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synced 2025-03-23 19:51:49 +00:00
Merge pull request #2720 from nspcc-dev/notifications-check
compiler: enforce runtime.Notify parameters cast to proper type
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 303 additions and 16 deletions
@ -292,8 +292,12 @@ As an example, consider `Transfer` event from `NEP-17` standard:
By default, compiler performs some sanity checks. Most of the time
it will report missing events and/or parameter type mismatch.
It isn't prohibited to use a variable as an event name in code, but it will prevent
the compiler from analyzing the event. It is better to use either constant or string literal.
The check can be disabled with `--no-events` flag.
the compiler from analyzing the event. It is better to use either constant or string literal.
It isn't prohibited to use ellipsis expression as an event arguments, but it will also
prevent the compiler from analyzing the event. It is better to provide arguments directly
without `...`. The type conversion code will be emitted for checked events, it will cast
argument types to ones specified in the contract manifest. These checks and conversion can
be disabled with `--no-events` flag.
##### Permissions
Each permission specifies contracts and methods allowed for this permission.
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import (
@ -363,6 +364,9 @@ func CreateManifest(di *DebugInfo, o *Options) (*manifest.Manifest, error) {
name, len(ev.Parameters), len(argsList[i]))
for j := range ev.Parameters {
if ev.Parameters[j].Type == smartcontract.AnyType {
expected := ev.Parameters[j].Type.String()
if argsList[i][j] != expected {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("event '%s' should have '%s' as type of %d parameter, "+
@ -174,6 +174,16 @@ func TestEventWarnings(t *testing.T) {
require.Error(t, err)
t.Run("any parameter type", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err = compiler.CreateManifest(di, &compiler.Options{
ContractEvents: []manifest.Event{{
Name: "Event",
Parameters: []manifest.Parameter{manifest.NewParameter("number", smartcontract.AnyType)},
Name: "payable",
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("good", func(t *testing.T) {
_, err = compiler.CreateManifest(di, &compiler.Options{
ContractEvents: []manifest.Event{{
@ -220,6 +230,25 @@ func TestEventWarnings(t *testing.T) {
require.NoError(t, err)
t.Run("variadic event args via ellipsis", func(t *testing.T) {
src := `package payable
import "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/interop/runtime"
func Main() {
runtime.Notify("Event", []interface{}{1}...)
_, di, err := compiler.CompileWithOptions("eventTest.go", strings.NewReader(src), nil)
require.NoError(t, err)
_, err = compiler.CreateManifest(di, &compiler.Options{
Name: "eventTest",
ContractEvents: []manifest.Event{{
Name: "Event",
Parameters: []manifest.Parameter{manifest.NewParameter("number", smartcontract.IntegerType)},
require.NoError(t, err)
func TestNotifyInVerify(t *testing.T) {
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import (
// inlineCall inlines call of n for function represented by f.
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ func (c *codegen) inlineCall(f *funcScope, n *ast.CallExpr) {
pkg := c.packageCache[f.pkg.Path()]
sig := c.typeOf(n.Fun).(*types.Signature)
c.processStdlibCall(f, n.Args)
hasVarArgs := !n.Ellipsis.IsValid()
eventParams := c.processStdlibCall(f, n.Args, !hasVarArgs)
// When inlined call is used during global initialization
// there is no func scope, thus this if.
@ -68,7 +70,6 @@ func (c *codegen) inlineCall(f *funcScope, n *ast.CallExpr) {
scope: oldScope,
hasVarArgs := !n.Ellipsis.IsValid()
needPack := sig.Variadic() && hasVarArgs
for i := range n.Args {
c.scope.vars.locals = oldScope
@ -102,6 +103,11 @@ func (c *codegen) inlineCall(f *funcScope, n *ast.CallExpr) {
c.scope.vars.locals = oldScope
for i := sig.Params().Len() - 1; i < len(n.Args); i++ {
ast.Walk(c, n.Args[i])
// In case of runtime.Notify, its arguments need to be converted to proper type.
// i's initial value is 1 (variadic args start).
if eventParams != nil && eventParams[i-1] != nil {
c.scope.vars.locals = newScope
c.packVarArgs(n, sig)
@ -129,51 +135,91 @@ func (c *codegen) inlineCall(f *funcScope, n *ast.CallExpr) {
c.pkgInfoInline = c.pkgInfoInline[:len(c.pkgInfoInline)-1]
func (c *codegen) processStdlibCall(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
func (c *codegen) processStdlibCall(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr, hasEllipsis bool) []*stackitem.Type {
if f == nil {
return nil
var eventParams []*stackitem.Type
if f.pkg.Path() == interopPrefix+"/runtime" && (f.name == "Notify" || f.name == "Log") {
c.processNotify(f, args)
eventParams = c.processNotify(f, args, hasEllipsis)
if f.pkg.Path() == interopPrefix+"/contract" && f.name == "Call" {
c.processContractCall(f, args)
return eventParams
func (c *codegen) processNotify(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
// processNotify checks whether notification emitting rules are met and returns expected
// notification signature if found.
func (c *codegen) processNotify(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr, hasEllipsis bool) []*stackitem.Type {
if c.scope != nil && c.isVerifyFunc(c.scope.decl) &&
c.scope.pkg == c.mainPkg.Types && (c.buildInfo.options == nil || !c.buildInfo.options.NoEventsCheck) {
c.prog.Err = fmt.Errorf("runtime.%s is not allowed in `Verify`", f.name)
return nil
if f.name == "Log" {
return nil
// Sometimes event name is stored in a var.
