import allure import pytest from frostfs_testlib import reporter from frostfs_testlib.resources.wellknown_acl import PRIVATE_ACL_F from frostfs_testlib.steps.cli.container import ( create_container, delete_container, get_container, list_containers, wait_for_container_creation, wait_for_container_deletion, ) from import WalletInfo from frostfs_testlib.testing.cluster_test_base import ClusterTestBase from ...helpers.utility import placement_policy_from_container @pytest.mark.nightly @pytest.mark.sanity @pytest.mark.container class TestContainer(ClusterTestBase): PLACEMENT_RULE = "REP 2 IN X CBF 1 SELECT 2 FROM * AS X" @allure.title("Create container (name={name})") @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", ["", "test-container"], ids=["No name", "Set particular name"]) @pytest.mark.smoke def test_container_creation(self, default_wallet: WalletInfo, name: str, rpc_endpoint: str): wallet = default_wallet cid = create_container(wallet,, rpc_endpoint, self.PLACEMENT_RULE, name=name) containers = list_containers(wallet,, rpc_endpoint) assert cid in containers, f"Expected container {cid} in containers: {containers}" container_info: str = get_container(wallet, cid,, rpc_endpoint, False) container_info = container_info.casefold() # To ignore case when comparing with expected values info_to_check = { f"owner ID: {wallet.get_address_from_json(0)}", f"CID: {cid}", } if name: info_to_check.add(f"Name={name}") with reporter.step("Check container has correct information"): expected_policy = self.PLACEMENT_RULE.casefold() actual_policy = placement_policy_from_container(container_info) assert actual_policy == expected_policy, f"Expected policy\n{expected_policy} but got policy\n{actual_policy}" for info in info_to_check: expected_info = info.casefold() assert expected_info in container_info, f"Expected {expected_info} in container info:\n{container_info}" with reporter.step("Delete container and check it was deleted"): # Force to skip frostfs-cli verifictions before delete. # Because no APE rules assigned to container, those verifications will fail due to APE requests denial. delete_container(wallet, cid,, rpc_endpoint, force=True, await_mode=True) self.tick_epoch() wait_for_container_deletion(wallet, cid,, rpc_endpoint) @allure.title("Delete container without force") @pytest.mark.smoke def test_container_deletion_no_force(self, container: str, default_wallet: WalletInfo, rpc_endpoint: str): with reporter.step("Delete container and check it was deleted"): delete_container(default_wallet, container,, rpc_endpoint, await_mode=True) self.tick_epoch() wait_for_container_deletion(default_wallet, container,, rpc_endpoint) @allure.title("Parallel container creation and deletion") @pytest.mark.exclude_sanity def test_container_creation_deletion_parallel(self, default_wallet: WalletInfo, rpc_endpoint: str): containers_count = 3 wallet = default_wallet iteration_count = 10 for _ in range(iteration_count): cids: list[str] = [] with reporter.step(f"Create {containers_count} containers"): for _ in range(containers_count): cids.append( create_container(wallet,, rpc_endpoint, self.PLACEMENT_RULE, await_mode=False, wait_for_creation=False) ) with reporter.step("Wait for containers occur in container list"): for cid in cids: wait_for_container_creation(wallet, cid,, rpc_endpoint, sleep_interval=containers_count) with reporter.step("Delete containers and check they were deleted"): for cid in cids: # Force to skip frostfs-cli verifictions before delete. # Because no APE rules assigned to container, those verifications will fail due to APE requests denial. delete_container(wallet, cid,, rpc_endpoint, force=True, await_mode=True) containers_list = list_containers(wallet,, rpc_endpoint) assert cid not in containers_list, "Container not deleted"