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package config
import (
// ApplicationConfiguration config specific to the node.
type ApplicationConfiguration struct {
Ledger `yaml:",inline"`
// Deprecated: please, use Addresses field of P2P section instead, this field will be removed in future versions.
Address *string `yaml:"Address,omitempty"`
// Deprecated: please, use Addresses field of P2P section instead, this field will be removed in future versions.
AnnouncedNodePort *uint16 `yaml:"AnnouncedPort,omitempty"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
AttemptConnPeers int `yaml:"AttemptConnPeers"`
// BroadcastFactor is the factor (0-100) controlling gossip fan-out number optimization.
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
BroadcastFactor int `yaml:"BroadcastFactor"`
DBConfiguration dbconfig.DBConfiguration `yaml:"DBConfiguration"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
DialTimeout int64 `yaml:"DialTimeout"`
LogLevel string `yaml:"LogLevel"`
LogPath string `yaml:"LogPath"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
MaxPeers int `yaml:"MaxPeers"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
MinPeers int `yaml:"MinPeers"`
// Deprecated: please, use Addresses field of P2P section instead, this field will be removed in future versions.
NodePort *uint16 `yaml:"NodePort,omitempty"`
P2P P2P `yaml:"P2P"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
PingInterval int64 `yaml:"PingInterval"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
PingTimeout int64 `yaml:"PingTimeout"`
Pprof BasicService `yaml:"Pprof"`
Prometheus BasicService `yaml:"Prometheus"`
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
ProtoTickInterval int64 `yaml:"ProtoTickInterval"`
Relay bool `yaml:"Relay"`
Consensus Consensus `yaml:"Consensus"`
RPC RPC `yaml:"RPC"`
UnlockWallet Wallet `yaml:"UnlockWallet"`
Oracle OracleConfiguration `yaml:"Oracle"`
P2PNotary P2PNotary `yaml:"P2PNotary"`
StateRoot StateRoot `yaml:"StateRoot"`
// ExtensiblePoolSize is the maximum amount of the extensible payloads from a single sender.
// Deprecated: this option is moved to the P2P section.
ExtensiblePoolSize int `yaml:"ExtensiblePoolSize"`
// EqualsButServices returns true when the o is the same as a except for services
// (Oracle, P2PNotary, Pprof, Prometheus, RPC, StateRoot and UnlockWallet sections)
// and LogLevel field.
func (a *ApplicationConfiguration) EqualsButServices(o *ApplicationConfiguration) bool {
if len(a.P2P.Addresses) != len(o.P2P.Addresses) {
return false
aCp := make([]string, len(a.P2P.Addresses))
oCp := make([]string, len(o.P2P.Addresses))
copy(aCp, a.P2P.Addresses)
copy(oCp, o.P2P.Addresses)
for i := range aCp {
if aCp[i] != oCp[i] {
return false
if a.Address != o.Address || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.Address is deprecated
a.AnnouncedNodePort != o.AnnouncedNodePort || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.AnnouncedNodePort is deprecated
a.AttemptConnPeers != o.AttemptConnPeers || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.AttemptConnPeers is deprecated
a.P2P.AttemptConnPeers != o.P2P.AttemptConnPeers ||
a.BroadcastFactor != o.BroadcastFactor || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.BroadcastFactor is deprecated
a.P2P.BroadcastFactor != o.P2P.BroadcastFactor ||
a.DBConfiguration != o.DBConfiguration ||
a.DialTimeout != o.DialTimeout || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.DialTimeout is deprecated
a.P2P.DialTimeout != o.P2P.DialTimeout ||
a.ExtensiblePoolSize != o.ExtensiblePoolSize || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.ExtensiblePoolSize is deprecated
a.P2P.ExtensiblePoolSize != o.P2P.ExtensiblePoolSize ||
a.LogPath != o.LogPath ||
a.MaxPeers != o.MaxPeers || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.MaxPeers is deprecated
a.P2P.MaxPeers != o.P2P.MaxPeers ||
a.MinPeers != o.MinPeers || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.MinPeers is deprecated
a.P2P.MinPeers != o.P2P.MinPeers ||
a.NodePort != o.NodePort || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.NodePort is deprecated
a.PingInterval != o.PingInterval || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.PingInterval is deprecated
a.P2P.PingInterval != o.P2P.PingInterval ||
a.PingTimeout != o.PingTimeout || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.PingTimeout is deprecated
a.P2P.PingTimeout != o.P2P.PingTimeout ||
a.ProtoTickInterval != o.ProtoTickInterval || //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.ProtoTickInterval is deprecated
a.P2P.ProtoTickInterval != o.P2P.ProtoTickInterval ||
a.Relay != o.Relay {
return false
return true
// AnnounceableAddress is a pair of node address in the form of "[host]:[port]"
// with optional corresponding announced port to be used in version exchange.
