
+        3. Download objects using HTTP gate (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#downloading).
+        4. Compare hashes for got and original objects.
+        Expected result:
+        Hashes must be the same.
+        """
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
+        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP"):
+            oid_simple = upload_via_http_gate(
+                cid=cid, path=file_path_simple, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
+            )
+            oid_large = upload_via_http_gate(
+                cid=cid, path=file_path_large, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
+            )
+        for oid, file_path in ((oid_simple, file_path_simple), (oid_large, file_path_large)):
+            verify_object_hash(
+                oid=oid,
+                file_name=file_path,
+                wallet=self.wallet,
+                cid=cid,
+                shell=self.shell,
+                nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+                hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+            )
+    @allure.link(
+        "https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#by-attributes",
+        name="download by attributes",
+    )
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @allure.title("Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP with header")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+        "attributes",
+        [
+            {"fileName": "simple_obj_filename"},
+            {"file-Name": "simple obj filename"},
+            {"cat%jpeg": "cat%jpeg"},
+        ],
+        ids=["simple", "hyphen", "percent"],
+    )
+    def test_put_http_get_http_with_headers(
+        self, attributes: dict, simple_object_size: ObjectSize, request: pytest.FixtureRequest
+    ):
+        """
+        Test that object can be downloaded using different attributes in HTTP header.
+        Steps:
+        1. Create simple and large objects.
+        2. Upload objects using HTTP with particular attributes in the header.
+        3. Download objects by attributes using HTTP gate (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#by-attributes).
+        4. Compare hashes for got and original objects.
+        Expected result:
+        Hashes must be the same.
+        """
+        allure.dynamic.title(f"Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP with {request.node.callspec.id} header")
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP with attribute"):
+            headers = attr_into_header(attributes)
+            oid = upload_via_http_gate(
+                cid=cid,
+                path=file_path,
+                headers=headers,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            )
+        get_object_by_attr_and_verify_hashes(
+            oid=oid,
+            file_name=file_path,
+            cid=cid,
+            attrs=attributes,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+        )
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @allure.title("Test Expiration-Epoch in HTTP header with epoch_gap={epoch_gap}")
+    @pytest.mark.parametrize("epoch_gap", [0, 1])
+    def test_expiration_epoch_in_http(self, simple_object_size: ObjectSize, epoch_gap: int):
+        endpoint = self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint
+        http_endpoint = self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
+        min_valid_epoch = get_epoch(self.shell, self.cluster) + epoch_gap
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        oids_to_be_expired = []
+        oids_to_be_valid = []
+        for gap_until in (0, 1, 2, 100):
+            valid_until = min_valid_epoch + gap_until
+            headers = {"X-Attribute-System-Expiration-Epoch": str(valid_until)}
+            with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP with attribute Expiration-Epoch"):
+                oid = upload_via_http_gate(
+                    cid=cid,
+                    path=file_path,
+                    headers=headers,
+                    endpoint=http_endpoint,
+                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+                )
+                if get_epoch(self.shell, self.cluster) + 1 <= valid_until:
+                    oids_to_be_valid.append(oid)
+                else:
+                    oids_to_be_expired.append(oid)
+                with allure.step("This object can be got"):
+                    get_via_http_gate(
+                        cid=cid,
+                        oid=oid,
+                        endpoint=http_endpoint,
+                        http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+                    )
+        self.tick_epoch()
+        # Wait for GC, because object with expiration is counted as alive until GC removes it
+        wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes()
+        for oid in oids_to_be_expired:
+            with allure.step(f"{oid} shall be expired and cannot be got"):
+                try_to_get_object_and_expect_error(
+                    cid=cid,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    error_pattern=OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
+                    endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+                )
+        for oid in oids_to_be_valid:
+            with allure.step(f"{oid} shall be valid and can be got"):
+                get_via_http_gate(
+                    cid=cid,
+                    oid=oid,
+                    endpoint=http_endpoint,
+                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+                )
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @allure.title("Test Zip in HTTP header")
+    def test_zip_in_http(self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize):
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
+        common_prefix = "my_files"
+        headers1 = {"X-Attribute-FilePath": f"{common_prefix}/file1"}
+        headers2 = {"X-Attribute-FilePath": f"{common_prefix}/file2"}
+        upload_via_http_gate(
+            cid=cid,
+            path=file_path_simple,
+            headers=headers1,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+        )
+        upload_via_http_gate(
+            cid=cid,
+            path=file_path_large,
+            headers=headers2,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+        )
+        dir_path = get_via_zip_http_gate(
+            cid=cid,
+            prefix=common_prefix,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+        )
+        with allure.step("Verify hashes"):
+            assert get_file_hash(f"{dir_path}/file1") == get_file_hash(file_path_simple)
+            assert get_file_hash(f"{dir_path}/file2") == get_file_hash(file_path_large)
+    @pytest.mark.long
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @allure.title("Put over HTTP/Curl, Get over HTTP/Curl for large object")
+    def test_put_http_get_http_large_file(self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize):
+        """
+        This test checks upload and download using curl with 'large' object.
