mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 05:15:55 +00:00
core: save UTXO transfer info
This commit is contained in:
6 changed files with 301 additions and 2 deletions
@ -613,6 +613,9 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block) error {
return err
var pseudoSender util.Uint160
var gasTotal, neoTotal util.Fixed8
// Process TX inputs that are grouped by previous hash.
for _, inputs := range transaction.GroupInputsByPrevHash(tx.Inputs) {
prevHash := inputs[0].PrevHash
@ -620,7 +623,7 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block) error {
if err != nil {
return err
for _, input := range inputs {
for i, input := range inputs {
if len(unspent.States) <= int(input.PrevIndex) {
return fmt.Errorf("bad input: %s/%d", input.PrevHash.StringLE(), input.PrevIndex)
@ -630,6 +633,14 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block) error {
unspent.States[input.PrevIndex].State |= state.CoinSpent
unspent.States[input.PrevIndex].SpendHeight = block.Index
prevTXOutput := &unspent.States[input.PrevIndex].Output
if i == 0 {
pseudoSender = prevTXOutput.ScriptHash
if prevTXOutput.AssetID.Equals(GoverningTokenID()) {
neoTotal += prevTXOutput.Amount
} else if prevTXOutput.AssetID.Equals(UtilityTokenID()) {
gasTotal += prevTXOutput.Amount
account, err := cache.GetAccountStateOrNew(prevTXOutput.ScriptHash)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -679,6 +690,10 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block) error {
if err := bc.processTransfer(cache, pseudoSender, tx, block, neoTotal, gasTotal); err != nil {
return err
// Process the underlying type of the TX.
switch t := tx.Data.(type) {
case *transaction.RegisterTX:
@ -906,6 +921,87 @@ func (bc *Blockchain) storeBlock(block *block.Block) error {
return nil
func appendSingleTransfer(cache *dao.Cached, acc util.Uint160, tr *state.Transfer) error {
index, err := cache.GetNextTransferBatch(acc)
if err != nil {
return err
isBig, err := cache.AppendTransfer(acc, index, tr)
if err != nil {
return err
if isBig {
if err := cache.PutNextTransferBatch(acc, index+1); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// processTransfer processes single UTXO transfer. Totals is a slice of neo (0) and gas (1) total transfer amount.
func (bc *Blockchain) processTransfer(cache *dao.Cached, from util.Uint160, tx *transaction.Transaction, b *block.Block,
neoTotal, gasTotal util.Fixed8) error {
fromIndex, err := cache.GetNextTransferBatch(from)
if err != nil {
return err
for i := range tx.Outputs {
isGoverning := tx.Outputs[i].AssetID.Equals(GoverningTokenID())
if !isGoverning && !tx.Outputs[i].AssetID.Equals(UtilityTokenID()) {
if !from.Equals(tx.Outputs[i].ScriptHash) {
tr := &state.Transfer{
IsGoverning: isGoverning,
From: from,
To: tx.Outputs[i].ScriptHash,
Amount: int64(tx.Outputs[i].Amount),
Block: b.Index,
Timestamp: b.Timestamp,
Tx: tx.Hash(),
isBig, err := cache.AppendTransfer(from, fromIndex, tr)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if isBig {
if err := appendSingleTransfer(cache, tx.Outputs[i].ScriptHash, tr); err != nil {
return err
if isGoverning {
neoTotal -= tx.Outputs[i].Amount
} else {
gasTotal -= tx.Outputs[i].Amount
for i, amount := range []util.Fixed8{neoTotal, gasTotal} {
if amount > 0 {
tr := &state.Transfer{
IsGoverning: i == 0,
From: from,
Amount: int64(amount),
Block: b.Index,
Timestamp: b.Timestamp,
Tx: tx.Hash(),
isBig, err := cache.AppendTransfer(from, fromIndex, tr)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if isBig {
if err := appendSingleTransfer(cache, util.Uint160{}, tr); err != nil {
return err
return cache.PutNextTransferBatch(from, fromIndex)
func parseUint160(addr []byte) util.Uint160 {
if u, err := util.Uint160DecodeBytesBE(addr); err == nil {
return u
@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ type Cached struct {
unspents map[util.Uint256]*state.UnspentCoin
balances map[util.Uint160]*state.NEP5Balances
nep5transfers map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.TransferLog
transfers map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.TransferLog
nextBatch map[util.Uint160]uint32
storage *itemCache
dropNEP5Cache bool
@ -33,6 +35,8 @@ func NewCached(d DAO) *Cached {
unspents := make(map[util.Uint256]*state.UnspentCoin)
balances := make(map[util.Uint160]*state.NEP5Balances)
nep5transfers := make(map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.TransferLog)
transfers := make(map[util.Uint160]map[uint32]*state.TransferLog)
nextBatch := make(map[util.Uint160]uint32)
st := newItemCache()
dao := d.GetWrapped()
if cd, ok := dao.(*Cached); ok {
@ -42,7 +46,18 @@ func NewCached(d DAO) *Cached {
return &Cached{dao, accs, ctrs, unspents, balances, nep5transfers, st, false}
return &Cached{
DAO: dao,
accounts: accs,
contracts: ctrs,
unspents: unspents,
balances: balances,
nep5transfers: nep5transfers,
transfers: transfers,
nextBatch: nextBatch,
storage: st,
dropNEP5Cache: false,
// GetAccountStateOrNew retrieves Account from cache or underlying store
@ -106,6 +121,52 @@ func (cd *Cached) PutUnspentCoinState(hash util.Uint256, ucs *state.UnspentCoin)
return nil
// GetNextTransferBatch returns index for the transfer batch to write to.