// Skip in this case.
// Sometimes event name is stored in a var. Or sometimes event args are provided
// via ellipses (`slice...`).
// Skip in this case. Also, don't enforce runtime.Notify parameters conversion.
tv := c.typeAndValueOf(args[0])
if tv.Value == nil {
if tv.Value == nil || hasEllipsis {
return nil
params := make([]string, 0, len(args[1:]))
vParams := make([]*stackitem.Type, 0, len(args[1:]))
for _, p := range args[1:] {
st, _, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(p)
st, vt, _ := c.scAndVMTypeFromExpr(p)
params = append(params, st.String())
vParams = append(vParams, &vt)
name := constant.StringVal(tv.Value)
if len(name) > runtime.MaxEventNameLen {
c.prog.Err = fmt.Errorf("event name '%s' should be less than %d",
name, runtime.MaxEventNameLen)
return nil
var eventFound bool
if c.buildInfo.options != nil && c.buildInfo.options.ContractEvents != nil && !c.buildInfo.options.NoEventsCheck {
for _, e := range c.buildInfo.options.ContractEvents {
if e.Name == name && len(e.Parameters) == len(vParams) {
eventFound = true
for i, scParam := range e.Parameters {
expectedType := scParam.Type.ConvertToStackitemType()
// No need to cast if the desired type is unknown.
if expectedType == stackitem.AnyT ||
// Do not cast if desired type is Interop, the actual type is likely to be Any, leave the resolving to runtime.Notify.
expectedType == stackitem.InteropT ||
// No need to cast if actual parameter type matches the desired one.
*vParams[i] == expectedType ||
// expectedType doesn't contain Buffer anyway, but if actual variable type is Buffer,
// then runtime.Notify will convert it to ByteArray automatically, thus no need to emit conversion code.
(*vParams[i] == stackitem.BufferT && expectedType == stackitem.ByteArrayT) {
vParams[i] = nil
} else {
// For other cases the conversion code will be emitted using vParams...
vParams[i] = &expectedType
// ...thus, update emitted notification info in advance.
params[i] = scParam.Type.String()
c.emittedEvents[name] = append(c.emittedEvents[name], params)
// Do not enforce perfect expected/actual events match on this step, the final
// check wil be performed after compilation if --no-events option is off.
if eventFound {
return vParams
return nil
func (c *codegen) processContractCall(f *funcScope, args []ast.Expr) {
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import (
@ -22,6 +23,7 @@ import (
cinterop "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/interop"
@ -548,3 +550,145 @@ func TestCallWithVersion(t *testing.T) {
c.InvokeFail(t, "contract version mismatch", "callWithVersion", policyH.BytesBE(), 1, "getExecFeeFactor")
func TestForcedNotifyArgumentsConversion(t *testing.T) {
const methodWithEllipsis = "withEllipsis"
const methodWithoutEllipsis = "withoutEllipsis"
check := func(t *testing.T, method string, targetSCParamTypes []smartcontract.ParamType, expectedVMParamTypes []stackitem.Type, noEventsCheck bool) {
bc, acc := chain.NewSingle(t)
e := neotest.NewExecutor(t, bc, acc, acc)
src := `package foo
import "github.com/nspcc-dev/neo-go/pkg/interop/runtime"
const arg4 = 4 // Const value.
func WithoutEllipsis() {
var arg0 int // Default value.
var arg1 int = 1 // Initialized value.
arg2 := 2 // Short decl.
var arg3 int
arg3 = 3 // Declare first, change value afterwards.
runtime.Notify("withoutEllipsis", arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, 5, f(6)) // The fifth argument is basic literal.
func WithEllipsis() {
arg := []interface{}{0, 1, f(2), 3, 4, 5, 6}
runtime.Notify("withEllipsis", arg...)
func f(i int) int {
return i
count := len(targetSCParamTypes)
if count != len(expectedVMParamTypes) {
t.Fatalf("parameters count mismatch: %d vs %d", count, len(expectedVMParamTypes))
scParams := make([]manifest.Parameter, len(targetSCParamTypes))
vmParams := make([]stackitem.Item, len(expectedVMParamTypes))
for i := range scParams {
scParams[i] = manifest.Parameter{
Name: strconv.Itoa(i),
Type: targetSCParamTypes[i],
defaultValue := stackitem.NewBigInteger(big.NewInt(int64(i)))
var (
val stackitem.Item
err error
if expectedVMParamTypes[i] == stackitem.IntegerT {
val = defaultValue
} else {
val, err = defaultValue.Convert(expectedVMParamTypes[i]) // exactly the same conversion should be emitted by compiler and performed by the contract code.