+        Large is object with size up to 20Mb.
+        """
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
+        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP"):
+            oid_gate = upload_via_http_gate(
+                cid=cid, path=file_path, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
+            )
+            oid_curl = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
+                cid=cid,
+                filepath=file_path,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            )
+        verify_object_hash(
+            oid=oid_gate,
+            file_name=file_path,
+            wallet=self.wallet,
+            cid=cid,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+        )
+        verify_object_hash(
+            oid=oid_curl,
+            file_name=file_path,
+            wallet=self.wallet,
+            cid=cid,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+            object_getter=get_via_http_curl,
+        )
+    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
+    @allure.title("Put/Get over HTTP using Curl utility")
+    def test_put_http_get_http_curl(
+        self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize
+    ):
+        """
+        Test checks upload and download over HTTP using curl utility.
+        """
+        cid = create_container(
+            self.wallet,
+            shell=self.shell,
+            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
+            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
+            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
+        )
+        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
+        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
+        with allure.step("Put objects using curl utility"):
+            oid_simple = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
+                cid=cid, filepath=file_path_simple, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
+            )
+            oid_large = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
+                cid=cid,
+                filepath=file_path_large,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+            )
+        for oid, file_path in ((oid_simple, file_path_simple), (oid_large, file_path_large)):
+            verify_object_hash(
+                oid=oid,
+                file_name=file_path,
+                wallet=self.wallet,
+                cid=cid,
+                shell=self.shell,
+                nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
+                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
+                http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
+                object_getter=get_via_http_curl,
+            )
diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_headers.py b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_headers.py
similarity index 98%
rename from pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_headers.py
rename to pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_headers.py
index 4d10085e..88248f90 100644
--- a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_headers.py
+++ b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_headers.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")
+@pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
 class Test_http_headers(ClusterTestBase):
     obj1_keys = ["Writer", "Chapter1", "Chapter2"]
@@ -85,7 +86,6 @@ class Test_http_headers(ClusterTestBase):
         yield storage_objects
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
     @allure.title("Get object1 by attribute")
     def test_object1_can_be_get_by_attr(
         self, storage_objects_with_attributes: list[StorageObjectInfo]
@@ -175,7 +175,6 @@ class Test_http_headers(ClusterTestBase):
     @allure.title("[NEGATIVE] Put object and get right after container is deleted")
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
     def test_negative_put_and_get_object3(
         self, storage_objects_with_attributes: list[StorageObjectInfo]
diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_streaming.py b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_streaming.py
similarity index 97%
rename from pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_streaming.py
rename to pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_streaming.py
index fdd94773..38f75a20 100644
--- a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_streaming.py
+++ b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_streaming.py
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")
+@pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
 class Test_http_streaming(ClusterTestBase):
@@ -28,7 +29,6 @@ class Test_http_streaming(ClusterTestBase):
         ids=["complex object size"],
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
     def test_object_can_be_put_get_by_streaming(self, object_size: ObjectSize):
         Test that object can be put using gRPC interface and get using HTTP.
diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_system_header.py b/pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_system_header.py
similarity index 100%
rename from pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_system_header.py
rename to pytest_tests/deprecated_testsuites/services/http_gw/test_http_system_header.py
diff --git a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_gate.py b/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_gate.py
index 6e7653d8..9625a11d 100644
--- a/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_gate.py
+++ b/pytest_tests/testsuites/services/http_gate/test_http_gate.py
@@ -98,309 +98,3 @@ class TestHttpGate(ClusterTestBase):
-    @allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#uploading", name="uploading")
-    @allure.link("https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#downloading", name="downloading")
-    @allure.title("Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP")
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @pytest.mark.smoke
-    def test_put_http_get_http(
-        self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize
-    ):
-        """
-        Test that object can be put and get using HTTP interface.
-        Steps:
-        1. Create simple and large objects.
-        2. Upload objects using HTTP (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#uploading).
-        3. Download objects using HTTP gate (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#downloading).
-        4. Compare hashes for got and original objects.
-        Expected result:
-        Hashes must be the same.
-        """
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
-        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
-        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP"):
-            oid_simple = upload_via_http_gate(
-                cid=cid, path=file_path_simple, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
-            )
-            oid_large = upload_via_http_gate(
-                cid=cid, path=file_path_large, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
-            )
-        for oid, file_path in ((oid_simple, file_path_simple), (oid_large, file_path_large)):
-            verify_object_hash(
-                oid=oid,
-                file_name=file_path,
-                wallet=self.wallet,
-                cid=cid,
-                shell=self.shell,
-                nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
-                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-                hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-            )
-    @allure.link(
-        "https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#by-attributes",
-        name="download by attributes",
-    )
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @allure.title("Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP with header")
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "attributes",
-        [
-            {"fileName": "simple_obj_filename"},
-            {"file-Name": "simple obj filename"},
-            {"cat%jpeg": "cat%jpeg"},
-        ],
-        ids=["simple", "hyphen", "percent"],
-    )
-    def test_put_http_get_http_with_headers(
-        self, attributes: dict, simple_object_size: ObjectSize, request: pytest.FixtureRequest
-    ):
-        """
-        Test that object can be downloaded using different attributes in HTTP header.
-        Steps:
-        1. Create simple and large objects.
-        2. Upload objects using HTTP with particular attributes in the header.
-        3. Download objects by attributes using HTTP gate (https://github.com/TrueCloudLab/frostfs-http-gw#by-attributes).
-        4. Compare hashes for got and original objects.
-        Expected result:
-        Hashes must be the same.
-        """
-        allure.dynamic.title(f"Put over HTTP, Get over HTTP with {request.node.callspec.id} header")
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
-        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP with attribute"):
-            headers = attr_into_header(attributes)
-            oid = upload_via_http_gate(
-                cid=cid,
-                path=file_path,
-                headers=headers,
-                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            )
-        get_object_by_attr_and_verify_hashes(
-            oid=oid,
-            file_name=file_path,
-            cid=cid,
-            attrs=attributes,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-        )
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @allure.title("Test Expiration-Epoch in HTTP header with epoch_gap={epoch_gap}")
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("epoch_gap", [0, 1])
-    def test_expiration_epoch_in_http(self, simple_object_size: ObjectSize, epoch_gap: int):
-        endpoint = self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint
-        http_endpoint = self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
-        min_valid_epoch = get_epoch(self.shell, self.cluster) + epoch_gap
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
-        oids_to_be_expired = []
-        oids_to_be_valid = []
-        for gap_until in (0, 1, 2, 100):
-            valid_until = min_valid_epoch + gap_until
-            headers = {"X-Attribute-System-Expiration-Epoch": str(valid_until)}
-            with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP with attribute Expiration-Epoch"):
-                oid = upload_via_http_gate(
-                    cid=cid,
-                    path=file_path,
-                    headers=headers,
-                    endpoint=http_endpoint,
