Yaroslava Lukoyanova f27a73d4d3
All checks were successful
DCO action / DCO (pull_request) Successful in 27s
[#354] Support of presigned url methods for S3
Signed-off-by: Yaroslava Lukoyanova <>
2025-02-03 14:11:30 +03:00

1546 lines
65 KiB

import json
import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime
from time import sleep
from typing import Literal, Optional, Union
from frostfs_testlib import reporter
from frostfs_testlib.clients.s3.interfaces import S3ClientWrapper, VersioningStatus, _make_objs_dict
from frostfs_testlib.resources.common import ASSETS_DIR, MAX_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS, RETRY_MODE, S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME
from import CommandOptions
from import LocalShell
from frostfs_testlib.utils import string_utils
# TODO: Refactor this code to use shell instead of _cmd_run
from frostfs_testlib.utils.cli_utils import _configure_aws_cli
from frostfs_testlib.utils.file_utils import TestFile
logger = logging.getLogger("NeoLogger")
command_options = CommandOptions(timeout=480)
class AwsCliClient(S3ClientWrapper):
__repr_name__: str = "AWS CLI"
# Flags that we use for all S3 commands: disable SSL verification (as we use self-signed
# certificate in devenv) and disable automatic pagination in CLI output
common_flags = "--no-verify-ssl --no-paginate"
s3gate_endpoint: str
@reporter.step("Configure S3 client (aws cli)")
def __init__(
self, access_key_id: str, secret_access_key: str, s3gate_endpoint: str, profile: str = "default", region: str = "us-east-1"
) -> None:
self.s3gate_endpoint = s3gate_endpoint
self.access_key_id: str = access_key_id
self.secret_access_key: str = secret_access_key
self.profile = profile
self.local_shell = LocalShell()
self.region = region
self.iam_endpoint = None
_configure_aws_cli(f"aws configure --profile {profile}", access_key_id, secret_access_key, region)
self.local_shell.exec(f"aws configure set max_attempts {MAX_REQUEST_ATTEMPTS} --profile {profile}")
f"aws configure set retry_mode {RETRY_MODE} --profile {profile}",
except Exception as err:
raise RuntimeError("Error while configuring AwsCliClient") from err
@reporter.step("Set S3 endpoint to {s3gate_endpoint}")
def set_endpoint(self, s3gate_endpoint: str):
self.s3gate_endpoint = s3gate_endpoint
@reporter.step("Set IAM endpoint to {iam_endpoint}")
def set_iam_endpoint(self, iam_endpoint: str):
self.iam_endpoint = iam_endpoint
@reporter.step("Create bucket S3")
def create_bucket(
bucket: Optional[str] = None,
object_lock_enabled_for_bucket: Optional[bool] = None,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
grant_write: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
grant_full_control: Optional[str] = None,
location_constraint: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
if bucket is None:
bucket = string_utils.unique_name("bucket-")
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
if object_lock_enabled_for_bucket is None:
object_lock = ""
elif object_lock_enabled_for_bucket:
object_lock = " --object-lock-enabled-for-bucket"
object_lock = " --no-object-lock-enabled-for-bucket"
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api create-bucket --bucket {bucket} "
f"{object_lock} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
if grant_full_control:
cmd += f" --grant-full-control {grant_full_control}"
if grant_write:
cmd += f" --grant-write {grant_write}"
if grant_read:
cmd += f" --grant-read {grant_read}"
if location_constraint:
cmd += f" --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint={location_constraint}"
return bucket
@reporter.step("List buckets S3")
def list_buckets(self) -> list[str]:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-buckets --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
buckets_json = self._to_json(output)
return [bucket["Name"] for bucket in buckets_json["Buckets"]]
@reporter.step("Delete bucket S3")
def delete_bucket(self, bucket: str) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-bucket --bucket {bucket} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options)
@reporter.step("Head bucket S3")
def head_bucket(self, bucket: str) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api head-bucket --bucket {bucket} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Put bucket versioning status")
def put_bucket_versioning(self, bucket: str, status: VersioningStatus) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket {bucket} "
f"--versioning-configuration Status={status.value} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Get bucket versioning status")
def get_bucket_versioning_status(self, bucket: str) -> Literal["Enabled", "Suspended"]:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-versioning --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("Status")
@reporter.step("Put bucket tagging")
def put_bucket_tagging(self, bucket: str, tags: list) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
tags_json = {"TagSet": [{"Key": tag_key, "Value": tag_value} for tag_key, tag_value in tags]}
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-tagging --bucket {bucket} "
f"--tagging '{json.dumps(tags_json)}' --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Get bucket tagging")
def get_bucket_tagging(self, bucket: str) -> list:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-tagging --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("TagSet")
@reporter.step("Get bucket acl")
def get_bucket_acl(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-acl --bucket {bucket} " f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("Get bucket location")
def get_bucket_location(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-location --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("LocationConstraint")
@reporter.step("List objects S3")
def list_objects(
self, bucket: str, full_output: bool = False, page_size: Optional[int] = None, prefix: Optional[str] = None
