package egoscale

import (


// Get fetches the resource
func (ipaddress *IPAddress) Get(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error {
	if ipaddress.ID == "" && ipaddress.IPAddress == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("An IPAddress may only be searched using ID or IPAddress")

	req := &ListPublicIPAddresses{
		ID:        ipaddress.ID,
		IPAddress: ipaddress.IPAddress,
		Account:   ipaddress.Account,
		DomainID:  ipaddress.DomainID,
		ZoneID:    ipaddress.ZoneID,

	if ipaddress.IsElastic {
		req.IsElastic = &(ipaddress.IsElastic)

	resp, err := client.RequestWithContext(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	ips := resp.(*ListPublicIPAddressesResponse)
	count := len(ips.PublicIPAddress)
	if count == 0 {
		return &ErrorResponse{
			ErrorCode: ParamError,
			ErrorText: fmt.Sprintf("PublicIPAddress not found. id: %s, ipaddress: %s", ipaddress.ID, ipaddress.IPAddress),
	} else if count > 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("More than one PublicIPAddress was found")

	return copier.Copy(ipaddress, ips.PublicIPAddress[0])

// Delete removes the resource
func (ipaddress *IPAddress) Delete(ctx context.Context, client *Client) error {
	if ipaddress.ID == "" {
		return fmt.Errorf("An IPAddress may only be deleted using ID")

	return client.BooleanRequestWithContext(ctx, &DisassociateIPAddress{
		ID: ipaddress.ID,

// ResourceType returns the type of the resource
func (*IPAddress) ResourceType() string {
	return "PublicIpAddress"

// name returns the CloudStack API command name
func (*AssociateIPAddress) name() string {
	return "associateIpAddress"

func (*AssociateIPAddress) asyncResponse() interface{} {
	return new(AssociateIPAddressResponse)

// name returns the CloudStack API command name
func (*DisassociateIPAddress) name() string {
	return "disassociateIpAddress"
func (*DisassociateIPAddress) asyncResponse() interface{} {
	return new(booleanResponse)

// name returns the CloudStack API command name
func (*UpdateIPAddress) name() string {
	return "updateIpAddress"
func (*UpdateIPAddress) asyncResponse() interface{} {
	return new(UpdateIPAddressResponse)

// name returns the CloudStack API command name
func (*ListPublicIPAddresses) name() string {
	return "listPublicIpAddresses"

func (*ListPublicIPAddresses) response() interface{} {
	return new(ListPublicIPAddressesResponse)

// ListRequest builds the ListAdresses request
func (ipaddress *IPAddress) ListRequest() (ListCommand, error) {
	req := &ListPublicIPAddresses{
		Account:             ipaddress.Account,
		AssociatedNetworkID: ipaddress.AssociatedNetworkID,
		DomainID:            ipaddress.DomainID,
		ForDisplay:          &ipaddress.ForDisplay,
		ForVirtualNetwork:   &ipaddress.ForVirtualNetwork,
		ID:                  ipaddress.ID,
		IPAddress:           ipaddress.IPAddress,
		IsElastic:           &ipaddress.IsElastic,
		IsSourceNat:         &ipaddress.IsSourceNat,
		PhysicalNetworkID:   ipaddress.PhysicalNetworkID,
		VlanID:              ipaddress.VlanID,
		ZoneID:              ipaddress.ZoneID,

	return req, nil

// SetPage sets the current page
func (ls *ListPublicIPAddresses) SetPage(page int) {
	ls.Page = page

// SetPageSize sets the page size
func (ls *ListPublicIPAddresses) SetPageSize(pageSize int) {
	ls.PageSize = pageSize

func (*ListPublicIPAddresses) each(resp interface{}, callback IterateItemFunc) {
	ips, ok := resp.(*ListPublicIPAddressesResponse)
	if !ok {
		callback(nil, fmt.Errorf("ListPublicIPAddressesResponse expected, got %t", resp))

	for i := range ips.PublicIPAddress {
		if !callback(&ips.PublicIPAddress[i], nil) {