import os import pytest from import CommandOptions, InteractiveInput from import SshConnectionProvider, SSHShell from helpers import format_error_details, get_output_lines def get_shell(host: str): port = os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_PORT", "22") login = os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_LOGIN") password = os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_PASSWORD", "") private_key_path = os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_PRIVATE_KEY_PATH", "") private_key_passphrase = os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE", "") if not all([host, login, private_key_path, private_key_passphrase]): # TODO: in the future we might use, # at the moment it is not suitable for us because of its issues with stdin pytest.skip("SSH connection is not configured") return SSHShell( host=host, port=port, login=login, password=password, private_key_path=private_key_path, private_key_passphrase=private_key_passphrase, ) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def shell() -> SSHShell: return get_shell(host=os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_HOST")) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def shell_same_host() -> SSHShell: return get_shell(host=os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_HOST")) @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def shell_another_host() -> SSHShell: return get_shell(host=os.getenv("SSH_SHELL_HOST_2")) @pytest.fixture(scope="function", autouse=True) def reset_connection(): provider = SshConnectionProvider() provider.drop_all() class TestSSHShellInteractive: def test_command_with_one_prompt(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "password = input('Password: '); print('\\n' + password)" inputs = [InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern="Password", input="test")] result = shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"', CommandOptions(interactive_inputs=inputs)) assert result.return_code == 0 assert ["Password: test", "test"] == get_output_lines(result) assert not result.stderr def test_command_with_several_prompts(self, shell: SSHShell): script = ( "input1 = input('Input1: '); print('\\n' + input1); " "input2 = input('Input2: '); print('\\n' + input2)" ) inputs = [ InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern="Input1", input="test1"), InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern="Input2", input="test2"), ] result = shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"', CommandOptions(interactive_inputs=inputs)) assert result.return_code == 0 assert ["Input1: test1", "test1", "Input2: test2", "test2"] == get_output_lines(result) assert not result.stderr def test_invalid_command_with_check(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "invalid script" inputs = [InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern=".*", input="test")] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised: shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"', CommandOptions(interactive_inputs=inputs)) error = format_error_details(raised.value) assert "SyntaxError" in error assert "return code: 1" in error def test_invalid_command_without_check(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "invalid script" inputs = [InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern=".*", input="test")] result = shell.exec( f'python3 -c "{script}"', CommandOptions(interactive_inputs=inputs, check=False), ) assert "SyntaxError" in result.stdout assert result.return_code == 1 def test_non_existing_binary(self, shell: SSHShell): inputs = [InteractiveInput(prompt_pattern=".*", input="test")] with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised: shell.exec("not-a-command", CommandOptions(interactive_inputs=inputs)) error = format_error_details(raised.value) assert "return code: 127" in error class TestSSHShellNonInteractive: def test_correct_command(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "print('test')" result = shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"') assert result.return_code == 0 assert result.stdout.strip() == "test" assert not result.stderr def test_invalid_command_with_check(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "invalid script" with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised: shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"') error = format_error_details(raised.value) assert "Error" in error assert "return code: 1" in error def test_invalid_command_without_check(self, shell: SSHShell): script = "invalid script" result = shell.exec(f'python3 -c "{script}"', CommandOptions(check=False)) assert result.return_code == 1 # TODO: we have inconsistency with local shell here, the local shell captures error info # in stdout while ssh shell captures it in stderr assert "Error" in result.stderr def test_non_existing_binary(self, shell: SSHShell): with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as raised: shell.exec("not-a-command") error = format_error_details(raised.value) assert "Error" in error assert "return code: 127" in error class TestSSHShellConnection: def test_connection_provider_is_singleton(self): provider = SshConnectionProvider() provider2 = SshConnectionProvider() assert id(provider) == id(provider2) def test_connection_provider_has_creds(self, shell: SSHShell): provider = SshConnectionProvider() assert len(provider.creds) == 1 assert len(provider.connections) == 0 def test_connection_provider_has_only_one_connection(self, shell: SSHShell): provider = SshConnectionProvider() assert len(provider.connections) == 0 shell.exec("echo 1") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell.exec("echo 2") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell.drop() assert len(provider.connections) == 0 def test_connection_same_host(self, shell: SSHShell, shell_same_host: SSHShell): provider = SshConnectionProvider() assert len(provider.connections) == 0 shell.exec("echo 1") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell_same_host.exec("echo 2") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell.drop() assert len(provider.connections) == 0 shell.exec("echo 3") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 def test_connection_another_host(self, shell: SSHShell, shell_another_host: SSHShell): provider = SshConnectionProvider() assert len(provider.connections) == 0 shell.exec("echo 1") assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell_another_host.exec("echo 2") assert len(provider.connections) == 2 shell.drop() assert len(provider.connections) == 1 shell_another_host.drop() assert len(provider.connections) == 0