) -> Union[dict, list[str]]:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-objects --bucket {bucket} " f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} "
if page_size:
cmd = cmd.replace("--no-paginate", "")
cmd += f" --page-size {page_size} "
if prefix:
cmd += f" --prefix {prefix}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile} "
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
obj_list = [obj["Key"] for obj in response.get("Contents", [])]"Found s3 objects: {obj_list}")
return response if full_output else obj_list
@reporter.step("List objects S3 v2")
def list_objects_v2(self, bucket: str, full_output: bool = False) -> Union[dict, list[str]]:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-objects-v2 --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
obj_list = [obj["Key"] for obj in response.get("Contents", [])]"Found s3 objects: {obj_list}")
return response if full_output else obj_list
@reporter.step("List objects versions S3")
def list_objects_versions(self, bucket: str, full_output: bool = False) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-object-versions --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response if full_output else response.get("Versions", [])
@reporter.step("List objects delete markers S3")
def list_delete_markers(self, bucket: str, full_output: bool = False) -> list:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-object-versions --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response if full_output else response.get("DeleteMarkers", [])
@reporter.step("Copy object S3")
def copy_object(
source_bucket: str,
source_key: str,
bucket: Optional[str] = None,
key: Optional[str] = None,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
metadata_directive: Optional[Literal["COPY", "REPLACE"]] = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
tagging_directive: Optional[Literal["COPY", "REPLACE"]] = None,
tagging: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
if bucket is None:
bucket = source_bucket
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
if key is None:
key = string_utils.unique_name("copy-object-")
copy_source = f"{source_bucket}/{source_key}"
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api copy-object --copy-source {copy_source} "
f"--bucket {bucket} --key {key} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
if metadata_directive:
cmd += f" --metadata-directive {metadata_directive}"
if metadata:
cmd += " --metadata "
for meta_key, value in metadata.items():
cmd += f" {meta_key}={value}"
if tagging_directive:
cmd += f" --tagging-directive {tagging_directive}"
if tagging:
cmd += f" --tagging {tagging}"
self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options)
return key
@reporter.step("Put object S3")
def put_object(
bucket: str,
filepath: str,
key: Optional[str] = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
tagging: Optional[str] = None,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
object_lock_mode: Optional[str] = None,
object_lock_retain_until_date: Optional[datetime] = None,
object_lock_legal_hold_status: Optional[str] = None,
grant_full_control: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
) -> str:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
if key is None:
key = os.path.basename(filepath)
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"--body {filepath} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if metadata:
cmd += " --metadata"
for key, value in metadata.items():
cmd += f" {key}={value}"
if tagging:
cmd += f" --tagging '{tagging}'"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
if object_lock_mode:
cmd += f" --object-lock-mode {object_lock_mode}"
if object_lock_retain_until_date:
cmd += f' --object-lock-retain-until-date "{object_lock_retain_until_date}"'
if object_lock_legal_hold_status:
cmd += f" --object-lock-legal-hold-status {object_lock_legal_hold_status}"
if grant_full_control:
cmd += f" --grant-full-control '{grant_full_control}'"
if grant_read:
cmd += f" --grant-read {grant_read}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("VersionId")
@reporter.step("Head object S3")
def head_object(self, bucket: str, key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api head-object --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Get object S3")
def get_object(
bucket: str,
key: str,
version_id: Optional[str] = None,
object_range: Optional[tuple[int, int]] = None,
full_output: bool = False,
) -> dict | TestFile:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
test_file = TestFile(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, string_utils.unique_name("dl-object-")))
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-object --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} {test_file} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if object_range:
cmd += f" --range bytes={object_range[0]}-{object_range[1]}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response if full_output else test_file
@reporter.step("Get object ACL")
def get_object_acl(self, bucket: str, key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None) -> list:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-object-acl --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("Grants")
@reporter.step("Put object ACL")
def put_object_acl(
bucket: str,
key: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
grant_write: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
) -> list:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-acl --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f" --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
if grant_write:
cmd += f" --grant-write {grant_write}"
if grant_read:
cmd += f" --grant-read {grant_read}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("Grants")
@reporter.step("Put bucket ACL")
def put_bucket_acl(
bucket: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
grant_write: Optional[str] = None,
grant_read: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket {bucket} "