require.NoError(t, err)
vmParams[i] = val
ctr := neotest.CompileSource(t, e.CommitteeHash, strings.NewReader(src), &compiler.Options{
Name: "Helper",
ContractEvents: []manifest.Event{
Name: methodWithoutEllipsis,
Parameters: scParams,
Name: methodWithEllipsis,
Parameters: scParams,
NoEventsCheck: noEventsCheck,
e.DeployContract(t, ctr, nil)
c := e.CommitteeInvoker(ctr.Hash)
t.Run(method, func(t *testing.T) {
h := c.Invoke(t, stackitem.Null{}, method)
aer := c.GetTxExecResult(t, h)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(aer.Events))
require.Equal(t, stackitem.NewArray(vmParams), aer.Events[0].Item)
checkSingleType := func(t *testing.T, method string, targetSCEventType smartcontract.ParamType, expectedVMType stackitem.Type, noEventsCheck ...bool) {
count := 7
scParams := make([]smartcontract.ParamType, count)
vmParams := make([]stackitem.Type, count)
for i := range scParams {
scParams[i] = targetSCEventType
vmParams[i] = expectedVMType
var noEvents bool
if len(noEventsCheck) > 0 {
noEvents = noEventsCheck[0]
check(t, method, scParams, vmParams, noEvents)
t.Run("good, single type, default values", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.IntegerType, stackitem.IntegerT)
t.Run("good, single type, conversion to BooleanT", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.BoolType, stackitem.BooleanT)
t.Run("good, single type, Hash160Type->ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.Hash160Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT)
t.Run("good, single type, Hash256Type->ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.Hash256Type, stackitem.ByteArrayT)
t.Run("good, single type, Signature->ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.SignatureType, stackitem.ByteArrayT)
t.Run("good, single type, String->ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.StringType, stackitem.ByteArrayT) // Special case, runtime.Notify will convert any Buffer to ByteArray.
t.Run("good, single type, PublicKeyType->ByteArray", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.PublicKeyType, stackitem.ByteArrayT)
t.Run("good, single type, AnyType->do not change initial type", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.AnyType, stackitem.IntegerT) // Special case, compiler should leave the type "as is" and do not emit conversion code.
// Test for InteropInterface->... is missing, because we don't enforce conversion to stackitem.InteropInterface,
// but compiler still checks these notifications against expected manifest.
t.Run("good, multiple types, check the conversion order", func(t *testing.T) {
check(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, []smartcontract.ParamType{
smartcontract.AnyType, // leave initial type
}, []stackitem.Type{
stackitem.IntegerT, // leave initial type
}, false)
t.Run("with ellipsis, do not emit conversion code", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithEllipsis, smartcontract.IntegerType, stackitem.IntegerT)
checkSingleType(t, methodWithEllipsis, smartcontract.BoolType, stackitem.IntegerT)
checkSingleType(t, methodWithEllipsis, smartcontract.ByteArrayType, stackitem.IntegerT)
t.Run("no events check => no conversion code", func(t *testing.T) {
checkSingleType(t, methodWithoutEllipsis, smartcontract.PublicKeyType, stackitem.IntegerT, true)
@ -331,3 +331,38 @@ func ConvertToParamType(val int) (ParamType, error) {
return UnknownType, errors.New("unknown parameter type")
// ConvertToStackitemType converts ParamType to corresponding Stackitem.Type.
func (pt ParamType) ConvertToStackitemType() stackitem.Type {
switch pt {
case SignatureType:
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case BoolType:
return stackitem.BooleanT
case IntegerType:
return stackitem.IntegerT
case Hash160Type:
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case Hash256Type:
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case ByteArrayType:
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case PublicKeyType:
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case StringType:
// Do not use BufferT to match System.Runtime.Notify conversion rules.
return stackitem.ByteArrayT
case ArrayType:
return stackitem.ArrayT
case MapType:
return stackitem.MapT
case InteropInterfaceType:
return stackitem.InteropT
case VoidType:
return stackitem.AnyT
case AnyType:
return stackitem.AnyT
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown param type %d", pt))
@ -393,3 +393,28 @@ func TestConvertToParamType(t *testing.T) {
_, err := ConvertToParamType(0x01)
require.NotNil(t, err)
func TestConvertToStackitemType(t *testing.T) {
for p, expected := range map[ParamType]stackitem.Type{
AnyType: stackitem.AnyT,
BoolType: stackitem.BooleanT,
IntegerType: stackitem.IntegerT,
ByteArrayType: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
StringType: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
Hash160Type: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
Hash256Type: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
PublicKeyType: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
SignatureType: stackitem.ByteArrayT,
ArrayType: stackitem.ArrayT,
MapType: stackitem.MapT,
InteropInterfaceType: stackitem.InteropT,
VoidType: stackitem.AnyT,
} {
actual := p.ConvertToStackitemType()
require.Equal(t, expected, actual)
require.Panics(t, func() {
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