type AnnounceableAddress struct {
Address string
AnnouncedPort uint16
// GetAddresses parses returns the list of AnnounceableAddress containing information
// gathered from both deprecated Address / NodePort / AnnouncedNodePort and newly
// created Addresses fields.
func (a *ApplicationConfiguration) GetAddresses() ([]AnnounceableAddress, error) {
addrs := make([]AnnounceableAddress, 0, len(a.P2P.Addresses)+1)
if a.Address != nil || a.NodePort != nil || a.AnnouncedNodePort != nil { //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.Address is deprecated
var (
host string
nodePort uint16
if a.Address != nil { //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.Address is deprecated
host = *a.Address //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.Address is deprecated
if a.NodePort != nil { //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.NodePort is deprecated
nodePort = *a.NodePort //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.NodePort is deprecated
addr := AnnounceableAddress{Address: net.JoinHostPort(host, strconv.Itoa(int(nodePort)))}
if a.AnnouncedNodePort != nil { //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.AnnouncedNodePort is deprecated
addr.AnnouncedPort = *a.AnnouncedNodePort //nolint:staticcheck // SA1019: a.AnnouncedNodePort is deprecated
addrs = append(addrs, addr)
for i, addrStr := range a.P2P.Addresses {
if len(addrStr) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("address #%d is empty", i)
lastCln := strings.LastIndex(addrStr, ":")
if lastCln == -1 {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // Plain IPv4 address without port.
lastPort, err := strconv.ParseUint(addrStr[lastCln+1:], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // Still may be a valid IPv4 of the form "X.Y.Z.Q:" or plain IPv6 "A:B::", keep it.
penultimateCln := strings.LastIndex(addrStr[:lastCln], ":")
if penultimateCln == -1 {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // IPv4 address with port "X.Y.Z.Q:123"
isV6 := strings.Count(addrStr, ":") > 2
hasBracket := strings.Contains(addrStr, "]")
if penultimateCln == lastCln-1 {
if isV6 && !hasBracket {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // Plain IPv6 of the form "A:B::123"
} else {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr[:lastCln], // IPv4 with empty port and non-empty announced port "X.Y.Z.Q::123" or IPv6 with non-empty announced port "[A:B::]::123".
AnnouncedPort: uint16(lastPort),
_, err = strconv.ParseUint(addrStr[penultimateCln+1:lastCln], 10, 16)
if err != nil {
if isV6 {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // Still may be a valid plain IPv6 of the form "A::B:123" or IPv6 with single port [A:B::]:123, keep it.
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse port from %s: %w", addrStr, err) // Some garbage.
if isV6 && !hasBracket {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr, // Plain IPv6 of the form "A::1:1"
} else {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: addrStr[:lastCln], // IPv4 with both ports or IPv6 with both ports specified.
AnnouncedPort: uint16(lastPort),
if len(addrs) == 0 {
addrs = append(addrs, AnnounceableAddress{
Address: ":0",
return addrs, nil