f" --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
if grant_write:
cmd += f" --grant-write {grant_write}"
if grant_read:
cmd += f" --grant-read {grant_read}"
@reporter.step("Delete objects S3")
def delete_objects(self, bucket: str, keys: list[str]) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, "delete.json")
delete_structure = json.dumps(_make_objs_dict(keys))
with open(file_path, "w") as out_file:
out_file.write(delete_structure)"Input file for delete-objects: {delete_structure}")
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-objects --bucket {bucket} "
f"--delete file://{file_path} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Delete object S3")
def delete_object(self, bucket: str, key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-object --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} {version} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("Delete object versions S3")
def delete_object_versions(self, bucket: str, object_versions: list) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
# Build deletion list in S3 format
delete_list = {
"Objects": [
"Key": object_version["Key"],
"VersionId": object_version["VersionId"],
for object_version in object_versions
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, "delete.json")
delete_structure = json.dumps(delete_list)
with open(file_path, "w") as out_file:
out_file.write(delete_structure)"Input file for delete-objects: {delete_structure}")
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-objects --bucket {bucket} "
f"--delete file://{file_path} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("Delete object versions S3 without delete markers")
def delete_object_versions_without_dm(self, bucket: str, object_versions: list) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
# Delete objects without creating delete markers
for object_version in object_versions:
self.delete_object(bucket=bucket, key=object_version["Key"], version_id=object_version["VersionId"])
@reporter.step("Get object attributes")
def get_object_attributes(
bucket: str,
key: str,
attributes: list[str],
version_id: str = "",
max_parts: int = 0,
part_number: int = 0,
full_output: bool = True,
) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
attrs = ",".join(attributes)
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
parts = f"--max-parts {max_parts}" if max_parts else ""
part_number_str = f"--part-number-marker {part_number}" if part_number else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-object-attributes --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} {version} {parts} {part_number_str} --object-attributes {attrs} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
for attr in attributes:
assert attr in response, f"Expected attribute {attr} in {response}"
if full_output:
return response
return response.get(attributes[0])
@reporter.step("Get bucket policy")
def get_bucket_policy(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-policy --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("Policy")
@reporter.step("Delete bucket policy")
def delete_bucket_policy(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-bucket-policy --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Put bucket policy")
def put_bucket_policy(self, bucket: str, policy: dict) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
# Leaving it as is was in test repo. Double dumps to escape resulting string
# Example:
# policy = {"a": 1}
# json.dumps(policy) => {"a": 1}
# json.dumps(json.dumps(policy)) => "{\"a\": 1}"
# TODO: update this
dumped_policy = json.dumps(json.dumps(policy))
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-policy --bucket {bucket} "
f"--policy {dumped_policy} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Get bucket cors")
def get_bucket_cors(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-cors --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("CORSRules")
@reporter.step("Put bucket cors")
def put_bucket_cors(self, bucket: str, cors_configuration: dict) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-cors --bucket {bucket} "
f"--cors-configuration '{json.dumps(cors_configuration)}' --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Delete bucket cors")
def delete_bucket_cors(self, bucket: str) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-bucket-cors --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Delete bucket tagging")
def delete_bucket_tagging(self, bucket: str) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-bucket-tagging --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Put object retention")
def put_object_retention(
bucket: str,
key: str,
retention: dict,
version_id: Optional[str] = None,
bypass_governance_retention: Optional[bool] = None,
) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-retention --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --retention '{json.dumps(retention, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)}' --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if bypass_governance_retention is not None:
cmd += " --bypass-governance-retention"
@reporter.step("Put object legal hold")
def put_object_legal_hold(
bucket: str,
key: str,
legal_hold_status: Literal["ON", "OFF"],
version_id: Optional[str] = None,
) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
legal_hold = json.dumps({"Status": legal_hold_status})
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-legal-hold --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --legal-hold '{legal_hold}' --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Put object tagging")
def put_object_tagging(self, bucket: str, key: str, tags: list, version_id: Optional[str] = "") -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
tags = [{"Key": tag_key, "Value": tag_value} for tag_key, tag_value in tags]
tagging = {"TagSet": tags}
