Different DNS providers were handling credentials in different ways. Some were reading credential environment variables in cli_handlers.go and then passing them into the NewDNSProvider function, while others were reading the environment variables within their NewDNSProvider functions. This change replaces each DNS challenge's NewDNSProvider function with two new functions: (1) a NewDNSProvider function that takes no parameters and uses the environment to read credentials, and (2) a NewDNSProviderCredentials that takes credentials as parameters.
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// Package gandi implements a DNS provider for solving the DNS-01
// challenge using Gandi DNS.
package gandi
import (
// Gandi API reference: http://doc.rpc.gandi.net/index.html
// Gandi API domain examples: http://doc.rpc.gandi.net/domain/faq.html
type inProgressInfo struct {
zoneID int // zoneID of zone to restore in CleanUp
newZoneID int // zoneID of temporary zone containing TXT record
rootDN string // the registered (root) domain name being manipulated
// DNSProvider is an implementation of the
// acme.ChallengeProviderTimeout interface that uses Gandi's XML-RPC
// API to manage TXT records for a domain.
type DNSProvider struct {
apiKey string
inProgressFQDNs map[string]inProgressInfo
inProgressRootDNs map[string]struct{}
inProgressMu sync.Mutex
// NewDNSProvider returns a DNSProvider instance configured for Gandi.
// Credentials must be passed in the environment variable: GANDI_API_KEY.
func NewDNSProvider() (*DNSProvider, error) {
apiKey := os.Getenv("GANDI_API_KEY")
return NewDNSProviderCredentials(apiKey)
// NewDNSProviderCredentials uses the supplied credentials to return a
// DNSProvider instance configured for Gandi.
func NewDNSProviderCredentials(apiKey string) (*DNSProvider, error) {
if apiKey == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No Gandi API Key given")
return &DNSProvider{
apiKey: apiKey,
inProgressFQDNs: make(map[string]inProgressInfo),
inProgressRootDNs: make(map[string]struct{}),
}, nil
// Present creates a TXT record using the specified parameters. It
// does this by creating and activating a new temporary DNS zone. This
// new zone contains the TXT record.
func (d *DNSProvider) Present(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
fqdn, value, ttl := acme.DNS01Record(domain, keyAuth)
if ttl < 300 {
ttl = 300 // 300 is gandi minimum value for ttl
i := strings.Index(fqdn, ".")
sub := fqdn[:i+1]
root := fqdn[i+1:]
var zoneID int
var err error
// find sub and root (sub + root == fqdn) where root is the domain
// registered with gandi. Do this by successively increasing sub
// and decreasing root until root matches a registered domain with
// a zone_id
for {
zoneID, err = d.getZoneID(root)
if err == nil {
// domain found
if faultErr, ok := err.(rpcError); ok {
if faultErr.faultCode == 510042 {
// 510042 error means root is not found - increase
// sub, reduce root and retry.
// [see http://doc.rpc.gandi.net/errors/fault_codes.html]
i := strings.Index(root, ".")
if i != -1 && i != len(root)-1 &&
strings.Index(root[i+1:], ".") != -1 &&
strings.Index(root[i+1:], ".") != len(root[i+1:])-1 {
sub = sub + root[:i+1]
root = root[i+1:]
// root is not found and cannot be reduced in size any further
// or there is some other error from getZoneID
return err
// remove trailing "." from sub
sub = sub[:len(sub)-1]
// acquire lock and check there is not a challenge already in
// progress for this value of root
defer d.inProgressMu.Unlock()
if _, ok := d.inProgressRootDNs[root]; ok {
return fmt.Errorf(
"Gandi DNS: challenge already in progress on root domain")
// perform API actions to create and activate new zone for root
// containing the required TXT record
newZoneName := fmt.Sprintf(
"%s [ACME Challenge %s]",
root[:len(root)-1], time.Now().Format(time.RFC822Z))
newZoneID, err := d.cloneZone(zoneID, newZoneName)
if err != nil {
return err
newZoneVersion, err := d.newZoneVersion(newZoneID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = d.addTXTRecord(newZoneID, newZoneVersion, sub, value, ttl)
if err != nil {
return err
err = d.setZoneVersion(newZoneID, newZoneVersion)
if err != nil {
return err
err = d.setZone(root, newZoneID)
if err != nil {
return err
// save data necessary for CleanUp
d.inProgressFQDNs[fqdn] = inProgressInfo{
zoneID: zoneID,
newZoneID: newZoneID,
rootDN: root,
d.inProgressRootDNs[root] = struct{}{}
return nil
// CleanUp removes the TXT record matching the specified
// parameters. It does this by restoring the old DNS zone and removing
// the temporary one created by Present.
func (d *DNSProvider) CleanUp(domain, token, keyAuth string) error {
fqdn, _, _ := acme.DNS01Record(domain, keyAuth)
// acquire lock and retrieve zoneID, newZoneID and root
defer d.inProgressMu.Unlock()
if _, ok := d.inProgressFQDNs[fqdn]; !ok {
// if there is no cleanup information then just return
return nil
zoneID := d.inProgressFQDNs[fqdn].zoneID
newZoneID := d.inProgressFQDNs[fqdn].newZoneID
root := d.inProgressFQDNs[fqdn].rootDN
delete(d.inProgressFQDNs, fqdn)
delete(d.inProgressRootDNs, root)
// perform API actions to restore old zone for root
err := d.setZone(root, zoneID)
if err != nil {
return err
err = d.deleteZone(newZoneID)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Timeout returns the values (40*time.Minute, 60*time.Second) which
// are used by the acme package as timeout and check interval values
// when checking for DNS record propagation with Gandi.
