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synced 2025-03-24 05:21:47 +00:00
core: adjust contract script check on deploy
Reference implementation doesn't panic if the method offset is out of the contract script bounds, see:736c346b9d/src/neo/SmartContract/Helper.cs (L82)
anda65487fa56/src/Neo.VM/Script.cs (L146)
. This commit fixes T5 statediff at block #125000. Neo-go node FAULTed the deploying transaction: ``` { "version" : 0, "sysfee" : "1000106065", "validuntilblock" : 130758, "script" : "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", "hash" : "0x40302bcf2021f63a1c24f6009e154c3200f73ad2fe1462d7d599145823dbfa7e", "witnesses" : [ { "verification" : "DCECExn08eznGBdguHbcwI+R2//EtVdDx4qf6CeizHqOJgBBVuezJw==", "invocation" : "DEBtoq+T9NrammQjuYnifco7KHCTk2v+woEJqJCUMr9IscS7PaZaN3FNzSt11yUglIi3T0CJ17KwArBOBvJ8kwq2" } ], "attributes" : [], "signers" : [ { "scopes" : "None", "account" : "0x13a192c56738900f9918d7f1ec07d9d8c278b804" } ], "size" : 1360, "nonce" : 1829882407, "sender" : "NLLvsqs7AyBNmQT6NThUxYWDFwV5b1evaK", "netfee" : "234352" } ``` Transaction script contains malformed contract manifest (all methods offsets are set to be 22, while the contract script lenght is 22): ``` { "name" : "Nep17Token", "groups" : [], "extra" : { "description" : "A Simple Nep-17 Contract", "email" : "developer@neo.org", "author" : "lazynode" }, "permissions" : [ { "contract" : "*", "methods" : "*" } ], "features" : {}, "supportedstandards" : [ "NEP-17" ], "abi" : { "events" : [ { "parameters" : [ { "name" : "from", "type" : "Hash160" }, { "type" : "Hash160", "name" : "to" }, { "name" : "amount", "type" : "Integer" } ], "name" : "Transfer" } ], "methods" : [ { "safe" : true, "offset" : 22, "name" : "symbol", "returntype" : "String", "parameters" : [] }, { "returntype" : "Integer", "parameters" : [], "safe" : true, "offset" : 22, "name" : "decimals" }, { "parameters" : [], "returntype" : "Integer", "name" : "totalSupply", "safe" : true, "offset" : 22 }, { "parameters" : [ { "name" : "owner", "type" : "Hash160" } ], "returntype" : "Integer", "name" : "balanceOf", "offset" : 22, "safe" : true }, { "name" : "transfer", "offset" : 22, "safe" : false, "parameters" : [ { "type" : "Hash160", "name" : "from" }, { "name" : "to", "type" : "Hash160" }, { "name" : "amount", "type" : "Integer" }, { "name" : "data", "type" : "Any" } ], "returntype" : "Boolean" } ] }, "trusts" : [] } ```
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 11 additions and 4 deletions
@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ func checkScriptAndMethods(script []byte, methods []manifest.Method) error {
offsets := bitfield.New(l)
for i := range methods {
if methods[i].Offset >= l {
return errors.New("out of bounds method offset")
@ -135,13 +135,20 @@ func TestManagement_ContractDeploy(t *testing.T) {
badManifest := cs1.Manifest
badManifest.ABI.Methods = make([]manifest.Method, len(cs1.Manifest.ABI.Methods))
copy(badManifest.ABI.Methods, cs1.Manifest.ABI.Methods)
badManifest.ABI.Methods[0].Offset = 100500 // out of bounds
badManifest.ABI.Methods[0].Offset = 100500 // out of bounds, but it's OK, this method will not be checked then.
manifB, err := json.Marshal(&badManifest)
require.NoError(t, err)
managementInvoker.InvokeFail(t, "out of bounds method offset", "deploy", nefBytes, manifB)
tx := c.PrepareInvokeNoSign(t, "deploy", nefBytes, manifB)
tx.Signers = []transaction.Signer{{}} // Need dummy signer to deploy.
b := c.NewUnsignedBlock(t, tx)
ic := c.Chain.GetTestVM(trigger.Application, tx, b)
ic.VM.LoadWithFlags(tx.Script, callflag.All)
err = ic.VM.Run()
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("bad methods in manifest 2", func(t *testing.T) {
var badManifest = cs1.Manifest
badManifest.ABI.Methods = make([]manifest.Method, len(cs1.Manifest.ABI.Methods))
Add table
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