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-tagging --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --tagging '{json.dumps(tagging)}' --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Get object tagging")
def get_object_tagging(self, bucket: str, key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None) -> list:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-object-tagging --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"{version} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("TagSet")
@reporter.step("Delete object tagging")
def delete_object_tagging(self, bucket: str, key: str, version_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
version = f" --version-id {version_id}" if version_id else ""
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-object-tagging --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} {version} --endpoint {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Sync directory S3")
def sync(
bucket: str,
dir_path: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3 sync {dir_path} s3://{bucket} " f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if metadata:
cmd += " --metadata"
for key, value in metadata.items():
cmd += f" {key}={value}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("CP directory S3")
def cp(
bucket: str,
dir_path: str,
acl: Optional[str] = None,
metadata: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3 cp {dir_path} s3://{bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --recursive --profile {self.profile}"
if metadata:
cmd += " --metadata"
for key, value in metadata.items():
cmd += f" {key}={value}"
if acl:
cmd += f" --acl {acl}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("Create multipart upload S3")
def create_multipart_upload(self, bucket: str, key: str) -> str:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api create-multipart-upload --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} --endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("UploadId"), f"Expected UploadId in response:\n{response}"
return response["UploadId"]
@reporter.step("List multipart uploads S3")
def list_multipart_uploads(self, bucket: str) -> Optional[list[dict]]:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-multipart-uploads --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("Uploads")
@reporter.step("Abort multipart upload S3")
def abort_multipart_upload(self, bucket: str, key: str, upload_id: str) -> None:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api abort-multipart-upload --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} --upload-id {upload_id} --endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
@reporter.step("Upload part S3")
def upload_part(self, bucket: str, key: str, upload_id: str, part_num: int, filepath: str) -> str:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api upload-part --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"--upload-id {upload_id} --part-number {part_num} --body {filepath} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("ETag"), f"Expected ETag in response:\n{response}"
return response["ETag"]
@reporter.step("Upload copy part S3")
def upload_part_copy(self, bucket: str, key: str, upload_id: str, part_num: int, copy_source: str) -> str:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api upload-part-copy --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"--upload-id {upload_id} --part-number {part_num} --copy-source {copy_source} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd, command_options).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("CopyPartResult", []).get("ETag"), f"Expected ETag in response:\n{response}"
return response["CopyPartResult"]["ETag"]
@reporter.step("List parts S3")
def list_parts(self, bucket: str, key: str, upload_id: str) -> list[dict]:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api list-parts --bucket {bucket} --key {key} "
f"--upload-id {upload_id} --endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("Parts"), f"Expected Parts in response:\n{response}"
return response["Parts"]
@reporter.step("Complete multipart upload S3")
def complete_multipart_upload(self, bucket: str, key: str, upload_id: str, parts: list) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ASSETS_DIR, "parts.json")
parts_dict = {"Parts": [{"ETag": etag, "PartNumber": part_num} for part_num, etag in parts]}
with open(file_path, "w") as out_file:
out_file.write(json.dumps(parts_dict))"Input file for complete-multipart-upload: {json.dumps(parts_dict)}")
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api complete-multipart-upload --bucket {bucket} "
f"--key {key} --upload-id {upload_id} --multipart-upload file://{file_path} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Put object lock configuration")
def put_object_lock_configuration(self, bucket: str, configuration: dict) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-object-lock-configuration --bucket {bucket} "
f"--object-lock-configuration '{json.dumps(configuration)}' --endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
return self._to_json(output)
@reporter.step("Get object lock configuration")
def get_object_lock_configuration(self, bucket: str):
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-object-lock-configuration --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response.get("ObjectLockConfiguration")
@reporter.step("Put bucket lifecycle configuration")
def put_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(self, bucket: str, lifecycle_configuration: dict, dumped_configuration: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api put-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --lifecycle-configuration file://{dumped_configuration} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Get bucket lifecycle configuration")
def get_bucket_lifecycle_configuration(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api get-bucket-lifecycle-configuration --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Delete bucket lifecycle configuration")