func (cd *Cached) GetNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160) (uint32, error) {
if n, ok := cd.nextBatch[acc]; ok {
return n, nil
return cd.DAO.GetNextTransferBatch(acc)
// PutNextTransferBatch sets index of the transfer batch to write to.
func (cd *Cached) PutNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160, num uint32) error {
cd.nextBatch[acc] = num
return nil
// GetTransferLog retrieves TransferLog for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) GetTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.TransferLog, error) {
ts := cd.transfers[acc]
if ts != nil && ts[index] != nil {
return ts[index], nil
return cd.DAO.GetTransferLog(acc, index)
// PutTransferLog saves TransferLog for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) PutTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, bs *state.TransferLog) error {
ts := cd.transfers[acc]
if ts == nil {
ts = make(map[uint32]*state.TransferLog, 2)
cd.transfers[acc] = ts
ts[index] = bs
return nil
// AppendTransfer appends new transfer to a transfer event log.
func (cd *Cached) AppendTransfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.Transfer) (bool, error) {
lg, err := cd.GetTransferLog(acc, index)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if err := lg.Append(tr); err != nil {
return false, err
return lg.Size() >= transferBatchSize, cd.PutTransferLog(acc, index, lg)
// GetNEP5Balances retrieves NEP5Balances for the acc.
func (cd *Cached) GetNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160) (*state.NEP5Balances, error) {
if bs := cd.balances[acc]; bs != nil {
@ -273,6 +334,20 @@ func (cd *Cached) Persist() (int, error) {
for acc, ts := range cd.transfers {
for ind, lg := range ts {
err := cd.DAO.PutTransferLog(acc, ind, lg)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
for acc, nb := range cd.nextBatch {
err := cd.DAO.PutNextTransferBatch(acc, nb)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return cd.DAO.Persist()
@ -284,6 +359,8 @@ func (cd *Cached) GetWrapped() DAO {
@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import (
// DAO is a data access object.
type DAO interface {
AppendNEP5Transfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.NEP5Transfer) (bool, error)
AppendTransfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.Transfer) (bool, error)
DeleteContractState(hash util.Uint160) error
DeleteStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte) error
DeleteValidatorState(vs *state.Validator) error
@ -37,11 +38,13 @@ type DAO interface {
GetNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160) (*state.NEP5Balances, error)
GetNEP5Metadata(h util.Uint160) (*state.NEP5Metadata, error)
GetNEP5TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.TransferLog, error)
GetNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160) (uint32, error)
GetStateRoot(height uint32) (*state.MPTRootState, error)
PutStateRoot(root *state.MPTRootState) error
GetStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte) *state.StorageItem
GetStorageItems(hash util.Uint160, prefix []byte) ([]StorageItemWithKey, error)
GetTransaction(hash util.Uint256) (*transaction.Transaction, uint32, error)
GetTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.TransferLog, error)
GetUnspentCoinState(hash util.Uint256) (*state.UnspentCoin, error)
GetValidatorState(publicKey *keys.PublicKey) (*state.Validator, error)
GetValidatorStateOrNew(publicKey *keys.PublicKey) (*state.Validator, error)
@ -61,7 +64,9 @@ type DAO interface {
PutNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP5Balances) error
PutNEP5Metadata(h util.Uint160, meta *state.NEP5Metadata) error
PutNEP5TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, lg *state.TransferLog) error
PutNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160, num uint32) error
PutStorageItem(scripthash util.Uint160, key []byte, si *state.StorageItem) error
PutTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, lg *state.TransferLog) error
PutUnspentCoinState(hash util.Uint256, ucs *state.UnspentCoin) error
PutValidatorState(vs *state.Validator) error
PutValidatorsCount(vc *state.ValidatorsCount) error
@ -263,6 +268,15 @@ func (dao *Simple) putNEP5Balances(acc util.Uint160, bs *state.NEP5Balances, buf
// -- start transfer log.
