Signed-off-by: a.y.volkov <a.y.volkov@yadro.com>
86 lines
2.9 KiB
86 lines
2.9 KiB
import logging
from http import HTTPStatus
from re import match
import allure
import pytest
import requests
from common import BIN_VERSIONS_FILE
from service_helper import get_storage_service_helper
logger = logging.getLogger('NeoLogger')
@allure.title('Check binaries versions')
def test_binaries_versions(request):
Compare binaries versions from external source (url) and deployed on servers.
pytest.skip('File with binaries and versions was not provided')
failed_versions = {}
environment_dir = request.config.getoption('--alluredir')
env_data = None
data_for_env = {}
binaries_to_check = download_versions_info(BIN_VERSIONS_FILE)
with allure.step('Get binaries versions from servers'):
helper = get_storage_service_helper()
got_versions = helper.get_binaries_version(binaries=list(binaries_to_check.keys()))
if environment_dir:
with open(f'{environment_dir}/environment.properties', 'r') as env_file:
env_data = env_file.read()
# compare versions from servers and file
for binary, version in binaries_to_check.items():
if binary not in got_versions:
failed_versions[binary] = 'Can not find binary'
if got_versions[binary] != version:
failed_versions[binary] = f'Expected version {version}, found version {got_versions[binary]}'
# if something missed in environment.properties file, let's add
if env_data and binary not in env_data:
data_for_env[binary] = got_versions[binary]
if environment_dir and data_for_env:
add_to_environment_properties(f'{environment_dir}/environment.properties', data_for_env)
# create clear beautiful error with aggregation info
if failed_versions:
msg = '\n'.join({f'{binary}: {error}' for binary, error in failed_versions.items()})
raise AssertionError(f'Found binaries with unexpected versions:\n{msg}')
@allure.step('Download info from {url}')
def download_versions_info(url: str) -> dict:
binaries_to_version = {}
response = requests.get(url)
assert response.status_code == HTTPStatus.OK, \
f'Got {response.status_code} code. Content {response.json()}'
content = response.text
assert content, f'Expected file with content, got {response}'
for line in content.split('\n'):
m = match('(.*)=(.*)', line)
if not m:
logger.warning(f'Could not get binary/version from {line}')
bin_name, bin_version = m.group(1), m.group(2)
binaries_to_version[bin_name] = bin_version
return binaries_to_version
@allure.step('Update data in environment.properties')
def add_to_environment_properties(file_path: str, env_data: dict):
with open(file_path, 'a+') as env_file:
for env, env_value in env_data.items():