def delete_bucket_lifecycle(self, bucket: str) -> dict:
if bucket.startswith("-") or " " in bucket:
bucket = f'"{bucket}"'
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} s3api delete-bucket-lifecycle --bucket {bucket} "
f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
def _to_json(output: str) -> dict:
json_output = {}
if "{" not in output and "}" not in output:
logger.warning(f"Could not parse json from output {output}")
return json_output
json_output = json.loads(output[output.index("{") :])
return json_output
@reporter.step("Create presign url for the object")
def create_presign_url(self, method: str, bucket: str, key: str, expires_in: Optional[int] = 3600):
# AWS CLI does not support method definition and world only in 'get_object' state by default
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} s3 presign s3://{bucket}/{key} " f"--endpoint-url {self.s3gate_endpoint} --profile {self.profile}"
if expires_in:
cmd += f" --expires-in {expires_in}"
response = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
return response.strip()
# Some methods don't have checks because AWS is silent in some cases (delete, attach, etc.)
@reporter.step("Adds the specified user to the specified group")
def iam_add_user_to_group(self, user_name: str, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam add-user-to-group --user-name {user_name} --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Attaches the specified managed policy to the specified IAM group")
def iam_attach_group_policy(self, group_name: str, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam attach-group-policy --group-name {group_name} --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Attaches the specified managed policy to the specified user")
def iam_attach_user_policy(self, user_name: str, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam attach-user-policy --user-name {user_name} --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Creates a new AWS secret access key and access key ID for the specified user")
def iam_create_access_key(self, user_name: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam create-access-key --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
if user_name:
cmd += f" --user-name {user_name}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
access_key_id = response["AccessKey"].get("AccessKeyId")
secret_access_key = response["AccessKey"].get("SecretAccessKey")
assert access_key_id, f"Expected AccessKeyId in response:\n{response}"
assert secret_access_key, f"Expected SecretAccessKey in response:\n{response}"
return access_key_id, secret_access_key
@reporter.step("Creates a new group")
def iam_create_group(self, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam create-group --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("Group"), f"Expected Group in response:\n{response}"
assert response["Group"].get("GroupName") == group_name, f"GroupName should be equal to {group_name}"
return response
@reporter.step("Creates a new managed policy for your AWS account")
def iam_create_policy(self, policy_name: str, policy_document: dict) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} iam create-policy --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
f" --policy-name {policy_name} --policy-document '{json.dumps(policy_document)}'"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("Policy"), f"Expected Policy in response:\n{response}"
assert response["Policy"].get("PolicyName") == policy_name, f"PolicyName should be equal to {policy_name}"
return response
@reporter.step("Creates a new IAM user for your AWS account")
def iam_create_user(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam create-user --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("User"), f"Expected User in response:\n{response}"
assert response["User"].get("UserName") == user_name, f"UserName should be equal to {user_name}"
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the access key pair associated with the specified IAM user")
def iam_delete_access_key(self, access_key_id: str, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-access-key --access-key-id {access_key_id} --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the specified IAM group")
def iam_delete_group(self, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-group --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the specified inline policy that is embedded in the specified IAM group")
def iam_delete_group_policy(self, group_name: str, policy_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-group-policy --group-name {group_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the specified managed policy")
def iam_delete_policy(self, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-policy --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the specified IAM user")
def iam_delete_user(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-user --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes the specified inline policy that is embedded in the specified IAM user")
def iam_delete_user_policy(self, user_name: str, policy_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-user-policy --user-name {user_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Removes the specified managed policy from the specified IAM group")
def iam_detach_group_policy(self, group_name: str, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam detach-group-policy --group-name {group_name} --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Removes the specified managed policy from the specified user")
def iam_detach_user_policy(self, user_name: str, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam detach-user-policy --user-name {user_name} --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Returns a list of IAM users that are in the specified IAM group")