func (d *DNSProvider) Timeout() (timeout, interval time.Duration) {
return 40 * time.Minute, 60 * time.Second
// Endpoint is the Gandi XML-RPC endpoint used by Present and
// CleanUp. It is exported only so it may be overridden during package
// tests.
var Endpoint = "https://rpc.gandi.net/xmlrpc/"
// types for XML-RPC method calls and parameters
type param interface {
type paramString struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
Value string `xml:"value>string"`
type paramInt struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
Value int `xml:"value>int"`
type structMember interface {
type structMemberString struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Value string `xml:"value>string"`
type structMemberInt struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
Value int `xml:"value>int"`
type paramStruct struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"param"`
StructMembers []structMember `xml:"value>struct>member"`
func (p paramString) param() {}
func (p paramInt) param() {}
func (m structMemberString) structMember() {}
func (m structMemberInt) structMember() {}
func (p paramStruct) param() {}
type methodCall struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"methodCall"`
MethodName string `xml:"methodName"`
Params []param `xml:"params"`
// types for XML-RPC responses
type response interface {
faultCode() int
faultString() string
type responseFault struct {
FaultCode int `xml:"fault>value>struct>member>value>int"`
FaultString string `xml:"fault>value>struct>member>value>string"`
func (r responseFault) faultCode() int { return r.FaultCode }
func (r responseFault) faultString() string { return r.FaultString }
type responseStruct struct {
StructMembers []struct {
Name string `xml:"name"`
ValueInt int `xml:"value>int"`
} `xml:"params>param>value>struct>member"`
type responseInt struct {
Value int `xml:"params>param>value>int"`
type responseBool struct {
Value bool `xml:"params>param>value>boolean"`
// POSTing/Marshalling/Unmarshalling
type rpcError struct {
faultCode int
faultString string
func (e rpcError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf(
"Gandi DNS: RPC Error: (%d) %s", e.faultCode, e.faultString)
func httpPost(url string, bodyType string, body io.Reader) ([]byte, error) {
client := http.Client{Timeout: 60 * time.Second}
resp, err := client.Post(url, bodyType, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: HTTP Post Error: %v", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: HTTP Post Error: %v", err)
return b, nil
// rpcCall makes an XML-RPC call to Gandi's RPC endpoint by
// marshalling the data given in the call argument to XML and sending
// that via HTTP Post to Gandi. The response is then unmarshalled into
// the resp argument.
func rpcCall(call *methodCall, resp response) error {
// marshal
b, err := xml.MarshalIndent(call, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Marshal Error: %v", err)
// post
b = append([]byte(`<?xml version="1.0"?>`+"\n"), b...)
respBody, err := httpPost(Endpoint, "text/xml", bytes.NewReader(b))
if err != nil {
return err
// unmarshal
err = xml.Unmarshal(respBody, resp)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Unmarshal Error: %v", err)
if resp.faultCode() != 0 {
return rpcError{
faultCode: resp.faultCode(), faultString: resp.faultString()}
return nil
// functions to perform API actions
func (d *DNSProvider) getZoneID(domain string) (int, error) {
resp := &responseStruct{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.info",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramString{Value: domain},
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var zoneID int
for _, member := range resp.StructMembers {
if member.Name == "zone_id" {
zoneID = member.ValueInt
if zoneID == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Could not determine zone_id")
return zoneID, nil
func (d *DNSProvider) cloneZone(zoneID int, name string) (int, error) {
resp := &responseStruct{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.clone",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
paramInt{Value: 0},
StructMembers: []structMember{
Name: "name",
Value: name,
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
var newZoneID int
for _, member := range resp.StructMembers {
if member.Name == "id" {
newZoneID = member.ValueInt
if newZoneID == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Could not determine cloned zone_id")
return newZoneID, nil
func (d *DNSProvider) newZoneVersion(zoneID int) (int, error) {
resp := &responseInt{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.version.new",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
if resp.Value == 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Could not create new zone version")
return resp.Value, nil
func (d *DNSProvider) addTXTRecord(zoneID int, version int, name string, value string, ttl int) error {
resp := &responseStruct{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.record.add",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
paramInt{Value: version},
StructMembers: []structMember{
Name: "type",
Value: "TXT",
}, structMemberString{
Name: "name",
Value: name,
}, structMemberString{
Name: "value",
Value: value,
}, structMemberInt{
Name: "ttl",
Value: ttl,
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (d *DNSProvider) setZoneVersion(zoneID int, version int) error {
resp := &responseBool{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.version.set",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
paramInt{Value: version},
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if !resp.Value {
return fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: could not set zone version")
return nil
func (d *DNSProvider) setZone(domain string, zoneID int) error {
resp := &responseStruct{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.set",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramString{Value: domain},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
var respZoneID int
for _, member := range resp.StructMembers {
if member.Name == "zone_id" {
respZoneID = member.ValueInt
if respZoneID != zoneID {
return fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: Could not set new zone_id")
return nil
func (d *DNSProvider) deleteZone(zoneID int) error {
resp := &responseBool{}
err := rpcCall(&methodCall{
MethodName: "domain.zone.delete",
Params: []param{
paramString{Value: d.apiKey},
paramInt{Value: zoneID},
}, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
if !resp.Value {
return fmt.Errorf("Gandi DNS: could not delete zone_id")
return nil