const nep5TransferBatchSize = 128 * state.NEP5TransferSize
const transferBatchSize = 128 * state.TransferSize
func getTransferLogKey(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) []byte {
key := make([]byte, 1+util.Uint160Size+4)
key[0] = byte(storage.STTransfers)
copy(key[1:], acc.BytesBE())
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(key[util.Uint160Size:], index)
return key
func getNEP5TransferLogKey(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) []byte {
key := make([]byte, 1+util.Uint160Size+4)
@ -272,6 +286,62 @@ func getNEP5TransferLogKey(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) []byte {
return key
// GetNextTransferBatch returns index for the transfer batch to write to.
func (dao *Simple) GetNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160) (uint32, error) {
key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STTransfers, acc.BytesBE())
val, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
if err != nil {
if err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
return 0, err
return 0, nil
return binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(val), nil
// PutNextTransferBatch sets index of the transfer batch to write to.
func (dao *Simple) PutNextTransferBatch(acc util.Uint160, num uint32) error {
key := storage.AppendPrefix(storage.STTransfers, acc.BytesBE())
val := make([]byte, 4)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(val, num)
return dao.Store.Put(key, val)
// GetTransferLog retrieves transfer log from the cache.
func (dao *Simple) GetTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.TransferLog, error) {
key := getTransferLogKey(acc, index)
value, err := dao.Store.Get(key)
if err != nil {
if err == storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
return new(state.TransferLog), nil
return nil, err
return &state.TransferLog{Raw: value}, nil
// PutTransferLog saves given transfer log in the cache.
func (dao *Simple) PutTransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, lg *state.TransferLog) error {
key := getTransferLogKey(acc, index)
return dao.Store.Put(key, lg.Raw)
// AppendTransfer appends a single transfer to a log.
// First return value signalizes that log size has exceeded batch size.
func (dao *Simple) AppendTransfer(acc util.Uint160, index uint32, tr *state.Transfer) (bool, error) {
lg, err := dao.GetTransferLog(acc, index)
if err != nil {
if err != storage.ErrKeyNotFound {
return false, err
lg = new(state.TransferLog)
if err := lg.Append(tr); err != nil {
return false, err
return lg.Size() >= transferBatchSize, dao.PutTransferLog(acc, index, lg)
// GetNEP5TransferLog retrieves transfer log from the cache.
func (dao *Simple) GetNEP5TransferLog(acc util.Uint160, index uint32) (*state.TransferLog, error) {
key := getNEP5TransferLogKey(acc, index)
@ -78,3 +78,7 @@ func randomTransfer(r *rand.Rand) *NEP5Transfer {
Tx: random.Uint256(),
func TestTransfer_Size(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, TransferSize, io.GetVarSize(new(Transfer)))
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
package state
import (
// TransferSize is a size of a marshaled Transfer struct in bytes.
const TransferSize = 1 + util.Uint160Size*2 + 8 + 4 + 4 + util.Uint256Size
// Transfer represents a single Transfer event.
type Transfer struct {
// IsGoverning is true iff transfer is for neo token.
IsGoverning bool
// Address is the address of the sender.
From util.Uint160
// To is the address of the receiver.
To util.Uint160
// Amount is the amount of tokens transferred.
// It is negative when tokens are sent and positive if they are received.
Amount int64
// Block is a number of block when the event occured.
Block uint32
// Timestamp is the timestamp of the block where transfer occured.
Timestamp uint32
// Tx is a hash the transaction.
Tx util.Uint256
// EncodeBinary implements io.Serializable interface.
// Note: change TransferSize constant when changing this function.
func (t *Transfer) EncodeBinary(w *io.BinWriter) {
// DecodeBinary implements io.Serializable interface.
func (t *Transfer) DecodeBinary(r *io.BinReader) {
t.Block = r.ReadU32LE()
t.Timestamp = r.ReadU32LE()
t.Amount = int64(r.ReadU64LE())
t.IsGoverning = r.ReadBool()
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ const (
STAccount KeyPrefix = 0x40
STCoin KeyPrefix = 0x44
STSpentCoin KeyPrefix = 0x45
STTransfers KeyPrefix = 0x47
STValidator KeyPrefix = 0x48
STAsset KeyPrefix = 0x4c
STNotification KeyPrefix = 0x4d
Add table
Reference in a new issue