def iam_get_group(self, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-group --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "Users" in response.keys(), f"Expected Users in response:\n{response}"
assert response.get("Group").get("GroupName") == group_name, f"GroupName should be equal to {group_name}"
return response
@reporter.step("Retrieves the specified inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM group")
def iam_get_group_policy(self, group_name: str, policy_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-group-policy --group-name {group_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Retrieves information about the specified managed policy")
def iam_get_policy(self, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-policy --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("Policy"), f"Expected Policy in response:\n{response}"
assert response["Policy"].get("Arn") == policy_arn, f"PolicyArn should be equal to {policy_arn}"
return response
@reporter.step("Retrieves information about the specified version of the specified managed policy")
def iam_get_policy_version(self, policy_arn: str, version_id: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-policy-version --policy-arn {policy_arn} --version-id {version_id} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("PolicyVersion"), f"Expected PolicyVersion in response:\n{response}"
assert response["PolicyVersion"].get("VersionId") == version_id, f"VersionId should be equal to {version_id}"
return response
@reporter.step("Retrieves information about the specified IAM user")
def iam_get_user(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-user --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("User"), f"Expected User in response:\n{response}"
assert response["User"].get("UserName") == user_name, f"UserName should be equal to {user_name}"
return response
@reporter.step("Retrieves the specified inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM user")
def iam_get_user_policy(self, user_name: str, policy_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam get-user-policy --user-name {user_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("UserName"), f"Expected User in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Returns information about the access key IDs associated with the specified IAM user")
def iam_list_access_keys(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-access-keys --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM group")
def iam_list_attached_group_policies(self, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-attached-group-policies --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "AttachedPolicies" in response.keys(), f"Expected AttachedPolicies in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists all managed policies that are attached to the specified IAM user")
def iam_list_attached_user_policies(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-attached-user-policies --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "AttachedPolicies" in response.keys(), f"Expected AttachedPolicies in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists all IAM users, groups, and roles that the specified managed policy is attached to")
def iam_list_entities_for_policy(self, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-entities-for-policy --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("PolicyGroups"), f"Expected PolicyGroups in response:\n{response}"
assert response.get("PolicyUsers"), f"Expected PolicyUsers in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the names of the inline policies that are embedded in the specified IAM group")
def iam_list_group_policies(self, group_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-group-policies --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "PolicyNames" in response.keys(), f"Expected PolicyNames in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the IAM groups")
def iam_list_groups(self) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-groups --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "Groups" in response.keys(), f"Expected Groups in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the IAM groups that the specified IAM user belongs to")
def iam_list_groups_for_user(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-groups-for-user --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "Groups" in response.keys(), f"Expected Groups in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists all the managed policies that are available in your AWS account")
def iam_list_policies(self) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-policies --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "Policies" in response.keys(), f"Expected Policies in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists information about the versions of the specified managed policy")
def iam_list_policy_versions(self, policy_arn: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-policy-versions --policy-arn {policy_arn} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("Versions"), f"Expected Versions in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the names of the inline policies embedded in the specified IAM user")
def iam_list_user_policies(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-user-policies --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "PolicyNames" in response.keys(), f"Expected PolicyNames in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the IAM users")
def iam_list_users(self) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-users --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert "Users" in response.keys(), f"Expected Users in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Adds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM group")
def iam_put_group_policy(self, group_name: str, policy_name: str, policy_document: dict) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} iam put-group-policy --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