-                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-                )
-                if get_epoch(self.shell, self.cluster) + 1 <= valid_until:
-                    oids_to_be_valid.append(oid)
-                else:
-                    oids_to_be_expired.append(oid)
-                with allure.step("This object can be got"):
-                    get_via_http_gate(
-                        cid=cid,
-                        oid=oid,
-                        endpoint=http_endpoint,
-                        http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-                    )
-        self.tick_epoch()
-        # Wait for GC, because object with expiration is counted as alive until GC removes it
-        wait_for_gc_pass_on_storage_nodes()
-        for oid in oids_to_be_expired:
-            with allure.step(f"{oid} shall be expired and cannot be got"):
-                try_to_get_object_and_expect_error(
-                    cid=cid,
-                    oid=oid,
-                    error_pattern=OBJECT_NOT_FOUND_ERROR,
-                    endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-                )
-        for oid in oids_to_be_valid:
-            with allure.step(f"{oid} shall be valid and can be got"):
-                get_via_http_gate(
-                    cid=cid,
-                    oid=oid,
-                    endpoint=http_endpoint,
-                    http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-                )
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @allure.title("Test Zip in HTTP header")
-    def test_zip_in_http(self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize):
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
-        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
-        common_prefix = "my_files"
-        headers1 = {"X-Attribute-FilePath": f"{common_prefix}/file1"}
-        headers2 = {"X-Attribute-FilePath": f"{common_prefix}/file2"}
-        upload_via_http_gate(
-            cid=cid,
-            path=file_path_simple,
-            headers=headers1,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-        )
-        upload_via_http_gate(
-            cid=cid,
-            path=file_path_large,
-            headers=headers2,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-        )
-        dir_path = get_via_zip_http_gate(
-            cid=cid,
-            prefix=common_prefix,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-        )
-        with allure.step("Verify hashes"):
-            assert get_file_hash(f"{dir_path}/file1") == get_file_hash(file_path_simple)
-            assert get_file_hash(f"{dir_path}/file2") == get_file_hash(file_path_large)
-    @pytest.mark.long
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @allure.title("Put over HTTP/Curl, Get over HTTP/Curl for large object")
-    def test_put_http_get_http_large_file(self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize):
-        """
-        This test checks upload and download using curl with 'large' object.
-        Large is object with size up to 20Mb.
-        """
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
-        with allure.step("Put objects using HTTP"):
-            oid_gate = upload_via_http_gate(
-                cid=cid, path=file_path, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
-            )
-            oid_curl = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
-                cid=cid,
-                filepath=file_path,
-                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            )
-        verify_object_hash(
-            oid=oid_gate,
-            file_name=file_path,
-            wallet=self.wallet,
-            cid=cid,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-        )
-        verify_object_hash(
-            oid=oid_curl,
-            file_name=file_path,
-            wallet=self.wallet,
-            cid=cid,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-            object_getter=get_via_http_curl,
-        )
-    @pytest.mark.skip("Skipped due to deprecated PUT via http")
-    @allure.title("Put/Get over HTTP using Curl utility")
-    def test_put_http_get_http_curl(
-        self, complex_object_size: ObjectSize, simple_object_size: ObjectSize
-    ):
-        """
-        Test checks upload and download over HTTP using curl utility.
-        """
-        cid = create_container(
-            self.wallet,
-            shell=self.shell,
-            endpoint=self.cluster.default_rpc_endpoint,
-            rule=self.PLACEMENT_RULE_2,
-            basic_acl=PUBLIC_ACL,
-        )
-        file_path_simple = generate_file(simple_object_size.value)
-        file_path_large = generate_file(complex_object_size.value)
-        with allure.step("Put objects using curl utility"):
-            oid_simple = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
-                cid=cid, filepath=file_path_simple, endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint
-            )
-            oid_large = upload_via_http_gate_curl(
-                cid=cid,
-                filepath=file_path_large,
-                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-            )
-        for oid, file_path in ((oid_simple, file_path_simple), (oid_large, file_path_large)):
-            verify_object_hash(
-                oid=oid,
-                file_name=file_path,
-                wallet=self.wallet,
-                cid=cid,
-                shell=self.shell,
-                nodes=self.cluster.storage_nodes,
-                endpoint=self.cluster.default_http_gate_endpoint,
-                http_hostname=self.cluster.default_http_hostname,
-                object_getter=get_via_http_curl,
-            )