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2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
Package nft contains non-divisible non-fungible NEP11-compatible token
implementation. This token can be minted with GAS transfer to contract address,
it will hash some data (including data provided in transfer) and produce
base58-encoded string that is your NFT. Since it's based on hashing and basically
you own a hash it's HASHY.
package nft
import (
// Prefixes used for contract data storage.
const (
totalSupplyPrefix = "s"
// balancePrefix contains map from addresses to balances.
balancePrefix = "b"
// accountPrefix contains map from address + token id to tokens
accountPrefix = "a"
// tokenPrefix contains map from token id to it's owner.
tokenPrefix = "t"
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
var (
// contractOwner is a special address that can perform some management
// functions on this contract like updating/destroying it and can also
// be used for contract address verification.
contractOwner = util.FromAddress("NX1yL5wDx3inK2qUVLRVaqCLUxYnAbv85S")
// Symbol returns token symbol, it's HASHY.
func Symbol() string {
return "HASHY"
// Decimals returns token decimals, this NFT is non-divisible, so it's 0.
func Decimals() int {
return 0
// TotalSupply is a contract method that returns the number of tokens minted.
func TotalSupply() int {
return totalSupply(storage.GetReadOnlyContext())
// totalSupply is an internal implementation of TotalSupply operating with
// given context. The number itself is stored raw in the DB with totalSupplyPrefix
// key.
func totalSupply(ctx storage.Context) int {
var res int
val := storage.Get(ctx, []byte(totalSupplyPrefix))
if val != nil {
res = val.(int)
return res
// mkAccountPrefix creates DB key-prefix for account tokens specified
// by concatenating accountPrefix and account address.
func mkAccountPrefix(holder interop.Hash160) []byte {
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
res := []byte(accountPrefix)
return append(res, holder...)
// mkBalanceKey creates DB key for account specified by concatenating balancePrefix
// and account address.
func mkBalanceKey(holder interop.Hash160) []byte {
res := []byte(balancePrefix)
return append(res, holder...)
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// mkTokenKey creates DB key for token specified by concatenating tokenPrefix
// and token ID.
func mkTokenKey(tokenID []byte) []byte {
res := []byte(tokenPrefix)
return append(res, tokenID...)
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// BalanceOf returns the number of tokens owned by specified address.
func BalanceOf(holder interop.Hash160) int {
if len(holder) != 20 {
panic("bad owner address")
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return getBalanceOf(ctx, mkBalanceKey(holder))
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// getBalanceOf returns balance of the account using database key.
func getBalanceOf(ctx storage.Context, balanceKey []byte) int {
val := storage.Get(ctx, balanceKey)
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if val != nil {
return val.(int)
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
return 0
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// addToBalance adds amount to the account balance. Amount can be negative.
func addToBalance(ctx storage.Context, holder interop.Hash160, amount int) {
key := mkBalanceKey(holder)
old := getBalanceOf(ctx, key)
old += amount
if old > 0 {
storage.Put(ctx, key, old)
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} else {
storage.Delete(ctx, key)
// addToken adds token to the account.
func addToken(ctx storage.Context, holder interop.Hash160, token []byte) {
key := mkAccountPrefix(holder)
storage.Put(ctx, append(key, token...), token)
// removeToken removes token from the account.
func removeToken(ctx storage.Context, holder interop.Hash160, token []byte) {
key := mkAccountPrefix(holder)
storage.Delete(ctx, append(key, token...))
// Tokens returns an iterator that contains all of the tokens minted by the contract.
func Tokens() iterator.Iterator {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
key := []byte(tokenPrefix)
iter := storage.Find(ctx, key, storage.RemovePrefix|storage.KeysOnly)
return iter
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// TokensOf returns an iterator with all tokens held by specified address.
func TokensOf(holder interop.Hash160) iterator.Iterator {
if len(holder) != 20 {
panic("bad owner address")
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
key := mkAccountPrefix(holder)
iter := storage.Find(ctx, key, storage.ValuesOnly)
return iter
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
// getOwnerOf returns current owner of the specified token or panics if token
// ID is invalid. Owner is stored as value of the token key (prefix + token ID).