f" --group-name {group_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --policy-document '{json.dumps(policy_document)}'"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Adds or updates an inline policy document that is embedded in the specified IAM user")
def iam_put_user_policy(self, user_name: str, policy_name: str, policy_document: dict) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} iam put-user-policy --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
f" --user-name {user_name} --policy-name {policy_name} --policy-document '{json.dumps(policy_document)}'"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
sleep(S3_SYNC_WAIT_TIME * 10)
return response
@reporter.step("Removes the specified user from the specified group")
def iam_remove_user_from_group(self, group_name: str, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} iam remove-user-from-group --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
f" --group-name {group_name} --user-name {user_name}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Updates the name and/or the path of the specified IAM group")
def iam_update_group(self, group_name: str, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_path: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam update-group --group-name {group_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if new_name:
cmd += f" --new-group-name {new_name}"
if new_path:
cmd += f" --new-path {new_path}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Updates the name and/or the path of the specified IAM user")
def iam_update_user(self, user_name: str, new_name: Optional[str] = None, new_path: Optional[str] = None) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam update-user --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if new_name:
cmd += f" --new-user-name {new_name}"
if new_path:
cmd += f" --new-path {new_path}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Adds one or more tags to an IAM user")
def iam_tag_user(self, user_name: str, tags: list) -> dict:
tags_json = [{"Key": tag_key, "Value": tag_value} for tag_key, tag_value in tags]
cmd = (
f"aws {self.common_flags} iam tag-user --user-name {user_name} --tags '{json.dumps(tags_json)}' --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("List tags of IAM user")
def iam_list_user_tags(self, user_name: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-user-tags --user-name {user_name} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Removes the specified tags from the user")
def iam_untag_user(self, user_name: str, tag_keys: list) -> dict:
tag_keys_joined = " ".join(tag_keys)
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam untag-user --user-name {user_name} --tag-keys {tag_keys_joined} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Creates a new virtual MFA device")
def iam_create_virtual_mfa_device(self, virtual_mfa_device_name: str, outfile: str, bootstrap_method: str) -> tuple:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam create-virtual-mfa-device --virtual-mfa-device-name {virtual_mfa_device_name}\
--outfile {outfile} --bootstrap-method {bootstrap_method} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
serial_number = response.get("VirtualMFADevice", {}).get("SerialNumber")
assert serial_number, f"Expected SerialNumber in response:\n{response}"
return serial_number, False
@reporter.step("Deactivates the specified MFA device and removes it from association with the user name")
def iam_deactivate_mfa_device(self, user_name: str, serial_number: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam deactivate-mfa-device --user-name {user_name} --serial-number {serial_number} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Deletes a virtual MFA device")
def iam_delete_virtual_mfa_device(self, serial_number: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam delete-virtual-mfa-device --serial-number {serial_number} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Enables the specified MFA device and associates it with the specified IAM user")
def iam_enable_mfa_device(self, user_name: str, serial_number: str, authentication_code1: str, authentication_code2: str) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam enable-mfa-device --user-name {user_name} --serial-number {serial_number} --authentication-code1 {authentication_code1}\
--authentication-code2 {authentication_code2} --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
return response
@reporter.step("Lists the MFA devices for an IAM user")
def iam_list_virtual_mfa_devices(self) -> dict:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} iam list-virtual-mfa-devices --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
assert response.get("VirtualMFADevices"), f"Expected VirtualMFADevices in response:\n{response}"
return response
@reporter.step("Get session token for user")
def sts_get_session_token(
self, duration_seconds: Optional[str] = None, serial_number: Optional[str] = None, token_code: Optional[str] = None
) -> tuple:
cmd = f"aws {self.common_flags} sts get-session-token --endpoint {self.iam_endpoint}"
if duration_seconds:
cmd += f" --duration-seconds {duration_seconds}"
if serial_number:
cmd += f" --serial-number {serial_number}"
if token_code:
cmd += f" --token-code {token_code}"
if self.profile:
cmd += f" --profile {self.profile}"
output = self.local_shell.exec(cmd).stdout
response = self._to_json(output)
access_key = response.get("Credentials", {}).get("AccessKeyId")
secret_access_key = response.get("Credentials", {}).get("SecretAccessKey")
session_token = response.get("Credentials", {}).get("SessionToken")
assert access_key, f"Expected AccessKeyId in response:\n{response}"
assert secret_access_key, f"Expected SecretAccessKey in response:\n{response}"
assert session_token, f"Expected SessionToken in response:\n{response}"
return access_key, secret_access_key, session_token