* refactor: linting. - errcheck - govet - golint - goconst - spellcheck - ... * refactor: migrate from gometalinter to golangci-lint.
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package gandi
import (
// types for XML-RPC method calls and parameters
type param interface {
type paramString struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
Value string `xml:"value>string"`
type paramInt struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
Value int `xml:"value>int"`
type structMember interface {
type structMemberString struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Value string `xml:"value>string"`
type structMemberInt struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Value int `xml:"value>int"`
type paramStruct struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
StructMembers []structMember `xml:"value>struct>member"`
func (p paramString) param() {}
func (p paramInt) param() {}
func (m structMemberString) structMember() {}
func (m structMemberInt) structMember() {}
func (p paramStruct) param() {}
type methodCall struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"methodCall"`
MethodName string `xml:"methodName"`
Params []param `xml:"params"`
// types for XML-RPC responses
type response interface {
faultCode() int
faultString() string
type responseFault struct {
FaultCode int `xml:"fault>value>struct>member>value>int"`
FaultString string `xml:"fault>value>struct>member>value>string"`
func (r responseFault) faultCode() int { return r.FaultCode }
func (r responseFault) faultString() string { return r.FaultString }
type responseStruct struct {
StructMembers []struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
ValueInt int `xml:"value>int"`
} `xml:"params>param>value>struct>member"`
type responseInt struct {
Value int `xml:"params>param>value>int"`
type responseBool struct {
Value bool `xml:"params>param>value>boolean"`
type rpcError struct {
faultCode int
faultString string
func (e rpcError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Gandi DNS: RPC Error: (%d) %s", e.faultCode, e.faultString)