func getOwnerOf(ctx storage.Context, token []byte) interop.Hash160 {
key := mkTokenKey(token)
val := storage.Get(ctx, key)
if val == nil {
panic("no token found")
return val.(interop.Hash160)
// setOwnerOf writes current owner of the specified token into the DB.
func setOwnerOf(ctx storage.Context, token []byte, holder interop.Hash160) {
key := mkTokenKey(token)
storage.Put(ctx, key, holder)
// OwnerOf returns owner of specified token.
func OwnerOf(token []byte) interop.Hash160 {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
return getOwnerOf(ctx, token)
2021-05-05 13:22:26 +03:00
// Transfer token from its owner to another user, notice that it only has three
// parameters because token owner can be deduced from token ID itself.
func Transfer(to interop.Hash160, token []byte, data interface{}) bool {
2021-04-08 00:07:39 +03:00
if len(to) != 20 {
panic("invalid 'to' address")
ctx := storage.GetContext()
owner := getOwnerOf(ctx, token)
// Note that although calling script hash is not checked explicitly in
// this contract it is in fact checked for in `CheckWitness` itself.
if !runtime.CheckWitness(owner) {
return false
if string(owner) != string(to) {
addToBalance(ctx, owner, -1)
removeToken(ctx, owner, token)
addToBalance(ctx, to, 1)
addToken(ctx, to, token)
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setOwnerOf(ctx, token, to)
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postTransfer(owner, to, token, data)
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return true
// postTransfer emits Transfer event and calls onNEP11Payment if needed.
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func postTransfer(from interop.Hash160, to interop.Hash160, token []byte, data interface{}) {
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runtime.Notify("Transfer", from, to, 1, token)
if management.GetContract(to) != nil {
2021-05-05 13:22:26 +03:00
contract.Call(to, "onNEP11Payment", contract.All, from, 1, token, data)
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// OnNEP17Payment mints tokens if at least 10 GAS is provided. You don't call
// this method directly, instead it's called by GAS contract when you transfer
// GAS from your address to the address of this NFT contract.
func OnNEP17Payment(from interop.Hash160, amount int, data interface{}) {
if string(runtime.GetCallingScriptHash()) != gas.Hash {
panic("only GAS is accepted")
if amount < 10_00000000 {
panic("minting HASHY costs at least 10 GAS")
var tokIn = []byte{}
var ctx = storage.GetContext()
total := totalSupply(ctx)
tokIn = append(tokIn, []byte(std.Itoa(total, 10))...)
tokIn = append(tokIn, []byte(std.Itoa(amount, 10))...)
tokIn = append(tokIn, from...)
tx := runtime.GetScriptContainer()
tokIn = append(tokIn, tx.Hash...)
if data != nil {
tokIn = append(tokIn, std.Serialize(data)...)
tokenHash := crypto.Ripemd160(tokIn)
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token := std.Base58Encode(tokenHash)
addToken(ctx, from, []byte(token))
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setOwnerOf(ctx, []byte(token), from)
addToBalance(ctx, from, 1)
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storage.Put(ctx, []byte(totalSupplyPrefix), total)
2021-05-05 13:22:26 +03:00
postTransfer(nil, from, []byte(token), nil) // no `data` during minting
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// Verify allows owner to manage contract's address, including earned GAS
// transfer from contract's address to somewhere else. It just checks for transaction
// to also be signed by contract owner, so contract's witness should be empty.
func Verify() bool {
return runtime.CheckWitness(contractOwner)
// Destroy destroys the contract, only owner can do that.
func Destroy() {
if !Verify() {
panic("only owner can destroy")
// Update updates the contract, only owner can do that.
func Update(nef, manifest []byte) {
if !Verify() {
panic("only owner can update")
management.Update(nef, manifest)
2021-04-26 17:09:37 +03:00
// Properties returns properties of the given NFT.
func Properties(id []byte) map[string]string {
ctx := storage.GetReadOnlyContext()
owner := storage.Get(ctx, mkTokenKey(id)).(interop.Hash160)
if owner == nil {
2021-04-26 17:09:37 +03:00
panic("unknown token")
result := map[string]string{
"name": "HASHY " + string(id),
return result